Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Low Level RF System Injector Turn-on January 2007 September 19, 2006 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Safety First and Second and Third… Infinity Hazards in the LLRF system RF 1kW at 120Hz at 5uS = 0.6 Watts average, 2 Watt average amps at 2856MHz, 60W average amps at 476MHz Hazards – RF Burns Mitigation – Avoid contact with center conductor of energized connectors. All employees working with LLRF systems are required to have the proper training. 110VAC Connector Hazards - Shock Mitigation - Don’t touch conductors when plugging into outlet. All chassis are inspected by UL trained inspector. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Scope of Work – Injector Turn-on Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade All 3 RF Chassis completed and Installed (Master Oscillator, Master Amp, PEP phase Shifter Control Module ready for test – higher phase noise levels if not installed Sector 20 RF distribution system Phase and Amplitude Controllers (PACs) – 6 units Phase and Amplitude Detectors (PAD) – 2 units Phased Locked Oscillator – Use SPPS unit for Turn On LO Generator – Complete - 50% tested – looks good so far Multiplier – 476MHz to 2856MHz – Complete 50% Tested 4 distribution chassis – Complete 102MHz, 2056MHz, 2830.5MHz Laser Phase Measurement – in Design, diagnostic, not required for turn on – Laser group wants it next week. Distribution Amplifiers – 10W, 2850MHz on order – 10W, 102MHz Amp in search Minicircuits has 5W and 50W LLRF Control and Monitor System 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers – 5 units – Design Complete, In Fab PAD – 12 units – 6 required for turn on PAC – 6 units Bunch Length Monitor Interface – awaiting Specs Beam Phase Cavity Will use single channel of PAD Chassis Pill box cavity with 2 probes and 4 tuners – 2805MHz 3 units Complete September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LCLS Layout P. Emma September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Control system spans Sector 20 off axis injector to beyond Sector 30 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LCLS RF Jitter Tolerance Budget Lowest Noise Floor Requirement 0.5deg X-Band = 125fS Structure Fill time = 100nS Noise floor = -111dBc/Hz @ 11GHz 10MHz BW -134dBc/Hz @ 476MHz 0.50 X-band XRMS tolerance budget for <12% rms peak-current jitter or <0.1% rms final e− energy jitter. All tolerances are rms levels and the voltage and phase tolerances per klystron for L2 and L3 are Nk larger, assuming uncorrelated errors, where Nk is the number of klystrons per linac. P. Emma September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Slow Drift Tolerance Limits (Top 4 rows for De/e < 5%, bottom 4 limited by feedback dynamic range) Gun-Laser Timing Bunch Charge Gun RF Phase Gun Relative Voltage L0,1,X,2,3 RF Phase (approx.) L0,1,X,2,3 RF Voltage (approx.) (Tolerances are peak values, not rms) 2.4* deg-S 3.2 % 2.3 deg-S 0.6 % 5 deg-S 5 % P. Emma, J, Wu * for synchronization, this tolerance might be set to 1 ps (without arrival-time measurement) September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Distribution system September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Concerns of Previous Reviews Installation of temperature stabilized cables can effect phase stability. Working with cable shop on plan for installation Triggers required to be synchronous with 476MHz may jitter The highest frequency that triggers need to be synchronous with is 102MHz. Procedurally triggers will be placed in the stable region SPPS PLL design generates an internal pulse width based on a one-shot and uses an old track and hold chip Redesign of this chassis will be done next year and these comments will be taken into consideration LO Generator design uses internal trim caps and resistors to calibrate unit, synchronization needs to be addressed, should consider SSB modulator We are using internal trim caps and resistors - have not had a problem in the past with these types of devices The synchronization will be monitored and can be reset if it gets out of sync The unit is a SSB modulator Concerns of Hardware and Software being disconnected from each other and the review committee would also like to better understand the software. The LLRF Hardware effort has been moved to the controls group and is now being reviewed with the software. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade LCLS must be compatible with the existing linac operation including PEP timing shifts MAIN LINAC (SECTOR 0) RF/TIMING SYSTEM Master Oscillator is located 1.3 miles from LCLS Injector Measurements on January 20, 2006 at Sector 21 show 30fS rms jitter in a bandwidth from 10Hz to 10MHz 1 476MHz PEP PHASE MASTER OSCILLATOR SHIFTER +-720 Degrees in 0.5mS Sum Fiducial to RF MASTER AMPLIFIERS 476MHz SLC COUNTDOW N CHASSIS 476MHz Divide to 8.5MHz 8.5MHz 360Hz Line Sync. 360Hz PEP PHASE SHIFT ON MAIN DRIVE LINE Master Trigger Generator MTG Syncs Fiducial to 8.5MHz Damping Ring and 360Hz Power Line Main Drive Line (MDL) 476MHz RF plus 360Hz Fiducial To: Main Linac - 2 miles Damping Rings PEP NLCTA End Station A FFTB ORION 1.3 Miles to LCLS Injector Fiducial Generator Syncronized to: 360Hz Power Line 8.5MHz Damping Ring 476MHz RF Distribution MDL RF with TIMING