
Introduction to
Android Software
T-110.5130 Mobile Systems programming
Juha-Matti Liukkonen
Introduction to
Android Software
1. Introduction to Android
2. Development Tools
3. Interlude: The Design Step
4. Key Android Concepts
5. Putting Your App Together
6. Where to go next
Introduction to Android
World’s most popular mobile operating system
Android = Linux
• Linux kernel
• Most Android specific mechanisms now included in mainstream Linux
kernel – wakelocks, binder, etc
• Custom startup script mechanism
• A simple, classic init.rc script solution
• (Generic) applications written in Java
• Applications do not need to care about underlying processor capabilities
• Custom Java runtime (actually 2: Dalvik, Android RunTime)
• Optimized for low footprint = suitable for mobile devices
1.400.000.000 users
• In 2015, 82% of new smartphones ran Android
• 1.4 billion users, 1.5 million new devices activated every day
• 54% total market share (and obviously rising)
• 78% of Chinese market
• 70% of tablet market
• 4000+ different device models
• 400+ device manufacturers
• Also used in wearables, TVs and cars
• Small segments so far
Most devices are never
Main versions:
6.0 2015
4.4W (watch) 2015
5.x 2014
4.4 2014
4.x 2012-2013
4.0 2011-2012
3.0 2011
2.x 2010
Many screen sizes, form
Also – different interaction models!
Variety pros & cons
• Con: your software will not work properly on most Android devices
• Choose your target devices wisely to reach your targeted users!
• Customized layouts, graphics, interaction models needed to support
different device types
• Some handled via Play Store device filters, some by app manifest tags,
some by resources, some you need to handle in your code
• Pro: the same programming model works on all Android devices
• If you know how to create software for an Android phone, you also know
how to do it for tablets, smartwatches, cars and TVs
• Android is basically Java on Linux
• It’s easy to reach gazillions of users with Android apps
• Variety makes it hard to write good Android apps
Development Tools
What you need to get your app done
The good and the bad news
• Android Studio contains everything you need (yay 2016!)
• …just that it usually doesn’t contain it by default
• For very simple apps, only for latest devices, defaults are OK
• So, after Android Studio installation, remember to:
• Configure -> SDK Manager
• Install the Android versions you want to build software for
• Also advisable to install the most common support libraries
Getting ready to do software
• Press ”OK” – now your environment is set up
• Android Studio will generate application skeletons for common
application types for you
• All you need to do is …”fill in the details”
Now things get interesting
• What to choose as Activity?
• What does your software actually need to do?
• This is the stage when we usually do…
The Design Step
The critical step before actually writing any software
(nothing to do with Android as such)
Understand your use case
• What problem does your app solve?
• For whom? (Concrete example, no abstract persons!)
• In which situation does the problem occur?
• How does the user launch your app in that situation?
• How does your app fulfill the user’s need?
Example: Adhoc Ideas
• Problem: helping ad-hoc ideas be stored (eg. app ideas!)
• User: my colleague Antti (will use him for testing)
• Where: in public transport, during work commutes (noisy
environment so audio recording isn’t polite & doesn’t work)
• Launch: shortcut icon on home screen
• Fulfillment: it’s easy to write free-form text immediately
Identify & prioritize features
1. Open up, instantly ready for writing
2. Autosave entered text
3. Multiple notes can be saved
4. Any saved note can be opened up for reading
5. Any saved note can be emailed
6. Any saved note can be deleted
7. Bold and italic text
8. Email recipients can be taken from the address book
9. …
This is clearly our
priority #1 – if the
app has this
feature, it is
already useful to
Draft the user interface
• Pen and paper are good – low cost, quick iterations
• Build a runnable app from your doodles using POP
• Online wireframe apps also available: Fluid, InDesign
• Test your design with a real user!
• Clickable prototype (POP, Fluid, InDesign) or just flip paper pics
• Is your assumption about the need valid?
• Is your assumption about the 1st feature workflow valid?
Incremental design
• Split non-trivial features into clear workflow steps
• Design the simplest possible implementation for each step
• Think how each step can be improved later on (if needed)
• Implement the simplest variant end-to-end
• Now go test it with the real user – what’s the user’s priority, which step
would benefit most from an improvement?
