II SEM Imp questions All Subjects

Human Resource Management----Essay – 12 Marks
Unit – I
Define Human Resource Management (HRM). Briefly discuss the evolution, objectives, scope and
functions of HRM.
Explain HRM typology, systems, strategy and HR matrix. What are integrated models of HRM?
Discuss the growing importance and role of HRM in today’s changing environment due to globalisation.
What are the competitive challenges influencing HRM – Human Resource information System (HRIS)?
Discuss the competency framework for HR professionals.
Unit – II
Define and discuss the importance and role of Job analysis. What is systems exchange and job
characteristics model? How analysis and mapping of workflow is performed?
What do you mean by job design and job evaluation? Discuss the Towers Perrin model of total reward.
What is the difference between recruitment and selection? Explain the process of selection, placement
and orientation.
What are the objectives and benefits of employee training? Explain Kirkpatrick and pecuniary utility
models of training
Unit – III
Give an overview of Human Resource Development (HRD) and HR Accounting. Briefly explain Lev and
Schwartz, Flamholtz and Hermanson’s model of HR accounting.
Discuss the role and importance of career planning. What are different stages in career? Briefly explain
Greenhaus career development model.
Explain the importance functions and types of psychological contract.
What is HR utility framework? Briefly discuss Markov Employee Transition.
Unit – IV
Discuss Dunlop’s I.R model and organogram. Briefly explain the role and significance of Quality of Work
Life (QWL) and Quality Circle (QC) in HRM
Bring out the importance, advantages and disadvantages of worker’s participation in management.
Explain the Bate’s wheel for employee brand.
Explain the importance of employee value proposition in HRM with suitable examples.
Unit – V
Bring out the importance of HR outsourcing in today’s globalised world. Briefly discuss various HR issues
in mergers and acquisitions.
Write the importance and introduction of international, global, & strategic HRM.
Discuss the importance of paradox theory as lens of theorizing for sustainable HRM. Explain Paauwe’s
paradox framework for sustainable HRM.
Short – 2 Marks
Line Vs Staff
Personnel management Vs HRM
Competency Building
Job enrichment Vs Job enlargement
Management Development Program
Performance appraisal Vs HR planning,
Gallagher HR estimator Vs Cohort Analysis
Job description Vs Job specification
Protean career
Absence management
Labour turnover Vs stability indices
Brad factor
HR six-sigma process
HR scorecard vs HR Index
HR outsourcing vs HR ROI
Sustainable HRM model
Emotional Intelligence
Employee branding Vs Employer branding
Competency mapping
Grievance management
Business Process Re-Engineering
Essay – 12 Marks
Unit – I
Define and discuss the importance of business process re-engineering. Explain BPR’s relationship with
functional areas of business.
Briefly explain the history of re-engineering. Discuss the suggested re-engineering framework.
Explain the complex dynamic system of BPR. Discuss the interacting feedback loops and social constructs
perspectives of BPR.
Unit – II
What is business process and flows? Discuss the significance of managing business process and flows.
What is cycle time analysis and capacity analysis? Discuss the management of cycle time and capacity.
What is Little’s law? How little’s law – the master of cycle time, can be used for capacity planning and
determination of cycle time.
What is theory of constraint (TOC)? Explain in detail its significance in identifying constraints in achieving
organisational goals through business process.
Unit – III
Discuss the framework of re-designing of business process by focusing on main and supporting
Explain the rationale and key enablers of BPR. What is the role of technology for BPR?
What are the various models and methodologies of BPR implementation? Briefly explain the tools and
techniques of BPR.
Unit – IV
What is the importance of involvement of top management, consultants and other people in making
BPR effective? Explain how empowerment and autonomy helps in implementing BPR.
What is the I.T ‘black hole’? Discuss the use of process simulation to minimize the risk
Explain business process Map and simulation model. What are the simulation and key performance
Unit – V
What is the role of ERP in modeling business process? Explain the workflow management systems in BPR
and steps of BPR.
