Mission The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE advances the application of engineering sciences and technology to medicine and biology, promotes the profession, and provides global leadership for the benefit of its members and humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, fostering professional development, and recognizing excellence. World’s largest bioengineering society ~8,000 members • IEEE EMBS is strong in its foundation and is the leading bioengineering society with a wide array of quality products and services for the benefit of its members and humanity • EMBS fosters inter-disciplinary activities within and without IEEE creating opportunities to collaborate on projects (journals, conferences, etc) spanning engineering and the life sciences community • Many volunteer opportunities are available. Good volunteers & leaders needed to make IEEE EMBS stronger • By working together, we can transform and revolutionize future medicine and healthcare EMBS Members by Employment Academic 52% Industry 46% Members in Medical Curricula 15% Members in Medical Industry (Hospital, MD, etc) 12% Government 2% Reports run on AC members from WEBI on 1 November 2005 EMBS Members by Degree Program Life Sciences Biology 1% Chemistry, Bio Chem 1% Medical 2% Non-technical 2% Physics 5% Science 1% Unknown 5% Engineering Reports run on AC members from WEBI on 1 November 2005 Biomedical Engineering 16% Chemical 3% Communications 2% Computer 7% Informatics/Info Science 1% Industrial 18% EE/ECE 34% Mechanical 2% EMBS Areas of Technical Interest Diagnostic Systems Technologies & Methodologies Therapeutic Systems Conventional systems Point-of-care diagnostics Imaging and other tests Neuromuscular devices Cardiovascular devices Cancer treatment Drug delivery Artificial tissues & organs: Silicon retina, cochlear, tactile sensors, nose, heart, … Healthcare and Bioinformation Systems MIS E-medicine D2H2 Genomics, Proteomics, and Physiome Tools in drug discoveries Biosignal Processing Biomedical Imaging: Molecular, X-rays, CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound and optical imaging Medical Instrumentation & Sensors MEMS and Nanotechnology Neural Engineering Rehabilitation Engineering Biorobotics Biosystems Modeling Computational bioengineering and bioinformatics Member Activities Local - a system of chapters worldwide for all types of networking opportunities and activities 105 chapters 37 student chapters/ 16 student clubs Chapter Activities Matching Fund Program: up to $1,000 available Distinguished Lecturer Matching Fund Program: up to $1,000 available EMBS California Chapters serving members locally SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND SAN JOSE SACRAMENTO FRESNO SANTA BARBARA THOUSAND OAKS VALENCIA LOS ANGELES IRVINE SAN DIEGO 2-28 Engineering a Better Cancer 3-8 - Professor Francis J. Doyle III, Associate Director, Army Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair in Process Control, Department of Chemical Engineering, UCSB 3-28 Epilepsy and Brain Mapping 4-19 - Professor John M. Boone, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of California, Davis. 4-25 Planetary Protection of Biology Samples returning to Earth 5-2 - Professor Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Departments of Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Psychological and Brain Sciences, Co-Director, Center for Neuroengineering, Medical Center, Duke University 5-30 Strategic Partnering and Start up Funding for Biomedical Industry 6-27 Toward Wearable Kidney 7-25 Medtone Insulin Inhaler 9-26 Biomolecular Manipulations with nanopulse electrical fields 10-24 Non invasive optical imaging and spectroscopic technologies 11-14 Tissue Engineering 12-12 Biologically inspired Computational Intelligence Member Recognition Awards Career Achievement, Service and Early Career Achievement Awards Best Chapter and Best New Chapter Awards Outstanding Performance Awards (OPA) for the best student chapter/club and the best new student chapter/club Student Paper Competition Award Student Summer School Travel Grants Promotion to IEEE Fellows and Senior Members IEEE Bio – Content Growing since 1953 Biomedical Engineering Neural Networks Artificial Intelligence Physiologic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fuzzy Control Biocompatibility Tissue Engineering Biomolecular / Electronics Microtechnology Cellular Systems Nanobioscience Bioinformatics DNA Biotechnology Clinical Engineering Imaging Radiology Rehabilitation / Engineering Robotics / Surgery Telemedicine Biomimetic 19,470+ documents 