BIO45_M14 - De Anza College

De Anza College
Biology 45 ONLINE – Summer Session
Introduction to Human Nutrition
Save this Green Sheet (Syllabus). Refer to it frequently as needed throughout the quarter.
The answers to many of your questions can be found here.
Biological function and chemical classification of nutrients. Effects of nutritional deficiencies and excesses.
Recommended nutrient intakes and the role of diet in the development of chronic disease.
Office Hours
Office Location
My Website
Anna Miller M.S., R.D
(408) 864-5576
By appointment only. I am on campus Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
mornings only. (A good time to meet me is Tuesdays/Wednesdays 12:30-1:00)
Virtual office hours by chat: make an appointment via the Catalyst messaging
SC1210. My office is located in the Science Center, in Building 1, on the second
floor. Use the phone outside the building door to call my extension (5576) and I
will buzz you in.
If you send me an e-mail, write B45 ONLINE in the subject of your message, so I
know which class you are in, and that your e-mail is not spam.
Biology 40A, 40B and 40C (Human Anatomy and Physiology). Advisory: EWRT 1A or ESL 5
Student Learning Objectives
1. Evaluate a meal plan or a diet for meeting the criteria of a “Healthy Diet”
2. Demonstrate a coherent understanding of the relationship between diet and the major chronic
Textbook: Understanding Nutrition 13th edition 2013 by Whitney and Rolfes. Diet Analysis Plus is not needed
for this course. Purchase the textbook only. This textbook can be rented from the DeAnza bookstore . An eversion of this textbook is available for purchasing. For more information go to:
You are in charge of your own learning. People learn best BY DOING. Be actively involved!
Never sit on confusion. Ask questions and get clarification whenever needed. I’m here to help you.
Taking a course online is not the best way to learn for all students. Be sure this is a learning process that
fits your learning style. Go to the Distance Learning Website and take the quiz “Are Distance Learning
Courses For Me?”
Summer quarter is accelerated. We cover the same material that is covered in Fall/Winter/Spring quarters,
but at twice the pace. Be realistic -- Is this the right time and format to be taking this class, to master the
material and get the grade that you desire?
2 midterm exams*
4 quizzes
Forum Discussions
Final Exam
Total Possible Points
200 points
40 points
20 points
100 points
100 points
460 points
*3 midterm exams are given. The lowest midterm exam score is dropped from your cumulative score.
Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100 %
B = 80 – 89 %
C = 70 - 79 %
D = 60 - 69 % F = <60%
Exams are taken in person, not online, on the DeAnza campus. There are 2 choices for when/where to take
the exams:
Exam 1: Mon July 14: 6–7 pm in room MLC*-112 OR
Tues July 15 12:30- 1:30 pm in SC* 1210
Exam 2: Mon July 21: 6–7 pm in room MLC-112 OR
Tues July 22 12:30- 1:30 pm in SC 1210
Exam 3: Mon July 28: 6–7 pm in room MLC-112 OR
Tues July 29 12:30- 1:30 pm in SC 1210
Final Exam: Thursday August 7 12:30-2:30 pm in SC 1210 OR Thurs August 7 6-8 pm in
*MLC = Media Learning Center, the modern, new building west of the Flint Center. SC = Science Center
 There are no make-up exams--no exceptions. If you miss a midterm exam, that is the one that is dropped.
 Exam questions are taken from the virtual lectures, textbook and from the Forum Discussions.
 Each of the midterm exams is 50 questions, a mix of true/false and multiple choice questions. You will need
a beige, narrow Scantron for each midterm exam plus 2 for the Final Exam
Exam 1 covers the topics: Introduction through (including) Digestion
Exam 2 covers the topics: Carbs, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Lipids, CVD, Cancer and Phytochemicals
Exam 3 covers the topics: Protein and Energy Metabolism
The Final Exam is NOT cumulative. It covers the topic Energy Balance through to the end of the course. It is 100
questions and worth 100 points. The final exam is divided into 2 parts:
 Part 1 covers Energy Balance, Body Composition, Obesity and Weight Management. It is 35
questions. It is closed notes. You will have 40 minutes to complete.
 Part 2 covers Water, Vitamins, Minerals & Dietary Supplements. It is 65 questions. It is open notes.
(any notes on paper that you wish). You may not use a laptop. You will have 1 hour 20 minutes to
complete it.
Both parts of the exam consist of true false and multiple choice questions.
You need 2 scantrons for the final exam.
4 quizzes will be taken online. Quiz 1 will cover research methods and nutrition
assessment and important information found on this Green Sheet. Quiz 2 will cover carbohydrates and lipids.
Quiz 3 will cover protein. Quiz 4 will cover energy balance, obesity and weight loss. None of the quiz scores
are dropped. They will be open during the weeks indicated on the schedule from 8 am Wednesday until 8 pm
Saturday. DO NOT wait until right before the quiz closes to take it!
For each of the first 5 weeks of the quarter there will be 4 Forum Discussion Topics presented. You will pick
one of the topics from the selection to submit one post to that discussion, for each of 4 weeks. Your post is
graded, earning up to 5 points. The maximum number of points you can earn for the Forum Discussions is 20,
which means 4 posts; therefore one post for each of 4 weeks. They must be posted before the deadline, which
is indicated on each of the Forum Discussion Instructions on Catalyst.