Pulse – Sync to DR September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, 20 PEP II Phase Shifter 10kHz freq shift 1.2Vpp IQ in Agilent E4407B 10 0 -10 dBm -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 475950000 475970000 475990000 476010000 476030000 476050000 Frequency September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade Status New Low Noise Master Oscillator – Done New Low Noise PEP Phase Shifter RF Chassis – Done Control Chassis – Ready for installation New Low Noise Master Amplifier – Done Main Drive Line Coupler in Sector 21 – Done Measurements Noise floor on 476MHz of -156dBc/Hz Integrated jitter from 10Hz to 10MHz of 30fS September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, RF System Topology / Specifications Linac Sector 0 RF Number of cables per device Reference cables are 8ft and can drift +-50fS MDL L0, L1 - 5 Klystrons Specifications 100fS rms jitter +-2.3pS drift L2 - 4 Sectors Specifications 70fS rms jitter +-5pS drift L3 - 6 Sectors Specifications 150fS rms jitter +-5pS drift 476MHz PLL 2830.5MHz LO Amp / Splitter PAD Laser 1 RF Gun 5 2 L0A Phase Cavity 2 L0B 2 L1S 4 L1X 2 L2 Ref 1 Laser RF Gun L0A Phase Cavity L0B L1S L1X L2 Ref Cable Drift Based on Temperature variations and temp co of 5ppm/degC Most Devices are in tunnel +-680fS Laser +-370fS RF Gun +-310fS L0A +-240fS Phase Cavity +-240fS L0B +-140fS +-160fS +-500fS RF HUT September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, L1S L1X L2 Ref Sector 20 RF Distribution Main Drive Line (MDL) 476MHz RF 360Hz Fiducial From Sector 0 (2km) LCLS Sector 20 RF Reference System MDL to Linac Sectors 21 to 30 PEP and Research Yard RF HUT Coupler 476MHz Ref. 80uW FSJ4-50 0.8dB/30ft Existing TIMING SYSTEM FIDO Output 120Hz TRBR 119MHz 380-208-38 476MHz Amp 30dB Gain 19dBm Track/Hold TRBR RF MONITOR PAD LCLS 476MHz PLL 4x 476MHz 13dBm OUT +13dBm in +13dBm in 380-208-22 476MHz to 2856MHz MULTIPLIER 380-208-22 476MHz to 2856MHz MULTIPLIER +17dBm out RF CONTROL SPAC LO and 102MHz resync by adjusting 2856MHz PAC while monitoring S21 2856MHz Laser resync with laser PAC while monitoring difference in 119MHz laser and FIDO out LASER Diode Measurement RF CONTROL SPAC 119MHz 0dBm OUT +17dBm out LASER Diode Output RF CONTROL SPAC 4 x +13dBm out Sample and Hold PLL with DAC offset adjust and Error Monitor 119MHz Phase LASER Reference 476MHz LASER LOCK Reference LCLS LLRF 476MHz Linac Ref. Phase Noise and Timing 2830.5MHz LO Gen IQ Modulator to adjust 2830.5MHz to 2856MHz Phase LO Phase Monitor Divide 112 to 25.5MHz SSB Mix to 2830.5MHz 4X to 102MHz LO Phase Monitor RF MONITOR PAD RF MONITOR PAD 25.5MHz out 102MHz out RF CONTROL SPAC 2830.5MHz out RF CONTROL SPAC 2856MHz 2Watt Amplifier 102MHz 2Watt Amplifier 2830.5MHz 2Watt Amplifier Diode Detector Diode Detector Diode Detector 2856MHz 16 Way Distribution 20dBm each Gun L0A L0B L0TCAV L1S L1X LINAC EXPERIMENTS 2856MHz 2856MHz in 102MHz Digitizer Clocks 16 Way Distribution 26dBm each LO Phase Monitor RF MONITOR PAD 2830.5MHz LO 16 Way Distribution 20dBm each Gun L0A L0B L0TCAV L1S L1X Gun L0A L0B L0TCAV L1S L1X LO Phase Monitor RF MONITOR PAD 2856MHz from Sector 21 LO Phase Monitor RF MONITOR PAD September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, and 119MHz 2830.5MHz Generator B. Hong September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Phase Noise Measurements Noise Floors Lower Than Expected Values which are Lower than Requirements By J. Frisch September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Sector 20 RF Distribution System Status Phase Locked Oscillator – 476MHz – Done for now Initial Turn On use SPPS Oscillator Will modify control to achieve better stability during 2007 LO Generator – 2830.5MHz - Built – 50% tested Multipliers - 476MHz to 2856MHz – Built – 50% tested Phase and Amplitude Control (PAC) Unit See next section Phase and Amplitude Detector (PAD) Unit See next section Distribution Amplifiers 2850MHz due mid October 102MHz search under way Laser Phase Measurement System May design DC PAD control board September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Distribution Schedule Racks to be installed in RF Hut – next week RF Cables (On-site) to be pulled – mid October RF Chassis – 50% complete 10 more chassis required for turn on, to be installed by December Remainder by March 2007 Testing of RF distribution system - December Phase measurements of cables / looped Ready for turn-on – Mid December September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Beam Phase Cavity Status The cavity was moved to 2805MHz after concerns of the last review about Dark Current were analyzed. Measurement of beam phase to RF reference phase. The result will be used to correct timing of laser to RF reference. 