SC118DI07171 D02.01.1 Specification of GeoDCAT-AP GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe Annexes For public review GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Document Metadata Date 2015-07-13 Status Internal (will become: WG Draft 6 – for public review) Version 0.39 Access URL Rights © 2015 European Union Licence ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1, retrievable from Disclaimer: This specification was prepared for the ISA Programme by: PwC EU Services. The views expressed in this specification are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative. Page 2 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Table of contents Content of this document ................................................................................... 6 Annex I Overview of metadata elements covered by GeoDCAT-AP ......................... 7 Annex II Detailed usage notes and examples ..................................................... 10 II.1 Resource title - *Dataset title................................................................. 10 II.2 Resource abstract - *Abstract describing the dataset ................................ 10 II.3 Resource type - *not in ISO 19115 core .................................................. 11 II.4 Resource locator - *On-line resource ...................................................... 13 II.5 Unique resource identifier and *Metadata file identifier .............................. 15 II.6 Coupled resource - *not in ISO 19115 core.............................................. 16 II.7 Resource language and metadata language - *Dataset language and Metadata language ..................................................................................................... 17 II.8 Topic category, originating controlled vocabulary, and keyword value *Dataset topic category ................................................................................. 18 II.9 Spatial data service type - *not in ISO 19115 core ................................... 23 II.10 Geographic bounding box - *Geographic location of the dataset (by 4 coordinates or by geographic identifier) ........................................................... 23 II.11 Temporal extent and metadata date –*Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) and *Metadata date stamp ................................ 25 II.12 Lineage - *Lineage ............................................................................... 27 II.13 Spatial resolution – Spatial resolution of the dataset ................................. 28 II.14 Conformity and data quality - *not in ISO 19115 core ............................... 28 II.15 Conditions for access and use and limitations on public access – Use limitation and access / other constraints ........................................................................ 30 II.16 Responsible party and metadata point of contact - *Dataset responsible party and *Metadata point of contact ...................................................................... 31 II.17 *Metadata file identifier ......................................................................... 35 II.18 *Metadata standard name, *Metadata standard version ............................ 35 II.19 *Metadata characterset ......................................................................... 36 II.20 Metadata point of contact - *Metadata point of contact ............................. 36 II.21 Metadata date - *Metadata date stamp ................................................... 36 II.22 Metadata language - *Metadata language................................................ 36 II.23 Coordinate reference systems and Temporal reference systems – *Reference System ........................................................................................................ 36 II.24 Character encoding - *Dataset character set and *Metadata character set ... 38 Page 3 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes II.25 Encoding - *Distribution format .............................................................. 41 II.26 Spatial representation type – *Spatial representation type ........................ 42 II.27 Maintenance information - *not in ISO 19115 core ................................... 43 Annex III Comparison between INSPIRE and ISO 19115:2014 .............................. 46 III.1 Spatial dataset and spatial dataset series ................................................ 46 III.2 Services .............................................................................................. 49 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 52 References...................................................................................................... 55 List of tables Table 5: Overview of covered metadata elements .................................................. 7 Table 6: Mappings for metadata element ‘originating controlled vocabulary’ ............ 19 Table 7: Mappings for metadata element 'conformity' .......................................... 29 Table 8: Mappings for metadata element ‘responsible party’ ................................. 32 Table 9 Responsible party roles ......................................................................... 32 Table 10: Metadata standard name and metadata standard version ....................... 35 Table 11: Metadata elements used for discovery of geographic datasets and series . 46 Table 12: Metadata elements used for discovery of service resources ..................... 49 Page 4 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Abbreviations used in this document ARE3NA Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform CRS Coordinate Reference System CSW Catalog Services for the Web DCAT Data Catalog Vocabulary DCAT-AP DCAT Application Profile for Data Portals in Europe DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative EARL Evaluation and Report Language EU European Union EuroVoc Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union GEMET GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus GML Geography Markup Language GeoDCAT-AP Geographical extension of DCAT-AP IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community ISO International Standardisation Organisation JRC European Commission - Joint Research Centre MDR Metadata Registry NAL Named Authority Lists OGC Open Geospatial Consortium RDF Resource Description Framework RFC Request for Comments SPARQL SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query URI Uniform Resource Identifier W3C World Wide Web Consortium WG Working Group WKT Well Known Text XML eXtensible Markup Language XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations Page 5 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT This document includes the annexes to the GeoDCAT-AP specification, an extension of the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) for describing geospatial datasets, dataset series, and services. The annexes included in this document provide additional reference and support material for the GeoDCAT-AP specification. More precisely: Annex I provides a summary of the INSPIRE and ISO 19115 elements covered by GeoDCAT-AP; Annex II provides detailed usage notes and examples for each of the metadata elements covered by GeoDCAT-AP; Annex III carries out a comparison of INSPIRE metadata with ISO 19115:2014. Page 6 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Annex I OVERVIEW OF METADATA ELEMENTS COVERED BY GEODCAT-AP The following table provides an overview of the metadata elements in the INSPIRE metadata schema and in the core profile of ISO 19115, and the available mappings in DCAT-AP and GeoDCAT-AP. Columns titled with “obligation” specify whether the corresponding metadata elements are mandatory (M), conditional (C), and optional (O) (where “conditional” means “mandatory under given conditions”). Note that the mappings covered by DCAT-AP correspond to those defined in GeoDCATAP core, whereas those covered only by GeoDCAT-AP correspond to those defined in the GeoDCAT-AP extended. Table 5: Overview of covered metadata elements INSPIRE Obligation ISO 19115 Core Obligation DCAT-AP GeoDCAT-AP Metadata point of contact M Metadata point of contact M Metadata date M Metadata date stamp M Yes Yes Metadata language M Metadata language C Yes Yes Metadata character set C Yes Metadata file identifier O Yes Metadata standard name O Yes Metadata standard version O Yes Yes Resource title M Dataset title M Yes Yes Temporal reference - Date of creation / publication / last revision C Dataset reference date M Partially (creation date not included) Yes Resource abstract M Abstract describing the dataset M Yes Yes Resource language C Dataset language M Yes Yes Topic category M Dataset topic category M Yes Page 7 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes INSPIRE Obligation ISO 19115 Core Obligation DCAT-AP GeoDCAT-AP Geographic bounding box M Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifier) C Yes Yes Character encoding C Dataset character set C Temporal reference Temporal extent C Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) O Partially (temporal extent only) Partially (temporal extent only) Lineage M Lineage O Yes Yes Spatial representation type M Spatial representation type O Encoding M Distribution format O Spatial resolution C Spatial resolution of the dataset O Responsible organisation M Dataset responsible party O Partially (only 3 of the 11 responsible party roles are supported) Yes Resource locator C On-line resource O Yes Yes Coordinate reference system; Temporal reference system M; C Reference system O Conformity M Yes Yes Resource type M Partially (only datasets, series and discovery / catalogue services) Yes Spatial data service type M Keyword M Coupled resource C Unique resource identifier M Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (but as free text) Yes Yes Partially (only for datasets) Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 8 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes INSPIRE Obligation Conditions for access and use ISO 19115 Core Obligation DCAT-AP GeoDCAT-AP M Yes Yes Limitations on public access M Yes Yes Maintenance information O Yes Partially (only update frequency) Data quality – Logical consistency – Topological consistency C Partially (only conformance results) Data quality – Logical consistency – Conceptual consistency O Partially (only conformance results) Data quality – Logical consistency – Domain consistency O Partially (only conformance results) Page 9 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Annex II DETAILED USAGE NOTES AND EXAMPLES This annex contains further usage notes and examples on the mappings summarised in Section 5 of the GeoDCAT-AP specification. II.1 Resource title - *Dataset title The content of the element ‘resource title’ can be represented in RDF as a plain literal. The proposed binding is dct:title. This binding may also include the specification of the language by using attribute @xml:lang [XML]. The language to be specified is the one indicated by element metadata language, mapped to the language identifiers defined by IETF BCP 47 [21]. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] dct:title "Forest / Non-Forest Map 2006"@en. <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata … ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <gmd:citation> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gco:CharacterString> Forest / Non-Forest Map 2006 </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:title> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:citation> </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.2 Resource abstract - *Abstract describing the dataset The content of the elements ‘resource abstract’ can be represented in RDF as a plain literal. The proposed binding is dct:description. This binding may also include the specification of the language by using attribute @xml:lang [XML]. The language to be specified is the one indicated by element metadata language, mapped to the language identifiers defined by IETF BCP 47 [21]. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP Page 10 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example [] dct:description "Pan-European Forest / Non Forest Map with target year 2006, Data Source: Landsat ETM+ and Corine Land Cover 2006, Classes: for-est, non-forest, clouds/snow, no data; Method: automatic classification performed with an in-house algorithm; spatial resolution: 25m. In addition, the forest map 2006 is extended to FTYPE2006 to include forest types (broadleaf, coniferous forest) that are mapped using MODIS composites."@en . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata … ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <gmd:abstract> <gco:CharacterString> Pan-European Forest / Non Forest Map with target year 2006, Data Source: Landsat ETM+ and Corine Land Cover 2006, Classes: for-est, non-forest, clouds/snow, no data; Method: automatic classification performed with an inhouse algorithm; spatial resolution: 25m. In addition, the forest map 2006 is extended to FTYPE2006 to include forest types (broadleaf, coniferous forest) that are mapped using MODIS composites. </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:abstract> </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.3 Resource type - *not in ISO 19115 core In DCAT [9], the notion of dataset is quite broad, and may include both the INSPIRE notions of dataset and dataset series. Moreover, currently no existing vocabulary provides suitable candidates for the INSPIRE notions of dataset series – the existing ones are very generic (e.g., dctype:Collection is defined as "An aggregation of resources" [DCTerms ]). Based on this, the proposal is to define both INSPIRE datasets and dataset series as instances of dcat:Dataset. Moreover, in order to maintain the INSPIRE distinction between datasets and dataset series, following the work on aligning INSPIRE Metadata and the Dublin Core [10], the proposal is to denote it by using the resource type code list operated by the INSPIRE Registry, and by using dct:type. As far as the INSPIRE notion of service is concerned, DCAT and DCAT-AP foresee a single class, namely, dcat:Catalog, which only matches the notion of ‘discovery service’ in INSPIRE. Other services should be of type dctype:Service. Additionally, the spatial data service type can be specified by using dct:type with the corresponding code lists operated by the INSPIRE Registry. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP ## Resource type for datasets Page 11 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example [] a dcat:Dataset; dct:type <> ## Resource type for series [] a dcat:Dataset; dct:type <> ## Resource type for services (here, a view service) [] a dctype:Service; dct:type <> , <> . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <!-- MD_ScopeCode for a dataset in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata … ... <gmd:hierarchyLevel> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList=" urces/codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="dataset"> dataset </gmd:MD_ScopeCode> </gmd:hierarchyLevel> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- MD_ScopeCode for a data series in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata … ... <gmd:hierarchyLevel> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList=" urces/codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="series"> series </gmd:MD_ScopeCode> </gmd:hierarchyLevel> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- MD_ScopeCode for a service in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:hierarchyLevel> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList=" urces/codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="service"> service </gmd:MD_ScopeCode> </gmd:hierarchyLevel> ... <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> ... Page 12 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <srv:serviceType> <gco:LocalName>view</gco:LocalName> </srv:serviceType> ... </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.4 Resource locator - *On-line resource In INSPIRE, this element, quoting, “defines the link(s) to the resource and/or the link to additional information about the resource”. For datasets, DCAT [9] foresees a property, namely, dcat:landingPage, having exactly the same purpose. By contrast, the only property foreseen in DCAT for linking a service to an online resource is foaf:homepage. ISO 19115 offers however the ability to specify the “type” of resource locator by using a specific code list (CI_OnlineFunctionCode), described in the following table: ISO 19115 – CI_OnlineFunctionCode Description download online instructions for transferring data from one storage device or system to another information online information about the resource offlineAccess online instructions for requesting the resource from the provider order online order process for obtaining the resource search online search interface for seeking out information about the resource Based on this, the proposed mappings of element “resource locator” are the following: foaf:homepage for services; for data sets and data set series, the mapping will vary depending on the function code (when available), based on the following table. ISO 19115 – CI_OnlineFunctionCode Property Domain Range download dcat:accessURL dcat:Distribution rdfs:Resource Information foaf:page dcat:Dataset foaf:Document offlineAccess dcat:accessURL dcat:Distribution rdfs:Resource order dcat:accessURL dcat:Distribution rdfs:Resource Page 13 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 – CI_OnlineFunctionCode Property Domain Range search foaf:page dcat:Dataset foaf:Document (not specified) dcat:landingPage dcat:Dataset foaf:Document Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP ## Resource locator for datasets and series [] a dcat:Dataset; foaf:page <> ## Resource locator for services [] a dcat:Catalog; foaf:homepage <> . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 for datasets --> <gmd:MD_Metadata … ... <gmd:transferOptions> <gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions> <gmd:onLine> <gmd:CI_OnlineResource> <gmd:linkage> <gmd:URL> </gmd:URL> </gmd:linkage> <gmd:name> <gco:CharacterString> … </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:name> <gmd:description> <gco:CharacterString> … </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:description> <gmd:function> <CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeListValue="information" codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_OnLineFunctionCode" xmlns=""/> </gmd:function> </gmd:CI_OnlineResource> </gmd:onLine> </gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions> </gmd:transferOptions> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- Resource locator in ISO19139 for services --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:distributionInfo> <gmd:MD_Distribution> ... Page 14 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <gmd:transferOptions> <gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions> <gmd:onLine> <gmd:CI_OnlineResource> ... <gmd:linkage> <gmd:URL> ties</gmd:URL> </gmd:linkage> <gmd:function> <CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeListValue="information" codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_OnLineFunctionCode" xmlns=""/> </gmd:function> ... </gmd:CI_OnlineResource> </gmd:onLine> </gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions> </gmd:transferOptions> </gmd:MD_Distribution> </gmd:distributionInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.5 Unique resource identifier and *Metadata file identifier Based on DCAT-AP [5], the proposed candidate for unique resource identifier and metadata file identifier is the property dct:identifier. Property dct:identifier should be typed as an xsd:string. In RDF, this could also be represented as the URI of the metadata or catalogue record. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP <> a dcat:Dataset; dct:identifier ""^^xsd:string . # Metadata on metadata in GeoDCAT-AP <> dcat:catalogRecord [ a dcat:CatalogRecord ; dct:identifier ""^^xsd:string ]. <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- Metadata on metadata --> <gmd:fileIdentifier> Page 15 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <gco:CharacterString>947e5a55-e548-11e1-9105-0017085a97abrec</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:fileIdentifier> ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> ... <!