Vocabulary Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (adjective) Savagely cruel; unsophisticated Means the same as (synonym): Brutal, vicious, wicked Write a sentence (using context clues): The barbaric young girl ran and screamed through the vestibule as she pushed the younger children out of the way. Although the Aztecs were a bit barbaric and brutal, the Spanish easily defeated them by using their intelligence and weapons. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write a sentence (using context clues): (noun) advancement towards better The progressiveness of conditions the workers made the rebuilding of the town Means the same as much more modern (synonym): than in previous years. Write the definition: Radical, liberal Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (adjective) elaborate, fancy, Means the same as (synonym): Embellished, ornate Write a sentence (using context clues): The florid house was distinguished among other houses on the block due to the amount of money spent on it. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (adj.) not deprived of freedom, not restricted Means the same as (synonym): Free-spirited, independent Write a sentence (using context clues): The untrammeled young boy fearlessly rode the colossal Ferris wheel that was hundreds of feet high. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (adj.) filled with lively energy Means the same as (synonym): animated, excited, vivacious Write a sentence (using context clues): The exuberant young child was excited to open his first toy on Christmas morning. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (verb) commune with oneself; to think carefully alone in one’s mind Means the same as (synonym): Meditate; ponder Write a sentence (using context clues): Before taking my NJ ASK test, I spent time selfcommuning in order to rehearse the information I have learned throughout the year. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write a sentence (using context (adjective) friendly clues):The genial or cheerful puppies were so friendly they would Means the same as (synonym): lick anyone who tried to pick them Pleasant, kind, gracious, jolly up. Write the definition: Front of flash card Back of flash card Write a sentence (using context clues):The rhapsodies of the young (noun) written or girl were spoken so spoken expression eloquently it moved Means the same as everyone in the (synonym): audience at the funeral. Write the definition: Verse; poetry Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (noun) behavior showing high moral standards Means the same as (synonym): Ethics; uprightness; trustworthiness; goodness; generosity Write a sentence (using context clues): The man running for president had a great sense of virtue such as his patience and kindness towards every day citizens of his country. Ghandi’s virtues inspired others to believe in themselves and to stand up for what they believe in. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (verb) to spread out from a source Means the same as (synonym): Emerge, arise, exude, radiate Write a sentence (using context clues): She seemed to emanate peace and tranquility in the midst of a terrible war. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (verb) to plant firmly; establish Means the same as (synonym): Implant, insert Write a sentence (using context clues):The young boy had the information from his study guide ingrafted in his memory after hours of studying alone. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (noun/adj.) having or displaying passionate intensity Means the same as (synonym): Heartfelt; emotional; devote Write a sentence (using context clues): The fervent warrior fought bravely as he defended his country fearlessly against the invading army. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write a sentence (using context clues): (adj.) assuming power without authority; The imperious leader arrogant gained power through military strength and often assumed he made the Means the same as best decisions without (synonym): the council of his inner Haughty; domineering; circle. Write the definition: overbearing; bossy Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (noun) enthusiasm or passion Means the same as (synonym): Eagerness, passion, fierceness, rapturous Write a sentence (using context clues):Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had great ardor to accomplish peaceful equality as he gave his “I have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Front of flash card Back of flash card Write the definition: (adj.) very severe or serious; painful emotionally Means the same as (synonym): Disturbing; distressing Write a sentence (using context clues): The grievous Katniss did all that she could to heal Peeta’s leg so that he could see the next sunset.