The costs for the Which


Online Appendix for the following JACC paper

TITLE: Impact of Home versus Clinic-Based Management of Chronic Heart Failure: The

WHICH? (Which Heart Failure Intervention Is Most Cost-Effective & Consumer Friendly in

Reducing Hospital Care) Multicenter, Randomized Trial

AUTHORS: Simon Stewart, PhD, Melinda J. Carrington, PhD, Thomas H. Marwick, MD,

PhD, Patricia M. Davidson, PhD, Peter Macdonald, PhD, John D. Horowitz, PhD, Henry

Krum, PhD, Phillip J. Newton, PhD, Christopher Reid, PhD, Yih Kai Chan, PhD, Paul A.

Scuffham, PhD


Health expenditure calculations

The use of all health care resources was prospectively measured during the WHICH? Trial and multiplied by the respective unit costs. In general, hospital admissions typically incur higher costs for the initial period when diagnostic tests and surgical procedures are undertaken. Later days of hospital stay are relatively lower cost with little more than hotel costs incurred. The use of Australia-refined Diagnostic Related Groupings (AR-DRGs) allowed us to standardize and categories each hospital readmission into fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are those that all surviving patients incur irrespective of their length of stay, whilst variable costs are a per diem cost and are dependent on the length of stay. The total costs are the variable costs multiplied by the length of stay plus the fixed cost.

Fixed costs : This included components for the emergency department, pathology, imaging, allied health professional input, pharmacy, critical care, prostheses, operating room procedures and specialist procedure suites.

Per diem costs : The costs for medical staff, nursing staff, non-clinical staff, staff on-costs, supplies, hotel costs (e.g. meals), and depreciation. The WHICH? Trial also collected length of stay in intensive care and critical care units (ICU/CCU), as well overall length of stay.

Accordingly, costs were calculated using fixed costs plus the mean per diem cost for


ICU/CCU (AU$3356) plus the per diem cost for a general ward (AU$772) multiplied by the lengths of stay in each facility (Table I).

Further, other resources used for community care included the allied health professionals and health services, and was multiplied by the respective unit costs ( Online Table I).

The cost for pharmaceuticals was also estimated from a micro-costing study of communitydwelling people with heart failure ( J of Med Econ, 14(6): 698-704, 2011) . The group in that study had similar characteristics to those in the WHICH? Trial, except they were slightly younger and their survival was greater. In general, their medications typically included ACE inhibitors / angiotensin receptor blockers, loop diuretics, spironolactone, digoxin and beta blockers. The cost per day for that group was reported and used for this study, multiplied by duration of use of the composite of these medications (Table I) .

Online Table I: WHICH? Study health expenditure calculation

Description / cost Source

Total hospital costs

Fixed costs AR-DRG

AR-DRG Version 5.2,

Round 13 (2008-09)

Variable costs

(per diem)

General Unit: $722 per day

(Ave. Z60A, Z60B, Z63A, Z63B)

ICU/CCU: $3356 per day (A06Z)

AR-DRG Version 5.2,

Round 13 (2008-09)

Other community-based costs

Community referrals Pharmacist: $162

Physiotherapist: $167

Podiatrist: $205

Psychologist: $204

Social worker: $138

Occupation therapist: $149

Dietician: $157

Nurse practitioner: $162

Diabetes educators: $205

Cardiology: $314

General Medicine: $295

GP consultation: $33.55

NHCDC cost report, Round

12 (2008-09)

Table 122: Ave cost per occasion of service for Tier

2 non-admitted clinic

Pharmaceuticals CVD: median PBS drug cost $2050 per annum

J of Med Econ, 14(6): 698-

704, 2011

Cost of intervention

Telephone FU Telephone consultation: $0.10 per min Australian Taxation Office

Cost of travel Petrol reimbursement: $0.70 per km Baker IDI Finance office

HF specialist nurse coordinator

Salary scale: 0.8 FTE $70000 RN per annum

Baker IDI Human


Legend: AR-DRG, Australia-refined diagnostic related grouping; Ave, average; ICU/CCU, intensive care unit/critical care unit; NHCDC, national hospital cost data collection; CVD, cardiovascular disease; PBS, pharmaceutical benefits scheme; FU, follow-up; cost of travel, travel for home-based and clinic-based visits;

FTE: full time equivalent; RN: registered nurse


Figure 1: Comparison of event-free survival (primary endpoint)

Legend : Independent predictors of the primary endpoint were age (adjusted HR 1.04, 95%

CI 1.02

– 1.07 per year) and length of index hospitalization (adjusted HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01

– 1.08 per day).


Figure 2: Comparison of accumulated hospital stay

