Electronic Claims Electronic Claim File Briefing Development and Implementation update 1st November 2005 Follow up to last update and demonstration on 1st March 2005 1 Electronic Claims Agenda Introduction and Welcome John O'Neill Status review Ian Mallery Market reform context Mike Smith Binders work in progress Rich Woodhams Brokers view Trevor Maddison LMA SDG Martin Dyer Next Steps Ian Mallery Questions and close John O’Neill 2 Electronic Claims Status Review Ian Mallery ECPG & Marlborough 3 Electronic Claims LMA ECF Objective To replicate today’s file electronically Based on Existing Products Changes to CLASS out of scope (except look and feel) Work with underlying software capabilities Provide a base product on day 1 Not a Blue Sky Claims System development To be evolved once experience gained Post implementation of base product Strategic Review of On-going development - e.g. Third Party Access 4 Electronic Claims Status today Key Enhancements in 5 Phases Phase 1 See all documents in one view Completed February Phase 2 Leader control of file/Improved searching Completed April Phase 3 ACORD DRI Phases 4/5 CLASS @ Lloyd’s data through GUI/Seamless link Completed October Merged into single phase Detailed specification completed Re-planned, including key change requests completed MAT expected to start Mid-May 2006 5 Electronic Claims ECF Screens Data CLASS Broker Input Documents Repository · References · Paid / Outstanding Amounts · Claim Status / Agreement · Reports · Correspondence · Bordereau · Placing Documents Agreement Parties Can Review All Claim Details, Perform Updates & Record Agreement in One Place (Without a Broker?) 6 Insurer Access & Input Electronic Claims Design Sign Off – June 2005 Sign off pack ECF High Level Rules ECF 13 Jan 2005 Business Process Description ECF 17 Jan 2005 Full Requirements Definition ECF Business Process Models (A and B) ECF Phase 4/5 Full Business Design ECF Screen Flow ECF Screens – Search List & Summary ECF Screens – Enquiry ECF Screens – Actions DRI Diagram 7 Electronic Claims Business Operability Issues Two way interoperability to ACORD DRI standards Solution in hand Big Issue - driven by the CLASS responses Need to ensure Concurrent Access Ensure timely reserving Solutions available Mapping of response to distinguish agreement from noting Notification message to agreement parties – to ensure SCM - Also available to followers Followers list added to CLASS Needs a change in broker practice for settlements with changes in incurred - Provide incurred change separately from settlement request (currently under discussion with brokers) 8 Electronic Claims Features Broker submits claim electronically Enables parallel presentation to insurers Reduces Allow data transcription errors brokers to concentrate on complex claims Improved insurer access to information It’s the insurers’ file concurrent always 9 access to all subscribing insurers available Electronic Claims Market Reform Perspective Mike Smith Market Reform Programme Office 10 Electronic Claims London Market Objectives To implement the electronic infrastructure for the London market to negotiate, settle, and record claims quickly and efficiently and to achieve a critical mass of live usage. 11 Electronic Claims Electronic Claim Files Enable parallel presentation to insurers Reduce overall transaction time Improve transparency of process Underwriters can control their own work load Allow brokers to concentrate on those claims where value is added Claim file always available to insurers Fundamental pre-cursor to the LMP objective of streamlined claims agreement 12 Electronic Claims Governance 1 Directed by MRG - Brokers, Companies, Lloyd’s through Claims Infrastructure Project Board Programme Office Owns implementation issue definition and resolution Market associations’ claims groups to 13 timetable resolve market wide claims practice issues. Electronic Claims Governance 2 LMA - Managing Agents manage contractual delivery to them from XIS - Claims practitioners define processes and functions IUA - Formed a group to review function - Discussing charging mechanisms LMBC - BEFIT – meets to review impact on brokers 14 Electronic Claims Overall Scope Delivers an interactive Insurers’ Market Repository to carriers Interactive service available to brokers - At a price Adopts ACORD standards for the transfer of