78,000+ documents 47,300+ documents 1,640+ documents 6,240+ documents 11,300+ documents 780+ documents 920+ documents 292,500+ documents 1,270+ documents 9,770+ documents 400+ documents 4,840+ documents 7,700+ documents 3,100+ documents 570+ documents 261,500+ documents 6,740+ documents 587,180+ documents 61,750+ documents 2,690+ documents 1,140+ documents 1.5m documents in IEEEXplore EMBS Sponsored Publications IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Magazine IEEE Transactions on Information Technology In Biomedicine (TITB) IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE) EMBS Co-Sponsored Publications IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Co-sponsored with EMBS by the IEEE Nuclear Plasma Sciences Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Ultrasound IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience Co-sponsored with EMBS by IEEE Computer Society, IEEE CIS, IEEE Nanotechnology Council IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Co-sponsored with EMBS by ACM, IEEE Computer Society, EMBS, CIS IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Co-sponsored with EMBS by the IEEE Circuits & Systems Society IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging The #1 most highly cited journal in Imaging Science and the #3 most-cited journal in Biomedical Engineering* EMBS Sponsored Conferences Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2007: Lyon, France 2008: Vancouver, Canada 2009: Minneapolis, USA EMBC Proceedings are now indexed in Medline/PUBmed IEEE EMBS STC on Neural Engineering 2007, Big Island, Hawaii EMBS Co-Sponsored Conferences International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) co-sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society 2008: Paris, France 2009: Boston, USA International Conference on Biomedical Robotics co-sponsored by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society EMBS SUMMER SCHOOLS One week immersion course for students in an educational environment reviewing a particular technology with one-on-one access to an expert panel of instructors International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging International Summer School on Biomedical Signal Processing International Summer School on Biocomplexity International Summer School & Symposia on Medical Devices and Biosensors International Summer School on Information Technology in Biomedicine EMBS an International Organization 2007 EMBS LEADERSHIP Administrative Committee (16 members) elected by members representing the Geographic units of the World and the number of representatives based on membership in each area North America Paolo Bonato Stephen Davies Elliot Sloane Robert Butera Nathalie Gosset Carole Carey Andrew Laine Claudio Cobelli, Italy Gudrun Zahlmann, Germany Young Ro Yoon, S. Jyh-Horng Chen, Taiwan Latin America Emilio Sacristan, Mexico Europe Christian Roux, France Middle East & Africa Ahmed Morsy, Egypt Asia Pacific Kenji Sunagawa, Japan Korea Student Representative Jennifer Flexman 2007 EMBS Leadership Executive Committee elected by the AdCom to serve as senior officers President: Donna Hudson (2007-2008) Past President: Yongmin Kim (2007) VP Publications: Bin He (2007-2008) VP Conferences: Zhi-Pei Liang (2006-2007) VP Member and Student Activities: Jorge Monzon (2006-2007) VP Finances: Craig Hartley (2007-2008) EMBS “we like what we do” The Future of EMBS Developing International Model Curricula for BME programs collaboration efforts with IEEE Educational Activities Board Standards Activities collaboration efforts with IEEE Standards Association Continued collaborative efforts with other Societies/Organizations to develop synergy, promote networking opportunities for members and visibility to the Biomedical/Bioengineering Community AIMBE, CORAL, EAMBES, IFMBE Local Chapter – “Model Activities” Speaker events Networking events Senior Membership Drive Job events (companies meeting professionals) Development of corporate sponsors Booth at school fairs Mentor Program for students to meet professionals Support of local EMBS student Branch, club, or chapter Local Chapter - Structure 4 officers min: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary Under the umbrella of the IEEE Sections Requirement to maintain chapter status: 2 technical meetings per year filed through L31 form http://ewh.ieee.org/cgi-bin/l31/ReportForm.pl Tips to run a successful chapter available at: www.thewisesource.org/chapterwisdom EMBS Executive Office 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ USA 08854 emb-exec@ieee.org http://www.embs.org