-- Resource metadata --> <gmd:identifier> <gmd:MD_Identifier> <gmd:code> <gco:CharacterString>947e5a55-e548-11e1-9105-0017085a97ab </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:code> </gmd:MD_Identifier> </gmd:identifier> </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.6 Coupled resource - *not in ISO 19115 core This element is used to link a service to the target datasets or dataset series, by using the corresponding Unique Resource Identifiers. This relationship is modelled by using dct:hasPart. NB: The notion of “coupled resource” does not apply to catalogue / discovery services. As per the DCAT-AP, the relationship between the catalogue and the available datasets is modelled by using dcat:dataset, which is a sub-property of dct:hasPart. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dctype:Service dct:type <> , <> ; dct:hasPart <>, <>. <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> Page 16 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example ... <srv:operatesOn xlink:href=";VERSION=2.0.2&a mp;REQUEST=GetRecordById&amp;ID=f9ee6623-cf4c-11e1-91050017085a97ab&amp;OUTPUTSCHEMA=;ELEMENTSETNA ME=full#lakes"/> ... </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> ... </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.7 Resource language and metadata language - *Dataset language and Metadata language In INSPIRE metadata, metadata and resource languages (which may be different) are specified by using the three-letter language codes defined in [ISO-639-2]. Based on DCAT and DCAT-AP, the proposal is to use for both elements is dct:language, and to specify the relevant language by using the language URI register operated by the EU Publications Office [MDR-LANG], available also in RDF format. The following example assumes that the metadata language is English, and the resource language is German. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP # Resource metadata [] dct:language <> ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf # Metadata on metadata [ dct:language <> ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <!-- Metadata on metadata: metadata language --> <gmd:language> <gmd:LanguageCode codeList="" codeListValue="dut"/> </gmd:language> ... <!-- Resource language --> <gmd:identificationInfo> Page 17 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> ... <gmd:language> <gmd:LanguageCode codeList="" codeListValue="dut"/> </gmd:language> ... </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> The metadata language can be also used to specify the language of textual elements of resource metadata by using the @xml:lang attribute [22]. Since @xml:lang takes as value language identifiers defined by IETF-BCP-47 [21], a mapping from the actual value of the metadata language is needed. II.8 Topic category, originating controlled vocabulary, and keyword value - *Dataset topic category In INSPIRE, these two elements have specific purposes. Quoting from the INSPIRE Metadata Regulation [3] (§2.1 and §3.1, respectively): The topic category is a high-level classification scheme to assist in the grouping and topic-based search of available spatial data resources. The keyword value is a commonly used word, formalised word or phrase used to describe the subject. While the topic category is too coarse for detailed queries, keywords help narrowing a full text search and they allow for structured keyword search. Moreover, two types of keywords are allowed: free keywords; keywords taken from a controlled vocabulary. Finally, topic categories apply only to datasets and dataset series. Topic category and keyword in datasets and dataset series As far as dataset and dataset series metadata are concerned, in both DCAT and DCATAP, a distinction is made only between free keywords and keywords from controlled vocabularies, associated with a URI. For the former, dcat:keyword is used, whereas for the latter dcat:theme (which is a sub-property of dct:subject). Since the INSPIRE Registry operates URI registers for topic categories and INSPIRE spatial data themes, and in order to keep the distinction existing in INSPIRE between topic categories and keywords, the proposal is as follows: Topic category is mapped to dct:subject, and expressed by the corresponding URIs minted for the ISO code list in the INSPIRE Registry. Page 18 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Keywords not associated with a controlled vocabulary will be mapped to dcat:keyword; Keywords whose controlled vocabulary is the one of the INSPIRE spatial data themes are mapped to dcat:theme, and expressed by the corresponding URI in the INSPIRE Registry. Keywords associated with other controlled vocabularies are mapped to dcat:theme, expressed as a skos:Concept associated with a skos:ConceptScheme, and annotated with the textual content and reference date(s) in the relevant INSPIRE metadata elements. Both skos:Concept and skos:ConceptScheme will be blank nodes (i.e., no URIs will be used to denote them). In the last case, the representation of the information concerning the controlled vocabulary is illustrated in the following table. Table 6: Mappings for metadata element ‘originating controlled vocabulary’ Metadata Element Proposed mapping Title Originating controlled vocabulary rdfs:label creation dct:created skos:ConceptScheme Reference date last revision dct:modified publication dct:issued Keyword in services As far as service metadata are concerned, keywords can classify either a service or the datasets / series operated by the service itself. For the latter, INSPIRE Metadata Regulation requires using at least one of the keywords from the ISO 19119 code list of spatial data service categories. Both DCAT and DCAT-AP do not foresee any specific property for keywords classifying either a service or the datasets / series operated by a service. Moreover, dcat:theme and dcat:keyword cannot be used for services, since their domain is restricted to dcat:Dataset. In order to keep the distinction between these two types of keywords, the proposed solution is as follows: Keywords from the ISO 19119 codelist of spatial data service categories are mapped to dct:type, and expressed by the corresponding URI in the INSPIRE Registry. Keywords not associated with a controlled vocabulary will be mapped to dc:subject, and represented as un-typed literals; Page 19 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Keywords whose controlled vocabulary is the one of the INSPIRE spatial data themes are mapped to dct:subject, and expressed by the corresponding URI in the INSPIRE Registry. Keywords associated with other controlled vocabularies are mapped to dct:subject and expressed as a skos:Concept associated with a skos:ConceptScheme, and annotated with the textual content and reference date(s) in the relevant INSPIRE metadata elements. Both skos:Concept and skos:ConceptScheme will be blank nodes (i.e., no URIs will be used to denote them). In the last case, controlled vocabularies are represented as explained in the previous section. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP ## Datasets and series [] a dcat:Dataset ; ### Free keywords dcat:keyword "CHM"@en, "RDSI"@en ; ### Keywords from controlled vocabularies dcat:theme <> , [ a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "coniferous forest"@en ; skos:inScheme [ a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4"@en ; dct:issued "2010-01-13"^^xsd:date ] ] ; ### Topic categories dct:subject <> . ## Services [] a dcat:Catalog ; ### Free keywords dc:subject "hydrography"@en ; ### Keyword from ISO 19119 codelist of spatial data service categories dct:type < cViewer/> ; ### Keywords from controlled vocabularies dct:subject <> , [ a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "Floods"@en ; skos:inScheme [ a skos:ConceptScheme ; Page 20 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example rdfs:label "GEOSS - Societal Benefit Areas, version 1.0"@en ; dct:issued "2010-08-25"^^xsd:date ] ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <!-- Datasets and series --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <!-- free keywords --> <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>CHM</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>RDSI</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <!-- Keywords from controlled vocabularies --> <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>coniferous forest</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> <gmd:thesaurusName> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gco:CharacterString>GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:title> <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2010-01-13</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=" hemas/resources/codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode> </gmd:dateType> </gmd:CI_Date> </gmd:date> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:thesaurusName> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <!-- Topic category --> <gmd:topicCategory> <gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode> oscientificInformation</gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode> </gmd:topicCategory> ... </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> ... </gmd:identificationInfo> </gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- Keywords for services --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> Page 21 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> <!-- free keywords --> <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>hydrography</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <!-- Keyword from ISO 19119 codelist of spatial data service categories -> <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>humanGeographicViewer</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> <gmd:thesaurusName> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gco:CharacterString>ISO 19119 codelist of spatial data service categories</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:title> <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2007-06-01</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=" hemas/resources/codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode> </gmd:dateType> </gmd:CI_Date> </gmd:date> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:thesaurusName> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <!-- Keywords from controlled vocabularies --> <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:keyword> <gco:CharacterString>Floods</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:keyword> <gmd:thesaurusName> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gco:CharacterString>GEOSS - Societal Benefit Areas, version 1.0</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:title> <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2010-08-25</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=" hemas/resources/codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode> </gmd:dateType> </gmd:CI_Date> Page 22 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example </gmd:date> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:thesaurusName> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> ... </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> ... </gmd:identificationInfo> </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.9 Spatial data service type - *not in ISO 19115 core See Section II.3 on resource type. II.10 Geographic bounding box - *Geographic location of the dataset (by 4 coordinates or by geographic identifier) In the core profile of ISO 19115, spatial coverage can be specified either with a bounding box (a geometry) or a geographic identifier. INSPIRE is more restrictive, in that it requires to use a bounding box Based on that, GeoDCAT-AP models spatial coverage as follows: Bounding box: When the area corresponding to the spatial coverage is denoted by a geometry, as in INSPIRE, DCAT-AP recommends the use of the Core Location Vocabulary [23], where this is done by using property locn:geometry, having as range a geometry specified as o a URI - e.g., by using the geo URI scheme (IET RFC-5870) [24], or a geohash URI [25] [26]; o a syntax encoding scheme - e.g., geohashes [25] [26], WKT [ISO19125], GML [27], KML [28], GeoJSON [29]; or o a semantic representation - using vocabularies like W3C Lat/long [30] or [31]. It is worth noting that currently there is no agreement on a preferred format to be used in RDF for the representation of geometries. Geometries can be provided in any, and possibly multiple, encodings, but at least one of the following must be made available: WKT or GML. An additional requirement concerns the coordinate reference system (CRS) used, which may vary on a country or territory basis. Following GeoSPARQL, the CRS must be always specified in the WKT endcoding when it is different from CRS84 (WGS84, with axis order longitude / latitude). Summarising: o Geometries can be provided in multiple encodings, but at least one of the following must be made available: GML and WKT. o The coordinate reference system used must be always specified when different from CRS84. Page 23 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes o For GML and WKT, the CRS must be specified as defined in GeoSPARQL [32]. Geographic identifier: ISO19115 core also allows specifying the geographic location using a geographic identifier. For this, it is recommended to use a URI from a controlled vocabulary, as the NAL countries [18], NAL places [19], or geonames [20], as proposed in the DCAT-AP specification. If a URI is not available, the geographical identifier must be expressed with skos:prefLabel, and the reference to the originating controlled vocabulary (if any) must be specified with skos:inScheme. The controlled vocabulary will be described by a name (dct:title) and a last modified data (dct:modified). The following example shows how to specify the spatial coverage. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP using a geographic bounding box. This example uses multiple encodings, namely, the # recommended ones (WKT and GML), plus GeoJSON. To denote the datatype of the GeoJSON literal, the URL of the corresponding # IANA media type. [] dct:spatial [ a dct:Location ; locn:geometry "POLYGON((-10.58 70.09,34.59 70.09,34.59 34.56,-10.58 34.56, -10.58 70.09))"^^gsp:wktLiteral ; locn:geometry "<gml:Envelope srsName=\"\"> <gml:lowerCorner>34.56 -10.58</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>70.09 34.59</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope>"^^gsp:gmlLiteral ] ; locn:geometry "{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"ur n:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84\"}}, \"coordinates\":[[[10.58,70.09],[34.59,70.09],[34.59,34.56],[-10.58,34.56],[-10.58,70.09]]] }"^^<> ]. # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP using a geographic identifier #If a URI is used for the geographic identifier (recommended) [] dct:spatial <>. #If no URI is used for the geographic identifier [] dct:spatial [ skos:preflabel "Netherlands"@en; skos:prefLabel "Nederland"@nl; skos:inScheme [ dct:title "Countries Authority Table"@en; dct:modified "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date ] ]. <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 using a geographic bounding box --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> Page 24 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <gmd:extent> <gmd:EX_Extent> <gmd:geographicElement> <gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> <gmd:extentTypeCode> <gco:Boolean>true</gco:Boolean> </gmd:extentTypeCode> <gmd:westBoundLongitude> <gco:Decimal>-9.227701</gco:Decimal> </gmd:westBoundLongitude> <gmd:eastBoundLongitude> <gco:Decimal>2.687637</gco:Decimal> </gmd:eastBoundLongitude> <gmd:southBoundLatitude> <gco:Decimal>49.83726</gco:Decimal> </gmd:southBoundLatitude> <gmd:northBoundLatitude> <gco:Decimal>60.850441</gco:Decimal> </gmd:northBoundLatitude> </gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> </gmd:geographicElement> </gmd:EX_Extent> </gmd:extent> </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.11 Temporal extent and metadata date –*Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) and *Metadata date stamp Temporal reference is a composite element consisting of the following possible child elements: temporal extent (temporal coverage); date of publication, last revision, and/or creation. Based on DCAT(-AP) [9] [5], temporal extent is mapped to dct:temporal, having as range dct:PeriodOfTime. The time instant or interval is specified by using properties schema:startDate and schema:endDate, respectively. By contrast, date of publication, last revision, and creation are mapped, respectively, to dct:issued, dct:modified, and dct:created. DCAT(-AP) [9] [5] do not foresee a property equivalent to the INSPIRE metadata element metadata date. In INSPIRE, this element is defined as follows (Part B, §10.2)): The date which specifies when the metadata record was created or updated. Due to this ambiguity, the proposed mapping for this element is dct:modified. Page 25 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP ## Creation, publication and last revision dates [] dct:created "2010-03-01"^^xsd:date ; dct:issued "2010-10-05"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2011-09-01"^^xsd:date ; ## Temporal extent dct:temporal [ a dct:PeriodOfTime ; schema:endDate "2006-12-31"^^xsd:date ; schema:startDate "2006-01-01"^^xsd:date ] ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf # Metadata on metadata ## Metadata date [ dct:modified "2012-08-13"^^xsd:date ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <!-- metadata date --> <gmd:dateStamp> <gco:Date>2012-08-13</gco:Date> </gmd:dateStamp> ... <!—temporal extent --> <gmd:extent> <gmd:EX_Extent> <gmd:temporalElement> <gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> <gmd:extent> <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="w5633aaa"> <gml:beginPosition>2006-01-01</gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition>2006-12-31</gml:endPosition> </gml:TimePeriod> </gmd:extent> </gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> </gmd:temporalElement> </gmd:EX_Extent> </gmd:extent> ... <!— Publication date (creation and last modification dates encoded similarly) --> <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <gmd:citation> <gmd:CI_Citation> ... <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2010-03-01</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> Page 26 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=" hemas/resources/ codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode></gmd:dateType> </gmd:CI_Date> </gmd:date> ... </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:citation> ... </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> ... </gmd:identificationInfo> </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.12 Lineage - *Lineage In DCAT(-AP) [7] [5], no equivalent term is foreseen. In the work on the alignment of INSPIRE metadata and the Dublin Core [10], the proposed mapping is dc:description. However, an equivalent property, namely, dct:description, is used in DCAT and DCAT-AP for what in INSPIRE corresponds to the resource abstract element. For these reasons, the proposed candidate is dct:provenance. Since the range of dct:provenance is not a literal, but class dct:ProvenanceStatement, the free-text content of element “lineage” can be expressed by using rdfs:label, as illustrated in the DCMI user guide on publishing metadata [33]. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:Dataset ; dct:provenance [ a dct:ProvenanceStatement ; rdfs:label "Forest Map 2006 is derived from the IMAGE2006 (SPOT/LISS scenes) and CORINE2006 landcover dataset. In addition, MODIS composites are used for the Forest type classification."