electronic documents To/From brokers’ repositories - At no charge to brokers To/From 15 carriers’ repositories Timeline for Electronic Claims implementation - 26th October 2005 (Update for 1st November MRG Board) Oct 2004 Nov Dec 2004 2004 Jan Feb Mar Apr May 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 Implementation partnerships commenced Target Milestones XIS IUA/ XIS Aug Sep 2005 2005 Oct 2005 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 10% new Lloyd’s claims transacted electronically Will not be achieved but Board view number of relationships as more important than pure volumes Build and fully tested XCS operational readiness Oct 2006 Nov Dec 2006 2006 Ongoing Slipp age Build & fully tested Phase 4.5 Slippage- due to focus on Phase 2 MAT Business design MAT Potential delivery of added functionality “5.5” ??MAT?? IUA progress 1. Agreed revised scope 2. Agreed CR business design Close to formal sign off Aviation Direct/Reinsurance Targets likely to move towards end Q3 2006 after completion of replanning exercise. Continuing strong commitment from carriers and brokers. Slippage due to replanning and renegotiation Energy Non-Marine Property Non-Marine Liability All Other/PI Political Risk Binding Authorities Lloyd’s published version Reinsurance Non-proportional XL) SP&P Aug Sep 2006 2006 MAT Build and fully tested Marine - Hull & Liability/Cargo Lloyd’s version for comments London Claims Market System Process & Procedures Interchange Agreement Review, revise definition of variations Review, revise, definition of variations IUA published version - date dependent on IUA involvement Draft document to be agreed Aon Benfield Implementation underway Electronic Claims Jul 2006 *Commitment from: Brit, Amlin, Limit, Lloyd’s managing agents processing Wellington, Faraday, new claims electronically* St. Paul Travelers, Marsh, Aon, Benfield, JLT present 100% SVB, Marlborough, Hiscox. of Lloyd’s new claims and their subsequent processing electronically MAT MAT Phases 1 & 2: Repository enhancements Phase 3: Document Repository Interoperability (DRI) Phase 4: Enhancements to CLASS for Lloyd’s Phase 5: Integrated CLASS and Repository Jun Jul 2005 2005 } Own repositories† } Marsh Guy Carpenter Brokers Cooper Gay Slow, but gradual take up of electronic claims on existing technology. Project Board will be ramping up presentations etc, to encourage firms take up in preparation for new infrastructure. Benfield Willis St Paul Travelers Beazley Aegis Amilin Hiscox Millers MAP, Chaucer Global Aerospace, Allianz, Munich Re, GE Francona Wellington Carriers Limit Brit Aspen Re Alea Group Legend Complete 16 XIS Managing Agents Brokers Faraday Market Amlin Unconfirmed Kiln * Training being defined in conjunction with the CII Heritage Start of implementation partnership (Broker repository) Start of implementation partnership (underwriters market repository) Ready to participate, awaiting firm partnership agreement Processed claims Milestone Key Milestone Slippage Electronic Claims Systems Processes and Procedures Manual Documenting how the market process works NOT but how to manage a claim where the systems fit and how to use them Starting with Lloyd’s working 17 draft prepared by LMA ECPG under review with ECPG and BEFIT being extended to include IUA Lloyd’s Electronic Claims Process Flow (New) Receive advice of loss Retrieve relevant documents Store info 2. Leader Claim Transaction Negotiation 1. Advise Market Third parties - how do they create transactions? Broker Repository - Additional sequences within same transaction Broker If no broker repository but contract with XIS, then load directly If PUSH Broker LIMCLM Lloyd’s Leader Broker analyses response Create CLASS entry LIMCLM 3. Following Market Claim Transaction Negotiation Send documents using ACORD DRI Possible responses: - Accept - Pend - broker to amend/ correct - Query - broker to amend/ correct - Request broker visit (informal response) If PULL Broker Notify DRI ACORD message AT ANY TIME Review loss information, slip, wordings, endorsements and leader’s additions etc held on Insurers Market Repository Consult with necessary parties Assess loss advice Overrides/ Exceptions Advised of settlement authorisation BSM - If original premium not paid may choose to override need to wait for additional premium - If reinstatement premium due then may choose to