shannen_textset_gymandhealth - URI

By: Shannen Pelletier
Due: September 27,2012
Grade: 8/9th Grade
Guiding Questions
 Do you feel as though anyone truly feels 100 percent
confident in themselves? Why?
 If you know someone who you believe is harming their
bodies how can you help?
 What do you think influences individuals the most
about their body image?
Feldman, Robert S. Understanding Psychology. Boston: McGraw-Hill
Higher Education, 2008. Print.
Text Book
Going through texts to try and grasp information that
would be useful to teach in a Physical Education classroom was
a lot more difficult then I presumed. However Module 30 in
Understanding Psychology touched upon the topic of body
image, and the types of pathways an individual can take to
having an unhealthy body; and it immediately caught my
interest. With the information given in this book about types of
sicknesses one can develop such as anorexia for example, I
decided I wanted to teach my students about body image and
hopefully give and teach them enough that being healthy is
what's beautiful and what they should be focusing their
attention on.
The genre of this text book would be non-fiction
because it is all real information. This book is a college level
text, however I would only be using some arias from it. The text
as a whole is 618 pages however I am only using one module.
After completing the readability formula, it was stated
that my text would be a grade level of 12, saying that it is a
“difficult read” ; and it would be issued to students ages 17-18
years old (12th grade level). However I believe I would be able to
teach this material to a 9th grader. This would be appropriate
information for the students to understand even if I have to
explain it in an easier way.
Qualitative Data for Understanding
The qualitative analysis for this text when it comes to levels of
meaning and purpose was scored at a level 1 when it came to purpose; yes the
read was scored highly quantitatively, but the layout was easy and it clearly
stated what was trying to be said throughout the text. The structure, of this
text book was organized and there where clear signals and transitions so that
the reader was able to follow along (score 1). Language Conventionality and
Clarity I believe would be scored at about a 2. Many of the readers I
personally believe would be able to comprehend this material; however there
may be some words that may need further explaining. When it comes to the
student and the Knowledge demands for Understanding Psychology I
believe prior knowledge would play a big role. Many students at this age have
heard or maybe even experienced issues with body image, however may not
know specific facts or details about given information(score 2.)
Shannon, David. A Bad Case of Stripes. New York: Blue Sky, 1998. Print.
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon would be a
wonderful children's book to start off a lesson with my 9th grade
class. Even though they may not understand the concept in the
beginning, after reading they will have a better understanding of
what our lesson will be about.
A Bad Case of Stripes talks about a young girl who
isn't eating the one food she loves, lima beans. Camilla is doing
this because she wants to “fit in” and if she ate lima beans all the
kids would think she’s weird. Throughout the book Camilla's
skin changes dramatically to patterns she is seeing, hearing, and
even eating. At the end of the story when Camilla is fed the lima
beans that she loves but wouldn’t eat to fit in, she returns back
to her normal self.
My 9th grade class will have to really think about the
meaning of this book and understand that its not about Camilla
not eating lima beans and changing colors; its about Camilla not
wanting to be who she really is because she’s scared of not
fitting in. After she realized that its ok to be your own
individual that’s what made her most happy. She no longer was
being what everyone else wanted her to be, she was being
This text would be considered considerate and appropriate given the lesson that I plan on teaching. This
fiction children's book is 30 pages long with wonderful pictures to better the readers understanding. This
book would be well below average for my 9th grade class, but my students will be digging deeper into the
meaning of body image and fitting in; they could then use this book to compare when using more
complex texts.
Qualitative Data for “A Bad Case of
Meaning and Purpose, in regards to “A Bad Case of Stripes” I would
give density and complexity a 2, because there is a deeper meaning to the
story. However I would score it a 1 when it talks about figurative language.
You can make literal interpretations, however, if you would like to
distinguish the deeper meanings with older children then you may do so.