2805MHz cavity is located between L0A and L0B. Will use RF PAD with 2830.5MHz LO for a 25.5MHz IF. Electronics will use single channel of PAD Chassis Pill box cavity with 2 probes and 4 tuners Cavity Electronics will use single channel of RF Monitor Three cavities fabricated September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Control System Distributed Control System Microcontroller based IOC Control (PAC) and Detector (PAD) Modules Ethernet Switch Central Feedback Computer September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Concerns of Previous Reviews The Slow ADC can have problems with ground noise and should be mounted on the RF board. The Slow ADC is mounted on a separate board for the PAD and the same board for the PAC. It is used to monitor various devices including external thermocouples, RF power levels, and power supply voltages. The system is being designed with too little diagnostics, at a minimum the input power should be monitored for remote chassis. The PAC is being designed with a monitor for input power. The LO on the PAD, when used, will also be monitored. The PAD and PAC systems should report missing, unexpected or multiple trigger signals remotely. The PAC currently has the ability to report missing triggers, but the features have not yet been tested. The processor on the PAD has the capability to do this also and this will be considered in the future if thought necessary. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Control and Monitor System Klystron Station TRIG LCLS RF HUT 2830.5MHz LO Amp / Splitter TCAV 20-5 RF Gun 20-6 L0A 20-7 L0B 20-8 L1S 21-1 L1X 21-2 ENET Trig & Ethernet 3dBm From Klystron Drive Coupler LO PAC OUT PAD KLY BEAM Voltage SPARE 102MHz Clock In Out LCLS RF HUT 102MHz Clock Amp / Splitter TCAV 20-5 RF Gun 20-6 L0A 20-7 L0B 20-8 L1S 21-1 L1X 21-2 240ft = 2.5dB 1/2 Superflex = 1.6dB LDF4 = 3dB LDF1 21dBm 13dBm 102MHz Clock In LCLS RF HUT 2856MHz RF Amp / Splitter TCAV 20-5 RF Gun 20-6 L0A 20-7 L0B 20-8 L1S 21-1 L1X 21-2 240ft = 17dB 1/2 Superflex = 10dB LDF4 PAC 3dBm Coupled Out In 2856MHz Out SSSB Control SSSB Coupled Out 17dBm In 2856MHz Out Control & Monitor GATE GATE To IPA Klystron Drive from BCS Trig & Ethernet RF HUT ENET TRIG 140ft = 25dB 3/8 Superflex KLYSTRON STATION September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, RF & Temperature Signal Counts for FeedBack exclude Klystron PADs ADC Chan Cnt/FBK Distribution/Laser RF Gun Beam Phase Cavity L0-A Accelerator L0-B Accelerator L0-T Transverse Accelerator L1-S Station 21-1 B, C, and D Acc L1-X X-Band accelerator X-Band S25-Tcav S24-1, 2, & 3 Feedback S29 and S30 Feedback 7/0 6/5 2/1 2/2 2/2 2/0 4/4 2/2 2/0 0 0 Hut PADs Temp. Mon. 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 LLRF Control and Monitor System Status 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers – 5 units 1kW amplifier modules currently in test Existing amplifier support design under review Phase and Amplitude Detectors – 11 quad chan units Control Board – Pre production delivered – may require 2nd round. RF Board – in layout Phase and Amplitude Controllers – 6 units Control board – Sent out for Pre production RF Board – Pre-production in Fab. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, CHAN 0 TEST PORT RP SMA CHAN 0 25.5MHz IF FP BNC 4 X 16 bit ADC 102MHz Clock LTC2208 Transformer Coupled Inputs 16bit DATA Chan. 0 WCLK IF FILTER 25.5MHz BP LO DIODE DETECTOR FP BNC 16bit DATA RF LO Chan. 1 MIXER CPL7 WCLK 16bit DATA Chan. 2 16bit DATA MIXER 10dBm Chan. 3 RF LO IF WCLK FILTER 25.5MHz BP 16 bit DATA FIFO 64k words CS/ CLK FIFO 64k words CONTROL / Arcturus uC5282 Microcontroller Module with 10/100 Ethernet FIFO 64k words RAW ETHERNET RF Board WCLK LO OUTPUT 2830.5MHz RP N CHAN 1 TEST PORT FP N FIFO 64k words Control CPLD CHAN 1 RF INPUT RP N 5VDC 0.8A x 2 Analog CHAN 1 TEST PORT RP SMA CHAN 2 TEST PORT RP SMA CHAN 2 RF INPUT RP N CHAN 2 TEST PORT FP N CHAN 1 25.5MHz IF FP BNC IF RF LO MIXER CPL7 RF Board MIXER RF LO IF LO OUTPUT 2830.5MHz RP N CHAN 3 TEST PORT FP N FILTER 25.5MHz BP CHAN 3 RF INPUT RP N CHAN 3 TEST PORT RP SMA CLOCK IN CLOCK Mon 102MHz 102MHz RP N FP N QSPI 5VDC 0.5A Digital TRIG In 120Hz RP BNC CHAN 2 25.5MHz IF FP BNC FILTER 25.5MHz BP LO DIODE DETECTOR FP BNC LO INPUT 2830.5MHz RP N Control Board ETHERNET COM CHAN 0 RF INPUT RP N CHAN 0 TEST PORT FP N LO INPUT 2830.5MHz RP N PAD Block Diagram CHAN 3 25.5MHz IF FP BNC 20 pin ribbon TRIG Mon FP BNC QSPI RF Board Mixers Marki Microwave M1-2040MEZ : Amplifiers Sirenza SBW-5089 : Slow ADC TI/BB ADS1218 : Fast ADC LT LTC2208 24Bit Analog Input Board ANALOG IN ANALOG IN Most PADs will consist of 2 RF Modules to down convert 2856MHz to 25.5MHz, a 4 Channel, 16bit, digitizer control board, and an 8 channel 24bit slow analog input. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD RF Power Levels # ADCs Distribution RF Gun Forward RF Gun Probes Beam Phase Cavity L0-A Accelerator L0-B Accelerator L0-T Transverse Accelerator L1-S Station 21-1 B, C, and D Acc L1-X X-Band accelerator X-Band S25-Tcav S24-1, 2, & 3 Feedback S29 and S30 Feedback 4 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 0 0 RF Power PAD Power 10mW-100mW 10MW 10W-30W 10MW 10W-30W 100mW 30mW 60MW 120W 60MW 120W 0.5MW 0.5W-30W 15MW 30W-120W 20MW 2W 10MW 10W September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD 4 Chan ADC Board 25.5MHz 4 point IQ Data Analysis – SNR – 76dB Amplitude 76dB Phase Noise Floor from below plots < -147dBc/Hz - SNR 65dB 25.5MHz Cross Talk from below plots < 100dB Channel 0 data: Signal = -7.1dB Noise Level = -72.1dB Channel 1 data: Signal = -112dB Noise Level = -79.3dB Bin Width 1816Hz, 33dB September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD Software Different LLRF apps need different calculations There are 5 different algorithms: AVG+STD – calculate average I and Q and variance of I and Q