set simultaneous reinstatement premium indicator - Leader may declare a conflict of interest AT ANY TIME Review loss information, slip, wordings, endorsements and leader’s additions etc held on Insurers Market Repository Overrides/ Exceptions Assess loss advice (on IMR) and Leader response - If original premium not paid may choose to override need to wait for additional premium - If reinstatement premium due then may choose to set simultaneous reinstatement premium indicator - Leader may declare a conflict of interest Advised of settlement authorisation USM Advised of SCM AT ANY TIME Review loss information, slip, wordings, endorsements and leader’s additions etc held on Insurers Market Repository and/or CLASS. Raise comments to XCS and/or Leader if necessary. Declare conflict of interest Receive & process advice & money Security Requirements XIS System Advised of settlement authorisation USM - Additional parties required? - Appoint experts? - Leaders - Other Followers Consult with necessary parties Record response, instructions and comments on CLASS. May add documents to ECF Audit facilities - Wrong leader Receive and verify CLASS entry Insurers’ Market Repository (IMR) Insurers’ Market Repository Update CLASS entry and Issue issue leader responses response to broker. Update to broker agreement parties. (LIMCLM) Insurers’ Market Repository 18 Issue response to broker (LIMCLM) Issue SCMs Exceptions - Update CLASS entry - Issue XCS responses on behalf of followers to broker - Update agreement parties - Change Leader if Leader declares conflict of interest Management Information reporting Receive & process advice & money Advised of SCM Access CLASS entry XCS Receive & process advice & money - Additional parties required? - Appoint experts? Record response, instructions and comments on CLASS. May add documents to ECF Lloyd’s Followers Electronic Claims Possible responses: - Accept - Pend - broker to amend/ correct - Query - broker to amend/ correct - Request broker visit (informal response) Retrieve documents using ACORD DRI Access CLASS entry Broker analyses response 4. Advise Market of Completed Claims Transaction Leaders Action Awaiting Index Followers Work in Progress list If payment CLASS posts payment to central settlement Process settlement - If original premium not paid, then wait for premium unless requirement to wait has been overridden - If reinstatement indicator set, wait for reinstatement premium - Manage withdrawal from central settlement for reinsurance credit control Settlement advices and money movement System Administration, logons, user IDs Electronic Claims Implementation Broker-driven with by Lloyd’s and IUA carriers and XCS classes of business and risks programme office monitoring progress New claims and their subsequent transactions Using today’s CLASS and repository in parallel with the enhancements early 19 experience of electronic work assess impact on procedures and processes Electronic Claims Take Up Volumes – 26th October 2005 429 Advices Of which 291 New Advices New Advices 35 30 25 Volumes Millers 20 Benfield 15 Cooper Gay 10 5 Guy Carp 20 Sept July May Mar Marsh Jan 0 Electronic Claims Take Up Participants Brokers Carriers Class of Business Benfield Aegis Cooper Gay Guy Carpenter Chaucer Faraday Marsh Hiscox Kiln Reinsurance Millers Limit MAP PI Willis (in progress) St Paul Travelers Aon (waiting for DRI) Aspen Re Markel 21 Amlin Marine Hull Aviation Direct Non Marine Property Binding Authorities Electronic Claims Carriers Wanting to Participate 22 Ace AIG Advent Allianz Atrium Beazley Brit Global Aerospace Liberty Wellington Electronic Claims Public Commitment to participate Brokers Managing Agents committed to deliver new committed to deal claims to Lloyd’s electronically electronically with new claims Aon Amlin Brit Benfield Faraday Hiscox JLT Limit Marlborough Marsh St Paul Travelers SVB 23 Wellington Electronic Claims Binding Authorities Richard Woodhams Faraday 24 Binders & ECF Electronic Claims Numerous advantages for handling binder claims via ECF However some significant technical issues not applicable to open market claims Solutions can be considered “work-arounds” pro tem, pending a tactical longer term solution Aim of this series of slides is to introduce you to those issues 25 Electronic Claims Binders & ECF Binder characteristics: Significant level of Lloyd’s