2015-16 Year 1 CCL ecircle schedule rev 11 - TSR

Sharon Kruger
TSR! Program Coordinator
cell: 409-350-1400
2015-16 Year 1 teachers’ e-CIRCLE Professional Development Courses
Revised 9-28-15
Year 1 Teachers
TSR! Overview, Introduction to CLI Engage, and
Understanding the COT/STGR
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop will introduce participants to TSR!, the CLI Engage
tool, understanding the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) and
Short Term Goal Report (STGR).
Deadline to register: 9-25-15
Tuesday, 9-29-15
Noon to 2 webinar
Tuesday, 9-29-15
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 77706
Day 1
Intentional Teaching and Lesson Planning
Tuesday, 10-6-15
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Tuesday, 10-6-15
This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of trainings for
Face to face classroom
the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
3 to 5 p.m.
This workshop will cover how to plan and deliver an effective lesson Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
in a Prekindergarten classroom.
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 77706
Deadline to register: 9-25-15
Day 2
Year 1 Teachers
CLI Engage’s CIRCLE Progress Monitoring Tool for Prekindergarten
Thursday, 10-8-2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System (formerly known as C-PALLS+) is a
user-friendly, technology-driven tool that enables the teacher to assess a
child’s progress in a particular skill area almost instantly. This simplistic
yet reliable data collection prompts teachers to focus on lessons that
target their students’ least developed skill areas. The CIRCLE Progress
Monitoring System is listed on the Commissioner’s List of Reading
Instruments and is aligned with the Head Start Child Development and
Early Learning Framework.
Classroom Management
(part 1 of 2)
Tuesday, 10-13-15
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Tuesday, 10-13-15
Face to face classroom
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
3 to 5 p.m.
This workshop is part 1 of 2 trainings that introduce the essentials of Redeemer Lutheran
how to provide a safe, positive educational age appropriate
Children’s Center
environment for young children. In addition, it will outline the
4330 Crow Road
components of positive teacher-child interaction and techniques for Beaumont, TX 77706
Day 3
guiding appropriate behavior in young children.
Deadline to register: 9-25-15
Classroom Management – (part 2 of 2)
Location TBD
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of or
Tuesday, 11-3-15
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 2 of 2 trainings that introduce the essentials of Face to face classroom
how to provide a safe, positive educational age appropriate
3 to 5 p.m.
environment for young children. In addition, it will outline the
Redeemer Lutheran
components of positive teacher-child interaction and techniques for Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
guiding appropriate behavior in young children.
Beaumont, TX 77706
Deadline to register: 9-25-15
Day 4
Year 1 Teachers
Phonological Awareness Sections section 1-3
Tuesday, 11-3-15
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 10-24-15
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
8 to 10 a.m.
This workshop is part 1 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Tuesday, 11-10-15
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
Face to face classroom
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of
3 to 5 p.m.
Phonological Awareness. In addition, participants will learn how to Redeemer Lutheran
observe and assess young children’s Phonological Awareness skills. Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Deadline to register: 10-23-15
Beaumont, TX 7770
Phonological Awareness Sections
Tuesday, 11-10-15
to 2TBD
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of webinar
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Saturday, 10-24-15
This workshop is part 2 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
10 a.m. to noon
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
Tuesday, 11-17-15
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of
Face to face classroom
Phonological Awareness. In addition, participants will learn how to 3 to 5 p.m.
observe and assess young children’s Phonological Awareness skills. Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
Deadline to register: 10-23-15
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Phonological Awareness Sections 6-8
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 3 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of
Phonological Awareness. In addition, participants will learn how to
observe and assess young children’s Phonological Awareness skills.
Deadline to register: 10-23-15
Day 5
Day 6
Tuesday, 11-17-15
Day 7
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Saturday, 10-24-15
Tuesday, 12-1-15
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Year 1 Teachers
Making the Most of Web Reports
Tuesday, 12-1-15
noon to 2:00 p.m.