@en ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:dataQualityInfo> <gmd:DQ_DataQuality> <gmd:lineage> <gmd:LI_Lineage> <gmd:statement> <gco:CharacterString> Forest Map 2006 is derived from the IMAGE2006 (SPOT/LISS scenes) and CORINE2006 landcover dataset. In addition, MODIS composites are used for the Forest type classification. </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:statement> Page 27 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example </gmd:LI_Lineage> </gmd:lineage> </gmd:DQ_DataQuality> </gmd:dataQualityInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.13 Spatial resolution – Spatial resolution of the dataset In DCAT(-AP) [7] [5], no equivalent term is foreseen. There are currently no candidates in existing vocabularies to represent such metadata elements. It is proposed to encode spatial resolution in a human-readable form only, using the property rdfs:comment. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP # Spatial resolution as equivalent scale [] a dcat:Dataset ; rdfs:comment "Spatial resolution (equivalent scale): 1:10000"@en . # Spatial resolution as distance [] a dcat:Dataset ; rdfs:comment "Spatial resolution (distance): 5 km"@en . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Resolution> <gmd:equivalentScale> <gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction> <gmd:denominator> <gco:Integer>10000</gco:Integer> </gmd:denominator> </gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction> </gmd:equivalentScale> </gmd:MD_Resolution> II.14 Conformity and data quality - *not in ISO 19115 core The GeoDCAT-AP specification only provides a syntax binding for conformity and not for data quality in general. In ISO 19115 conformance and quality information is encoded as a quality report containing the result of a test (an evaluation) of a given quality measure according to an evaluation method with a quantitative result (a metric) or a conformance result (pass or fail) as most important outcome. For encoding conformance, GeoDCAT-AP proposes to use dct:conformsTo and the W3C Provenance Ontology (PROV-O) [34] as explained in the following paragraphs. For encoding other aspects of data quality, GeoDCAT-AP does not provide a syntax binding as there is a Page 28 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes risk that the (future) work of other standards bodies on data quality may make the proposed syntax binding for GeoDCAT-AP outdated. For example, the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices WG is working on a Data Quality standard. To limit the impact, it may be better to only provide a partial mapping for Data Quality / Conformance. DCAT-AP [5] provides a single candidate, dct:conformsTo, which however can be used to map only a conformity of degree ‘conformant’. This is suitable for GeoDCAT-AP Core. Considering how conformity must be expressed in GeoDCAT-AP Extended (see the INSPIRE Metadata Regulation, Part B, §7), possible candidates are the W3C Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) [35] and the W3C Provenance Ontology (PROV-O) [34]. The latter candidate was chosen since it would enable wider re-use with respect to the EARL vocabulary, which is more specific, and its use is limited. PROV-O allows encoding conformity as a test activity (prov:Activity) that generated a result encoded with property ‘prov:generated’, corresponding to the degree of conformity, for which the INSPIRE Registry maintains a URI set, see Section 6 of the GeoDCAT-AP specification. The specification against which the conformance is asserted is encoded via a qualified association (prov:QualifiedAssociation) with a test plan (a prov:Plan) in turn derived from a standard (dct:Standard, also prov:Entity). These associations are made via a chain of properties: ‘prov:qualifiedAssociation’, ‘prov:hadPlan’, and ‘prov:wasDerivedFrom’. Table 7: Mappings for metadata element 'conformity' Metadata element Proposed mapping Title dct:title creation Conformit y Specificatio n (M) Referenc e date last revision publicatio n prov:wasUsedB y (range prov:Activity) Degree (M) prov:qualifiedAssociatio n (range prov:Assocation) > prov:hadPlan (range prov:Plan) > prov:wasDerivedFrom (range: prov:Entity, dct:Standard) dct:created dct:modifie d dct:issued prov:generated In order to grant interoperability with DCAT-AP, when conformity is of degree “conformant”, the proposal is to use both PROV-O and dct:conformsTo for GeoDCAT-AP Extended. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP prov:wasUsedBy [ a prov:Activity; # Conformity degree prov:generated [ dct:type <> ; Page 29 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example dct:description “See the referenced specification”@en prov:qualifiedAssociation [ prov:hadPlan [ a prov:Plan; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ # Specification a prov:Entity, dct:Standard; dct:title "COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services"@en dct:issued "2009-10-20"^^xsd:date ] ]; ]; ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:result> <gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult> <gmd:specification> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gco:CharacterString>COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:title> <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2009-10-20</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=" hemas/resources/codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode> </gmd:dateType> </gmd:CI_Date> </gmd:date> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:specification> <gmd:explanation> <gco:CharacterString> </gco:CharacterString> </gmd:explanation> <gmd:pass><gco:Boolean>true</gco:Boolean></gmd:pass> </gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult> </gmd:result> II.15 Conditions for access and use and limitations on public access – Use limitation and access / other constraints In DCAT(-AP) [9] [5], licensing information is specified on (a) data catalogues (services) and on (b) the distribution(s) of a dataset, and not on the dataset itself. The principle is that different dataset distributions may be associated with different licensing terms. Page 30 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Moreover, DCAT-AP recommends the use of dct:accessRights for specifying access conditions. Based on this, GeoDCAT-AP models use and access limitations by using, respectively, dct:license and dct:accessRights. Since the range of these properties is not a literal, but, respectively, classes dct:LicenseDocument and dct:RightsStatement, the free-text content of the corresponding ISO 19115 / INSPIRE metadata elements can be expressed by using rdfs:label, as illustrated in [33]. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] dcat:distribution [ a dcat:Distribution ; dct:license [ a dct:LicenseDocument ; rdfs:label "Reuse is authorised according to the European Commission legal notice at"@en ] ; dct:accessRights [ a dct:RightsStatement ; rdfs:label "no limitation"@en ] ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:MD_LegalConstraints> <gmd:useLimitation> <gco:CharacterString>Reuse is authorised according to the European Commission legal notice at</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:useLimitation> <gmd:accessConstraints> <gmd:MD_RestrictionCode codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#MD_RestrictionCode" codeListValue="otherRestrictions"/> </gmd:accessConstraints> <gmd:otherConstraints> <gco:CharacterString>No limitation</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:otherConstraints> </gmd:MD_LegalConstraints> </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.16 Responsible party and metadata point of contact - *Dataset responsible party and *Metadata point of contact DCAT(-AP) [9] [5] foresee properties to denote the publisher and the contact point for a dataset. By contrast, ISO 19139 [7] and the INSPIRE Metadata Regulation foresee 11 possible relationships between a resource (a dataset, a dataset series, a service) and an agent (organisation), plus one for metadata. For some of them, suitable candidates exist from widely used vocabularies (in particular, [DCTerms ]). However, for some of them no Page 31 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes suitable candidate is available in the existing vocabularies (in particular, for roles “user” and “processor”). A possible solution is to support many-to-1 mappings whenever possible. For instance, roles “publisher” and “provider” could be both mapped to dct:publisher. However, besides losing the original semantics, this would result in creating ambiguities (e.g., two dct:publisher’s) that would not help interoperability with [DCAT-AP]. Therefore, it would be preferable to support 1-to-1 mappings only. Another possible way of representing responsible organisations is to use the W3C PROV ontology [34], to specify the relationship between the resource and the responsible organisation. The W3C vCard ontology [36] can then be used to specify the contact information concerning the responsible party. Finally, the responsible party role can be specified by using dct:type, and using the relevant code list values from the INSPIRE Registry. These mappings are illustrated in the following table. Table 8: Mappings for metadata element ‘responsible party’ Metadata element Responsible party Responsible party Proposed mapping Organisation name vcard:Kind vcard:organizationname prov:Attribution Contact email address Responsible party role vcard:hasEmail dct:type This option has the advantage of preserving the semantics in the original metadata, and of preventing information loss. However, it does not rely on RDF properties used in DCAT-AP. For these reason, the proposed solution is as follows: Represent responsible organisations by using the PROV ontology. If suitable candidates exist from widely used vocabularies, use them to represent the corresponding responsible parties and their roles, based on an agreed definition of 1-to-1 mappings. The following table lists the proposed mappings for responsible party roles, taking into account only widely used vocabularies. Table 9 Responsible party roles ISO 19139 Code [7] Responsible party role Metadata point of contact INSPIRE Metadata Regulation [3] Part B §10.1 Description This