Because this was a children's book, the structure was very organized and in
chronological order making it more considerate for the reader(1). What my
favorite part of this book was, were the graphics; without these pictures the
story would not have been understood as well to youngsters and without
the pictures the book wouldn’t be as fun to read(1). Language
Conventionality and Clarity I would score a 1, the story was clear and the
students at even a young age are able to register the reading. Knowledge
demands was also scored a 1 in my eyes; I believe the vocabulary was
common and that prior knowledge helped out the readers.
Zeckhausen, Dina, and Brian Boyd. Full Mouse, Empty Mouse: A Tale of Food
and Feelings. Washington, DC: Magination, 2008. Print.
Full Mouse Empty House is about “A mouse family
(the Squeaks)[who] live quietly in a house inhabited by
humans. But when the mice children, Billy Blue and Sally
Rose, are discovered by the humans, their lives become filled
with daily upset. Not wanting to bother their parents, Billy
Blue eats to push down his distress, while Sally Rose is so
anxious she can't nibble a thing. Eventually they realize the
importance of talking about feelings and learn to find comfort
in healthy ways. This is a good first book to help children
understand different feelings, learn to talk about them, and
use means other than food to express them.”
I believe this children's book, like A Bad Case of
Stripes would be a wonderful book to start off a lesson
relating to body image and how to handle issues by talking
them out rather then eating to much or to little.
This would be a very considerate text seeing as though it was
written for a much younger group of children, however this story would be a
great stepping stone to build off a conversation regarding food intake and
trying to fit in.
This fiction children's book is 40 pages set for a reader age 6 and up.
Even though the reading level is low, we could branch off of this story and refer
back to the text book.
QualitativeFull Mouse Empty House
Levels of Meaning and Purpose in Full Mouse Empty
House ; the purpose of this book is clear and straight to the
point. Younger children during and after the reading may need
some further explaining but if I were to read this to 9th graders
they would understand the meaning of this book(1). The
structure of this book is organized and has information in place
to guide the reader(1). Language Conventionality and Clarity in
regards to register for the 9th grade class would find what the
author is talking about very familiar(1). Knowledge demands (1);
the vocabulary for this book is at a very low level for 9th grade but
that’s not the reason for it being used, its to take the prior
knowledge that they have already obtained and to then learn
more in the textbook Understanding Psychology about body
Mean Girls. Dir. Mark Waters. Perf. Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams. THEVID Technicolor
Distribution Services, 2004. DVD.
Once Dr. Kern mentioned movies
were allowed to be seen to help teach a
lesson, the Movie Mean Girls immediately
popped into my mind. This film is about
fitting it, body image, and what can happen
if you try and be someone who your not.
This would be a film I would either show
mid way through my lesson or towards the
end. This movie is extremely considerate
and appropriate for the 9th grade age group.
Mean Girls is 97 minutes long;
with that being said, even though it may
seem not like an educational video, it is
when it comes to my topic of body image.
This film is a comedy-drama, and would be
considered grade level.
Qualitative- Mean Girls
 When it comes to Levels of Meaning and Purpose in
regards to Mean Girls, I would rate the video a 1; because
the purpose of the video is cut and dry, however I would
score figurative language a 2 because there is some
symbolism throughout the film. the meaning of the video
is pretty literal. The structure is very organized and self
explanatory. The movie is told in a clear way in which even
children at around age 12-13 would start to understand the
true meaning of the film(1). Language Conventionality and
Clarity and comparing the film and the students I also
believe would be scored a 1. The reader can understand the
language being used and it is also familiar to them.
Knowledge demands for Mean Girls I would score about a
2. I believe this text
Super Size Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. Morgan Spurlock. 2004. DVD.
