Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy 9.2.1 Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. 9.2.2 State and apply the expression for gravitational potential due to a point mass. 9.2.3 State and apply the formula relating gravitational field strength to gravitational potential gradient. 9.2.4 Determine the potential due to one or more point masses. 9.2.5 Describe and sketch the pattern of equipotential surfaces due to one and two point masses. 9.2.6 State the relation between equipotential surfaces and gravitational field lines. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. You can think of potential energy as the capacity to do work. And work is a force times a distance. Recall the gravitational force (from Newton): F = Gm1m2/r2 universal law where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 of gravitation If we multiply the above force by a distance r we get EP = -Gm1m2/r gravitational potential where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 energy FYI The actual proof is beyond the scope of this course. Note, in particular, the minus sign. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. EP = -Gm1m2/r gravitational potential where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 energy EXAMPLE: Find the gravitational potential energy stored in the Earth-Moon system. M = 5.981024 kg m = 7.361022 kg d = 3.82108 m SOLUTION: Use EP = -Gm1m2/r. EP = -Gm1m2/r = -(6.67×10−11)(7.36×1022)(5.98×1024)/3.82×108 = -7.68×1028 J. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. The previous formula is for large-scale gravitational fields (say, some distance from a planet). Recall the “local” formula for gravitational potential energy: ∆EP = mg∆y where g = 9.8 m s-2. local ∆EP The local formula treats y0 as the arbitrary “zero value” of potential energy. The general formula treats r = as the “zero value”. FYI The local formula works only for g = CONST, which is true as long as ∆y is relatively small (say, sea level to the top of Mt. Everest). For larger distances use ∆EP = -Gm1m2(1/rf – 1/r0). Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. Recall the definition of work: work W = Fd cos where is the angle between the force F and the displacement d. Consider the movement of a ball from the ground to the table via displacements d1 and d2: Along the displacement d1, gravity does work given by W1 = mgd1 cos 180° = -mgd1. Along the displacement d2, gravity does work given by W2 = mgd2 cos 90° = 0. d 2 d1 The total work done by gravity is thus Wg = -mgd1. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. Consider the movement of a ball from the ground to the table via the 6 new displacements s: Along s1, s3 and s5 gravity does work given by Wg = -mgs1 + -mgs3 + -mgs5 = -mg(s1 + s2 + s3). Along s2, s4 and s6 gravity does no work. (Why?) Superimposing d1 and d2 from the previous path we see that Wg = -mg(s1 + s2 + s3) = -mgd1. This is exactly the same as we got before! d2 s4 d1 s1 s2 s 3 s6 s5 FYI The work done by gravity is independent of the path followed. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. We call any force which does work independent of path a conservative force. Thus gravity is a conservative force. Path 2 FYI Only conservative forces have associated potential energy functions. PRACTICE: Show that friction is not a conservative force. SOLUTION: Suppose you slide a crate across the floor along paths 1 and 2: Clearly the distance along Path 2 is greater than on Path 1 Path 1. The work is different. A Thus its work is not path-independent. Thus it is not conservative. B Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. If work is done in a conservative force field then there is an associated potential energy function. EXAMPLE: Show that for a conservative force ∆EP = -W = -Fd cos potential energy function where F is a conservative force SOLUTION: From conservation of mechanical energy we have ∆EP + ∆EK = 0 so that ∆EP = -∆EK. From the work-kinetic energy theorem we have W = ∆EK. Thus ∆EP = -W = -Fd cos . Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Understand that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of path. If work is done in a conservative force field then there is an associated potential energy function. ∆EP = -W = -Fd cos potential energy function where F is a conservative force EXAMPLE: yf Show that for the gravitational force F = -mg that the potential energy function is ∆EP = mg∆y. SOLUTION: d Consider lifting a weight. The work done by gravity on the weight is independent of the path, so let us lift it straight up for simplicity. Observe: = 180º, d = ∆y, F = -mg. Thus yo mg ∆EP = -W = -Fd cos = -mg∆y cos 180º = mg∆y. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. EP = -Gm1m2/r Gravitational potential where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 energy We now define gravitational potential as gravitational potential energy per unit mass just as we did in Topic 6: ∆V = ∆EP/m Gravitational potential V = -Gm/r where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 FYI The units of V are J kg-1. Gravitational potential is the work done per unit mass done in moving a small mass from infinity to r. (Note that V = 0 at r = .) Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State and apply the expression for gravitational potential due to a point mass. ∆V = ∆EP/m Gravitational potential V = -Gm/r where G = 6.67×10−11 N m2 kg−2 EXAMPLE: Find the change in gravitational potential in moving from Earth’s surface to 5 Earth radii (from Earth’s center). SOLUTION: Use ∆V = -Gm/r2--Gm/r1, m = 5.98×1024 kg. At Earth’s surface r1 = 6.37×106 m. But then r2 = 5(6.37×106) = 3.19×107 m. Thus ∆V = -Gm(1/r2 - 1/r1) = -Gm(1/3.19×107 - 1/6.37×106) = -Gm(-1.26×10-7) = -(6.67×10−11)(5.98×1024)(-1.26×10-7) = +5.01×107 J kg-1. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Define gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy. FYI A few words clarifying the gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential formulas are in order. EP = -Gm1m2/r gravitational potential energy V = -Gm/r gravitational potential Be aware of the difference in name. Both have “gravitational potential” in them and can be confused during problem solving. Be aware of the minus sign on both formulas. The minus sign is there so that as you separate two masses, or move farther out in space, their values increase (as in the last example). Both formulas become zero when r becomes infinitely large. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State and apply the formula relating gravitational field strength to gravitational potential gradient. The gravitational potential gradient is the change in gravitational potential per unit distance. Thus the GPG = ∆V/∆r. EXAMPLE: Find the GPG in moving from Earth’s surface to 5 radii from Earth’s center. SOLUTION: In a previous problem (slide 11) we found the value for the change in gravitational potential to be ∆V = + 5.01×107 J kg-1. 5RE: r2 = 3.19×107 m. Earth: r1 = 6.37×106 m. ∆r = r2 – r1 = 3.19×107 - 6.37×106 = 2.55×107 m. Thus the GPG = ∆V/∆r = 5.01×107 / 2.55×107 = 1.96 J kg-1 m-1. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State and apply the formula relating gravitational field strength to gravitational potential gradient. The gravitational potential gradient is the change in gravitational potential per unit distance. Thus the GPG = ∆V/∆r. PRACTICE: Show that the units for the gravitational potential gradient are the units for acceleration. SOLUTION: The units for ∆V are J kg-1. The units for work are J, but since work is force times distance we have 1 J = 1 N m = 1 kg m s-2 m. Therefore the units of ∆V are (kg m s-2 m)kg-1 or [∆V] = m2 s-2. Then the units of the GPG are [GPG] = [∆V/∆r] = m2 s-2/m = m/s2. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State and apply the formula relating gravitational field strength to gravitational potential gradient. EXAMPLE: Show that for the gravitational field near the surface of Earth g = ∆V/∆y local potential gradient SOLUTION: Recall that ∆V = ∆EP/m and ∆EP = mg∆y. Thus ∆V = ∆EP/m ∆V = mg∆y/m ∆V = g∆y g = ∆V/∆y. FYI From the last example we already know that the units work out. The above formula only works where g is constant (for small ∆y’s). Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State and apply the formula relating gravitational field strength to gravitational potential gradient. The following general potential gradient (which we will not prove) works over greater range: g = -∆V/∆r general potential gradient EXAMPLE: The gravitational potential in the vicinity of a planet changes from -6.16×107 J kg-1 to -6.12×107 J kg-1 in moving from r = 1.80×108 m to r = 2.85×108 m. What is the gravitation field strength in that region? SOLUTION: g = -∆V/∆r g = -(-6.12×107 - -6.16×107)/(2.85×108 - 1.80×108) g = -4000000/105000000 = -0.0381 m s-2. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Determine the potential due to one or more point masses. Gravitational potential is derived from gravitational potential energy and is thus a scalar. There is no need to worry about vectors. EXAMPLE: Find the gravitational potential r at the midpoint of the circle of masses shown. Each mass is 125 kg and the radius of the circle is 2750 m. SOLUTION: Because potential is a scalar, it doesn’t matter how the masses are arranged on the circle. Only the distance matters. For each mass r = 2750 m. Each mass contributes V = -Gm/r so that V = -(6.6710-11)(125)/2750 = -3.0310-12 J kg-1. Thus Vtot = 4(-3.0310-12) = -1.2110-11 J kg-1. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Determine the potential due to one or more point masses. Gravitational potential is derived from gravitational potential energy and is thus a scalar. There is no need to worry about vectors. EXAMPLE: If a 365-kg mass is brought in r from to the center of the circle of masses, how much potential energy will it have lost? SOLUTION: Use ∆V = ∆EP/m and the fact that gravitational potential is zero at infinity. ∆EP = m∆V FYI 0 Since ∆EP = -W we see = m(V – V0) that the work done in = mV bringing the mass in -11 = 365(-1.2110 ) from infinity is -9 = -4.4210 J. +4.4210-9 J. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Describe and sketch the pattern of equipotential surfaces due to one and two point masses. Equipotential surfaces are imaginary surfaces at which the potential is the same. Since the gravitational potential for a point mass is given by m V = -Gm/r it is clear that the equipotential surfaces are at fixed radii and hence are equipotential concentric spheres: surfaces FYI Generally equipotential surfaces are drawn so that the ∆Vs for consecutive surfaces are equal. Because V is inversely proportional to r the consecutive rings get farther apart as we get farther from the mass. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Describe and sketch the pattern of equipotential surfaces due to one and two point masses. EXAMPLE: Sketch the equipotential surfaces due to two point masses. SOLUTION: Here is the sketch: m m Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State the relation between equipotential surfaces and gravitational field lines. We know that for a point mass the gravitational field lines point inward. Thus the gravitational field lines are perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces. m FYI A 3D image of the same picture looks like this: Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State the relation between equipotential surfaces and gravitational field lines. EXAMPLE: Use the 3D view of the equipotential surface to interpret the gravitational potential gradient g = -∆V/∆r. SOLUTION: We can choose any direction for our r value, say the ∆y y-direction: Then g = -∆V/∆y. ∆V This is just the gradient (slope) of the surface. Thus g is the (-) gradient of the equipotential surface. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State the relation between equipotential surfaces and gravitational field lines. EXAMPLE: Sketch the gravitational field lines around two point masses. SOLUTION: Remember that the gravitational field lines point inward, and that they are perpendicular to m m the equipotential surfaces. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy State the relation between equipotential surfaces and gravitational field lines. EXAMPLE: Use a 3D view of the equipotential surface of two point masses to illustrate that the gravitational potential gradient is zero somewhere in between the two masses. SOLUTION: Remember that the gravitational potential gradient g = -∆V/∆r is just the slope of the surface. The slope is zero on the saddle point. Thus g is also zero there. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy 9.2.7 Explain the concept of escape speed from a planet. 9.2.8 Derive an expression for the escape speed of an object from the surface of a planet. 9.2.9 Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Explain the concept of escape speed from a planet. We define the escape speed to be the minimum speed an object needs to escape a planet’s gravitational pull. We can further define escape speed vesc to be that minimum speed which will carry an object to infinity and bring it to rest there. Thus we see that as r then v0. M R m r = R r = Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Derive an expression for the escape speed of an object from the surface of a planet. From the conservation of mechanical energy we have ∆EK + ∆EP = 0. Then ∆EK + ∆EP = 0 EK – EK0 + EP – EP0 = 0 0 0 (1/2)mv2 – (1/2)mu2 + -GMm/r - -GMm/r0 = 0 (1/2)mvesc2 = GMm/R vesc = 2GM/R escape speed PRACTICE: Find the escape speed from Earth. SOLUTION: M = 5.981024 kg. R = 6.37106 m. Thus vesc2 = 2GM/R = 2(6.6710-11)(5.981024)/6.37106 vesc = 11200 ms-1 (= 24900 mph!) Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. The ship MUST slow down and reverse (v becomes -). The force varies as 1/r2 so that a is NOT linear. Recall that a is the slope of the v vs. t graph. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. Escape speed is the minimum speed needed to travel from the surface of a planet to infinity. It has the formula vesc2 = 2GM/R. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. To escape we need vesc2 = 2GM/Re. The kinetic energy alone must then be E = (1/2)mvesc2 = (1/2)m(2GM/Re) = GMm/Re. This is to say, to escape E = 4GMm/(4Re). Since we only have E = 3GMm/(4Re) the probe will not make it into deep space. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. Recall that Ep = -GMm/r. Thus ∆EP = -GMm(1/R – 1/Re). Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. The probe is in circular motion so Fc = mv2/R. But FG = GMm/R2 = Fc. Thus mv2/R = GMm/R2 or mv2 = GMm/R. Finally EK = (1/2)mv2 = GMm/(2R). Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. The energy given to the probe is stored in potential and kinetic energy. Thus ∆EK + ∆EP = E GMm/(2R) - GMm(1/R–1/Re) = 3GMm/(4Re) 1/(2R) - 1/R + 1/Re = 3/(4Re) 1/(4Re) = 1/(2R) R = 2Re Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. Just know it! Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. From ∆V = ∆EP/m we have ∆EP = m∆V. Thus ∆EP = (4)( -3k - -7k) = 16 kJ Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. It is the work done per unit mass in bringing a small mass from infinity to that point. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. V = -GM/r so that V0 = -GM/R0. But –g0R0 = -(GM/R02)R0 = -GM/R0 = V0. Thus V0 = -g0R0. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. At R0 = 0.5107 V0 = -3.8107. From previous problem g = -V0/R0 0.5107 = 5.0106 = R0. g = - -3.8107 / 0.5107 = 7.6 m s-2. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. 0 ∆EK = -∆EP EK – EK0 = -∆EP (1/2)mv2 = ∆EP v2 = 2∆EP/m v2 = 2∆V v2 = 2(3.0107) v = 7700 ms-1. This solution assumes probe not in orbit but merely reaches altitude (and returns). ∆V = (-0.8 - -3.8)107 ∆V = 3.0107 Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. ∆EP = 3.0107m. The probe is in circular motion so Fc = mv2/R. But FG = GMm/R2 = Fc. This Thus mv2/R = GMm/R2 or mv2 = GMm/R. solution 2 Then EK = (1/2)mv = GMm/(2R). assumes From energy ∆EK = -∆EP or EK – EK0 = -∆EP. the satellite Then EK0 = ∆EP + EK = ∆EP + GMm/(2R). is in From g0 = GM/R02 we have GM = g0R02. orbit. Then EK0 = ∆EP + g0R02m/(2R) so that EK0 = m[3107 + 7.6(0.5107)2/(22107)] = 3.5107m. Then (1/2)mv2 = 3.3107m and v = 8100 ms-1. Topic 9: Motion in fields 9.2 Gravitational field,potential,energy Solve problems involving gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential. Just know it!