Revolutions exam


World Civilization

Revolutions Unit Exam

Mr. Beward

Multiple Choice (30 questions, 60 points)—Please provide the BEST answer to each of the following questions. Please attempt an answer for each question.


What thinker of the Scientific Revolution is best known for his theory of gravity and the laws of physics? a.

Sir Francis Bacon b.

Sir Isaac Newton c.

Boyle d.



What thinker of the Scientific Revolution developed the heliocentric theory of the universe? a.

Sir Francis Bacon b.

Sir Isaac Newton c.

Galileo d.

Nicolaus Copernicus


Who was the primary writer of the American Declaration of Independence? a.

John Hancock b.

James Madison c.

Thomas Jefferson d.

Benjamin Franklin


What group made up the First Estate of the French Ancien Regime? a.

Leaders of the Catholic Church b.

Nobility c.

Bourgeoisie and others d.

None of the above


What Enlightenment philosopher believed that people were naturally happy, tolerant, and reasonable? a.

Thomas Hobbes b.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau c.

John Locke d.

Denis Diderot


Who was the inventor of the cotton gin? a.

George Washington b.

Robert Fulton


James Watt d.

Eli Whitney


What Enlightenment philosopher believed that humans were characterized by their own selfinterest and that government was necessary to protect people from themselves? a.

Thomas Hobbes b.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau c.

John Locke d.

Baron de Montesquieu


What was the name of Napoleon’s plan of damaging political enemies by cutting trade to those countries? a.

Nationalism b.

Plebiscite c.

The War of Attrition d.

Continental System


This favored method of execution during the French Revolution dropped a heavy blade through the neck of its victims a.

Guillotine b.

Axe c.

Sword d.

Ninja Star


Why is July 14 th now a national holiday in France? a.

The date of the Tennis Court Oath b.

Declaration of the National Assembly c.

Storming of the Bastille d.

The end of the Reign of Terror


This exciting time of optimism and possibility is called ____________________ or the Age of

Reason? a.

Social Contract b.

Age of the Philosophes c.

Enlightenment d.

Age of Enlightened Despots


After the Seven Years’ War, this was the first tax imposed on the American colonies by the

British: a.

Stamp Act b.

Wood Act c.

Quartering Act


Tea Act


What views were Mary Wollstonecraft best known for? a.

Education for women b.

Equality for women c.

Both A & B d.

None of the above


What was Jethro Tull best known for inventing? a.

The cotton gin b.

The seed drill c.

The Bessemer process of steel production d.

The 1970s rock band with his name


In his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations, which economist argued that all business activities should take place in a free market? a.

John Locke b.

Thomas Malthus c.

Adam Smith d.

David Ricardo


Name the early scientist who used a telescope to confirm that planets orbit the sun and observed that the moon’s surface was rough and jagged? a.

Galileo b.

Hubble c.

Copernicus d.



What invention is best known for powering the machinery of the Industrial Revolution? a.

Power Loom b.

Steam Engine c.

Spinning Jenny d.



What was the most radical phase of the French Revolution, marked by a large number of executions and the attempt to save the Revolution from attack by outside nations? a.

The Directory b.

The Consulate c.

The Reign of Terror d.

The National Assembly


What German economist is best known for his view that government should own the means of production and control the national economy (communism) a.

Robert Owen b.

Fredrich Nietsche c.

Sigmund Freud d.

Karl Marx


Name the leader of the French Revolution period known as the Reign of Terror who later fell victim to the guillotine himself? a.

Robespierre b.

Napoleon c.

Abbe Sieyes d.

Louis XVI


Who is credited for the invention of the steamboat? a.

Robert Owen b.

Edmund Cartwright c.

James Watt d.

Robert Fulton


What important document of the French Revolution was modeled after the Declaration of

Independence? a.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen b.

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen c.

Tennis Court Oath d.

National Constitution of France


Name the famous battle that ended Napoleon’s attempt to control Europe and led to his exile on Elba? a.

Battle of Toulon b.

Battle of the Nile c.

Battle of Trafalgar d.

Battle of Waterloo


Name the French priest and political writer known for his January 1789 article “What is the

Third Estate”, which is widely seen as a major cause of the French Revolution? a.

Abbe Sieyes b.

Montesquieu c.

Diderot d.



What English scientist is best known for his study of human blood and the regulatory system? a.

William Harvey b.

Isaac Newton c.

Francis Bacon d.

Thomas More


What event caused Louis XVI to call the Estates-General to meet in May 1789 for the first time in 175 years? a.

Need of money to build royal palaces b.

Near bankruptcy of the French treasury c.

Taxes for a war against Austria d.

Taxes to help French farmers survive years of bad harvests


What famous English economist argued that lack of restraint on the part of poor people would guarantee the continuation of poverty in the world? a.

Robert Owen b.

Adam Smith c.

Thomas Malthus d.

David Ricardo


Name the battle that ended the American Revolution? a.

Yorktown b.

Saratoga c.

Trenton d.



Whose political ideas did Thomas Jefferson model in writing the American Declaration of

Independence? a.

Thomas More b.

Thomas Hobbes c.

Adam Smith d.

John Locke


What is the correct definition of an entrepreneur? a.

One who creates a good idea b.

A famous explorer c.

One who leads the manufacture of consumer products d.

One who creates, operates and assumes the risk for a new business

Constructed Responses (write both, 20 points each, 40 points total)


How did the thinkers of the Enlightenment help to create the political and industrial revolutions of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? To be eligible for full points, your response must include at least three SPECIFIC examples of how the thinkers influence revolutions.


Compare and contrast any TWO of the following revolutions: Scientific Revolution,

American Revolution, French Revolution and Industrial Revolution. To receive full credit, this response must include at least two points of comparison and two points of contrast supported with specific evidence (people, ideas, inventions, changes, etc.)