premium income is due to binders Bordereau of losses, reported monthly - Volume (if only the bordereau themselves) - Opportunities to manage workflow 26 Individual losses (above coverholder/ TPA’s handling authority) all of which may need to be cross referenced with the bordereau Electronic Claims Desktop access, plus linking claims Indiv. Block UCR UCR Indiv. UCR Indiv. UCR 27 Electronic Claims Binders & ECF Additional benefit (in some instances) to enable data entry to be pushed to nearer the source of origin - TPA - Coverholder - Interaction with experts own repository 28 Electronic Claims Binders & ECF Broker C/Holder Insured Leader CLASS TPA XCS Repository 29 Electronic Claims Binders & ECF Additional benefit (in some instances) to enable data entry to be pushed to nearer the source of origin - TPA - Coverholder - Interaction with experts own repository Enables timely CAF (plus Minimum Standards generally) on the sizeable volume of claims generated under binders Enables tracking of the claim agreement process Plus, reduces a significant volume of paper 30 Electronic Claims Issues Early implementers: Millers, Hiscox & XCS Marsh, St Paul Travelers & XCS Set the scene Binder Group (as a sub set of the ECPG) Initially to identify the potential binder process(es) Latterly, arising 31 to understand and document the issues Electronic Claims Key Issue 1 – “Duplication” Increased volumes of transactions, on above authority (but below £/$100k) claims Potential for duplication of reserves both on block UCR and within individual UCR’s 32 Electronic Claims Key Issue 2. “Data Levels” UMR UCR 1 A valid CLASS entry “creates” one UCR page (and a UMR page, if first advice) on the repository, for the lodging of claims and coverage info, respectively The repository+CLASS model 33 Electronic Claims The repository+CLASS model Policy UMR UCR 1 TR1 UCR 3 UCR 2 TR2 TR3 Claim TR4 Transaction 34 The binder on ECF model Key Issue 2. “Data Levels” UMR Certificate Electronic Claims Binder Slip held at UMR level Certificate Certificate UCR 1 UCR 2 UCR 3 Policy coverage info, for each declaration will need to be stored also at claim (UCR) level 35 Electronic Claims Key Issue 2. “Data Levels” eg. CLASS holds only one “cover period”, yet for binders we have: - A binder period and - A certificate period Plus certain “financial limit” fields Finally, certain “name” fields 36 Electronic Claims Key Issue 3. “Block Splits” Regulatory Block Splits XCS use a “multi block” facility within their system automatically links constituent parts of a block collection over the various regulatory State splits - 1) Repository works at the UMR/ UCR level for each claim arising under a policy - 2) XCS system works at a UCR/ Claims Office Reference (and then, later, at TR) level 37 Which in turn, creates a need for further workarounds, pro tem. Electronic Claims Next Steps Discover and understand the issues Merit of early implementations Consider both: 38 “Short term” workarounds to enable early implementation and increase volumes Work to develop and introduce longer term strategic solutions Contact Claire Bulman Lloyds Business Process Reform Lloyd’s Ext 6513 Claire.Bulman@lloyds.com Electronic Claims Working Party Murray Edwards & Steve Spicer Miller, Charles Lee Cooper Gay Ian Mack, Graham Avery & John Clouston, Claytons Martin Chapman, Guest Krieger David Bartington, Marsh, Paul Spicer, Benfields Paul Bastien, XCS Claire.Bulman@lloyds.com 39 Paul Farrelly, Amlin Richard Foulger, Aegis Laura Bramble & James Side, Hiscox Heather O‘Sullivan, Ace James Roberts & Dave Southgate, Beazley Lucy Cooper & Neil Riddington, Atrium Rich Woodhams, Faraday Ray Tytler, St Paul Travelers Lloyd’s Ext: 6513 Electronic Claims A Broker’s View Trevor Maddison BEFIT & Marsh 40 Electronic Claims A Broker’s View Target: 9 months until e-claims becomes reality Brokers 4 41 committed to e-claims trading from 3rd Qtr ’06 brokers publicly declared their commitment Electronic Claims Highlights Valuable lessons learnt from early implementers 22 ECF partnerships created – 6 brokers/16 underwriters 429 accumulative volumes transacted electronically to date BEFIT and ECPG working closely with MRPO to ensure success of project Broker questionnaire to be released to 169 brokers to understand broker readiness 42 Electronic Claims Concerns Process issues arising from early implementations