Repairing the Illinois High
School Physics Teacher
Carl J. Wenning, PTE Coordinator, Illinois State University
Complete repair of any problem requires the following:
recognition that a problem exists.
correct identification of the problem source.
appropriate action aimed at repairing the problem.
must get at root cause for long-term solution.
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Teachers: A Growing Demand
The US Department of Education predicts that the nation will need more than one million new teachers by 2010
Nearly half of the current teaching force of
2.6 million will leave teaching to retire or change careers in the next decade
(NCES, 1998)
More than 1/4 of all current teachers are over age 50 and approaching retirement.
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On a National Basis…
The attrition rate of new teachers is approximately 10% to 50% over the first three to five years of teaching depending on type of preparation. (Darling-
Hammond, 1998; Fuller, SBEC, 2002)
Currently there is not a general nationwide shortage of teachers in the U.S.
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“We face shortages of people willing to work at the salaries and under the working conditions offered in specific locations - in rural and urban areas.”
(Darling-Hammond, 2001)
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Teacher Shortage Areas
Teacher shortages do exist in a few subject areas -- special education, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and
Spanish in order of national demand
(AAEE, 2003).
There is an adequate number of prepared and certified teachers to meet most of of the needs in other areas.
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AIP Statistics Research Center
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Enrollments in HS Physics
% of seniors who have taken physics
1948 - 2001
All Schools
Public Only
1948 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '65 '71 '72 '76 '80
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'86 '87 '90 '93
Page 8 of 33
Girls as a Percentage of Total
Enrollment in HS Physics
Female Enrollments in HS Physics
Increases in HS enrollments are occurring primarily in conceptual courses.
In college courses, ~20% of enrollments in engineering type courses is female.
In college courses, ~60% of enrollment in algebra-based physics courses is female.
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Percentage of Students
Taking HS Physics by Group
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Physics Teaching Nationally
Only 61% of public high school physics teachers are endorsed to teach physics
Only 27% of private/parochial high school physics teachers are endorse to teach physics.
Only about 1/3 of all physics teachers majored in physics or physics education (Neuschatz &
McFarling, 2001)
More than 50% of all high school physics teachers are teaching out-of-field -without a major or minor in physics (AIP, 1999)
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Science Excellence on a
National and State Basis
82% of our nation’s 12th graders performed below the proficient level on the NAEP 2000 science test and this number has increased from
79% since 1995
The longer students stay in the current system, the worse they do.
4th graders 2nd place; 12th graders 16th place
PSAE results?
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PSAE Science Achievement
According to Illinois’ PSAE 2002-2003
(ISBE, 2003):
Only 51.3% of 11th graders met or exceeded the science performance standard
38.0% of 11th graders fell below performance the science standard
10.7% of 11th graders substantially below and received “academic warning” - unable to use science knowledge effectively.
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Student Performance
While there is no direct link between teaching performance and student success per se, careful teacher preparation and subsequent high quality teaching are very important to overall student success.
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IL Certified Physics Teachers
Growing demand - HS enrollments expected to grow through 2007; elementary demand remains level.
64% of Illinois public high school physics teachers are endorsed to teach physics, but this is better than the national average.
99% teach physics half time or more.
(ISBE, 2004)
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Illinois Physics Teacher
Supply (IBHE, 2004)
123 districts report “severe under supply”
67 districts report “under supply”
33 districts report “adequate supply”
4 districts report “over supply”
4 districts report “sever over supply”
400 districts did not report on supply
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Physics Teacher Demand
Applying “Average Statistics”
440 public high school physics teachers
93% return to teaching each year (409)
7% leave teaching (31)
Open positions = 31 each year
23 accredited PTE programs graduate only 8 - 12 new physics teachers annually
Actual situation is worse than this ….
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Projected Need - Physics Job
Openings in IL (ISBE, 2004)
04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08
46 48 52 56
Supply in relation to demand suggests that 2/3 to 3/4 of all physics openings are filled by teachers with majors other than physics!