RF WF – calculate average I and Q WF – calculate average of sample RF WF2 – calculate average I and Q of two samples IQ Cal – send 64K raw data waveform Each channel on a PAD can run a different algorithm Each PAD can run in CALIBRATION or RUNNING mode, which use different algorithms September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD Software Data acquisition begins via timing trigger Each PAD needs its own trigger so that it can have its own delay 4 channels of 1024 16-bit integers at 102 MHz read in within 2 ms September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAC September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAC Block Diagram 2856MHz Ref In RP N RF INPUT Monitor FP N RF OUTPUT Monitor FP N RF OUTPUT To SSSB RP N I MONITOR Q MONITOR FP BNC FP BNC H9 CLOCK 119MHz RP N H10 TRIGGER EXT TRIG Monitor TTL 120Hz FP BNC RP BNC J2 H7 J3 RF Module SSSB SSSB Gate Monitor Chassis FP BNC RP 15 Pin D H6 SSSB Trig TTL 17 to 30uS P5 MATCHING FILTER NETWORK 3 16bit DATA Amp I&Q MODULATOR Amp 1 J5 LO 2 RF 4 Q J4 MATCHING FILTER NETWORK I CLK MAX5875 2 X 16 bit DAC 119MHz Clock 16bit DATA (1MHz to 200MHz) Q CLK XILINX SPARTAN 3 FPGA 16 bit DATA CS/ CLK AD8099 Diff Amp Control Control CONTROL / Arcturus uC5282 Microcontroller Module with 10/100 Ethernet ETHERNET RAW ETHERNET I COM Temperature Monitor RF INPUT Monitor Diode FP BNC NC t H12 SLOW ADCs PAC Temp IQ Temp SSSB Temp SSSB P-FWD SSSB P-RFL SSSB PWR +5V -12V Temperature t Monitor Control Board September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAC SSB Modulator Tests 58kHz lower side band test – Suppression of fundamental and opposite side band is better than 60dB. PAC SSB Modulator Tests SN 3 May 5, 2006 0 -10 dBm -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 475400000 475600000 475800000 476000000 476200000 476400000 476600000 Frequency September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAC Software PACs can run in either CALIBRATING or RUNNING mode. A state machine keeps track. If CALIBRATING, calibration waveforms are loaded into FPGA and I and Q gains and offsets can be adjusted. If RUNNING, I and Q gains and offsets are fixed, operational waveforms are loaded into FPGA and I and Q adjustments can be applied at the operational frequency. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, VME September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, VME Software Generic Feedback algorithm: Phase and amplitude are calculated from I and Q averages from each channel of the PAD Phases are corrected by phase offset correction Amplitudes are corrected by amplitude power correction Phase and amplitudes are weighted by configurable weighting factors to determine one average phase and amplitude Local or global feedback corrections are applied Corrected phase and amplitude is converted to I and Q Corrected I and Q values are sent to PAC September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, VME Software Beam Phasing Cavity algorithm (for Laser Timing): Two sets of I and Q averages arrive (since there are two windows of interest) Phase1 is calculated from I1 and Q1 Phase2 is calculated from I2 and Q2 Measured beam phase is the y-intercept of the equation to the line of phase as a function of FIFO position Frequency is the slope of the line Amplitude is calculated from I1 and Q1 (only) Phase is corrected by phase offset correction Amplitude is corrected by amplitude power correction Local feedback corrections are applied Corrected phase and amplitude is converted to I and Q Corrected I and Q values are sent to laser PAC September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, VME Software Other calculations For RF Reference Distribution Phase and amplitude are calculated from I and Q averages from each channel of the PAD Phases are corrected by phase offset correction Amplitudes are corrected by amplitude power correction Standard deviation of I and Q is calculated from I and Q variances from each channel of the PAD September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Linac Station 21-1 Tests September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Linac 21-1 Test Set-up MDL Linac Ref Amp New Equipment Added For Tests 6x Multiplier 2830.5MHz Generator The 2856MHz out drives both the LO generator and the PAC. The klystron output coupler is used to measure phase and amplitude with the new PAD. PAD LO CLK OUT Klystron Forward RF SSSB Existing IPA 5045 KLYSTRON SLED Accelerator x3 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, 1 The SSSB drives the existing IPA chassis CLK 2 The PAC output drives the SSSB. 2830.5MHz PAC CLK RF OUT The 2830.5MHz LO and 102MHz CLK Generator supplies the LO and CLK to the PAD. A CLK output of the PAD drives the PAC CLK. 102MHz RF IN Power Coupled out from 476MHz MDL drives a 476MHz Amplifier which feeds a 6X Multiplier from 476MHz to 2856MHz. Linac 21-1 Test Results Tests were done in the gallery with no temperature regulation on cables. Average RMS value of 2 second sliding average is 0.068 degrees. Exponential Smoothing Yields the Following Results. Lowest noise is with a time constant of about 2 points. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, END of TALK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, EPICS PANELS Single Pulse Diagnostic Panels for PADs are Running Remaining Software History Buffer Select PVs Multi pulse data analysis, correlation plots Local RF Feedback loops Links to global Feedback loops September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, End of LLRF RF Talk Backup for RF Talk Mostly Correct September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Reliability is inversely proportional to the number of connectors. Stability is inversely proportional to the number of connectors. Measurement accuracy is inversely proportional to the number of connectors and the amount of Teflon, which is typically found in connectors. Cost of maintenance is proportional to the number of connectors. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Electro-Optical Sampling 200 mm thick ZnTe crystal Single-Shot e- Timing Jitter (20 Shots) <300 fs Ti:Sapphire laser e- temporal information is encoded on transverse profile of laser beam 170 fs rms Adrian Cavalieri et al., U. Mich. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, MPS – PPS Issues Addressed by Controls Group Not Reviewed Here Vacuum New vacuum system summary to be fed to each klystron existing MKSU. PPS System Injector modulators will be interlocked by Injector PPS system. PPS requirements for radiation from the injector transverse accelerator needs to be determined. Radiation levels will be measured during testing in the Klystron Test Lab – Feb 06. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Bandwidth of S-Band System Upper Frequency Limit – 10MHz Beam-RF interaction BW due to structure fill time < 1.5MHz S-Band Accelerators and Gun ~10MHz X-Band and S-Band T Cav Structure RF Bandwidth ~ 16MHz 5045 Klystron ~ 10MHz Lower Frequency Limit – 10kHz Fill time of SLED Cavity = 3.5uS about 100kHz Laser – Needs to be measured ~ 10kHz September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Noise Levels RF Reference Single Side Band (SSB) Noise Floor 2856MHz RF Distribution -144dBc/Hz -174dBc/Hz @ 119MHz (24x = +28dB +2 for multiplier) 2830.5MHz Local Oscillator -138dBc/Hz Integrated Noise -138dBc/Hz at 10MHz = -65dBc = 32fS rms SNR = 65dB for phase noise Added noise from MIXER (LO noise same as RF) SNR of 62dB ADC noise levels SNR of 70dB – 14bit ADS5500 at 102MSPS September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Phase Noise – Linac Sector 0 OLD MASTER OSCILLATOR -133dBc/Hz at 476MHz 340fSrms jitter in 10MHz BW NEW MASTER OSCILLATOR -153dBc/Hz at 476 MHz 34fSrms jitter in 10MHz BW Integrated Noise - Timing Jitter fs rms Integral end Integral start Aug 17, 2004 Sector 30 Jan 20, 2006 Sector 21 5MHz 1M 1k 10kHz 100 100k 10k 10 27 30 33 38 75 82 15 19 20 20 8 17 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Sector 20 RF Distribution Cable Errors Temperature Coefficient of 2.8ppm/ºF and Cable length is 1200ºS/ft All Cables except LASER are less than 100ft Distances feet and errors in degrees S total range RF Hut Down Linac Wall Injector Total Unit Ft degS ft degS ft degS ft degS ft degS DegS Laser 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 85 0.58 0.68 Gun 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 40 0.27 0.37 L0-A 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 30 0.21 0.31 B Phas 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 20 0.14 0.24 L0-B 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 20 0.14 0.24 L0-T 8 0.054 25 0.017 10 0.014 10 0.007 10 0.07 0.17 L1-S 8 0.054 25 0.017 50 0.068 0.14 L1-X 8 0.054 25 0.017 60 0.081 0.16 Temperature Variations: RF Hut ±1ºF : Penetration ±0.1ºF : Linac : ±0.2ºF Shield Wall ±0.1ºF : Injector ±1ºF September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, RF System Topology / Specifications Linac Sector 0 RF Number of cables per device Reference cables are 8ft and can drift +-50fS MDL L0, L1 - 5 Klystrons Specifications 100fS rms jitter +-2.3pS drift L2 - 4 Sectors Specifications 70fS rms jitter +-5pS drift L3 - 6 Sectors Specifications 150fS rms jitter +-5pS drift 476MHz PLL 2830.5MHz LO Amp / Splitter PAD Laser 1 RF Gun 5 2 L0A Phase Cavity 2 L0B 2 L1S 4 L1X 2 L2 Ref 1 Laser RF Gun L0A Phase Cavity L0B L1S L1X L2 Ref Cable Drift Based on Temperature variations and temp co of 5ppm/degC Most Devices are in tunnel +-680fS Laser +-370fS RF Gun +-310fS L0A +-240fS Phase Cavity +-240fS L0B +-140fS +-160fS +-500fS RF HUT September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, L1S L1X L2 Ref RF Monitor Signal Counts ADC Chan Cnt Distribution (5~2850MHz, 4<500MHz) RF Gun Beam Phase Cavity L0-A Accelerator L0-B Accelerator L0-T Transverse Accelerator L1-S Station 21-1 B, C, and D Acc L1-X X-Band accelerator X-Band S25-Tcav S24-1, 2, & 3 Feedback S29 and S30 Feedback Total Chassis Total into Hut IOC 4 9 2 4 4 4 6 5 4 0 0 Chassis Count/Location 1Kly 1Kly 1Kly 1Kly 1Kly 1Kly 1Kly 7Kly 12 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, 1Hut 1.5Hut 0.5Hut 0.5Hut 0.5Hut 0.5Hut 1.0Hut 0.5Hut 6Hut RF Control Signal Counts Distribution (3~2850MHz, 3<500MHz) RF Gun Beam Phase Cavity L0-A Accelerator L0-B Accelerator L0-T Transverse Accelerator L1-S Station 21-1 B, C, and D accelerators L1-X X-Band accelerator X-Band S25-Tcav S24-1, 2, & 3 Feedback S29 and S30 Feedback Total modulators Totals at ~2856MHz Total into Hut IOC 11 Fast 6 IQ Mod 1 Klystron 1 IQ mod 1 Klystron 1 Klystron 1 Klystron 1 Klystron 1 