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of webinar
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Saturday, 10-24-15
Participants will leave this workshop with the knowledge needed to Tuesday, 12-8-15
use C-PALLS+ progress monitoring information to plan and
Face to face classroom
implement developmentally appropriate lessons for their students. 3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Deadline to register: 10-23-2015
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Building Vocabulary Sections 1-2
Tuesday, 12-8-15
noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 1-30-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 1-12-16
This workshop is part 1 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Face to face classroom
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
3 to 5 p.m.
activities for preschoolers to develop the oral language vocabulary Redeemer Lutheran
and verbal comprehension. In addition, participants will learn how Children’s Center
to observe and assess young children’s language comprehension.
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Deadline to register: 12-8-15
Building Vocabulary Sections 3-4
Tuesday, 1-12-16
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 1-30-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 1-19-16
This workshop is part 2 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Face to face classroom
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
3 to 5 p.m.
activities for preschoolers to develop the oral language vocabulary Redeemer Lutheran
and verbal comprehension. In addition, participants will learn how Children’s Center
to observe and assess young children’s language comprehension.
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Deadline to register: 12-8-15
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Year 1 Teachers
Building Vocabulary Sections 5-7
Tuesday, 1-19-16
noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 1-30-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 2-2-16
This workshop is part 3 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Face to face classroom
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
3 to 5 p.m.
activities for preschoolers to develop the oral language vocabulary Redeemer Lutheran
and verbal comprehension. In addition, participants will learn how Children’s Center
to observe and assess young children’s language comprehension.
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Deadline to register: 12-8-15
Read Aloud
Day 11
Sections 1-2
Tuesday, 2-2-16
noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 1-30-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 2-9-16
This workshop is part 1 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Face to face classroom
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
3 to 5 p.m.
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skills of oral Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
language vocabulary, story comprehension and knowledge of
writer’s purpose. In addition, participants will learn how to observe 4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
and assess young children’s language comprehension.
Day 12
Deadline to register: 12-8-15
Read Aloud
Section 3
Tuesday , 2-9-16
noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 2-27-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 2-16-16
This workshop is part 1 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Face to face classroom
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
3 to 5 p.m.
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skills of oral Redeemer Lutheran
language vocabulary, story comprehension and knowledge of
Children’s Center
writer’s purpose. In addition, participants will learn how to observe 4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
and assess young children’s language comprehension.
Deadline to register: 2-5-16
Day 13
Year 1 Teachers
Read Aloud
Sections 4-5
Tuesday, 2-16-16
noon to 2 p.m.
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of webinar
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Saturday, 2-27-16
This workshop is part 2 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
Tuesday, 2-23-16
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
Face to face classroom
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skills of oral 3 to 5 p.m.
language vocabulary, story comprehension and knowledge of
Redeemer Lutheran
writer’s purpose. In addition, participants will learn how to observe Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
and assess young children’s language comprehension.
Beaumont, TX 7770
Deadline to register: 2-5-16
Letter Knowledge
Sections 1-2
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 1 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of letter
knowledge. In addition, participants will learn how to observe and
assess young children’s letter knowledge skills.
Deadline to register: 2-5-16
Letter Knowledge
Section 3-4
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 2 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of letter
knowledge. In addition, participants will learn how to observe and
assess young children’s letter knowledge skills.
Deadline to register: 2-5-16
Tuesday, 2-23-16
noon to 2 p.m.
Saturday, 2-27-16
Tuesday, 3-1-16
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Tuesday, 3-1-16
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Saturday, 2-27-16
Tuesday, 3-22-16
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Year 1 Teachers
Letter Knowledge Sections 5-6
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 3 of a 3 part series of trainings focusing on
how to plan and provide developmentally appropriate learning
activities for preschoolers to develop the early literacy skill of letter
knowledge. In addition, participants will learn how to observe and
assess young children’s letter knowledge skills.
