Populist Party

The Populist Party: 1891-96
Populist Party: a new national political party representing the "common man" - farmers, industrial workers, and
- they battled the banking and railroad interests.
- women played a prominent role in the populist movement as speakers and organizers
The Populist Platform
- they felt that rich industrialists had a large influence on the government
- like the Grangers, they wanted the government to have a larger role in ending oppression, injustice, and poverty
- in 1892, they held a convention in Omaha where they chose a presidential candidate
Populist Party Platform:
1. Unlimited coinage of silver to raise farm prices and make loan payments easier
2. Term limits for president permitting only a single term in office
3. Direct election of senators instead of by state legislatures
4. Secret ballot to protect voters from intimidation
5. Government ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephones
6. Immigration restrictions with quotas
7. Graduated income tax to tax wealthy individuals at a higher rate
8. Shorter work day of 8 hours
Election Campaigns
- the populist party had strong support in the South, Northwest, and mountain states
* Election of 1892: elected 5 senators and received over a million votes for president
- economy collapsed, they blamed low currency, and demanded unlimited coinage of silver
* Election of 1896: Democrats elected William Jennings Bryan as presidential candidate
- He delivered the "Cross of Gold" speech
- praised farmers and denounced bankers who crucified mankind on a cross of gold
- the populist party support Bryan and did not nominate their own candidate
- Bryan narrowly lost the election as his moral outrage scared voters and William McKinley was elected.
* Election of 1900: Bryan ran against McKinley again and lost.
- this ended the populist party
The Legacy of Populism: the role of third parties
* Third Parties: have an impact on the political process. Provide and outlet for minorities to voice grievances and
generate new ideas.
- many third party proposal are adopted by larger parties
- third parties attract large amounts of voters and their ideas are often adopted by larger parties to get their voters.