Computer Graphics Computer Graphics Lecture 13 Curves and Surfaces I Computer Graphics Types of Curves / Surfaces • Explicit: y = mx + b z = A x + By + C • Implicit: (x – x0)2 + (y – y0)2 – r2 = 0 Ax + By + C = 0 • Parametric: x = x0 + (x1 – x0)t y = y0 + (y1 – y0)t 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 x = x0 + rcos y = y0 + rsin 2 Computer Graphics Today • Implicit Surfaces – Metaball • Parametric surfaces – – – – Hermite curve Bezier curve Biubic patches Tessalation 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 3 Computer Graphics Implicit Surfaces • Functions in the form of F(x,y,z) = 0 – i.e. Quadric functions Sphere: f(x,y,z) = x2+ y2+ z 2 = 0 3/10/2008 Lecture 3 4 Computer Graphics Metaballs • • • • One type of implicit surface Also known as blobby objects Negative volume to produce hollows Can be used to model smooth surfaces, liquid Computer Graphics Metaballs (2) • • • • A point surrounded by a density field The density decreases with distance from the point The density of multiple particles is summed A surface is implied by sampling the area where the density is a predefined threshold Computer Graphics An Example of the density function 1 f ( x, y , z ) ( x x0 ) 2 ( y y0 ) 2 ( z z0 ) 2 where (x0,y0,z0) is the centre of the metaball Computer Graphics Metaballs (3) •The surface points are sampled and approximated by polygonal meshes for rendering Demo animation of metaballs • olkho&feature=related • MRaA&NR=1 Computer Graphics Today • Implicit Surfaces – Metaball • Parametric surfaces – – – – Hermite curve Bezier curve Biubic patches Tessalation 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 9 Computer Graphics Why parametric? • Parametric curves are very flexible. • Parameter count gives the object’s dimension. (x(u,v), y(u,v), z(u,v)) : 2D surface • Coord functions independent. 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 10 Computer Graphics Specifying curves • Control Points: – A set of points that influence the curve’s shape. • Interpolating curve: – Curve passes through the control points. • Control polygon: – Control points merely influence shape. 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 11 Computer Graphics Piecewise curve segments We can represent an arbitrary length curve as a series of curves pieced together. But we will want to control how these curves fit together … 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 12 Computer Graphics Continuity between curve segments • If the tangent vectors of two cubic curve segments are equal at the join point, the curve has first-degree continuity, and is said to be C1 continuous n n • If the direction and magnitude of d / dt [Q(t)] through the nth derivative are equal at the join point, the curve is called Cn continuous • If the directions (but not necessarily the magnitudes) of two segments’ tangent vectors are equal at the join point, the curve has G1 continuity Computer Graphics Example • The curves Q1 Q2 Q3 join at point P • Q1 and Q2 have equal tangent vectors at P and hence C1 and G1 continuous • Q1 and Q3 have tangent vectors in the same direction but Q3 has twice magnitude, so they are only G1 continuous at P Computer Graphics Parametric Cubic Curves • In order to assure C2 continuity our functions must be of at least degree 3. • Cubic has 4 degrees of freedom and can control 4 things. • Use polynomials: x(t) of degree n is a function of t. x (t ) n n a t i – i 0 – y(t) and z(t) are similar and each is handled independently 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 15 Computer Graphics Hermite curves • A cubic polynomial • Polynomial can be specified by the position of, and gradient at, each endpoint of curve. • Determine: x = X(t) in terms of x0, x0’, x1, x1’ Now: X(t) = a3t3 + a2t2 + a1t + a0 /(t) = 3a t2 + 2a t + a and X 3 5 2 1 10/10/2008 Lecture 16 Computer Graphics Finding Hermite coefficients Substituting for t at each endpoint: x0 = X(0) = a0 x0’= X/(0) = a1 x1 = X(1) = a3 + a2 + a1 + a0 x1’= X/(1) = 3a3 + 2a2+ a1 And