Center Two

Center Two—Ethnocentrisms and The Gods Must Be Crazy
Deeper Reading and Deeper Viewing
Directions: Read the Article on Blackboard entitled “The ‘Ethnocentric Me” Culture.”
Answer the following questions based on the article and your viewing of The Gods Must Be
Crazy. You may discuss with your partner or group, but the answers must be completed on
your own.
Words to define: Define these either in context or using a dictionary. The definition must fit
in the context of the sentence.
1. Ethnocentrism-the tendency to believe that one’s ethnic or cultural group is
centrally important, and all other groups are measured in relation to one’s own.
2. Prevalent-widespread in a particular area at a particular time.
3. Peripheral-of, relating to, or situated on the edge or periphery of something.
4. Imperialism-a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through
diplomatic or military force.
5. Primitive-a person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture.
6. Attribute-a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of
someone or something.
7. Virtue-behavior showing high moral standards.
8. Vice-immoral or wicked behavior.
9. Dichotomy-a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as
being opposed or entirely different.
10. Inclusion-the action or state of including or of being included within a group or
11. Ingrained-(of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or established; difficult to
12. Hinders-create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or
1. What do people think when others around you are speaking a language that the
people do not understand? People think that the others are speaking about them
since they cannot understand what they are really saying.
2. What did William Sumner mean when he coined the term “ethnocentrism”? He
meant that we consider our ethnic group is central, and that all the others are
reduced to playing peripheral roles in society.
3. What do ethnocentric individuals unconsciously believe? They believe that they are
the most important, and that their ways of thinking and living are the best.
4. What are events in history that ethnocentrism caused? This has caused events like
Hitler exterminating the Jews, or Europeans taking over Africa.
5. What does the author mean when he says “We develop the exclusive dichotomy
“friend or foe,” “us and them,” “for us or again us. . . ”? He means that we consider
people who are different from us opposites of us and what we stand for.
6. Why is ethnocentrism a bad thing for a politician to have? It is bad because he will
only receive support from one ethnic group since he is ethnocentric. If he broadens
his horizons and considers other ethnic groups as equals, he will get more votes.
Center Two—Ethnocentrisms and The Gods Must Be Crazy
Deeper Reading and Deeper Viewing
7. Why does the author put “universal” in quotation marks in paragraph three? He
puts it in quotes because he is being sarcastic.
8. Give 3 examples of ethnocentrism as it is shown in The Gods must be Crazy.” One
example of ethnocentrism is when Mr. Stein jumps on Kate to save her from the
rhino, and she automatically assumed he was trying to harm her. A second example
is when Xi assumed that the ‘gods’ were just being rude when he tried to give them
the bottle. A third example of ethnocentrism is when the men automatically
assumed that Xi was the culprit and intended to do something bad because he was
from a different ethnic group.
9. In the film, which society seems more civilized—Xi or the “civilized” people he
encounters? Explain your thoughts. I feel like Xi’s society was more civilized. They
didn’t do harm to anyone, lived alongside their environment, and assumed everyone
was a good person. The “civilized” people might’ve been more civilized
technologically, but they always saw the worst in people and if they had looked
closer at Xi and his society they might’ve learned something about humanity.
10. What does the film excerpt reveal about “civilization”? Explain. The film reveals that
even though we might think of ourselves as “civilized people”, we do harm in so
many ways. Xi’s people don’t to harm to anyone or anything. We on the other hand,
destroy the environment, animals, and even ourselves. We have wars and fight each
other for petty reasons. The word ‘civilized’ needs to take on a new meaning.
11. What might the film’s title mean? Who are “the gods”? Why must they be “crazy”?
Explain fully and give support from the excerpt. The film’s title might mean that the
white people, or ‘gods’ must’ve gone crazy because they’re acting in very strange,
rude ways. For example, when Xi tried to give the bottle back to the ‘gods’ they
refused and didn’t even give him a second thought.
12. As the article states, “Ethnocentrism occurs everywhere and every day at local
communities and at all organization and in politics.” Give an example of
ethnocentrism you have witnessed yourself (either something you did or believed
yourself or something you saw in others). Why is ethnocentrism something we
should be aware of? Explain fully. I have a friend who is Muslim, and she wears a
hijab. We went to the mall one day to shop for spring dresses and Mothers Day gifts.
As we passed a mother and her child, the mother gave my friend a glare and
snatched her child away. I was outraged at her behavior, but my friend just shook
her head sadly and told me that it happened all the time. Now, that mother might’ve
had a reason to act the way she did. Maybe she had a family member die in the 9-11
attack or a son die overseas in Iraq. Unfortunately, that action towards another
innocent girl is unacceptable. Yes, she was wearing a hijab, and yes she is Muslim,
but that doesn’t give anyone the right to judge her without knowing her.
Ethnocentrism is something we should be aware of because it affects other people
and cultures. Sometimes we unknowingly do it because that is what we grew up
with and were taught, but other times we are fully aware of doing it and do it simply
because we think that our culture is superior to others.