Explain the five stage model of AS-IS/TO-BE analysis. How is business process managed?
What is business process maturity model? How is the business process performance measured?
Short – 2 Marks
Process owner
Deterministic machines
Strategic BPR or Business Architecture Modernization
Business process portal Vs Business process improvement
Process model Vs Activity model
Throughput rate
Cycle time reduction
Critical success factor
Clean sheet
Cross functional teams
Virtual ingredient
Parameter analysis
Process centric organisation
Business case
Managing Implementation
Note – kindly do not depend 100% on the short questions of this subject. As the subject is new i doubt
the short questions might not match 100%
Financial Management
Essay – 12 Marks
Unit – I
1. Discuss the evolution, nature, scope, role and goals of finance function. Discuss its new role in
contemporary scenario
2. Explain the relationship between wealth maximisation and risk return trade off.
3. Write a short note on the following
i) Maximising Vs Satisfying (school); ii) Profit Vs Wealth Maximisation; iii) Agency relationship and costs
4. What is time value of money? Explain its role and significance in finance with special focus on Future
Value and Present Value
One problem on risk return trade off can be asked
Unit – II
1. Bring out the importance of capital budgeting as an Investment Decision Process
2. Give your comments on the debate relating to NPV vs. IRR. Discuss the approaches for reconciliation
3. Discuss the process of capital budgeting decision under conditions of risk and uncertainty
4. What are the various methods of Risk Management?
One problem on Capital Budgeting is expected
Unit – III
Explain the various sources of finance and the financial instruments through which the finance can be
Briefly discuss various theories of capital structure. Explain the concept and financial effects of
What is cost of capital? Discuss the concept of average cost of capital and marginal cost of capital.
Discuss the measurement of cost of capital.
One problem on capital structure/leverages is expected
Unit – IV
Explain the concept and characteristics of Working Capital? Discuss the factors determining the working
capital and how working capital requirement estimation?
Discuss the management and financing of current assets with special emphasis on Cash management,
Receivables management, and Inventory management. What are the bank norms for short term bank
Discuss the major dividend valuation theories centered on the works of Gordon, Walter and Lintner.
What is the difference between Dividend and Capital Structure? Discuss the major forms of dividends
and the dividend policies of Indian companies
There are chances of two practical questions from this unit (no theory question can be asked) or one
theory and one practical can be asked
Unit – V
Discuss the concept of Merger, Acquisitions and Takeovers. Explain the economic rationales (reasons)
and motives for mergers.
Explain various approaches for valuation such as DCF approach and Comparable company approach.
What is corporate value based management? Briefly discuss Marakon approach and McKinsey approach
What is corporate governance, business ethics and corporate social responsibility? Discuss the principles
of good Corporate Governance.
One problem on Merger and Acquisition can be expected
Short – 2 Marks
Finance officer
Discounted Cash Flow method
Data for new projects
Sensitivity Analysis Vs Probability Tree Approach
Certainty Equivalents Vs Beta Coefficient
Cash vs. Share Bonus
Accounts Payable Vs. Accounts receivable
Component cost Vs WACC
Risk adjusted discount rate
Project evaluation Vs Project implementation
Working capital policy
Cash Budget Vs. Receivable Policy
Capital Financing
Customer Credit
Conglomerate merger Vs Horizontal merger
Motives for merger
Hostile takeover Vs Bail out takeover
Corporate restructuring
Research for Marketing Decisions
Unit – I
Explain the nature, scope and significance of marketing research in detail. How marketing research is
associated with error management, explain with suitable examples.
What is marketing information system? Discuss the need, importance and utilities of Marketing Decision
Support System.
What is research design? Bring out difference among exploratory, causative, conclusive and
experimental designs.
What errors are likely to occur while preparing a research design? What steps do you take to minimize
these errors?
Unit – II
What are the sources and methodology of gathering marketing information? What are the errors that
can occur while gathering data from respondents and how can you minimize them?