IQ Mod 1 Klystron 3 Klystrons 2 IQ modulators 476MHz 8 Slow 19 modulators 14 modulators 14 modulators September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Control and Monitor System LLRF Control and Monitor System 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers – 5 units Phase and Amplitude Monitors – 12 units Phase and Amplitude Controllers – 6 units Bunch Length Monitor Interface – Need Specifications September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, RF Control Required 13 Units 3 I Control Includes Distribution BXMP1007 I 1 RF In 17dBm LO RF 2 RF Out 17dBm 0dBm Q 4 Q Control 2856MHz Input Monitor 2856MHz Output Monitor 2850MHz IQ Modulator RF Control Module consist of the following: Input Coupler, IQ Modulator, Amplifier, Output Coupler Filters for I and Q inputs September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, RF Monitor Required 13 Chassis for Injector – Includes Distribution LO 2830.5MHz : RF 2856MHz IF 25.5MHz (8.5MHz x 3 in sync with timing fiducial) Double-Balanced Mixer Mixer IF to Amp and then Low Pass Filter Filter output to ADC sampling at 102MSPS RF LO 2830.5MHz Local Osc. Amplifier To ADC IF MIXER 2856MHz RF Signal LTC2208 SNR = 77dBFS 25.5MHz BP FILTER 102MSPS September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers Design Complete Two Units on the Shelf Modules in house – and tested Support parts – Some parts in house Power Supplies, relays, chassis on order September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, SLAC Linac RF – New Control MDL 476MHz Next Sector 1mW 1W 6X 2856MHz Existing Phase Reference Line 3 SubBooster Sub Drive Line The new control system will tie in to the IPA Chassis with 1kW of drive power available. Reference will be from the existing phase reference line or the injector new RF reference To Next Klystron I 3kW 1 Phase & Amplitude Detector Klystron SLED 200MW -45dB Accelerator 1kW Amp 2856MHz Q 4 IPA High Power Phase Shifter Attenuator 20mW Existing System LO 2 RF IQ Modulator I and Q will be controlled with a 16bit DAC running at 119MHz. Waveforms to the DAC will be set in an FPGA through a microcontroller running EPICS on RTEMS. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Controls Talk September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, LLRF Controls Outline Requirements External Interfaces Schedule Date Needed Prototype Completion Date Hardware Order Date Installation Test Period Design Design Maturity (what reviews have been had) State of Wiring Information State of Prototype September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Requirements At 120 Hz, meet phase/amp noise levels defined as: 0.1% rms amplitude 100 fs rms in S-band (fill time = 850 ns) 125 fs rms in X-band (fill time = 100 ns) All tolerances are rms levels and the voltage and phase tolerances per klystron for L2 and L3 are Nk larger, assuming uncorrelated errors, where Nk is the number of klystrons per linac (L2 has 28; L3 has 48) September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Engineering Requirements When beam is present, control will be done by beam-based longitudinal feedback (except for Tcavs); when beam is absent, control will be done by local phase and amplitude controller (PAC) Adhere to LCLS Controls Group standards: RTEMS, EPICS, Channel Access protocol Ref: Why RTEMS? Study of open source real-time OS Begin RF processing of high-powered structures May 20, 2006 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, External Interfaces LLRF to LCLS global control system PVs available for edm screens, archiving, etc over controls network LLRF VME to beam-based longitudinal feedback from feedback: phase and amplitude corrections at 120 Hz over private ethernet from LLRF: phase and amplitude values (internal) LLRF VME to LLRF microcontrollers from VME: triggers, corrected phase and amplitude from microcontrollers: phase and amplitude averaged values at 120 Hz, raw phase and amplitude values for debug September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, External Interfaces: Laser - Tcav RF Phase and Amplitude correction at 120 Hz for: laser, gun, L0-A, L0-B, L1-S, L1-X, T cav In-house modules sharing VME crate for timing triggers 476 MHz RF Reference clock distributed to all 30 sectors in the Linac and beyond Temperature monitors RF Reference/4 = 119 MHz stabilized to 50 fs jitter T Cav L1-X L1-S L0-B L0-A gun Laser and RF ref PAD I and Q Demodulator F I F O s A D C Coldfire CPU running RTEMS and EPICS D A C s l o w C P U RF Reference*6 = 2856 MHz stabilized to 50 fs jitter VME Crate at S20 running longitudinal, beam-based feedback E V R PAC Coldfire CPU running RTEMS and EPICS FPGA Private ethernet 4 kBytes at 120 Hz D A C D A C 1 trigger for 4 channels of 1k samples s l o w Private ethernet 8 kBytes at 120 Hz Private ethernet Controls gigabit ethernet (interface to MCC) IQ Modulator gives phase and amplitude control 1 trigger to travel up to ½ sector away All except laser RF La ) I &Q F t (I r R Ou ato RF ler or e rat cc ele A cc c/ /A Q) na ac Li z (I& Q) Lin H (I& 20 z F 1 MH r R 19 se 1 La r RF se 100 mW 119 MHz Laser Oscillator Solid State Sub Booster 1 kW photodiode Amps Klystron 119 MHz 120 Hz 60 MW photodiode UV n SLED cavity Gun & (I NB: For the gun, SLED cavity is shorted out Q ) HPRF 240 MW 1 kW 1 kW 