HOW SECRET IS THE U.S. SECRET SERVICE? (During the history of the United States of America, eight presidents have died in office. Of these eight, four were assassinated: that is, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Still, Presidents Taylor and Harding were “rumored” to have been assassinated. The remaining two, Harrison [pneumonia and septicemia] and “FDR” [cerebral hemorrhage] died of “natural causes.” Of the four, two were killed through assassination conspiracies [Lincoln and Kennedy] and two were killed by “lone wolf” assassins [Garfield and McKinley]. The “United States Secret Service” [USSS] was responsible for not adequately protecting three of the assassinated presidents: Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Finally, Lincoln was assassinated just before the formation of the USSS in July of 1865.) The “United States Secret Service” (USSS) is a federal agency which is part of the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” Previously, it was part of the “U.S. Department of the Treasury” (before March 1, 2003). Currently (2014), it has over 6,700 employees with an annual budget of 1.80 billion USDS. Its acting Director is Joseph P. Clancy as of October 1, 2014. He replaced Julia Ann Pierson who was the 23rd Director of USSS who resigned “amid a series of security lapses” of the agency. Originally, she was appointed director on March 27, 2013 following the “Sixth Summit of the Americas prostitution scandal” (involving USSS members who were “in country” [i.e. Cartagena, Columbia] in order to protect Obama44 during his visit). (The “Sixth Summit of the Americas prostitution scandal of 2012” involved USSS and US military personnel who were enlisted in illegal drug use as well as in illicit sexual behavior [with 21 Colombian women at the Hotel Caribe] the night before the arrival if the President of the United States. This incident engaged at least 11 USSS and ten military personnel. Mr. Mark J. Sullivan, the 22nd Director of the USSS [appointed on February 22, 2013 by Bush43], conducted the investigation into this scandal. Eventually, Mr. Sullivan was replaced by Ms. Pierson due to the extreme lack of discipline of the USSS agents who were involved in the “Summit” scandal.) The USSS was formed on July 5, 1865 in order to suppress the production of counterfeit currencies at the end of the American Civil War (1961-1965), one of America’s deadliest wars. (Please see e-article “22” on this website for more background information concerning this America war of “oligarchic”, economic interests.) Then, the USSS, over a period of time, acquired a number of responsibilities which were later delegated to other newly created federal agencies (e.g. the FBI, the IRS, and the ATF). Today, the USSS has two areas of defined responsibility: (1) “financial crimes” such as major fraud and counterfeiting (i.e. U.S. currency and U.S. treasury securities) and (2) “protection” of current and past former national leaders and their families (e.g. presidents, vice presidents, presidential candidates, visiting heads of state and foreign embassies ). The “sworn members” of the USSS (over 4,400) may be placed into three categories: (1) the Special Agents; (2) the Special Officers; and, (3) the Uniformed Division. Historically, some of its most notable directors were William P. Wood (1865-1869), John E. Wilkie (18981911), Frank J. Wilson (1937-1946), and, E.U. Baughman (1948-1961). William P. Wood (1820-1903), the first Director of the USSS, was appointed on July 5, 1865. Parenthetically, the legislation creating the USSS was “on the desk of” the great Abraham Lincoln (18091865) just before his assassination on April 14, 1965 and his eventual death on April 15. Incredibly, Lincoln’s bodyguard, John Parker (1830-1890) who was born in Virginia, abandoned his responsibilities and left to “have drinks” with Lincoln’s coachman. This action on Parker’s part allowed the assassin, John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865), the opportunity to kill one of the seven greatest presidents in the entire history of the United States of America. A known alcoholic and a member of the “Washington Metropolitan Force”, Parker was charged with “neglect of duty” for abandoning his post. Not unsurprisingly, his case was dismissed, and he remained on the police force until August 13, 1865: and, on this date and not surprisingly, he was terminated from the force because of “sleeping on duty.” Mr. Wood was a veteran of the “Mexican-American War” (1846-1848), and he was once the “Keeper” of the “Old Capital Prison” (1861-1867). (The “Mexican-American War” or the “Mexican War” or the “U.S.-Mexican War” or the “Invasion of Mexico” [1846-1848] was an armed conflict between the United States of America [along with the “California Republic”] and the “Centralist Republic of Mexico.” This war followed the annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845. Mexico declared that Texas was part of its sovereign territory while the U.S. claimed the same territory due to the result of the “Texas Revolution of 1836.” The war ended in a decisive victory for the United States. The “Treaty of Guadalupe” of February 2, 1848 marked the official end of the war. Among other considerations, the treaty allowed the return of slavery to the former Mexican territories; and, The “Old Brick Capital” of Washington, D.C. housed the “Capitol of the United States” from 1815 to 1819. It served as the “Old Capitol Prison” during the “American Civil War” [1861-1865]. Currently, the site, ironically, serves as the home of the U.S. Supreme Court.) As the first Director of the USSS, Wood’s expertise in containing financial crime (i.e. counterfeiting) was considered laudable by many U.S. historians. Mr. John E. “the Indian Rope Trick” Wilkie (1860-1934), the eighth Director of the USSS, was appointed in early 1898. During Wilkie’s tenure, President William McKinley (1843-1901), the 25th President of the United States of America (1897-1901), was shot on September 6, 1901 and eventually died on September 14, 1901. (McKinley’s assassin, the anarchist Leon Frank Czolgosz [1873-1901], was convicted of McKinley’s assassination on September 24, 1901. Czolgosz was electrocuted to death on October 29, 1901.) It should be noted that four sitting “Presidents of the United States” have been assassinated. Besides Lincoln (assassinated by John Wilkes Booth et al. on April 14, 1865) and McKinley (assassinated by Leon Frank Czolgosz on September 24, 1901), James A. Garfield (assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881) and John F. Kennedy (assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald et al. on November 22, 1963) were sacrificed. During three of these killings, the USSS has had the direct responsibility of protecting the U.S. presidents who were in office. And, the “Directors” who were in charge during these assassinations were James Brooks (Garfield), John E. Wilkie (McKinley), and James J. Rowley (Kennedy). [President Zachary Taylor, possibly poisoned with arsenic on July 4, 1850, and President Warren G. Harding, possibly food poisoned on August 2, 1923, were rumored to have been assassinated at the time of their deaths and afterward. Obviously, the USSS was not created until 1865. And, the evidence for these rumors, in both cases, was lacking.] And, it is no secret today that, directly and/or indirectly, the killing of these three U.S. presidents was due to the incompetence, corruption, complacence, and/or indifference of the outdated USSS.) Mr. Frank J. Wilson, the eleventh Director of the USSS, was appointed in 1936. Mr. Wilson, during his tenure, blocked attempts by the infamous John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) to absorb the USSS into the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” (FBI). [John Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the FBI. He was instrumental in founding this governmental agency in 1935. The great Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972, the 33rd President of the United States from 1945 to 1953, commented that Hoover was more suited to being the head of the “Gestapo” rather than being the head of the FBI. Truman deplored Hoover’s tactics of “blackmail” and “intimation” of the U.S. Congresses and of the U.S. citizenry. Of course, the coward, Hoover, was afraid to take on one of the seven greatest presidents in U.S. history. After all, Truman loved being in the “kitchen”, especially when dealing with authoritative entities. If you doubt Truman’s tenacity, just ask the American five star general, Douglas “the Prima Donna” MacArthur, 1880-1964, and/or the Japanese Emperor of World War II, Emperor “Hiroshima-Nagasaki” Showa a.k.a. “No Surrender” Hirohito, 1901-1989. And, both of these World War II personalities had something in common! They both badly underestimated the little Major from Lamar, Missouri. Truly, these elitists thought that Truman was not as great as “FDR”: 1882-1945. In fact, “Give them hell” Harry enjoyed being underestimated by the privileged elitists of this world or any other.]) Finally, Urbanus Edmund Baughman, the thirteenth Director of the USSS, was appointed in early 1948. Mr. Baughman retired from the USSS on July 25, 1961 after serving for thirteen years. On November 22, 1963 “JFK” was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Baughman was critical and doubting of the way the USSS guarded the president on that day in November. For example, he could not understand why the USSS and the Dallas Police Force did not fire a single shot after the first shot was fired by the alleged assassin (i.e. Oswald). (This perception may not have been entirely correct. One of the USSS agents guarding the president fired a shotgun in the direction of “JFK.” Why a USSS agent would be carrying a shotgun and why he would be firing it in the general direction of the president has never been explained adequately.) President Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America (2009-present), has received an extraordinary number of assassination threats/attempts since becoming a possible candidate for the U.S. presidency in 2007. This increase in threats/attempts, putting world affairs aside, is primarily due to the extreme propaganda and hate tactics of the “oligarchic” interests, both nationally and internationally (in which the “New Republican Party” [1981-present] is their preferred, political instrument of attempting to destabilize the “American representative democracy”). (Please see e-article “105” on this website for more information concerning the New Republican Party of Reagan40 and afterwards.) In 2009, the USSS claimed that the volume of threats against President Obama was “comparable to those under George W. Bush and William J. Clinton.” The USSS did not offer any empirical data to support this erroneous and self-serving assertion. Some assassination threats/attempts against Obama44 were conducted by the following “crazies”: the “Denver plot” of the cousins Tharin Gartrell and Shawn Adolf and their friend Nathan Johnson; the “Tennessee plot” of the white supremacists, Paul Schlesseiman and Daniel Coward; “Istanbul plot” in which three Syrians planned to knife to death the president while he was attending the “Alliance of Civilizations Summit” in April of 2009; and, the “Ricin Plot” in which a poisoned letter was sent to the president in April of 2013. Finally, the ability of the USSS to protect President Obama now and other future presidents is openly questioned by many, including this website. In summary, then, the following recommendations are presented for enhancing the personal security of all the living U.S. presidents and their immediate families: (1) The protection and safety of the U.S. presidents and their families should be taken away from the USSS; (2) These security/protection responsibilities should be given to a newly created “security force” which is directly responsible to the U.S. presidents (e.g. through a component of the executive office) rather than through a mega-federal agency; (3) This force should be designed as the “Lincoln Force” in honor of the great, assassinated, American president, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865); (4) Members chosen for this force should be thoroughly “vetted” for issues of drug abuse/ dependency or any other psychological disorders which would compromise their job functioning; (5) This force’s “vetting” process should be conducted on a continuous basis; (6) This force’s management and supervisory structure should receive systematic management training (e.g. in the methodological approach and training principles of on an annual basis; and, (7) This force’s responsibilities are not to be to be assigned to anyone or anybody else, but exclusively to all the living U.S. presidents and their families. To hell with all those who would fatally harm the U.S. presidents (i.e. Booth et al., Guiteau, Czolgosz, and Oswald et al.) as well as harm the citizens of the United States of America, directly and/or indirectly (the American “oligarchs” and their “familiars” (i.e. the “New Republican Party” [1981-present], the Roberts high court of extreme, elitist, conservative activists [2005-present], and the 80th, 112th, 113th U.S. Congresses and like U.S. Congresses of the future), Fromoneofthemany