What are the advantages & disadvantages of primary & secondary data? Why is it important to the
multiple sources of secondary data?
Discuss the concept of measurement and scaling in Marketing Research? Explain different types of
scales such as nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
Briefly discuss Thurstone’s, Likert’s, Guttman’s, and semantic differential scales with suitable examples.
Explain different styles of questionnaire. What precautions are necessary to be taken in designing a
good questionnaire?
Unit – III
What is decision theory? How decisions are made in uncertainty? Discuss the criteria of decision making
Discuss the cost and value of information. What is the process of determining EVPI? Discuss utility as a
criteria of decision making
What is decision tree analysis? How decision tree helps in sequential decision making
One problem on calculation on EVPI can be expected
Unit – IV
What are parametric and Non-parametric tests? Explain different types of non-parametric tests.
Discuss the utility and importance of non parametric tests in Marketing Research? Briefly discuss
Briefly explain the Wilcoxon matched pairs test, Kolmogorov-Simronov D test and Kruskal-Wallis tests.
One problem compulsorily will be given on Non-Parametric tests
Unit – V
Why and when should a researcher prefer to use multi-variate analysis over uni-variate or bi-variate?
Explain with relevant examples?
Bring out the difference between factor analysis and discriminate analysis. Explain how they are useful
in Marketing Research with suitable example?
Explain the difference between cluster analysis and co-joint analysis? How cluster analysis is used in
dividing a group of people in to cluster?
What are the elements to be kept in mind while preparing and presenting a research report? Bring out
the difference between oral and written presentation.
Short – 2 Marks
1. Descriptive research
2. Panel
3. EMV vs. EOL
4. Reliability Vs Validity of scales
5. Construct validity Vs predictive validity
6. Decision making tool
7. Type I error Vs Type II error
8. Open ended Vs Close ended questionnaire
9. Run test
10. Brand switching and loyalty
11. Primary data Vs Secondary data
12 Pilot survey
13. Simulation
14. McNemar Vs Mann-Whitney test
15. multi-variant analysis Vs Uni-variant analysis
16. Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS)
17. Selection error
18. Sign Test
19. Rank correlation Vs Markov analysis
20. Sales forecasting
Operations Research
Essay – 12 Marks
Unit – I
Discuss briefly the origin, nature, definitions, managerial applications and limitations of Operations
Discuss linear and non-linear, integer, goal and dynamic programming problems
What is the importance of mathematical model of Linear Programming? Explain the formulation and
assumptions underlying LPP?
One problem on Graphical Method is expected
Unit – II
Discuss the importance of Simplex method in providing solutions to LPP problems. What is difference
between maximisation and minimisation?
What is dual formulation? Distinguish between primal and dual. Discuss the solution of dual and
economic interpretation of dual.
One problem or two problems on simplex method are expected
Unit – III
Discuss the importance and advantages associated with the transportation problem
What is Vogel’s approximation method? Explain its managerial application
Bring out the importance and managerial applications of Assignment and Travelling Salesman Problems.
Explain briefly Hungarian model.
One problem of Transportation or Assignment or both can be expected
Unit – IV
Discuss the fundamentals of Network Analysis. What are its managerial applications? Discuss
Fulkerson’s Rule in scheduling the activities.
Explain the importance, functions and determination of CPM. Explain the determination of ES & EF in
the forward pass and LS & LF determined
Bring out the importance, application and functions of PERT. How is critical path calculated?
One problem on Networking is expected
Unit – V
Discuss the concept of queue/waiting line. Explain the general structure & operating characteristics of
Queuing system?
Discuss the importance and utilities of Game Theory. Explain analytical method of solving two person
zero sum game
Discuss the process of simulation. What are the applications of simulations to different management
One problem on Queuing and one problem on Game theory can be expected, without any theory
Short – 2 Marks
Optimality condition
Sensitivity analysis
Unbalanced Transporting problem
Optimality Test
Unbalanced AP vs. Restricted AP
Northwest corner rule
Matrix method
Critical Path
Time cost trade-off
Beta Distribution
Resource analysis vs. Resource allocation
Spanning Tree
Single channel Queuing model
Probabilistic queuing model
Zero-sum game
Saddle Point
Operations Management
Essay – 12 Marks
Unit – I
1. What do you mean by production and operations management? Discuss the role of operations
management in total management system.