60 MW 10' accelerator September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, External Interfaces: L2-L3 RF Phase and Amplitude correction at 120 Hz for: laser, gun, L0-A, L0-B, L1-S, L1-X, T cav In-house modules sharing VME crate for timing triggers 476 MHz RF Reference clock distributed to all 30 sectors in the Linac and beyond Temperature monitors RF Reference/4 = 119 MHz stabilized to 50 fs jitter T Cav L1-X L1-S L0-B L0-A gun Laser and RF ref PAD I and Q Demodulator F I F O s A D C Coldfire CPU running RTEMS and EPICS D A C s l o w C P U RF Reference*6 = 2856 MHz stabilized to 50 fs jitter VME Crate at S20 running longitudinal, beam-based feedback E V R PAC Coldfire CPU running RTEMS and EPICS FPGA Private ethernet 4 kBytes at 120 Hz D A C D A C 1 trigger for 4 channels of 1k samples s l o w Private ethernet 8 kBytes at 120 Hz Private ethernet Controls gigabit ethernet (interface to MCC) IQ Modulator gives phase and amplitude control 1 trigger to travel up to ½ sector away All except laser RF La ) I &Q F t (I r R Ou ato RF ler or e rat cc ele A cc c/ /A Q) na ac Li z (I& Q) Lin H (I& 20 z F 1 MH r R 19 se 1 La r RF se 100 mW 119 MHz Laser Oscillator Solid State Sub Booster 1 kW photodiode Amps Klystron 119 MHz 120 Hz 60 MW photodiode UV n SLED cavity Gun & (I NB: For the gun, SLED cavity is shorted out Q ) HPRF 240 MW 1 kW 1 kW 60 MW 10' accelerator September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Design Design maturity (what reviews have been had): RF/Timing Design, DOE Review, August 11, 2004 Akre_FAC_Oct04_RF_Timing, FAC Review, October, 2004 Low Level RF Controls Design, LCLS Week, January 25-27, 2005 Low Level RF, Lehman Review, May 10-12, 2005 LLRF Plans for Development and Testing of Controls, LCLS Week, July 21, 2005 Low Level RF Design, Presentation for Controls Group, Sept. 13, 2005 LLRF Preliminary Design review, SLAC, September 26, 2005 LCLS LLRF Control System - Kotturi, LLRF Workshop, CERN, October 10-13, 2005 LCLS LLRF System - Hong, LLRF Workshop, CERN, October 10-13, 2005 LLRF and Beam-based Longitudinal Feedback Readiness - Kotturi/Akre, LCLS Week, SLAC, October 24-26, 2005 LCLS Week LLRF and feedback - Kotturi/Allison, LCLS Week, SLAC, October 24-26, 2005 LLRF, LCLS System Concept Review/Preliminary Design Review, SLAC, November 16-17, 2005 Comments LLRF Beam Phase Cavity Preliminary Design review, SLAC, November 30, 2005 Docs at: State of wiring: percent complete Captar input will be given at time of presentation State of prototype: PAD (1 chan ADC) and PAC boards built (shown on next pages).Testing. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD – the monitor board September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAD – the monitor board RF Board Line Drivers Filters 2 X 16 bit ADC 119 or 102MHz Clock LTC2208 Transformer Coupled Inputs Control Board FIFO 2 X 1k words 16bit DATA 25.5MHz IF 16 bit DATA Chan. 1 IF WCLK RF LO 16bit DATA CS/ CLK MIXER Chan. 2 IF WCLK RF CHAN 2 INPUT CONTROL / Arcturus uC5282 Microcontroller Module with 10/100 Ethernet RF LO MIXER Control LO INPUT RF - 25.5MHz EXTERNAL CLOCK 102MHz CPLD EXTERNAL TRIGGER 120Hz September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, ETHERNET RF CHAN 1 INPUT PAC – the control board September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, PAC – the control board EXTERNAL TRIGGER TRIGGER Monitor TTL 120Hz 60nS NIM CLOCK 119MHz SSSB Chassis MONITOR PORTS RF BOARD MATCHING FILTER NETWORK I&Q MODULATOR 3 16bit DATA 1 LO 2 RF 4 Q XILINX SPARTAN 3 FPGA 16 bit DATA CS/ CLK CONTROL / Arcturus uC5282 Microcontroller Module with 10/100 Ethernet AD8099 Diff Amp 2856MHz Ref Control Temperature Monitor DC Power Supply Monitors t Control Temperature Monitor t Thermocouples DC Power Supplies ADCs Control Board September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, ETHERNET I CLK MAX5875 2 X 16 bit DAC 119MHz Clock 16bit DATA (1MHz to 200MHz) Q CLK I RF OUTPUT To SSSB Temperature Monitor Forward Power 0-?V Reflected Power 0-?V Over Temp 0 or 12V Power Supplie +12V Power Supply -12V SSSB Trig TTL 17 to 30uS Additional Slides The following two pages show an overview of the LLRF control modules. From these diagrams, counts of module types, as well as function and location are seen. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Overview of LLRF at Sector 20 RF phase and amplitude correction and global feedback at 120 Hz for LCLS LINAC S20 RF Dist’n SPAC SPAC SPAC SPAC SPAC PAD PAC Laser Gun L0-A L0-B PAC PAD PAD Key: Indicates located in RF Hut Otherwise at Klystron SPAC PAD PAC PAD PAD PAD PAD Indicates may be needed The maybe is included in counts below PAC PAD PAD L0-Tcav Eth recvr PAC PAD PAD PAC PAD PAD PAD L1-S C P U VME Crate at S20 running longitudinal, beam-based feedback. E V R L1-X PAC PAD Beam Phase Monitor PAC PAD PAD PAD S20 Fast PACs: Slow PACs (SPACs): PADs: VME crates: 8 6 19 1 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Overview of LLRF at Sector 24 RF phase and amplitude correction and global feedback at 120 Hz for LCLS LINAC S20 S24 L24-1 PAC Fast PACs: Slow PACs (SPACs): PADs: VME crates: 4 2 2 1 L24-2 PAC L24-3 PAC Tcav L24-8 PAC PAD PAD Eth recvr C P U E V R VME Crate at S24 running longitudinal, beam-based feedback. S29 SPAC S30 SPAC September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Beam