Super Size me is a movie that I believe would
be a great starting off point when the lesson
turns from not eating enough to way to
much. I would show this video in class that
way everyone can access it. “While
examining the influence of the fast food
industry, Morgan Spurlock personally
explores the consequences on his health of a
diet of solely McDonald's food for one
month.” During High school I personally
watched this movie and found it very
coherent , considerate, and appropriate the
way my teacher used it in her lesson. This
documentary/comedy/drama is, 100
minutes long and is PG13 making it okay to
view in school. 9th graders would be a
perfect age(grade level) to watch this
because this age is at high risk for body
Qualitative-Super Size Me
Levels of Meaning and Purpose, this film I believe would be
taken at “face value” there is not much information that you
need to figure out; the facts are stated and it is clear what the
main characters purpose of the film is(2). The structure of Super
Size me is in chronological order, Morgan Spurlock wanted to
see how much fast food could effect you within a months span
and after watching you can see the dramatic changes happening
to him. The Language Conventionality and Clarity, I believe is at
the correct grade level for students to have an understanding of
the subject matter; therefore I would score this as a 2. Knowledge
demands lastly, I would score a 2. Children at this age know
what's good and what's not good to eat with prior background
knowledge. However, it is my job to teach them about body
image and what can happen to your body if you don’t take care of
This specific song I found on
body image I found quite interesting.
There are many different ways students
can learn; some may like to see visuals,
have lectures, or maybe even listen to
"Imperfection“-Saving Jane
their lesson. So with this being said, I
My hair's a wreck
decided to bring in the idea of music.
Mascara runs
Some individuals may be able to connect
My feet get dirty
better with a song rather then a text
And my skin burns in the sun.
My lips they bleed
book. Yes, it is not filled with facts etc.
But I still sing my songs.
however it still ties in with my lesson. I
Takes me a minute
To admit it when I'm wrong.
would play this song at the end of my
lesson (they would not need to find this)
Pretty is as pretty does,
But pretty's not my thing.
because in my eyes the singer has
overcome being an “outsider” and is
This is what you get.
finally proud to be the person she was
This is who I am.
Take me now or leave me
born to be; and that’s what I want my
Any way you can.
students to do, it to feel comfortable in
Sometimes I trip and fall
But I know where I stand.
their own skin.
And if you're thinking about
This song is considerate and
changing my direction,
Don't mess with imperfection.
grade level appropriate.. It is very self
My hair's a wreck,
explanatory but you can always find a
No I'm not perfect
deeper meaning. This song is 3 minutes
But I'm not the only one.
and 58 seconds long. So even though it
will not take a long time to show my
students, it may help one student understand the reasoning behind my
lesson that much more.
Dodson, Marti. "Imperfection." Saving Jane. N.d. MP3.
Qualitative: Saving Jane
 This specific songs Levels of Meaning and Purpose, is
directly stated therefore I wound sore it a 1. The
structure of this song is simple and to the point in an
organized fashion. Language Conventionality and
Clarity of “Imperfection” is “casual and familiar” to the
reader making this song easy to interpret. Knowledge
demands; the students will have a discussion before
the song trying to figure out what the title of this song
has to do with the lesson we have learned on body
image; then after reading the lyrics and listening to the
song they will have even more knowledge about this
song and how it had to do with our lesson and have a
class discussion.
IrishOfCourse52. "11 Facts about Body
Image." YouTube. YouTube, 01 June 2010. Web. 27
Sept. 2012.
This video talks about magazines, TV programs and even
models and how this is causing individuals to not feel
comfortable in their own skin. Everyone now a days is trying to
get the “perfect body” but is there really such thing as perfect?
This considerate YouTube video is appropriate and a good tool to
teach the students more about influences on body image.
This video is 3:58 seconds long and has some good facts
and reasons why girls and boys view themselves today as not
looking the “right” way. In terms of all my readers this would be a
wonderful video to show during class.
Paragraph 2: Present
qualitative analysis. Using the following four categories: (1)
Levels of Meaning and Purpose, (2) Structure, (3) Language
Conventionality and Clarity, and (4) Knowledge demands.