the solution is: a0 = x0 a1 = x0’ a2 = -3x0 – 2x0’+ 3x1 – x1’ a3 = 2x0 + x0’ - 2x1 + x1’ 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 17 Computer Graphics The Hermite matrix: MH The resultant polynomial can be expressed in matrix form: X(t) = tTMHq X (t ) t 3 t 2 ( q is the control vector) 2 1 2 1 x0 3 2 3 1 x ' 0 t 1 0 1 0 0 x1 0 0 0 x1 ' 1 We can now define a parametric polynomial for each coordinate required independently, ie. X(t), Y(t) and Z(t) 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 18 Computer Graphics Hermite Basis (Blending) Functions 1 2 1 x0 2 3 2 3 1 x ' 0 3 2 X (t ) t t t 1 0 1 0 0 x1 0 0 0 x1 ' 1 (2t 3 3t 2 1)x0 (t 3 2t 2 t )x0 ' (2t 3 3t 2 )x1 (t 3 t 2 )x1 ' Computer Graphics Hermite Basis (Blending) Functions X (t ) (2t 3 3t 2 1)x0 (t 3 2t 2 t )x0 '(2t 3 3t 2 )x1 (t 3 t 2 )x1 ' The graph shows the shape of the four basis functions – often called blending functions. x0 x1 They are labelled with the elements of the control vector that they weight. Note that at each end only position is non-zero, so the curve must touch the endpoints 10/10/2008 x0' Lecture 5 x1/ 20 Computer Graphics Family of Hermite curves. y(t) Note : Start points on left. x(t) 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 21 Computer Graphics Displaying Hermite curves. • Simple : – – – – – Select step size to suit. Plug x values into the geometry matrix. Evaluate P(t) x value for current position. Repeat for y & z independently. Draw line segment between current and previous point. • Joining curves: – Coincident endpoints for C0 continuity – Align tangent vectors for C1 continuity 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 . 22 Computer Graphics Bézier Curves • Hermite cubic curves are difficult to model – need to specify point and gradient. • More intuitive to only specify points. • Pierre Bézier (an engineer at Renault) specified 2 endpoints and 2 additional control points to specify the gradient at the endpoints. • Can be derived from Hermite matrix: – Two end control points specify tangent 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 23 Computer Graphics Bézier Curves P2 Note the Convex Hull has been shown as a dashed line – used as a bounding extent for intersection purposes. P4 P1 P3 P3 P4 P1 P2 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 24 Computer Graphics Bézier Matrix • The cubic form is the most popular X(t) = tTMBq (MB is the Bézier matrix) • With n=4 and r=0,1,2,3 we get: X (t ) t 3 t 2 1 3 3 3 6 3 t 1 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 q0 0 q1 0 q2 0 q3 • Similarly for Y(t) and Z(t) 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 25 Computer Graphics Bézier blending functions This is how they look – The functions sum to 1 at any point along the curve. q0 Endpoints have full weight q3 q1 q2 The weights of each function is clear and the labels show the control points being weighted. 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 26 Computer Graphics Joining Bezier Curves • G 1 continuity is provided at the endpoint when P2 – P3 = k (Q1 – Q0) • if k=1, C1 continuity is obtained Computer Graphics Bicubic patches • The concept of parametric curves can be extended to surfaces • The cubic parametric curve is in the form of Q(t)=tTM q where q=(q1,q2,q3,q4) : qi control points, M is the basis matrix (Hermite or Bezier,…), tT=(t3, t2, t, 1) Computer Graphics • Now we assume qi to vary along a parameter s, • Qi(s,t)=tTM [q1(s),q2(s),q3(s),q4(s)] • qi(s) are themselves cubic curves, we can write them in the form … Computer Graphics Bicubic patches Q( s, t ) t T . M .( sT . M .[q11 , q12 , q13 , q14 ],..., sT . M .