The Versus Comparison Framework Kenton McHenry, Ph.D. Research Scientist National Center for Supercomputing Applications National Center for Supercomputing Applications University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Problem • The abundance of file formats is a problem when preserving electronic records • Why? • Will there be software to load the file in the future? • If not will the specification for the format still exist? • Was the specification ever available to begin with (closed/proprietary formats)? *.pdf (*.prc, *.u3d) *.ma, *.mb, *.mp *.k3d *.w3d *.vtk, *.vtp *.lwo *.c4d *.dwg *.blend *.iam *.skp *.max, *.3ds Available 3D File Formats… Converting Formats • In order to preserve content for future use one option is to convert the file to an open/standardized format that is likely to be supported for some time. • Store both this file and the original for provenance • Ideally with one file format for a particular content type it will be easy for users to view/use the data. Converting Formats (continued…) • How and which format!? • Fully supporting the many available formats is an enormous undertaking • If a file format is closed/proprietary it may be difficult to retrieve the data directly from the file • May be possible to reverse engineer and recover some of the content • Vendor file formats sometimes store application feature specific pieces of information that’s not supported in other formats • Examples include: animations, physics, … • When converting to a format that doesn’t have a place for such information we must drop it. • Information loss… Converting Formats (continued…) • There are different ways of storing the 3D content itself • Faceted: • Comprised of vertices and faces • Popular within the graphics community • Boundary Representation: • Comprised of vertices, edges, edge loops, and primitive surfaces • Popular among CAD users • Constructive Solid Geometry • Comprised of boolean operations on primitive volumes • … Converting Formats (continued…) • Translating geometry representation may not be trivial • B-Rep to Faceted • Translating involves triangulating the surfaces created from the bounded primitives (tesselation) • The resulting sampled surface will suffer from aliasing at high viewing resolutions • Can accommodate by performing a finer triangulation (i.e. more triangles and a larger file) • Faceted to B-Rep: • Translating in this direction is non-trivial! • How does one decide if a group of triangles should be grouped together as part of some larger primitive (e.g. part of a cylinder). Converting Formats (continued…) Format Geometry Appearance CSG Faceted Parametric 3ds √ √ igs √ √ lwo √ √ √ √ √ √ obj √ √ √ √ √ √ ply √ √ √ √ √ stp √ √ wrl √ √ u3d √ x3d √ √ √ B-Rep Scene √ √ Color Material Texture Bump Lights Views Trans. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Groups √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Animation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ • How do we measure information loss? • Which is the best format to use for preservation? NCSA Polyglot (2009) • Conversions service based on utilizing any and all available 3rd party software • Imposed Code Reuse: Re-attaching a programmable interface to compiled software. • Scripted operations within software • GUI scripting (e.g. AutoHotKey) • Created a simple workflow referred to as an Input/Output Graph • Compared files before/after conversion to measure information loss • Distributed across multiple machines • Web access ISDA File Migration Tools • • • • Conversion Software Registry Software Servers Polyglot Versus Software that can Convert between Formats • There is a lot of software available, each with its own unique capabilities • A lot of it is not free • It would be expensive to buy a package just to check if it truly is capable of converting between a desired pair of formats • How can someone know what software to get for their needs? The Conversion Software Registry Adobe 3D Reviewer The Conversion Software Registry Input/Output Graphs Adobe 3D Reviewer Input/Output Graphs 3DS Max Adobe 3D Reviewer AutoCAD Blender Cinema 4D K-3D LightWave 3D Maya Wings 3D Input/Output Graphs Shortest conversion path Software Servers Software Server • To program against software • i.e. to write new code that can utilize functionality within arbitrary software, compiled code, where the source code is probably not available. • Imposed Code Reuse (or Software Reuse): The process of attaching an API like interface to software so that its functionality can be called within new code. Software Servers • Shares the functionality of software over the web • In contrast to services which share data: ftpd, nfsd, sambad, httpd • Similar to services such as: telnetd, sshd, VNC, rdesktop • The main difference is in the interface: • Uniform across all software http://host:8182/software/<Application>/<Task>/<Output Format>/<InputFile> • Simple • Widely accessible • Capable of being programmed against • Allows any desktop application to become a cloud based web service* Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software Functionality Sharing Software • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Excel 2010 Word 2010 Power Point 2010 Publisher 2010 One Note Access 2007 Wordpad Notepad Calculator2010 Internet Explorer 8 Winzip Photoshop CS5 Adobe Acrobat ABBYY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3D Studio Max Adobe 3D Reviewer Google Sketchup Wings 3D Blender K3D Paraview VTK Cyberware PLYTool NIST X3D Tool Imagemagick IrfanView GIMP Microsfot Paint Polyglot • Listens for Software Server broadcasts on the network • Catalogues available input/output operations and constructs and I/O-graph • Identifies conversion paths between input and output formats • Carries out CHAINED conversions Polyglot