is the description of the organisation responsible for the creation and maintenance of the metadata. Proposed RDF mapping Mapping status dcat:contactPoint Stable Page 32 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19139 Code [7] Responsible party role INSPIRE Metadata Regulation [3] Description Proposed RDF mapping Mapping status Resource provider Part B §6.1 Party that supplies the resource. N/A Custodian Part B §6.2 Party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the data and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resource. N/A Owner Part B §6.3 Party that owns the resource. dct:rightsHolder User Part B §6.4 Party who uses the resource. N/A Distributor Part B §6.5 Party who distributes the resource N/a Originator Part B §6.6 Party who created the resource. dct:creator Stable Point of contact Part B §6.7 Party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the resource. dcat:contactPoint Stable Principal investigator Part B §6.8 Key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research N/A Processor Part B §6.9 Party who has processed the data in a manner such that the resource has been modified. N/A Publisher Part B §6.10 Party who published the resource dct:publisher Author Part B §6.11 Party who authored the resource. N/A Stable Stable Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] dcat:contactPoint [ a foaf:Organization ; foaf:mbox <> ; foaf:name "Kadaster"@nl ] ; prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution ; dct:type <> ; prov:agent [ a vcard:Kind ; vcard:hasEmail <> ; vcard:organization-name "Kadaster"@nl ] ] ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf Page 33 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example # Metadata on metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [ dcat:contactPoint [ a vcard:Kind ; vcard:hasEmail <> ; vcard:organization-name "Kadaster"@nl ] ; prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution ; dct:type <> ; prov:agent [ a vcard:Kind ; vcard:hasEmail <> ; vcard:organization-name "Kadaster"@nl ] ] ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:pointOfContact> <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> <gmd:individualName> <gco:CharacterString>Mr. Pietje Puk</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:individualName> <gmd:organisationName> <gco:CharacterString>Kadaster</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:organisationName> <gmd:positionName> <gco:CharacterString>Beheer BAG</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:positionName> <gmd:contactInfo> <gmd:CI_Contact> <gmd:address> <gmd:CI_Address> <gmd:electronicMailAddress> <gco:CharacterString></gco:CharacterString> </gmd:electronicMailAddress> </gmd:CI_Address> </gmd:address> <gmd:onlineResource> <gmd:CI_OnlineResource> <gmd:linkage> <gmd:URL></gmd:URL> </gmd:linkage> </gmd:CI_OnlineResource> </gmd:onlineResource> </gmd:CI_Contact> </gmd:contactInfo> <gmd:role> <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="custodian" codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode"/> </gmd:role> </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> </gmd:pointOfContact> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> <!-- Metadata on metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:contact> Page 34 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> <gmd:individualName> <gco:CharacterString>Mr. Pietje Puk</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:individualName> <gmd:organisationName> <gco:CharacterString>Kadaster</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:organisationName> <gmd:positionName> <gco:CharacterString>Beheer BAG</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:positionName> <gmd:contactInfo> ... </gmd:contactInfo> <gmd:role> <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="custodian" codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode"/> </gmd:role> </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> </gmd:contact> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.17 *Metadata file identifier See Section II.5. II.18 *Metadata standard name, *Metadata standard version Similar as the encoding of conformity (see Section II.14), it is proposed to use dct:conformsTo to encode information about the metadata standard name and metadata standard version. The metadata on metadata is encoded as a dcat:CatalogRecord. Table 10: Metadata standard name and metadata standard version Metadata element Proposed mapping Metadata standard name Metadata standard dct:title dct:conformsTo owl:versionInfo Metadata standard version Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:CatalogRecord ; dct:conformsTo [ Page 35 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example dct:title "GeoDCAT-AP Extended profile"@en ; owl:versionInfo "1.0". ] foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf [] . # Metadata on metadata <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 for datasets --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:metadataStandardName> <gco:CharacterString>ISO 19115</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:metadataStandardName> <gmd:metadataStandardVersion> <gco:CharacterString>Nederlands metadata profiel op ISO 19115 voor geografie 1.3</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:metadataStandardVersion> </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.19 *Metadata characterset See Section II.24. II.20 Metadata point of contact - *Metadata point of contact See Section II.16. II.21 Metadata date - *Metadata date stamp See Section II.11. II.22 Metadata language - *Metadata language See Section II.7. II.23 Coordinate reference systems and Temporal reference systems – *Reference System In DCAT(-AP) [7] [5], no equivalent term is foreseen. This is also the case for the NeoGeo [37], GeoSPARL [32], and Core Location Vocabulary [23]. The property dct:conformsTo is proposed to be used. When no URI or URN is used to identify spatial and temporal reference systems, SKOS must be used to encode additional metadata on the reference system, as indicated in the below examples. Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP #If an URI is used: [] dct:conformsTo rdf:resource="". Page 36 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example #If an URN is used: [] dct:conformsTo [ a skos:Concept; dct:identifer "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700"^^<> ] . #In all the other cases: [] dct:conformsTo [ a skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "OSGB 1936 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700)"@en; owl:versionInfo "7.4" skos:inScheme [ dct:title "EPSG"@en ]; ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:referenceSystemInfo> <gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem> <gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier> <gmd:RS_Identifier> <gmd:code> <gco:CharacterString>urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:27700</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:code> <gmd:version> <gco:CharacterString>7.4</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:version> </gmd:RS_Identifier> </gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier> </gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem> </gmd:referenceSystemInfo> The coordinate reference system should be specified by using the corresponding URIs from the “EPSG coordinate reference systems” register operated by the Open Geospatial Consortium. In this register, the URI prefix for coordinate reference systems is followed by the number identifying the coordinate reference system in the EPSG register1. For instance, the following URI identifies coordinate reference system EPSG 4258, corresponding to ETRS89 (European Terrestrial Referent System 1989) 2. The OGC register supports also identifiers for compound reference systems, based on the following pattern: 1 2 Page 37 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes<CRS_URI#1>&2=<CRS_URI#2>[&N=<CRS_URI#N>]* where N > 2. See, e.g.: et/def/crs/EPSG/0/5713 II.24 Character encoding - *Dataset character set and *Metadata character set In DCAT and DCAT-AP, the specification of the character encoding of a dataset and the character encoding of a metadata record is not explicitly foreseen. According to RFC 4288 [38], the character set can be part of the media type specification, but only for type “text”. By contrast, in INSPIRE the charset can be specified also for other media types. The W3C Content vocabulary [39] provides a possibly suitable candidate, namely, property cnt:characterEncoding, taking as value the character set names in the IANA register [16]. The proposal is to use this property. Character encoding in ISO 19115 metadata is specified with a code list that can be mapped to the corresponding codes in the IANA Character Sets register 3, as shown in the following table (entries with 1-to-many mappings are in italic). ISO 19115 MD_CharacterSetCode 3 Description IANA ucs2 16-bit fixed size Universal Character Set, based on ISO/IEC 10646 ISO-10646-UCS2 ucs4 32-bit fixed size Universal Character Set, based on ISO/IEC 10646 ISO-10646-UCS4 utf7 7-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-7 utf8 8-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-8 utf16 16-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-16 Page 38 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 MD_CharacterSetCode Description IANA 8859part1 ISO/IEC 8859-1, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1 : Latin alphabet No.1 ISO-8859-1 8859part2 ISO/IEC 8859-2, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 2 : Latin alphabet No.2 ISO-8859-2 8859part3 ISO/IEC 8859-3, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 3 : Latin alphabet No.3 ISO-8859-3 8859part4 ISO/IEC 8859-4, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 4 : Latin alphabet No.4 ISO-8859-4 8859part5 ISO/IEC 8859-5, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 5 : Latin/Cyrillic alphabet ISO-8859-5 8859part6 ISO/IEC 8859-6, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 6 : Latin/Arabic alphabet ISO-8859-6 8859part7 ISO/IEC 