BS2050 Essential Human Physiology in Health and Disease Dr D R Davies Lecture 1 Principles of Endocrinology Hormones • a specific chemical substance produced in specialized endocrine cells and is released into the bloodstream where it can exert its effects on different cell types in other tissues • . These are referred to as Target Cells and are characterized by the presence of a specific hormone receptor which is involved in the transduction of the hormonal signal. Endocrine Gland • collection of specific cells (endocrine cells) organised into a tissue whose major function is to produce hormones in response to a particular physiological signal or signals. • hormones may be stored in the endocrine gland in secretory granules as is the case with catecholamine, peptide and polypeptide hormones or synthesised on demand as is the case for steroid and thyroid hormones. Hormones exhibit a diversity of chemical structure and size • ranging from the glycoprotein hormones (LH, FSH, hCG, TSH), • larger polypeptides (insulin, ACTH, Gastrin, CRH), • smaller modified peptides (TRH, GnRH) • lipophilic steroid hormones (testosterone, oestradiol, cortisol , aldosterone), • hormones derived from amino acids (adrenaline and thyroxine) • or derived from fatty acids like prostaglandins. Hormones • produced and secreted in small quantities (ng – mg range per day) and the blood plasma concentration is low (1 pM – 10nM depending on the hormone) but changes may be 10 –100 fold in response to a physiological signal. • The physiological or metabolic response to a hormonal signal is greatly amplified compared to the change in hormone concentration. Hormones • Hormones are subject to rapid turnover, so that hormone levels rapidly rise in response to a physiological signal and as soon as the need for the signal disappears, the hormone is rapidly removed from the system. The physiological effects of the hormone may not appear until well after the hormone levels have returned to their original level. Plasma Hormone Levels • The concentration of hormone in the blood is normally determined by its rate of secretion by the endocrine gland. The rate of degradation or modification of a hormone, and thus its inactivation, is usually a fairly constant process and can occur in different sites within the body (e.g. liver and kidney). The effect of a hormone on a target cell is dependent on two factors: (1) capacity of the tissue to respond to the hormone which, in turn, is dependent on the presence of a high affinity receptor, which binds hormone at low concentrations of the ligand (hormone). receptors may be associated with the outside of the plasma membrane (e.g. peptide, polypeptide and catecholamine receptors) or in the cell cytoplasm or nuclei, e.g. steroid and thyroid hormones). The effect of a hormone on a target cell is dependent on two factors: (2) • concentration of hormone in the blood which, can change about 10 –100 fold. • This change is normally induced over a small range of concentrations on either side of the dissociation constant (Kd) for the hormonereceptor interaction • depends on the rate of secretion of hormone Sigmoidal relationship between hormone concentration and Biological Effect • At low concentrations the hormone level can change without much effect, until it reaches a threshold concentration where the magnitude of the physiological effect is directly proportional to the hormone concentration. At higher concentrations this proportionality disappears and the physiological effect reaches a maximum. An useful measurement is the concentration of hormone at which half of the maximal physiological effect is found. (estimated by plotting the magnitude of the physiological response against the Log10[Hormone]). • usually closely related to the Kd of the hormone-receptor interaction. Hormones regulate one or more existing functions of target cells Metabolism via alterations in enzyme activities (positive or negative effects) Alter Membrane permeability to specific ions and metabolites Gene transcription of specific gene products, in turn regulating cell-specific protein synthesis can induce secretory activity of cell • can cause mitotic cell division The functions of hormones are many and varied e.g.. The maintenance of homeostasis i.e. the maintenance of the composition of the tissues and body fluids for the benefit of the organism as a whole (e.g. insulin and glucagon regulate blood glucose within strict limits by integrated effects on glucose metabolism various tissues). Hormones allow an appropriate response to external stimuli (e.g. the effect of adrenaline in the fight or fright response). The functions of hormones are many and varied e.g.. Some hormones control cyclic and developmental changes (e.g. they regulate the growth of the individual, circadian rhythms or sexual function such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, spermatogenesis etc) Hormones can cause changes in brain function and behaviour Hormones often have synergistic effects – on their own they are inactive or poorly active but, at the same concentration, in combination with one or more other hormones, they produce a full physiological effects. Some hormones bind to plasma membrane receptors and generate second messengers e.g cAMP Others work via Inositol Phosphate and Ca2+ as second messengers Steroid and thyroid hormones enter cells and interact with nuclear receptors and regulate gene expression Major Endocrine Glands • Hypothalamus, and pituitary • Thyroid, parathyroid • Adrenal glands - cortex and medulla • Pancreas - islets of Langerhans • Gonads – testes and ovaries Pituitary gland (hypophysis) • two-lobed organ that secretes nine major hormones • Neurohypophysis – posterior lobe (neural tissue) Hormones synthesised in cell body in hypothalamus hormones, stored and released at nerve endings in the posterior pituitary • Adenohypophysis – anterior lobe (glandular tissue) Synthesizes and secretes a number of hormones in response to hormonal signals from the hypothalamus Pituitary gland (Hypophysis) Anterior pituitary (adenohypohysis) • anterior pituitary arises from oral mucosa in embryological development • no direct neural contact with the hypothalamus • vascular connection, the hypophyseal portal system, consisting of: – The primary capillary plexus – The hypophyseal portal veins – The secondary capillary plexus Hormonal Stimuli • Hormonal stimuli – release of hormones in response to hormones produced by other endocrine organs – The hypothalamic hormones stimulate the anterior pituitary – In turn, pituitary hormones stimulate targets to secrete still more hormones Figure 16.4 Neural Stimuli • Neural stimuli – nerve fibers stimulate hormone release – Preganglionic sympathetic nervous system (SNS) fibers stimulate the adrenal medulla to secrete catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline Figure 16.4 Humoral Stimuli • Humoral stimuli – secretion of hormones in direct response to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients • Example: concentration of calcium ions in the blood – Declining blood Ca2+ concentration stimulates the parathyroid glands to secrete PTH (parathyroid hormone) – PTH causes Ca2+ concentrations to rise and the stimulus is removed Figure 16.4 Hormones secreted by the Anterior Pituitary • • • • • • Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Growth Hormone (GH) Prolactin Effect of hypothalamic releasing hormones TRH CRH GnRH TSH ACTH FSH LH