Qualitative- YouTube Video
Levels of Meaning and Purpose;(1) this video it straight
forward and teaches to the viewer what he or she should
learn in an easy manner. I enjoyed the structure (1) of this
video, it was short, organized, and had a wide variety of
pictures and information. Language Conventionality and
Clarity, I would also fall under the 1 point level due to its
familiar language and because it is easy to follow along.
Lastly the group on knowledge demands; I would score a 1.
This video is very self explanatory however it is teaching the
students why individuals gradually being to think their
bodies are not perfect which I find important to inform them
that what they see isn't always the truth. Example:
Wiseman, Eva. "Uncomfortable in Our Skin: The Body-image Report." The
Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 09 June 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
This Body image report would be a helpful text to use side
by side with the textbook. It has to do with how individuals are no
longer feeling comfortable in their body's and how this needs to
change. This text is much more difficult then my other texts to
read, however, with guidance; this would be a great piece to
expand their minds and I as a teacher would need to help them
comprehend the information.
This Report/ Article is 23 page long and is a narrative.
This write up is a difficult read that makes you think. So with this
being said I would have the students work on this article towards
the end of my lesson on body image.
Qualitative- YouTube Video
Levels of Meaning and Purpose: This article/report is one
of the most difficult pieces of text I chose. I would score this a 3
when it comes to figurative language and density and complexity
however; as for purpose I would score that a 2. Structure in this
article I found much more complex and it was much harder to
follow as readying (3). The graphics were not very helpful however,
after learning what the piece is about it does hold very important
information. Language Conventionality and Clarity; in this article I
scored a 3, there was some English that would be unfamiliar to the
reader. Knowledge demands for this article would score a 2,
vocabulary is more difficult then other articles. Also, some prior
knowledge that the learner has already obtained may help out the
reader, but some may need some assistance in learning the subject
matter in more depth.
"Girls and Body Image Tips." Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows,
Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
This material I find very helpful
that the students could learn from, however
this would be a handout I would give to
bring home and read. Even though it tips for
parents. These tips could also help teens
help others to keep their body's healthy .
This text is a pretty considerate read
depending on the child's prior knowledge on
body image and eating disorders.
This article is 4 pages long and
should be printed off and handed out to
students to read for homework. In general
this read would be okay for the ninth grade
readers to read; some info or words they may
just need to look up.
Qualitative- Girls and Body Image
 Levels of Meaning and Purpose; I would score this
article a level 1; it is simply just tips given to help stop
or prevent eating disorders from occurring, but could
be very useful one day. The structure, I found very
organized and even though there were not many
graphics I still found it an interesting read(2).
Language Conventionality and Clarity; I would score as
a 1 because the reading will be familiar to them. Lastly,
Knowledge demands I gave a 2. Some children or
adults may have already known these tips but others
may have not. With this being said prior knowledge
had a lot to do with this.
"Eating Disorders." NIMH ·. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
This website is very good for my students to
look over the first day that we talk about the
new lesson. It talks about the kinds of eating
disorders exist and how to be aware of them.
This reading is very organized and
There are 11 pages of information,
however it is very useful information. This
reading would be ok for 9th graders however
the students who usually need more help
could probably use some extra guidence.
Paragraph 2: Present qualitative
analysis. Using the following four categories:
(1) Levels of Meaning and Purpose, (2)
Structure, (3) Language Conventionality and
Clarity, and (4) Knowledge demands.
Qualitative for Eating Disorders
Levels of Meaning and Purpose, for this website I scored
a level (2). The material is very informational, and very
useful full of purpose. The structure, for this article is
extremely organized with headers and with bold print
however I would have liked to see more photos being
used (2). Language Conventionality and Clarity, I
scored a level 2 because the language is clear however
is a bit complex in some arias. Knowledge demands; if
you do not have prior knowledge on this subject it is
okay because all of the information is listed in an
organized manor with good vocabulary.
Thank You!