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PTE Production Statistics
1994 - 1995:
22 accredited PTE programs
8 programs reporting
3 institutions produced
50% grads
0.69 graduates per program average
50% had no students in the PTE major
2004 - 2005:
23 accredited PTE programs?
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General Nature of Leakage
High School Physics
Intro at 4-yr Colleges and Universities
Intro Physics at 2-yr College
Physics Major Physics Bachelor’s
7K 4K
Data AIP Statistical
Research Center
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Sources of Teachers…
“Native” students
Change-of-major students
Transfer students
2nd degree students
Alternative certification programs
Retention in the major
Retention in the profession
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Sources of PTE Majors -the ISU Experience
Currently 33 PTE majors
Based on data from 1998-2004
23% “native” students (from high schools)
46% transfer students (community colleges)
31% second-degree students (universities)
High schools, community colleges, and universities all play an important role.
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Failure to Retain a PTE Major
Generally Speaking
Inability or unwillingness of students
(Success=Ability*Motivation*Effort - SAME)
Disillusionment of student with postsecondary physics teaching
Inadequacy of physics teaching program
Appeal of other majors
Predatory practices by other sequences within a department
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Other Routes to Teacher Prep
Alternative Certification
National Programs:
Teach for America
Peace Corps
Troops to Teachers
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Problem: 90%+ in these latter program grads will have left teaching by the end of the 3rd year.
CF: 30% of traditionally-prepared (4-yr) teachers
CF: 10% of 4-year courses w/ 1-year STT
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Retention in the Profession
Retention will not be solved by addressing only pay and benefits issues.
Teacher pay and benefits ranked third behind student attitudes and behavior, and treatment by school administrators.
(Pisciotta, 2001)
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Additional Findings
73% of the teachers who left the profession did not participate in an induction or mentoring program.
(Piscotta, 2001)
“They’re not adequately prepared, and they’re put into a situation completely unsupported.” (Archer, 1999)
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Sources of Retention
Problems with NYC Teachers
4-5 diverse
Students Lower socioeconomic status and minority students
Respect Lower
Support Minimal to none
1-2 similar
Higher socioeconomic status and collegebound students
Strong network
(Darling-Hammond, 2001)
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Illinois Teacher Retention
Largest supply of certificated IL teachers is the previous year’s work force - 93% returned in 2003
The 2nd largest supply of IL teachers is the “first-time” teacher
The 3rd largest supply of IL teachers is the re-entering professional.
The 4th largest supply of IL teachers is the
State’s alternative certification program.
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Teachers for Downstate
Schools & the ISU Experience
Teachers tend to return to their home communities to teach.
There are very few downstate teacher candidates at ISU.
Salaries downstate are lower: (mean salary statewide is $51,500)
Downstate ~$23,000 to start
Metropolitan Chicago ~40,000 to start
Huge downstate need for physics teachers
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ISBE Responds to NCLB
“High Quality” Legislation
After 2006 or 2007:
New physics, chemistry, biology teachers become “science” teachers only
Endorsements to be replaced by designations
Any designation may teach ANY course not requiring an “introductory” course.
Only designations may teach AP or second year courses within their discipline.
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“CPR” for the Illinois HS
Physics Teacher Pipeline
Which comes first - repair or retention?
Consider CPR - respiration or circulation first?
Respiration without a circulation is worthless.
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
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Physics Pipeline “CPR”
Goal 1: Repairing the Pipeline
Retention Questions:
Induction/mentoring programs?
New teacher packets?
Improving PTE programs?
“Concentrating” PTE majors?
ISAAPT Policy Statements?
Work group recommendations?
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Physics Pipeline “CPR”
Goal 2: Turning Up the Flow
Recruitment Questions:
Recruitment guidelines for HS teachers?
“Indentured servitude” plan for districts?
CC transfer agreements?
Grant-funded opportunities?
Loan forgiveness?
ISAAPT policy statements?
Work group recommendations?
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