-- What is that?
1. REDD PLUS – in brief
Background: Deforestation has become a
problem that the world cannot ignore.
 Deforestation results in the release of the carbon
originally stored in trees as carbon dioxide emissions.
 30% of the earth’s land area is forest; one third people
rely on forest for their livelihood.
 According to 2006 Stern Review, one fifth of total
annual carbon emissions now come from land-use change.
This number is even greater than global transportation
1. REDD PLUS – in brief
 REDD stands for Reducing Emissions from
Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing
Countries; and other roles of Conservation,
Sustainable Management of Forests and
Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks.
1. REDD PLUS – in brief
 Main idea: governments, companies or forest
owners in the South should be rewarded for
keeping their forests instead of cutting them
 The core of the concept: a scheme whereby
the global community will create mechanisms to
reward those who reduce emissions from
deforestation and degradation.
2. Historical Background
 1997: rejected by Kyoto Protocol because -Leakage, Additionality , Permanence and
 2007: Cop-13, became a key element in the Bali
Action Plan.
 2009: Cop-15, Copenhagen Accord
 2010: COP-16 Cancun, Establishment of the
global REDD+ mechanism
 2011: Cop-17 Durban
Cop-13, Bali Action Plan
Bali Action Plan, Para. 1 (b) (iii):
REDD+ refers to “Policy approaches and positive
incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions
from deforestation and forest degradation; and the
role of conservation, sustainable management of
forest and enhancement of forest Carbon stocks in
developing countries.”
Copenhagen Accord
“6. We recognize the crucial role of reducing
emission from deforestation and forest degradation
and the need to enhance removals of greenhouse
gas emission by forests and agree on the need to
provide positive incentives to such actions through
the immediate establishment of a mechanism
including REDD-plus, to enable the mobilization of
financial resources from developed countries”.
Ad Hoc Working Group on long-term
Cooperative Action (AWG/LCA)
Para. 70:
“Encourages developing country Parties to contribute
to mitigation actions in the forest sector by
undertaking the following activities, as deemed
appropriate by each Party and in accordance with
their respective capabilities and national
(a) Reducing emissions from deforestation;
(b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation;
(c) Conservation of forest carbon stocks;
(d) Sustainable management of forest;
(e) Enhancement of forest carbon stocks;”
Cop-17 Durban
Progress has been made on how to set levels of
baseline emissions and how to measure the
emission reductions resulting from forestry initiatives,
but the decision on social and environmental
safeguards of the program is insufficient, while no
progress was made concerning the sources of longterm funding.
3. Demonstrating Activities
 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
 UN-REDD Programme
 Norway’s International Climate and Forest
Initiative (NICFI)
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
 Launched in June 2008
 Complements the UNFCCC negotiations on REDD+
by demonstrating how REDD+ can be applied at the
country level and by learning lessons from this early
implementation phase
 Now there’re 37 forest developing countries
have been elected in this partnership
 Norway committed USD 50 mil in 2011
UN-REDD Programme
 Launched in September 2008
 Assist developing countries prepare and implement
national REDD+ strategies
 35 partner countries, of which 13 are receiving
support to National Programme activities
 Norway continues to be the first
and largest donor
Norway’s International Climate
and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
 Launched by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg
during the climate change negotiations in Bali in
December 2007
 A pledge of up to three billion Norwegian Kroner
(US$ 500 million) per year to REDD in developing
4. Implementation of REDD
3 phased approach :
 Readiness phase
 Multi-stakeholder participation and
consultation important for REDD
 Performance-based REDD-plus payments
4. Implementation of REDD
Financing: funds, markets, or combination of two
 readiness phase: funds been made available by
multilateral agreements (FCPF, UN REDD
 interim phase: multilaterals are still expected to be
one of the main sources of funding
 third phase: performance-based REDD-plus
payments could be linked to compliance markets
4. Implementation of REDD
Participants during the implementation
 forest users such as indigenous peoples, forest
 forest land owners
 organizations, government agencies, project
developers and investors
4. Implementation of REDD
REDD being implemented
 REDD-plus is still being negotiated by the
UNFCCC. REDD activities have been implemented
for years, but earlier such projects and activities were
not being accounted against CO₂ offsetting.
 What is new is that such activities are to be
accounted for as emission reductions. REDD-plus
can be implemented in developing countries with
4. Implementation of REDD
Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
 REDD+ can have positive or negative social and
developmental impacts, depending on how it is implemented
 REDD will have to be measured and verified
 Currently lack of consensus at the international level over
the design of effective MRV systems
4. Implementation of REDD
3 conditions of REDD+:
 Leakage
 Additionality
 Permance
5.REDD PLUS-Benefits
 significant, cheap, quick and win-win way to reduce GHG
 create incentives or compensation for individuals, forest
communities, and organizations
 make funds available for more general benefit
distribution among communities that can help build wider
legitimacy and support for REDD-plus
6.REDD PLUS-Challenges
 Financing: fund- or market-based approach ?
 How to determine reference emission levels and
reference levels?
 Involvement of indigenous peoples and local
 to what extent developed
countries might be able to rely
on REDD-plus
A video to sum up