• Does the user benefit more from an improvement to the existing minimal
workflow, or from a new feature?
User story slicing
By Arto Eskelinen,
• Think about your app before coding it
• Test your concept with a real user
• Paper or wireframe apps are good for getting feedback
• Implement something simple end-to-end first, add complexity
later, when it has value
Key Android Concepts
What you need to know about Android app structure
Intents launch Activities
• Each screen with a user interface is an Activity
• A note writing screen, a list of notes, app settings, …
• The user is focused on doing one thing
• A component in your app implements one Activity
• Your app usually has multiple Activities (so, also multiple
• Components invoke other Activities using Intents
• Simply pass an Intent object to startActivity()
• Activities in other apps can also be invoked – for example, viewing web
pages can invoke Activity in the browser app
• Your app can publish any Activity it implements via its manifest file
Non-interactive activities
• A Service is a component running in the background
• Playing music, fetching data, mining bitcoin, etc.
• Another component can use bindService() to interact with it
• A ContentProvider is a shared data manager
• A music library, text notes, search results etc.
• Rich API inherited from the ContentProvider class
• A BroadcastReceiver listens for system state changes
• Battery low, network connection lost, memory low, etc.
• May eg. trigger autosave, show an icon in status bar, lock the screen
Declaring public activities
This is the application manifest XML file, generated by Android Studio for you
Filtering Intents you can
Declaring your requirements
Devices that don’t fulfill your manifest requirements
can’t even install the app from Play Store.
Non-code elements
• Resources = images, view layout, localization text, etc.
• Stored under the res/ subdirectory in your app
• Drawables (= images) in res/drawables/
• Localized files in res/subdirectory-languagecode/
• You can provide different layouts & images for different device
• Provide resource file variants for different resolutions, aspect ratios
and localizations
• The system automatically chooses the best matching resources
Putting Your App
Making it all work and run on your device
Getting to the beef
• You have validated your app concept with the user?
• You have chosen your first feature?
• You have tested your wireframe mockup with the user?
• You have some idea about Activities, Intents, the manifest file,
and resources?
• You have installed Android Studio?
• Good: then let’s get back to ”Start a new Project”… let’s click it
all together!
Give your app a
name here
Now you need
to decide which
device types
and versions to
Several template
Activities are
available. We’ll build
our own so choose
MainActivity is a
good name, just
click Finish!
This skeleton is
generated for us
Click on the left at
1:Project to find all
the elements of your
The manifest maps the
Launcher’s start-up action
(”MAIN”) to your
Now select your
layout, the
device view
appears to the
Here is the
layout object.
Select and
delete the
When done,
press Play!
Drag the Multiline Text from the
widget palette on top of your
RelativeLayout and resize to fit
Selecting the device to run on
• If you have a real Android device
• Enable Developer Mode in the Android Settings app
• In 4.2+, go to About device, tap Build Number 7 times (really!)
• Connect it to your PC/Mac with a USB cable
• Select the device from the pop-up that appears after Play
• If you don’t
• Select emulator, and choose the device type to emulate
• Note: it’s a good idea to test on all device variants you wish to
support, so you may want to use the emulator for other types even if
you have some real device
The Adhoc
Ideas app, 1st
priority feature
ready for user
autosave, etc
provided by
Drag a button to
your Layout,
give it a label
Resize the UI
elements to fit
The editor will help
you add the imports
Write a function to
implement desired
behavior (e.g. send
In layout view, select
the button, then select
your new function as
its onClick event
Next steps
• Adding useful functionality
• Advertisements!, billing per-typed-letter, …
• Plenty of useful APIs available in Google Services library
• Making it pretty and natural to use
• Study the Google Material Design guidelines
• Add drawable resources to have image backgrounds etc
• Optimizing UI layout for different device types
• Create resolution specific layout XML files
• Remember resolution variants of your drawables
Where to go next
Where to find additional information
First place to visit
This is the
treasure trove
Start from
Training or API
Guides, also do
look at the
Design page
Reference is
where most
spend their
This is where
you get to
distribute and
sell your app
via the Play
Thank You!
Juha-Matti Liukkonen