[q 41, q 42 , q 43 , q 44 ]) t T . M .q. M T .s q11 q 12 q13 q14 q21 q22 q31 q32 q41 q42 q43 q44 q q where q is a 4x4 matrix q q Each column contains the control points of q1(s),…,q4(s) x,y,z computed by x( s, t ) t T . M .q x . M T .s 23 33 24 34 y ( s, t ) t T . M .q y . M T .s z ( s, t ) t T . M .q z . M T .s Computer Graphics Bézier example • We compute (x,y,z) by x( s, t ) t T . M B .q x . M BT . s q x is 4 4 array of x coords y ( s, t ) t T . M B .q y . M BT . s q y is 4 4 array of y coords z ( s, t ) t T . M B .q z . M BT . s q z is 4 4 array of z coords 14/10/2008 Lecture 6 31 Computer Graphics Continuity of Bicubic patches. • Hermite and Bézier patches – C0 continuity by sharing 4 control points between patches. – C1 continuity when both sets of control points either side of the edge are collinear with the edge. 14/10/2008 Lecture 6 32 Computer Graphics Displaying Bicubic patches. • Need to compute the normals – vector cross product of the 2 tangent vectors. • Need to convert the bicubic patches into a polygon mesh – tessellation 14/10/2008 Lecture 6 33 Computer Graphics Normal Vectors Q( s, t ) (t T . M .q. M T . s ) t T . M .q. M T . ( s ) s s s t T . M .q x . M T .[3s 2 ,2 s,1,0]T T T T Q ( s, t ) (t . M .q. M . s ) (t ). M .q. M T . s t t t [3t 2 ,2t ,1,0]T . M .q. M T .s Q( s, t ) Q ( s, t ) ( y s zt yt z s , z s xt zt xs , xs yt xt y s ) s t The surface normal is biquintic (two variables, fifthdegree) polynomial and very expensive Can use finite difference to reduce the computation Computer Graphics Tessellation • We need to compute the triangles on the surface • The simplest way is do uniform tessellation, which samples points uniformly in the parameter space • Adaptive tessellation – adapt the size of triangles to the shape of the surface – i.e., more triangles where the surface bends more – On the other hand, for flat areas we do not need many triangles 14/10/2008 Lecture 6 35 Computer Graphics Adaptive Tessellation • For every triangle edges, check if each edge is tessellated enough (curveTessEnough()) • If all edges are tessellated enough, check if the whole triangle is tessellated enough as a whole (triTessEnough()) • If one or more of the edges or the triangle’s interior is not tessellated enough, then further tessellation is needed Computer Graphics Adaptive Tessellation • When an edge is not tessellated enough, a point is created halfway between the edge points’ uv-values • New triangles are created and the tessellator is once again called with the new triangles as input Four cases of further tessellation Adaptive Tessellation Computer Graphics AdaptiveTessellate(p,q,r) • tessPQ=not curveTessEnough(p,q) • tessQR=not curveTessEnough(q,r) • tessRP=not curveTessEnough(r,p) • If (tessPQ and tessQR and tessRP) – – – – • AdaptiveTessellate(p,(p+q)/2,(p+r)/2); AdaptiveTessellate(q,(q+r)/2,(q+p)/2); AdaptiveTessellate(r,(r+p)/2,(r+q)/2); AdaptiveTessellate((p+q)/2,(q+r)/2,(r+p)/2); else if (tessPQ and tessQR) – AdaptiveTessellate(p,(p+q)/2,r); – AdaptiveTessellate((p+q)/2,(q+r)/2,r); – AdaptiveTessellate((p+q)/2,q,(q+r)/2); • else if (tessPQ) – AdaptiveTessellate(p,(p+q)/2,r); – AdaptiveTessellate(q,r,(p+q)/2); • Else if (not triTessEnough(p,q,r)) AdaptiveTessellate((p+q+r)/3,p,q); AdaptiveTessellate((p+q+r)/3,q,r); AdaptiveTessellate((p+q+r)/3,r,p); end; Computer Graphics curveTessEnough • Say you are to judge whether ab needs tessellation • You can compute the midpoint c, and compute its distance l from ab • Check if l/||a-b|| is under a threshold • Can do something similar for triTessEnough – Sample at the mass center and calculate its distance from the triangle c a d b Computer Graphics Other factors to evaluate • • • • • Inside the view frustum Front facing Occupying a large area in screen space Close to the sillhouette of the object Illuminated by a significant amount of specular lighting Computer Graphics Demo • OldStudentProjects/cs49096to97/anson/BezierPatchApplet/ Computer Graphics Reading for this lecture • Foley et al. Chapter 11, section 11.2 up to and including 11.2.3 • Introductory text Chapter 9, section 9.2 up to and including section 9.2.4 • Foley at al., Chapter 11, sections 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.9, 11.2.10, 11.3 and 11.5. • Introductory text, Chapter 9, sections 9.2.4, 9.2.5, 9.2.7, 9.2.8 and 9.3. • Real-time Rendering 2nd Edition Chapter 12.1-3 10/10/2008 Lecture 5 42