Tuesday, 3-22-16
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Saturday, 4-2-16
Tuesday, 3-29-16
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Day 17
Deadline to register: 2-5-16
Sections 1-3
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
This workshop is part 1 of a 2 part series of trainings on the
social/emotional needs of young children. Participants will learn
strategies to promote cultural diversity within their classroom.
They will learn strategies for guiding and promoting positive
classroom behaviors and promoting positive self-esteem.
In addition, participants will learn factors and warning signs
indicating a child may be a victim of child abuse or neglect.
Tuesday, 3-29-15
Noon to 2 p.m.
Saturday, 4-2-16
Tuesday, 4-5-16
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Day 18
Deadline to register: 3-28-2016
Social/Emotional Sections 4-6
Tuesday, 4-5-16
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of Or
Saturday, 4-2-16
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant.
Tuesday, 4-12-16
This workshop is part 2 of a 2 part series of trainings on the
Face to face classroom
social/emotional needs of young children. Participants will learn
3 to 5 p.m.
strategies to promote cultural diversity within their classroom.
Redeemer Lutheran
They will learn strategies for guiding and promoting positive
Children’s Center
classroom behaviors and promoting positive self-esteem. In
addition, participants will learn factors and warning signs indicating 4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
a child may be a victim of child abuse or neglect.
Deadline to register: 4-1-2016
Day 19
Year 1 Teachers
Review of COT/STGR/CEC and Course Reflection
Description: This workshop is part of the Year 1 teachers’ series of
trainings for the Texas School Ready! Region 5 Esc grant. This
workshop is a reflection of the essential components of providing a
positive classroom environment with positive teacher-child
interaction and planned, purposeful, playful instructional strategies
aligned with the Texas Prekindergarten Curriculum Guidelines.
Deadline to register: 4-1-2016
Tuesday, 4-12-15
Noon to 2 p.m. webinar
Saturday, 4-2-16
Tuesday, 4-19-16 ????
Face to face classroom
3 to 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran
Children’s Center
4330 Crow Road
Beaumont, TX 7770
Day 20
Register for all workshops at: https://txr5.escworks.net
Contact Angie Touchstone for assistance with registration questions.
Angie Touchstone, atouchstone@esc5.net, 409-951-1711.
Child Care Licensing trainer qualifications: Sharon Kruger is Texas Trainer Registration #1604
In addition, her qualifications are the following:
-Texas Teacher certificate in Early Childhood, Special Education and English as a Second Language
-M.Ed. in Early Childhood/Special Education from University of Kansas
Reguired face to face trainings at Region 5 ESC Edison Plaza, 350 Pine St., 4th floor, Beaumont, TX 77701
2 day CIRCLE training: September 10 & 11 2015 8:30 to 4:30 workshop # 74684.
Description: The workshop is a two-day overview of research-based Prekindergarten instructional strategies based on
the Children’s Learning Institute’s CIRCLE/Preschool Early Language and Literacy Including Mathematics training. This
training is interactive and provides fun, hands-on activities that teachers can use in implementing the Texas
Prekindergarten Curriculum Guidelines. In addition, teachers will learn strategies to use to differentiate instruction for
your ESL students. The CIRCLE Manual will be provided in English and in Spanish for each participant. The following
modules will be covered: Best Practices, ESL and PK, Language Development, Phonological Awareness, Letter
Knowledge, Book Reading, Mathematics, Written Expression
C-PALLS training October 8, 2015 9 to 3:30 workshop #75933
This is also referred to as CIRCLE Progress Monitoring training. C-PALLS is a progress monitoring tool used by TSR!
grantees. This workshop will cover the importance of progress monitoring assessment, how to assess a young child, and
how to use the results of the progress monitoring assessment to plan and guide instruction.
All webinars require the use of a web camera and a microphone.
All Region 5 ESC TSR calendars will be posted at TSR-region5.wikispaces.com