powerpoint - Flintshire Business Week

Regional Economy
What's the story….
Mike Thomas, Director
© 2015 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved.
• Size matters
• Challenges and Opportunities
– A small business story
– Medium size businesses
– Public sector
• Devolution/Northern Powerhouse – Can it be the answer?
© 2015 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved.
Size matters – the economy…
Generally a very positive story….
• Three Northern Regions worth £289 billion – twice the size of
Scotland and 10th largest economy in EU;
• Economies of 5 largest Northern cities grew by 38.8 per cent 20032013;
• Population grew by over half a million – more than live in the City
of Manchester;
• Northern ports and airports exported goods worth £55.2 billion in
2014 and imported goods worth £54.2 billion;
• Rate of job creation in some parts of the North more than double
the national rate of 1.9 % (which is the Northern rate also).
• 29 Universities plus significant cultural and natural assets
• Rate of new business start-ups is impressive
• Medium Size Business sector is strong and growing
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Size matters – the challenges…
• But…. the North continues to underperform relative to the world's
most successful economic regions!!
Centralised system is hampering growth
Productivity is lower – against EU and nationally!
Historical Infrastructure under- investment
Poor transport connectivity
Qualification levels and skills are lagging behind
Health and Life Expectancy challenges
Ageing Population
Significant fiscal deficits in each LEP region area….
Reducing public sector resources vs Increasing demand
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Growth – a positive story
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Jobs Growth – Right type and value?
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Jobs Growth – right value
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Skills – Need to improve
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Investment in Infrastructure - crucial to future
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Decline in Public Sector spending
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Health and Social Care – Inequalities remain
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A significant and growing small business sector
• c.1 million private sector businesses in the North
of England
– Employing 5 million people
– Turning over £556 billion
• 99% are small (<49 employees)
– 2.5 million employees (49% of all employment)
– Turnover of 198 billion (36% of all turnover)
• Only 0.7% are medium (50-249 employees)
• 74% of all private sector businesses have no
Source: BIS (2014) Business Population Estimates
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The challenge of growth
• Not a start up problem: 60,000 new registered employer
businesses in 2014
• Nor a survival problem: 54% of businesses starting in
2011 were still operating in 2014
• But a growth problem:
– 5.9% of businesses starting in 2011 had reached £1
million turnover by 2014
– 6.1% of businesses turning over £1 million in 2011
had grown to £3 million by 2014
Source: BGS and ERC (2015) Growth Dashboard; ONS Business Structure Database
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Medium Sized Business sector
• Agents of Growth Report (Grant Thornton 2014)
- Outperform the market
- Overlooked by policy makers
- Pivotal role in employment and innovation
- Resilient and most productive
- Outpace others on Rand D and capital spending
• Times Top Track 250 11.10.15 – North has largest
number (62) in table, sales of £17.2bn, profits of £820m
employing 93,000 people.
• Access to suitable funding, shortage of skills and
expertise and excessive red tape still challenges.
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Barriers to growth
Source: GrowthAccelerator 2012-2015
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Is Devolution the answer?
• Can it help with responding to the challenge?
• Economic Growth is being constrained
• Public Service Reform needs to
• Improved engagement with electors and AND
citizens – a different conversation …
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Benefits of devolution – Why Devolve?
The UK is a
A real
opportunity to
innovate –
focus on
outcomes &
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offers a way of
Local service
delivery record
favourably with
the centre
Opportunity to plug
small and mediumsized businesses
into the public
service supply
Reasons to be optimistic…
• Progress since election
- Infrastructure developments
- Transport for the North
- Greater Manchester / Sheffield deals done
- 38 bids and range of asks being reviewed
• Leadership - Focus on outcomes/ NOT
• Urgency – momentum
• Comprehensive Spending review and Fiscal
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Conclusion …
• The challenges are significant but there may be
an opportunity through devolution…
• Some great new businesses with new ideas
emerging at pace
• Strong established, resilient and growing
businesses to build on
• We have an infrastructure that we have invested
in to grow some of these players
• But we need to do more to compete in the
Champions League.
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Mike Thomas
Audit Director
T +44 (0)788 045 6173
E: mike.thomas@uk.gt.com