EN11 - Macbeth Essay Topics

English 11
Summer 2015
In a multi-paragraph essay (4-5 paragraphs), write a response to Shakespeare’s
Macbeth. Make sure you follow the conventions of language and use DIRECT
SUPPORT (2-4 chunks). Your essay will be marked on the six-point scale using
our class rubric. (6 X 5 = 30 MARKS)
 Example of citing the text: TLQ “blah blah blah” (I.iv. 29-30)
Choose ONE topic:
1) Appearance versus reality (or deception) is an important theme in
Macbeth. Identify examples where appearance does not match reality,
and indicate its purpose in the play. How does this theme enhance plot
development and/or reveal something about a character?
2) What are three images or symbols that Shakespeare uses frequently in
Macbeth? Give examples and explain how they are important in the play,
and determine which one is the clearest, and most effective image.
3) Shakespeare not only presents the actions of characters but also helps us
to understand what motivates characters to act in the way that they do.
With specific references to the text, what factors motivate Macbeth’s own
4) In Act 4, Scene 3, Malcolm lists twelve virtues of a good king: justice,
truthfulness, temperance, stability, generosity, perseverance, mercy,
humility, dedication, patience, courage and fortitude. Select THREE of
these and explain why they are important characteristics of good leaders,
and why Macbeth is NOT a good example of these characteristics.
5) Even though the witches’ prophecies seem to negate Macbeth’s free will,
there are several specific instances where Macbeth seems to willfully
choose evil or good, and there are several specific instances where Lady
Macbeth seems to show power over Macbeth. Discuss the forces of evil
in the witches, in Macbeth, and in Lady Macbeth, and determine who is
most evil.
6) Compare the character of Lady Macbeth as she is described before the
murder of Duncan and after the murder of Duncan.
Is Lady Macbeth more responsible than Macbeth for the murder of King
Duncan? Is Lady Macbeth a more evil character than her husband?