2. What is operation system? Explain the interface between operations system and systems of other
functional areas.
3. Define and discuss the importance of Production Planning and Control (PPC)? Explain the basic
functions of PPC
4. What is Production Cycle? Briefly explain the characteristics of process technologies? Discuss the
relationship between Product life cycle and Process life cycle
Unit – II
1. Discuss the importance and different types of plant layout
2. Define and discuss the importance of Plant location and the factors influencing location
3. What is scheduling and control of production? Discuss the various control procedures and devices
4. Explain the importance of Maintenance management. What is preventive and breakdown
One problem on Sequencing and Total Elapsed Time (TET)
Unit – III
1. What do you mean by Quality? Discuss the nature and significance of statistical quality control
2. Bring out the differences between work study and methods study. Also explain their importance.
3. What is work measurement? Explain its uses and different methods
4. Distinguish between Works Study and methods study. What are the various techniques in the
methods study for identifying the most appropriate method?
One problem on quality control i.e Control charts (X, R, C, P, NP) is expected
Unit – IV
1. Explain the need, use and importance of material management.
2. What do you mean by Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)? Explain the components of MRP
3. Discuss the implications of make or buy decision under various circumstances. How selection,
evaluation and performance of supplier or vendor is done?
4. What is vendor rating? What are the determinants of vendor rating?
Unit – V
1. Discuss the objectives of stores management. What are the requirements for efficient stores mgt?
2. What do you mean by inventory control? Explain the various systems of inventory control.
3. What is value analysis? Discuss its importance in cost reduction
One problem on EOQ or ABC analysis
Short – 2 Marks
Manufacturing management
Process planning and process design
Scheduling vs Sequencing
Plant capacity or capacity planning
Line balancing
Quality Circle vs Quality Assurance
ISO certification & ISO 9000
Lead time vs. Time study
Control charts
Vendor rating
Bills of material (BOM)
Inventory status file
Value engineering
Safety stock or buffer stock
Material budgeting
Waste Management
ABC analysis
Decision Support System
Essay – 12
Unit – I
Define Decision Support System (DSS). Discuss the evolution, need, and benefits of DSS
Explain decision making process and discuss types of decisions.
What is the framework for DSS and what are the different types of DSS? Explain DSS as information
Unit – II
Define and explain the importance of DSS Architecture.
Explain in detail the software and hardware tools for DSS
Discuss the development and implementation of DSS
What is DSS model? Discuss the different types of DSS models
Unit – III
What are group decision support systems? Explain different types of group DSS
Define group decision making and discuss the problems with group.
Define and explain the various components of Executive Information System (EIS)?
Briefly explain how you would be making EIS work. Critically analyse the future of executive decision
making and the EIS
Unit – IV
Define Artificial Intelligent. Bring out the differences between artificial intelligent and natural
What is Expert System (ES) and what are its benefits? Explain structure, designing and building of ES.
Unit – V
What is data warehousing? Who uses it and why? Discuss various data warehouse concepts.
Explain in detail the characteristics, architecture, and implementation of data warehouse.
What is data mining? Discuss the online transaction processing techniques use to mining data.
Explain various data mining techniques. Write a note on limitations of data mining.
Short – 2 Marks
Subjective utility
Database structures
Client/server architecture
Data flow diagrams
DSS hierarchy
Database management systems
SDLC approach
Fuzzy logic
Business logic vs. Business intelligence
Database structures
Distributed group DSS
Distributed DSS technologies
Intelligent software agents
Data visualising
Communication-driven DSS
Start Schema
Note – kindly do not depend 100% on the short questions of this subject. As the subject is new i doubt
the short question might not match 100%