The ability of brokers and underwriters to adapt to change Will there be sufficient number of brokers and underwriters trained and ready to go live Big bang vs controlled introduction (new claims) Handling legacy claims IUA and Lloyd’s should work in partnership to realise electronic completeness for London market 43 Electronic Claims Milestones The infrastructure is being proved Electronic claims is working! Let’s stop walking paper around this market 44 Electronic Claims Impact on Budget Martin Dyer LMA SDG & St Paul Travelers 45 Electronic Claims Impact on Budget SDG responsible for delivery of CLASS / ECF on behalf of Project fund providers (LMA Members) Tracks XIS performance against plans / budgets Manages changes to scope through Change Request Process Ensures Managing Agents are appropriately involved / informed Participates in Market Claims Infrastructure Project Board 46 Electronic Claims Impact on Budget Funding provided via surcharges applied to SCM / USM messages Revenue and Development costs (pre Phase 4/5 signoff) have been tracking to plan Annual operational costs significantly under plan (est. £0.8m) Q3 review with XIS of Phase 4/5 scope and Change Requests Agreement now reached with XIS 47 Phase 5 scope finalised Additional Change Requests included (some excluded!) Budget fixed for this scope (surcharges to continue as planned with no changes) Delivery to MAT in May 2006 Minimum scope change and focus on delivery now is critical Electronic Claims Next Steps Ian Mallery ECPG & Marlborough 48 Electronic Claims Next Steps Phase 5 delivery to MAT mid-May 2006 Delivers first version of an integrated electronic claims service for Lloyd’s replicating with existing file electronically improvements where possible companies and syndicates can see the same claim Things change and we won’t have thought of everything There will be more issues and enhancements 49 Electronic Claims Access Can you access the internet from your desktop? Are you familiar with looking at messages, data and information? On your Personal drives or My Documents? On Shared or Network Drives? On websites? The Insurers’ Market Repository is just another folder of documents but market wide 24/7 access from anywhere - Home, overseas, or even in the office 50 controlled by CLASS security access Electronic Claims What should you do now? Assess and plan for the impact on you How many adjusters have you got? How many will need access to this system? Can you connect to these new services? Who will be responsible for implementing in your agency? How will you ensure they are trained in CLASS and the repository? How many need general computer training? What is your approach to reviewing claims information if you are a follower? How will the leader’s role change with responsibility for controlling the file? 51 Electronic Claims Technology Requirements PC specification Windows 2000 SP1 and higher, Windows XP Microsoft Java Virtual Machine Version 5.0.3802 or higher Pentium 2 750 MHz and higher, 256 MB RAM, 25 MB of free space TCP/IP Networking Protocol Internet Explorer Version 5.5 SP2 or higher Java VM: Microsoft JVM 5.0.3802 or higher Sun JVM Plug-in 1.3.1_07, 1.3.1_08 or 1.4.2 Internet connection 52 companies decide on the appropriate connectivity depending on their own requirements Variables include number of users, number of clients, size of files, time taken for review of files Software packages supported Acrobat Reader (.pdf) GIF Image (.gif) MP3 Audio file MS Paint MS Visio (.vsd) TIFF (.tif) XML (.xml) AVI Movie File (.avi) HTML (.htm) MS Excel (.xls) MS Power Point (.ppt) Rich Text Format (.rtx) URL (.url) Bitmap Image (.bmp) JPEG image (.jpg) MS Project (.mpp) MS Word (.doc) Text file (.txt) WAV file (.wav) Electronic Claims Other Electronic Initiatives ECPG Terms of Reference expanded to be the reference group for the impact of other projects on claims practitioners Claims Minimum Standards CAF/Claims Tracker Lloyd’s Claims Scheme rewrite Solution for Binders SCM changes - Leader reserves 53 Accounting & Settlement Electronic Claims Contacts For information Mike Smith & MRPO Lloyd’s Ian Mallery & ECPG Marlborough Tim Willcock LMA John Ticehurst XIS Trevor Maddison & BEFIT Marsh Martin Dyer & SDG St Paul Travelers To participate in implementations 54 E-mail claims@lmp-office.com Electronic Claims Questions and Close 55