Phase Monitor R. Akre A. Haase B. Hong D. Kotturi V. Pacak H. Schwarz Preliminary Design Review November 30, 2005 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Outline •Purpose •Specifications •System outline •Cavity •Noise Levels •Analysis •Long Term Drifts •Summary September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Laser Timing Stabilization Feedback L INAC M DL R ef. GU N R F F EEDB AC K 2856M Hz R F R EF . L CL S R F Osci lla tor In pu ts GU N-C ELL 1-PH AS/AMPL GU N-C ELL 2-PH AS/AMPL L ASER Actu ator s GU N R F AC T UAT OR S 2856M H z R ef PH ASE ER RO R GU N PH AS L 0A Ac tu ator L0, L 1 t o L2, L3 Phas e PH ASE E RR OR B etween L 0, L 1 a nd L 2, L 3 GU N R F R EF. GU N R F AC TU AT ORS L 0B L ASER OSC IL LAT OR PH ASE an d L ASER P OW ER F EED B ACK L 0-TC AV1 In pu ts L ASER OSC . P H ASE B UN CH C H ARGE GU N-C ELL 1-AMPL /PH AS GU N-C ELL 2-AMPL /PH AS L ASER PH ASE & AM PLIT U DE GU N R F AC T UAT OR S B EAM PH ASE C AVIT Y L 1-X L ASER OSC IL LAT OR PH ASE F EED B ACK AM PL L 1-S In pu ts B EAM PH ASE C AVIT Y Actu ator s L ASER PH ASE AC T UAT OR K LYST R ON AMPL IFI ER / SLC C ON T ROL GU N-F OR Actu ator s L ASER POW ER L ASER PH ASE AC T UAT OR T OROI D RF GUN PH AS AM PL L ASER OSC OU T L ASER R F R EF. R ef erenc e LASER AMPLIFIER W ATER T EMP L ASER POW ER AC TU AT OR GU N T U N E F EED B ACK L ASER PH ASE AC TU AT OR GU N-C ELL 1 L ASER OSC . P H ASE L ASER PH ASE & AMPL IT UD E? In pu ts GU N-F OR -PHAS GU N-C ELL 1-PH AS GU N-C ELL 2-PH AS GU N-C ELL 2 Actu ator s W ATER T EMP B UN CH C HAR GE B EAM PH ASE C AVITY Beam timing information from the beam phase monitor will be used to apply corrections to the timing of the laser on the RF Gun. September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Specifications Short term (2 second) timing jitter: 100fS rms Long term (4 day) timing jitter: ±1pS Range of the above accuracies is ±10pS Data available at 120Hz September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, System Outline September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Cavity Frequency = 2856MHz Q = 6000 Time Constant = 700nS Temperature Coefficient = 50kH/°C September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, System Critical Noise Levels and Bandwidths Cavity Signal – Bandwidth 500kHz Local Oscillator – Noise Floor –143dBc/Hz IF Filter – Bandwidth 4MHz ADC – SNR at input 76dB September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, System Critical Noise Levels and Bandwidths Beam Phase Cavity Monitor Port 30dBm pk Coupler Attenuator 23dBm pk 3dBm pk -174dBm/Hz -174dBm/Hz In Tunnel Monitor Port MIXER Generated from 119MHz Oscillator Expected SSB Phase Noise Levels Offset Hz dBc/Hz @ 2830.5MHz 10 -82 100 -96 1k -124 10k -144 20k -146 1 2830.5MHz Oscillator LO RF 30dBm pk Filter - Butterworth 3rd order BandPass 2.5.5MHz Center 4.0MHz BW 2dB IL at 25.5MHz Attenuator IF -3dBm pk -146dBm/Hz -143dBc/Hz 13dBm -130dBm/Hz -143dBc/Hz ADC SNR 77dBFS Amp 17dBm pk 2Vpp 10dBm pk -129dBm/Hz -143dBc/Hz ADC LTC2208 2.25Vpp FS Transformer coupled 102MHz Clock Within filters BW -135dBm/Hz -143dBc/Hz Beyond 5MHz from CF <-155dBm/Hz <-163dBc/Hz Integrated Noise -77dBc September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, ADC Linear Technologies LTC2208 16Bit 130MHz September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi SNR 77.6dBFS 30MHz in Clock 130MHz SFDR 95dB, LCLS LLRF Review Phase Analysis Time Calculated Beam Phase at Beam Time Measured Data Point 1 Measured Data Point 2 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, I & Q from Waveform Digital Down Mixing and Normalization 25.5MHz Digitized Signal 1 Digitized Fraction ADC Full Scale 0.8 Input Signal 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 . 0.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Point Number September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Optimization Optimal Points to use for analysis is 16 point average at points 18 and 120 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Analysis Results Standard deviation of result = 1.1e-4 or 6.3fS rms jitter Signal level 20dB lower will give 63fS rms jitter Sensitivity to frequency change = 0.6fS/2.8kH freq change Sensitivity to timing change over +-10deg = 1:1 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Long Term Drifts 80ft (1M deg) of ½ inch superflex has TC of 4ppm/degC Water temp tolerance is +-0.1degF = +-400fS drift September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Summary Short term (2 second) timing jitter: 100fS rms 63fS rms Long term (4 day) timing jitter: ±1pS ±0.8pS Range of the above accuracies is ±10pS Results Data available at 120Hz Simple algorithm in integer arithmetic will allow this September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 1 LOCAL FEEDBACK LOCAL FEEDBACK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 2 GLOBAL FEEDBACK LOCAL FEEDBACK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 3 GLOBAL FEEDBACK LOCAL FEEDBACK LOCAL FEEDBACK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 4 GLOBAL FEEDBACK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 5 GLOBAL FEEDBACK September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review, Feedback Page 6 September 19, 2006 Ron Akre, Dayle Kotturi LCLS LLRF Review,