BMIS235 Professor Chen Term Project NAME: ______________ Due Date: ____________ Project Theme: Decision Making in the Information Age Project Title: Strategic Business Decision Making using Porter’s Five Forces Model and Information Systems (A Specific Project Title should be added to your Final Report) Phase I: Your group may either make up a business scenario or select an appropriate topic from a reality. Turn in a written report includes project’s description (scenario) and its objectives (what you try to accomplish and how – employ Porter’s Five Forces model ; see more details below). It should be about 2 pages. Phase II: Extend the content on Phase I and analyze it using Porter’s Five Forces Model and Four Generic Strategies to your existing report. It should be with at least 4 pages. FIANL REPORT: see information below, it should be well organized, comprehensive and complete. Overall Project Content: How to improve/create competitive advantage using Porter’s Five Forces Model and Generic Strategies and with SDLC approach. Project Outline: 1. Project Theme: Decision Making in the Information Age 2. Project Title: (A Specific title that you should provide on the proposal) A. Introduction: (with your selected topic) B. Objectives to achieved C. Main body i) detailed description of business application (scenario) and ii) describe how can the Porter’s Model and Strategies be employed for your project and to improve/create the proposed organization’s competitive advantages. iii) it is required to identify (propose) what information systems (a specific information technology) should be used/implemented for the solutions your group identify. iv) after a specific IT is selected, your group needs to further explain all details about what it is (e.g., a database management system, ERP, SCM or EAI etc.), why you chose it, how to deliver to the organization and finally what is impact to the organization. v) a web page solution and implementation (using all knowledge and skills learned from this class) should be also included as part of business on information technology. vi) follow a well-defined SDLC (what is SDLC?) D. Conclusion: suggestions, comparison, and future observations in working with this project Please note that your final project presentation should be delivered using Powerpoint and available on Web Page. BMIS235 Term Project; Page-1 PROJECT’S FORMAT and CONTENTS The final project written report should include the following (but not limited to): 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Format: 12 point font, 1” margin on all sides; include group’s information (class name, time and section, semester/year, all member’s names and other relevant information) at the top of the page. Project scenario. (what is the problem domain?) Project objective. (what goals/Objectives your group try to accomplish and suggest?) What and how were they accomplished? a) Employ Porter’s Five Forces model (and value chain model if needed) and four generic strategies and think critically that how can they be employed to improve/create the proposed business competitive advantage and business value. b) propose what information systems (a specific information technology) should be used/implemented for the solutions your group identify. You then further explain all details about what it is (e.g., a database management system, ERP, SCM or EAI etc.), why you chose it, how to deliver to the organization and finally what is impact to the organization. c) a web page solution and implementation (using all knowledge and skills learned from this class) should be also included as part of business on information technology. d) Follow a well-defined SDLC (what is SDLC?) Describe the managerial and organizational (and others) impacts on your project. Suggest/develop a prototype (small working system) that can be delivered and make it available on the Web environment (using one of the group member’s web URL – see #7 below). Conclusion. It should include suggestions, comparison, and future observations in working with this project. The project should be available on the Internet (available on one of group member’s web site). Policy on the Group Project and Presentation: All the group members will receive the same grade as I assigned on the FINAL report except that those do not contribute their efforts on the project based on the survey from the evaluation of the team members. The group leader or the majority of the group members should report the project progress to the instructor in case that there is (are) major problem(s) in your group. Both SOFT (with email attachment) and HARD copies of written report (Word format) and Powepoint files should be turned in. Include GROUP# and members’ names on the cover page. For example, specify the following information: Subject: BMIS235-03-G1 Term Project. File name: BMIS235-03-G1-Term Project.docx, BMIS235-03-G1-Term Project.pptx Note that BMIS235-03-G1 indicates Section#3 and Group#1. A hardcopy of the term project (all documents) should be turned at the beginning of the first day of presentation no matter which group you are. The presentation is formal, dressed up and using POWERPOINT and other presentation aids. The group leader should assign/distribute responsibility to all members for working and presenting the project. The grade will be based on the following criteria: (1) presentation, (2) content of the problem domain (using SDLC methodology), (3) Implementations with software packages (e.g, Web page design, collaboration software and Office Suite etc.), (4) a written report, (5) time management and dress code (formal presentation). BMIS235 Term Project; Page-2