hermaphroditism DAWGie Candace

Genetic disorder project
By: Candace Reynolds
Four types
46, XX intersex
– when the patient has the chromosomes of a female and the ovaries
of a female, but the genitals appear to be male. The labia fuse
together and the clitoris enlarges and appears to look like a penis.
The 46, XX intersex patient typically has a normal uterus and
fallopian tubes.
46, XY intersex
– when the patient has male chromosomes but the external genitals
are not completely formed or are clearly female genitals, or are
ambiguous. The internal testes could be normal, absent, or
True gonadal intersex patients have BOTH testicular tissue and ovarian tissue.
-- The patient may have XX chromosomes, XY chromosomes, or both.
-- The external genitals may appear as male, female, or ambiguous.
• Complex or undetermined intersex patients have different types of chromosome
configurations. They can include 45, XO (only 1 X chromosome), 47 XXY, or 47 XXX.
-- This type of condition does not result in a difference between internal and external
-- The problems resulting from this form of the disorder can include abnormal sex
hormone levels, sexual development problems, and an altered number of sex chromosomes.
How common is it?
-the common rate is 1 in every 1,666 births
Is it deadly?
-it can be if you have problems in the
intersex’d organs, like a tumor or cancer.
Will it shorten life span?
Who is most likely to get it?
~It is equally distriuted and anyone can be born
with it.
Are there any support groups?
~YES! There are several. Online, (even
facebook) and in local areas around you.
A big online support group is http://www.isna.org/
“Intersex Society of North America”
Can you be tested? If so, When?
• Yes, you can be tested.
• When you are born they can usually tell, and if
they don’t see it you will most likely find out
during puberty.
• You can be tested any time of your life.
Is there treatment?
• You cannot “cure” hermaphroditism.
You can have a surgical procedure to remove or
change your sex.
A person with this condition usually has to pick
the gender they want to portray. They pick
which one they look most like on the outside.
• Having a re-productive part that looks
somewhat deformed.
• Ambiguous external genitalia
• genitalia that do not match the genetic makeup of the person (example: female genitalia in
a genetically male individual)
Interesting FACTS!
• ~`Hermaphrodite is more pronounced and in more slugs
and worms and plants than humans.
• ~`Some famous people have this; like Ciara the hip hop
• ~`The term hermaphrodite derives from Hermaphrodites,
the Greek mythological child of Hermes and Aphrodite.
Hermes is a representation of hansome, man hood. And
Aphrodite is representation of female beauty.
• http://www.suite101.com/content/hermaphr
Works sited
• http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/h/hermaphr