Polyglot Versus • Java library/framework for comparing file content • Distributed architecture • RESTful Web Interface • http://<host>/versus/comparisons • dataset1, dataset2 • adapter, extractor, measure Adapters Name Package Description Mesh 3D Audio Audio Encapsulation of audio files. Bytes Core Simplest possible representation of data. PDF Doc2Learn Buffered Image Image Standard Java representation of image data. Image Object Image Encapsulation of the Im2Learn Image Object. SIFT GPU GPU Load 3D files content into a mesh made up of vertices and polygons connecting those vertices. Encapsulation of the Doc2Learn PDF document. Encapsulation of image data for SIFT Gpu specific processing. Descriptors Name Double Array Package Core MD5 Digest Core Three Dimensional Double Array Vector Core Label Histogram Doc2Learn Keypoint Pixel Image Image Color Layout Image Grayscale Histogram RGB Histogram Pixel Histogram Image Image Image MOPS Features SIFT Features Fiji Fiji SIFT Gpu Gpu Harris Corners OpenCV Hough Circles OpenCV Hough Lines OpenCV SURF Features OpenCV Core Description A single dimensional array containing double values. A data integrity structure generated from the raw data. A three-dimensional array containing double values. A list of generic elements, allows greater storage flexibility. A histogram of labels obtained through Doc2Learn. Generic container for invariant feature detectors. Generic type for various image package descriptors. A two dimensional grid of sub-images over the input image. A one-dimensional grayscale image histogram. A three-dimensional RGB color histogram. A multidimensional histogram for a pixel’s intensity and position. Invariant feature type used for image stitching. Popular invariant feature type used for image comparison and object matching. Same as SIFT but implemented through Gpu libraries. Well-known corner detector used for image inference, tracking, and recognition. Circles detected in an image with the Hough Transform. Lines detected in an image with the Hough Transform. Invariant feature type that can be computed faster than standard SIFT. Extractors Name Light Field Package 3D Description Surface is represented by silhouettes taken from 3 canonical positions capturing the surface shape minus any concavities (i.e. the convex hull). Statistics 3D Ignores the surface and focuses on the vertices of a 3D object returning their mean and standard deviation. Simple, but fast to compute. Surface Area 3D The sum of the area occupied by the polygons making up a surface. Considers surface and is still fast to compute. Audio Audio Sampling of audio from existing file for histogram usage and comparison. MD5 Image Histogram Core Doc2Learn Creation of the MD5 hash from data. Generates a non-standard color histogram Line Graphics Histogram Doc2Learn Generates a histogram to compare vector graphics found in documents. Text Histogram Doc2Learn Generates a label histogram based on word frequency. Array Feature Image Generates the three-dimensional double array; a generic image container. Color Average Vector Feature Image Generates an average RGB color over 9 regions taken from the image. Grayscale Histogram Image Generates the histogram for grayscale images. Useful for image comparison. Pixel Histogram Image Generates the multidimensional histogram for feature matching. RGB Histogram Image Generates the histogram for color images. Useful for image comparison. Signature Vector Image Feature vector (for an image) containing colorspace information and pixel position. MOPS Features Fiji Open source implementation for the MOPS detector. SIFT Features SIFT Gpu Harris Corners Hough Circles Hough Lines SURF Features Fiji Gpu OpenCV OpenCV OpenCV OpenCV Open source implementation of Lowe’s method. Gpu implementation for the SIFT detector. Corner detector for images. Circle detector for images Line detector for images Open source implementation for the SIFT detector. Measures Name Package Chessboard Distance Core Dynamic Time Warping Core Euclidean Distance Core Manhattan Distance Core MD5 Hash Core Bhattacharyya Distance Image Neyman’s χ2 Image Czekanowski Distance Image Histogram Euclidean Distance Doc2Lear n / Image Histogram Intersection Doc2Lear n / Image KL Divergence Image Jeffrey Divergence Image Motyka Distance Image Normalized Cross Correlation Image Ruzicka Similarity Image Sum of Squared Differences Image Tanimoto Distance Image Wave Hedges Distance Image Fiji / OpenCV / Invariant Feature Comparison SIFT Gpu Earth Mover’s Distance OpenCV Description Also known as Chebyshev; the greatest difference along any coordinate dimension (between two vectors) Similarity metric between two (possibly) varying sequences over time. Distance between two n-dimensional points in Euclidean space. Absolute difference of coordinates of points, distance between two points measured along right angled axes. Binary measure; either equal or not. Measures the overlap between two probability distributions. Tests the goodness of fit between two distributions. Variant of the standard χ2 test. Sum of the absolute value of the difference of two distributions divided by the sum of the two distributions. Bin-by-bin comparison using the standard Euclidean distance. Well known and widely used. Sum of the absolute value of the difference of two distributions, scaled by one-half. Well known and widely used. Non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions. Well known measure of entropy. Symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions. Sum of the maximum of two distributions divided by the sum of the two distributions. Similar to sum of squared differences; invariant to the magnitude of two points. Sum of the minimum of two distributions divided by the sum of the maximum of the two distributions. Sum of squared