Stanford University T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E O N E- L EARNING IN THE W ORKPLACE C O L U M B I A U N I V E R S I T Y, N E W Y O R K , N Y JUNE 10-12, 2015 Stanford University 1969: Stanford Instructional Television Network (SITN) 1972 Tutored Videotape Instruction Stanford University 1994-7: ADEPT > Stanford Online 1997 Stanford Online USDLA Most Significant Advance in Distance Education Multi-University Research Laboratory Stanford University 2004: Courselets Stanford University 2004: Stanford Online Bookmarking Stanford University 2007: Mobile Learning Project The School of Engineering has initiated its first mobile learning project. With leadership from Professors Roger Howe and Simon Wong from the Electrical Engineering department and support from the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) and Nokia, students in Engineering 40, Introduction to Electronics, will receive a Nokia N800 tablet computing device (pictured) pre-loaded with the complete video lectures of the course as well as PDF versions of the handouts and support materials. Students on campus will view the recorded lectures in advance and use the scheduled class time for discussion, team activities and laboratory work. The pilot will also include students participating in the Overseas Studies Program in Berlin, Paris and Kyoto. Using a built-in camera and Wi-Fi, students will also be able to directly engage in live two-way video dialog with the teaching staff at Stanford as well as with other students on campus and at international sites. The pilot will gauge the usefulness, usability and impact of mobile devices to support the delivery of School of Engineering courses. Apple iPhone 4 June 2010 Stanford University 2008: Stanford Engineering Everywhere Stanford University 2010: ClassX * Draft under review Stanford University 2011-12: Stanford MOOCs Stanford University 2012: Year of the MOOC Stanford University ClassX is a central repository of media-based learning objects that is accessible inside Stanford Engineering. The repository features the most popular and highly rated courses recorded by the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD). The repository is comprised of short video segments, typically between 5 and 10 minutes long. The short segments facilitate navigation and flexible re-use. Because the segments are derived from the long-form academic lectures already recorded by SCPD, there is NO EXTRA FACULTY EFFORT required. SCPD hires subject matter experts (typically graduate students who recently took the particular class) to help with the editing and generate headings and lists of keywords. Comprehensive indexing and support for browsing is a key feature. The video segments are completely transcribed and searchable either via keyword(s) or transcript search. ClassX provides reusable learning objects that can be used in many different ways, e.g., as a refresher or a convenient way for our students to make up for missing prerequisites, as supplemental material for conventional classes, for flipped classroom/blended learning, or for "just-in-time" learning in the context of research. Stanford University ClassX Preserve Stanford University School of Engineering courses produced by the SCPD. Create an on-going archive that will be made available to Stanford University’s Engineering population based upon faculty approval. The archive will provide reusable learning objects that can be made available as pre-requisite, supplemental, content for flipped/blended learning, remedial, research, etc. • • • • • 01-Landing - This is the landing page. This mockup presumes that no one has yet logged in . Capture video in the most lossless format available Transcribe lecture video segments Edit long-form video recordings into reusable learning objects Integrate a robust and powerful video indexing tool which will enable searching Preserve historical record of Stanford University SOE Curriculum and Instruction * Draft under review Stanford University ClassX 02-Departments – After a visitor logs the user can view a Grid of all the available departments 04-Search Results – After a user inputs a value to search by they will be presented with a list of available segments that match the search criteria for Title / Keyword / Transcript 13 03-Courses - After a visitor logs in and completes a search, a page such as this will show. It has personalized information for the visitor. Stanford University ClassX 05 - Player - Once a visitor chooses a lecture, it will begin to play on a page such as this. Note that the info unique to the visitor displays on this page also. Additional note: Users will be able to generate Playlists as well as utilize advanced filtering such as title, keyword(s), professor(s), and departments. Users are also able to search through impendent segments using the generated transcript from Cielo24. Search based upon transcript will start video X seconds before searched term. Search based upon keywords will result in found “chunks” * Draft under review Stanford University A&I Project * Draft under review Stanford University * Draft under review Stanford University 23 courses (published) 3915 video clips 753 users 34 faculty 27 courses (in production) (as of March 31, 2015) Username sgulati3 paa clu8 khaugh hgkong syong yzhang10 jjhwang zyzhou rubenr2 normanyu Minutes Watched 1750 1585 1353 1326 1191 1181 1164 1085 1051 1016 989 Stanford University Stanford 2025 Stanford University ClassX Future Stanford University Holographic Projection Consequences of Being Digital Stanford University Contact Info Dr. Michael Rouan Director, Educational Technology 496 Lomita Mall Durand Building #311 Stanford, CA 94305 (650) 723-4242