Chapter 2 Lesson 2 - Guthrie Public Schools

Section 2
Settling on the Great Plains
Settlers Move Westward to Farm
Took 250 yrs to turn 400 million
acres of forests and prairies into
flourishing farms
• Settling the second 400 million acres
took only 30 yrs (1870-1900)
Federal land policies and the
completion of the transcontinental
railroad lines made it possible
Railroads Open the
1850-1871 federal govt made huge land grants to the railroads for laying track
Both the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific received
10 sq miles of public land for every mile of track laid in a state
20 sq miles of land for every mile of track laid in territory
Central Pacific moved eastward from Sacramento, Union Pacific moved westward from Omaha
170 million acres
Worth half a billion dollars
Civil War vets, Irish, Chinese, African Americans, and Mexican Americans did most of the labor
Both companies reached Utah by the spring of 1869
15 yrs later, the country boasted five transcontinental railroads
RR companies sold some land to farmers for two to ten dollars an acre
Some successfully sent agents to Europe to recruit buyers
By 1880, 44% of the settlers in Nebraska and more than 70% in Minnesota and Wisconsin were
Government Support for
Homestead Act (1862)
• Offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended
citizen who was head of the household
• 600,000 Families took advantage
Exodusters—Af Am who moved from the post-Reconstruction
South to Kansas
• Private speculators, railroad agents, and govt agents used the
law for their own gain
• Cattlemen fenced open lands, miners and wood cutters
claimed national resources
• Only 10% of the land was actually settled by the families for
whom it was intended
Not all plots of land were equal
Expanded the Homestead Act
• 1889 land giveaway in what is now Oklahoma attracted
• Less than a day settlers claimed 2 million acres
The Closing of the Frontier
Henry D. Washburn and fellow explorer Nathaniel P
Langford asked Congress to help protect the wilderness
from settlement
• 1870 surveying land in NW Wyoming described the area’s
geysers and bubbling springs as “objects new
experience…possessing unlimited grandeur and beauty”
1872, created Yellowstone National Park
• Railroads had to give up their claim to western landholdings
1880 individuals had bought more then 19 million acres of
govt owned land
• 10 yrs later the Census Bureau declared that the country no
longer had a continuous frontier line (frontier no longer
Settlers Meet the Challenges of the
Settlers faced extreme hardships
• Drought, floods, fires, blizzards, locust
plaques, occasional raids by outlaws or
However, national population grew
from 1% in west of the Mississippi to
30% of the population
Dugouts and
• Dug their homes into the sides of ravines or small hills
• A stove pipe jutting from the ground was often the only
clear sign of a dugout
• Made freestanding houses by stacking blocks of prairie
• Was warm in the winter and cool in the summer
• Small offered little light or air
• Havens for snakes, insects, etc
• Were fireproof but leaked continuously when it rained
Women Working
Often worked beside the men in the fields, plowing the land
and planting and harvesting the predominant crop (wheat)
Sheared sheep and carded wool to make clothes for their
Hauled water from wells that they helped dig
Made soap and candles from tallow (fat from sheep and
Canned fruits and veggies
Skilled at doctoring sponsored schools and churches
Technical Support for Farmers
• 1837 John Deere invented a steel plow that could slice through
heavy soil
• 1847 Cyrus McCormick mass-produced a reaping machine
• Spring tooth harrow to prepare the soil
• Grain drill to plant the seed
• Barbed wire corn binder
• Reaper that could cut and thresh wheat in one pass
1890 there were more than 900 manufacturers for farm
1830 a bushel of grain took about 183 min, by 1900 it took
only 10 min
Agricultural Education
Morrill Act of 1862 and 1890
• Gave federal land to the states to help finance
agricultural colleges
Hatch Act of 1887
• Est agricultural experiment stations to inform
farmers of new developments
Researchers developed grains for arid soil
and techniques for dry farming
• Enabled the dry eastern plains to flourish and
become “the breadbasket of the nation”
Farmers in Debt
Machinery was expensive, often they would have to borrow
Prices for wheat were higher farmers could usually repay
their loans when they were low farmers needed to raise
more crops to make ends meet
Gave rise to a new type of farming
• Bonanza farming
Enormous single-crops spreads of 15,000-50,000 acres
Slowly folded because they weren’t as flexible as small farms
Railroads charged western farmers a higher fee
• Charged more for short hauls (no competition)
• RR said it was just business, farmers resented being taken
advantage of
Section 2 Review
1) Review the changes in technology
that influenced the life of settlers on
the Great Plains in the late 1800’s.
Explain how you think settlement of
the plains would have been different
without these inventions.
2) How did the railroads take
advantage of farmers?