differences between two arrays, cheaper to computer than Euclidean distance. Sum of the difference of the max and the min of two distributions divided by the sum of the max. Sum of the absolute value of the difference between two distributions divided by their maximum. Compares the invariant features between two images by calculating the pairwise Euclidean distance and voting for a match using a predetermined threshold. Measures the similarity between two probability distributions. This is the minimum cost of transforming one distribution to the other. Extractor Previews Measuring Information Loss We would like to assign a value to each conversion edge … • With a “universal” converter we could convert files from every format A to every other format B • Assuming we then had a loader for both format A and format B we could load and compare the 3D content independent of how it is stored. Measuring 3D Information Loss • • • • • • Adobe 3D Reviewer Blender Cyberware PlyTool K-3D NIST VRML/X3D VTK good… (e.g. 1.0) not so good… (e.g. 0.1) Measuring 3D Information Loss • Data representation • Meshes • Loaders • Use 3D similarity as a means of comparing 3D models • • • • Statistics Surface Area [Brunnermeier, RTI 1999] Spin Images [Johnson, PAMI 1999] Light Fields [Chen, Eurographics 2003] Statistics • Use the mean and standard deviation of the vertices to represent the model • Simple but fast to compute • Sensitive to size and orientation of the model Surface Area • Use the sum of face areas to represent the model • Also simple and fast to compute • Sensitive to size, somewhat sensitive to shape. Will detect loss of faces. Light Fields [Chen, 2003] • Compares silhouettes from various viewing angles around a model. Light Fields Light Fields Light Fields Light Fields Light Fields • Fairly fast to compute • Sensitive to shape of convex hull, invariant to rigid transformations Spin Images [Johnson, 1999] • 2D histograms of the in plane and out of plane distances of vertices neighboring a given vertex. N q b p a Spin Images Spin Images Spin Images Spin Images Spin Images Spin Images • Expensive to compute • Sensitive to relative vertex position, ignores surface, invariant to rotations and translations 3D Information Loss and 3D File Loaders • If we were able to load every file format we really wouldn't need to use software reuse to convert via 3rd party applications. • Implement loaders for a small number of formats that will make up our test data set • Convert from format A along path to some format B then back to A again • Estimate path scores by comparing before/after content and assigning scores to all edges along path STP to X3D to STP A3D Reviewer STP Vrml97ToX3d X3dToVrml97 X3D WRL A3D Reviewer WRL STP Software Application A Application B Application C Application X Application Y Application Z Application Wrapper A Application Wrapper B Application Wrapper C Application Wrapper X Application Wrapper Y Application Wrapper Z … Software Reuse Software Server … Software Server Client Software Server Software Server Client Software Server Client … Comparison (Versus) Polyglot Steward Polyglot Server Conversion (Polyglot) Polyglot Web Server Conversion (Polyglot) … Software Reuse Polyglot Client Polyglot Panel Web Browser Closed Source Software Versus IOGraph Weights Tool Comparison (Versus) … Which conversion preserved the most? • Using the light fields measure: • Emphasizes shape through silhouettes • Adobe 3D Reviewer between *.pdf and *.stp (61.67) • Using the spin image measure: • Emphasize shape through relative vertex positions • Adobe 3D Reviewer between *.obj and *.pdf (59.07) Which is the best format? Within the context of preservation we can define this as the format that retains on average the most information when converted to by other formats. • Using the light fields measure: • Emphasizes shape through silhouettes • *.stp (40.73) • Using the spin image measure: • Emphasizes shape through relative vertex positions • *.stl (34.89) • *.stp being a CAD format has more variability in vertex positions due to tessellation Word Spotting in Versus • Include Word Spotting feature code as extractor in Versus • Just another form of content based comparison • Specific to handwriting of course • Include general purpose efficient indexing into Versus • e.g. hierarchical agglomerative clustering • Not just for Word Spotting Conclusion Image Software by Information Preservation 3D Software by Information Preservation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ImageMagick Image Formats by 1. Adobe 3D Reviewer Adobe Photoshop Information Preservation 2. 3DS Max 3D Formats by GIMP 3. Maya Information Preservation Microsoft Paint 1. PPM Video Formats by 4. Blender … 2. PNG Information Preservation 5. … 1. STL3. GIF 2. STP4. JPG 1. AVIImage Formats by 3D Formats by 3. FileOBJ Size File Size 5. … 2. MOV 4. MAX 3. WMV 1. MP4 1. JPG 5. … 4. MPG 2. MAX 2. GIF 5. … 3. PLY 3. PNG 4. OBJ 4. PPM 1,682 formats 5. … 5. … 2,007 applications *Rankings shown demonstrate the type of output that will be obtained from future work and does NOT represent actual results! Versus and CBR • CBIR: Content based image retrieval • Versus as a content based comparison framework can serve as the back end for general purpose content based retrieval Acknowledgements • This research was partially supported by a National Archive and Records Administration (NARA) supplement to NSF PACI cooperative agreement CA #SCI-9619019 and by NCSA Industrial Partners. • The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the National Science Foundation, the National Archive and Records Administration, or the U.S. government. Imaginations unbound The ISDA Tools (Free and Open Source) Image, Spatial, and Data Analysis Group Kenton McHenry Rob Kooper Michal Ondrejcek Luigi Marini