8859-7, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 7 : Latin/Greek alphabet ISO-8859-7 8859part8 ISO/IEC 8859-8, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 8 : Latin/Hebrew alphabet ISO-8859-8 8859part9 ISO/IEC 8859-9, Information technology 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 9 : Latin alphabet No.5 ISO-8859-9 8859part10 ISO/IEC 8859-10, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 10 : Latin alphabet No.6 ISO-8859-10 8859part11 ISO/IEC 8859-11, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 11 : Latin/Thai alphabet ISO-8859-11 Page 39 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 MD_CharacterSetCode Description IANA 8859part13 ISO/IEC 8859-13, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 13 : Latin alphabet No.7 ISO-8859-13 8859part14 ISO/IEC 8859-14, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 14 : Latin alphabet No.8 (Celtic) ISO-8859-14 8859part15 ISO/IEC 8859-15, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 15 : Latin alphabet No.9 ISO-8859-15 8859part16 ISO/IEC 8859-16, Information technology - 8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets - Part 16 : Latin alphabet No.10 ISO-8859-16 jis japanese code set used for electronic transmission JIS_Encoding shiftJIS japanese code set used on MS-DOS machines Shift_JIS eucJP japanese code set used on UNIX based machines EUC-JP usAscii United States ASCII code set (ISO 646 US) US-ASCII ebcdic IBM mainframe code set IBM037 eucKR Korean code set EUC-KR big5 traditional Chinese code set used in Taiwan, Hong Kong of China and other areas Big5 GB2312 simplified Chinese code set GB2312 Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:Dataset ; dcat:distribution [ a dcat:Distribution ; cnt:characterEncoding "UTF-8"^^xsd:string ] . # Metadata on metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:CatalogRecord ; Page 40 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example cnt:characterEncoding "UTF-8"^^xsd:string. <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <!-- Metadata on metadata: metadata character set --> <gmd:characterSet> <MD_CharacterSetCode codeList="resources/codelist/gmxcodelists.xml#MD_CharacterSetCode" codeListValue="utf8"> UTF-8 </MD_CharacterSetCode> </gmd:characterSet> ... <!-- Resource metadata: dataset character set --> <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> ... <gmd:characterSet> <gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode codeListValue="utf8" codeList=" de"/> </gmd:characterSet> ... </gmd:MD_DataIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.25 Encoding - *Distribution format In both DCAT and DCAT-AP, this information is specified for the distribution(s) of a dataset, and not for the dataset itself. Two properties are foreseen: dcat:mediaType: to be used when the format corresponds to one of the media types registered by IANA [40] dct:format: to be used in all the other cases The same approach can be proposed for ISO 19115 / INSPIRE metadata. In both cases, DCAT-AP recommends the use of the URI file type register [15], operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU, to specify formats/media types. However, this register does not include many of the formats/media types typically used for INSPIRE data – as, e.g., GML, shapefiles and raster files – which are available through the INSPIRE media type register [14]. The proposal is then to use the file type register of the Publications Office, if it includes the relevant format/media type, and the INSPIRE Media Types otherwise. Page 41 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:Dataset ; dcat:distribution [ a dcat:Distribution ; dcat:mediaType <> ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:distributionInfo> <gmd:MD_Distribution> <gmd:distributionFormat> <gmd:MD_Format> <gmd:name> <gco:CharacterString>GeoTIFF</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:name> <gmd:version> <gco:CharacterString>1.0</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:version> </gmd:MD_Format> </gmd:distributionFormat> ... </gmd:MD_Distribution> </gmd:distributionInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> II.26 Spatial representation type – *Spatial representation type In DCAT(-AP) [7] [5], no equivalent term is foreseen. In ISO 19115, element “Spatial representation type” is meant mainly to describe the “method used to represent geographic information in the dataset”, by using a code list (see the table below). The ADMS vocabulary includes a property, namely, adms:representationTechnique that could be used for this purpose. It is worth noting that, in the ADMS specification, adms:representationTechnique decribes a distribution, and not the dataset. Moreover, the ISO 19115 code list of spatial representation types might be in the future available as a URI register from the INSPIRE Registry. Based on this, GeoDCAT-AP models this information by using adms:representationTechnique, with the spatial representation type URIs that will be operated by the INSPIRE Registry. ISO 19115 MD_SpatialRepresenationTypeCode Description vector vector data is used to represent geographic data grid grid data is used to represent geographic data Page 42 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 MD_SpatialRepresenationTypeCode Description textTable textual or tabular data is used to represent geographic data tin triangulated irregular network stereoModel three-dimensional view formed by the intersecting homologous rays of an overlapping pair of images video scene from a video recording Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:Dataset ; dcat:distribution [ a dcat:Distribution adms:represenationTechnique <> ] . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:spatialRepresentationType> <gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode codeListValue="vector" codeList=" hemas/resources/codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode">vec tor</gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode> </gmd:spatialRepresentationType> II.27 Maintenance information - *not in ISO 19115 core In ISO 19115, element “Maintenance information” is meant mainly to describe how frequently a resource is updated. DCAT and DCAT-AP, the update frequency is expressed through dct:accrualPeriodicity, with the frequency codes defined in the Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary4 [17], which can be partially mapped to the ones used in ISO 19115, as shown in the following table (the missing alignments are in bold). A similar mapping was added for the MDR Frequency Named Authority List [41]. The ISO 19115 code list of maintenance frequency codes might be in the future available as a URI register from the INSPIRE Registry. Based on this, maintenance frequency is modelled in GeoDCAT-AP by using dct:accrualPeriodicity with the MDR Frequency Named Authority List [41]. For the frequency codes not covered by the MDR Frequency code list, GeoDCAT-AP will use the code list of ISO maintenance frequency codes operated by the INSPIRE Registry. 4 Page 43 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary [17] MDR Frequency Named Authority List [41] continual continuous UPDATE_CONT / CONT daily daily DAILY weekly weekly WEEKLY fortnightly biweekly BIWEEKLY monthly monthly MONTHLY quarterly QUARTERLY biannually semiannual ANNUAL_2 annually annual ANNUAL asNeeded - - Irregular irregular IRREG notPlanned - - unknown - UNKNOWN - triennial TRIENNIAL - biennial BIENNIAL - threeTimesAYear ANNUAL_3 - bimonthly BIMONTHLY - semimonthly MONTHLY_2 - threeTimesAMonth MONTHLY_3 - semiweekly WEEKLY_2 - threeTimesAWeek WEEKLY_3 - - OTHER quarterly Example # Resource metadata in GeoDCAT-AP [] a dcat:Dataset ; dct:accrualPeriodicity < > . <!-- Resource metadata in ISO19139 --> <gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation> <gmd:maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency gco:nilReason="missing"> <gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode codeList=" hemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode" codeListValue="daily">daily</gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode> Page 44 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Example </gmd:maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency> </gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation> Page 45 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Annex III COMPARISON BETWEEN INSPIRE AND ISO 19115:2014 In ISO Standard 19115-1:2014 the concept of ‘Core metadata’ was removed; it was translated into a normative annex (Annex F) “Discovery metadata for geographic resources”. In the Annex F metadata elements for the discovery are listed in 2 tables: • the metadata elements to be used for discovery of geographic datasets and series are identified in F.1; • the metadata elements to be used for discovery of service resources are identified inF.2. III.1 Spatial dataset and spatial dataset series The table below compares the core requirements of ISO 19115:2003 (see Table 3 in 6.5 of ISO 19115:2003), the requirements of INSPIRE for spatial dataset and spatial dataset series as defined in the Implementing Rules for metadata and the discovery metadata for geographic datasets and series (see Table F.1 in annex F of ISO 191151:2014). For those last metadata elements in the last field of the table the path is indicated. For each element, in brackets the obligation/max occurrence (3rd field). Table 11: Metadata elements used for discovery of geographic datasets and series ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE Implementing Rules for Metadata ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for datasets and series (Table F.1) ISO 19115-1:2014 Path Dataset title (M) Part B 1.1 Resource Title Resource title (M/1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.citation>CI_C itation.title Dataset reference date (M) Part B 5 Temporal Reference Resource reference date (O/N) MD_Metadata.idenitificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.citation>CI_C Dataset responsible party (O) Part B 9 Responsible organisation Resource point of contact (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.pointOfContact>CI_Responsibility Geographic location of the dataset (C) Part B 4.1 Geographic Bounding Box Geographic location (C/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.extent>EX_E xtent.geographicElement>EX_Geo graphicExtent>EX_GeographicBou ndingBox –orEX_GeographicDescription) Dataset language (M) Part B 1.7 Resource Language Resource language (C/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.defaultLocale >PT_Locale Dataset character set (C) - - Page 46 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE Implementing Rules for Metadata ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for datasets and series (Table F.1) ISO 19115-1:2014 Path Dataset topic category (M) Part B 2.1 Topic Category Resource topic category (C/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.topicCategory >MD_TopicCategoryCode Spatial resolution of the dataset (O) Part B 6.2 Spatial Resolution Spatial resolution (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_Identification.spatialResolution> MD_Resolution.equivalentScale MD_Resolution.distance, MD_Resolution.vertical, or MD_Resolution.angularDistance, or MD_Resolution.levelOfDetail Abstract describing the dataset (M) Part B 1.2 Resource abstract Resource abstract (M/1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.abstract Distribution format (O) - - Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) (O) Part B 5.1 Temporal extent Extent information for the dataset (additional) (O/N) Spatial representation type (O) - - Reference system (O) - - Lineage (O) Part B 6.1 Lineage Resource lineage (O/N) MD_Metadata>resourceLineage>LI _Lineage On-line resource (O) Part B 1.4 Resource Locator Resource on-line Link (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.citation>CI_C itation.onlineResource>CI_OnlineR esource Metadata file identifier (O) - Metadata reference information (O/1) MD_Metadata.metadataIdentifier Metadata standard name (O) - - Metadata standard version (O) - - Metadata language (C) Part B 10.3 Metadata Language - Metadata character set (C) - - Metadata point of contact (M) Part B 10.1 Metadata point of contact Metadata point of contact (M/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_Identification.extent > EX_Extent>EX_TemporalExtent or EX_VerticalExtent>CI_Respons ibility Page 47 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE Implementing Rules for Metadata ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for datasets and series (Table F.1) ISO 19115-1:2014 Path Metadata date stamp (M) Part B 10.2 Metadata Date Metadata date stamp (M/N) MD_Metadata.dateInfo - Part B 1.3 Resource Type Resource type (C/1) MD_Metadata.metadataScope>MD _Scope.resourceScope Part B 1.5 Unique Resource Identifier Resource identifier (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification.citation>CI_C itation.identifier>MD_Identifier Part B 3 Keyword Keywords (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification>descriptiveK eywords>MD_Keywords - Part B 7 Conformity - - Part B 8.1 Conditions for access and use Constraints on resource access and use (O/N) - Part B 8.2 Limitations on public access - MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>M D_DataIdentification>MD_Constrai nts.useLimitations and/or MD_LegalConstraints and/or MD_SecurityConstraints Page 48 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes III.2 Services The table below compares the core requirements of ISO 19115:2003 (see Table 3 in 6.5 of ISO 19115:2003), the requirements of INSPIRE for services as defined in the Implementing Rules for metadata and the discovery metadata for services (see Table F.2 in annex F of ISO 19115-1:2014). For those metadata elements in the last field of the table the path is indicated. For each element, in brackets the obligation/max occurrence (3rd field). Table 12: Metadata elements used for discovery of service resources ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for services (Table F.2) Path ISO 19115-1:2014 Dataset title (M) Part B 1.1 Resource Title Service title (M/1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.citation>C I_Citation.title Dataset reference date (M) Part B 5 Temporal Reference Reference date (O/1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.citation>C Dataset party (O) Part B 9 Responsible organisation Responsible party (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.pointOfCo ntact>CI_Responsibility Geographic location of the dataset (C) - Geographic location (M/1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.extent>EX _Extent.geographicElement > EX_GeographicExtent>EX_Geogra phicBoundingBox–orEX_GeographicDescription - Part B 4.1 Geographic Bounding Box - Dataset language (M) - - Dataset character set (C) - - Dataset topic category (M) - Service topic category (O/N) responsible MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.topicCateg ory>MD_TopicCategoryCode Page 49 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for services (Table F.2) Path ISO 19115-1:2014 Spatial resolution of the dataset (O) Part B 6.2 Spatial Resolution - Abstract describing the dataset (M) Part B 1.2 Resource abstract Resource abstract (M/1) Distribution format (O) - - Additional information dataset (O) extent for the - - Spatial representation type (O) - - Reference system (O) - - Lineage (O) - - On-line resource (O) Part B 1.4 Resource Locator On-line Link (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.citation>C I_Citation.onlineResource>CI_Onl ineResource Metadata file identifier (O) - Metadata reference information (O/1) MD_Metadata.metadataIdentifier Metadata name (O) standard - - Metadata version (O) standard - - Metadata language (C) Part B 10.3 Metadata Language - Metadata character set (C) - - MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.abstract Page 50 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ISO 19115 Core INSPIRE ISO 19115-1:2014 Discovery metadata for services (Table F.2) Path ISO 19115-1:2014 of Part B 10.1 Metadata point of contact Metadata point of contact (M/N)>CI_Respon sibility Metadata date stamp (M) Part B 10.2 Metadata Date Metadata date stamp (M/N) MD_Metadata.dateInfo - Part B 1.3 Resource Type Resource type (M/1) MD_Metadata.metadataScope>M D_Scope.resourceScope - Part B 1.6 Coupled Resource Coupled Resource (C/N) MD_Metadata>SV_ServiceIdentifi cation.coupledResource>SVCoupl edResource - Part B 2.2 Spatial Data Service Type - Part B 3 Keyword Keywords (O/N) - Part B 7 Conformity - - Part B 8.1 Conditions for access and use Constraints on access and use (O/N) - Part B 8.2 Limitations on public access - - - Coupled resource type (C/1) MD_Metadata>SV_ServiceIdentifi cation.couplingType>SVCouplingType - - Resource identifier (O/N) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification.citation>C I_Citation.identifier>MD_Identifie r Metadata point contact (M) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>S V_ServiceIdentification>MD_Key words MD_Metadata>SV_ServiceIdentifi cation>MD_Constraints.useLimita tions and/or MD_LegalConstraints and or MD_SecurityConstraints Page 51 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was elaborated by a Working Group under the ISA programme. The Working Group was chaired by Andrea Perego from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The ISA Programme of the European Commission was represented by Vassilios Peristeras and Athanasios Karalopoulos. Andrea Perego and Stijn Goedertier were the editors of the specification. Specific acknowledgement is due to Antonio Rotundo, from Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, who contributed a study comparing INSPIRE and ISO 19115:2014, included in Annex III of this specification. The members of the Working Group: Name Organisation Data portal Country Alessio Dragoni SCIAMlab IT Ana Fernández de Soria PwC EU Services EU Anastasia Dimou Ghent University BE Anders FriisChristensen European Commission Joint Research Centre JRC Data Catalogue EU Andrea Perego European Commission Joint Research Centre INSPIRE Geoportal, JRC Data Catalogue EU Angelos Tzotsos IMIS Athena Research Centre and EL Antonio Rotundo Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale IT Athanasios Karalopoulos European Commission EU Bert Van Nuffelen Tenforce EU Chrysi Tsinaraki European Commission Joint Research Centre EU David Read Deirdre Lee Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway IE Georges Charlot GIS team of Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (BRIC) BE UK Page 52 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Name Organisation Data portal Country Hannes Reuter GISCO Team at Eurostat Hans Overbeek Kennis- en Exploitatiecentrum Officiële Overheidspublicaties (KOOP) NL Ine de Visser Geonovum NL Jorgen Van den Langenbergh PwC EU Services - EU Kostas Patroumpas IMIS - Athena Research Center Lorena Hernandez Quiroz European Commission Joint Research Centre INSPIRE Geoportal EU Lorenzino Vaccari European Commission Joint Research Centre JRC Data Catalogue EU Makx Dekkers AMI Consult NL Martin Seiler National Spatial Data Infrastructure DE Michael Lutz European Commission Joint Research Centre Michael Östling MetaGIS Paul Smits European Commission Joint Research Centre Pedro Gonçalves Terradue IT Piergiorgio Cipriano Sinergis IT Pierluigi Cara Italian Civil Protection – Open data Group IT Pieter Colpaert iMinds/Ghent University/Open Knowledge Belgium BE Simon Dutkowski Fraunhofer FOKUS Stijn Goedertier PwC EU Services EU Susanne Wigard European Commission EU EU EL INSPIRE Geoportal EU SE INSPIRE Geoportal EU DE Page 53 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes Name Organisation Data portal Country Udo Einspanier Con Terra pan-EU Open Data Portal DE Willem Van Gemert Publications Office of the EU Metadata Registry EU Wouter Schaubroeck Hewlett-Packard BE Page 54 of 59 GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe - Annexes REFERENCES [1] ISO (International Organization for Standardization), “ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information -- Metadata,” 2003. 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