Posts are evaluated on the following 3 criteria:
1. Completeness: 2 points if all questions posed are answered or addressed in your post.
2. Application, Critical Thinking, Accuracy: 2 points if your post applies critical thinking to the topic
and/or applies the material covered in the textbook or virtual lecture in a meaningful and accurate
3. Professionalism: 1 point if your writing is clear, easy to read, with correct grammar, spelling and
Your posts must be original, adding new ideas to the discussion topic and demonstrating that you have read
the discussion thus far, prior to posting. If you repeat what previous posters have written you will get no points
for your post. (If you wait until right before the deadline for that week’s forum discussion, it will be more
challenging to write an original post. If there is nothing to add to a given forum discussion, read the others –
there will almost always be one that has not been exhausted.)
 4, not 5 Forum Discussions are graded, giving you one week free to not post (actually 2, since there will
be no forum discussion offered in the last week of the quarter). Posting an additional post does not
earn extra credit points.
 Please note that students do not get credit for doing more than one discussion topic. Students who do
multiple discussion topics will be graded on their first one posted only.
 The discussion topic posts are considered “assigned reading”. Information that appears in the posts
could appear on exams. The information would be information that helps to clarify the concepts
included in this course.
 This assignment that is divided into 3 parts: Keeping a Food Record for 3 days and collecting labels/nutrition
information about some foods eaten (Part 1); Analyzing the foods on a nutrient analysis program and getting
reports with data about your food intake (Part 2); Writing a comprehensive assessment of your diet (Part 3).
Instructions for each part will be posted on Catalyst.
 The Assignment must be turned in as a hard copy. You can hand it to me, put it under my office door or
deliver it to the mailroom. Always make a copy as a backup!
 The assignement—all 3 parts--is turned in only once towards the end of the quarter. It is imperative that you
complete Parts 1 and 2 during the quarter and not try to do all 3 parts a few days before it is due. 5 extra
credit points are available to earn if you show me a fully completed Part 1 on or before Exam 1. 5 more extra
credit points are available to earn if you show me a fully completed Part 2 on or before Exam 2. There are no
“late” shows. No exceptions. You can show me these before the cutoff dates, but not after, for extra credit
 The Diet Assignment will be accepted late as long as it is turned in/submitted by the time you take the final
exam, but it will be marked down 10% for being late. No assignments will be accepted after the final exam. If
you don’t get it to me by then, you will receive a score of “0”.
 This assignment is a big part of your grade, and it requires significant effort and time in order to do well on
it. It provides both academic and personal benefits.
Any student found to be cheating or taking part in any other form of academic dishonesty will receive no
points or grade for what they cheated on. Some examples of academic dishonesty include:
 Copying from someone else's test
 Purposely allowing another student to copy from your paper during a test
 Communicating to another student during an exam, looking at another student’s exam, looking
at any written material other than the exam will all be presumed to be for the purpose of
 Turning in another person's Diet Assignment (or any part of it), representing it as your own;
Copying parts of the Diet Assignment from another person’s work
 Any form of plagiarism; Giving your academic work to another student to plagiarize
 Lying to an instructor or college official to improve your grade
The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs & Activities maintains a record of students who have engaged in
academic dishonesty. This information is used to identify and discipline students who have been reported for
academic dishonesty more than once.
If you need to receive an “A” or a “B” in this class, put the time and effort into the class to help you to be
successful. Do not wait until the end of the quarter to act if it becomes evident that you are not likely to
earn the grade that you need or want.
Be prepared to spend ~28 hours a week working on this course. (yes, you read that right!) Remember, you
are not sitting in class for nearly 7½ hours a week which the students in the face-to-face class are during
the summer quarter. Students who take this class f2f in the summer are suggested to study outside of class
for 21 hours a week (3 hours outside of class for every hour in class). You will be putting in ALL the time on
your own. Be prepared to put in this time to do well in this fast-paced, accerated summer course. Time
management is an essential skill to have to do well in this course.
Set your priorities. Do not attempt to take this class if you are stretched too thin with other commitments.
Be realistic as what you can accomplish with the time and energy you have to give. There are no shortcuts
to learning and mastering skills. Students who do not have realistic expectations are often disappointed
and unhappy with their course grade.
Read the “Message to my Students” on Catalyst for tips on how to do well in this class. Read the
Biology/Chemistry Review on Catalyst. You should be comfortable with this material. If not, update your
knowledge in those areas.
The Biological and Health Sciences Division has a student handbook available at . You need to access this handbook as all material contained
in the handbook is part of this green sheet and does apply to you as a student in this class. It contains a lot
of useful information that will help you to do well in this and other classes.
If you are or have ever battled an eating disorder, and this course/the diet assignment has the potential of
setting you back in your recovery process, please feel free to discuss your situation with me. Some
accommodations are possible.
Sometimes the process of learning is frustrating and difficult. Oftentimes it is satisfying. Learning requires
considerable effort, time and patience. With appropriate strategies, that effort brings you results: mastering
the material. Good Luck!
De Anza College
June 30 July 6
July 7 - 13
Biology 45
Getting Information @nutrition
Research Methods
Nutrition Assessment
Diet Assessment
Energy Calculations
July 14- 20
Diet and Chronic Diseases:
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome
Cardiovascular Disease
Cancer & Phytochemicals
Summer Quarter
Reading Assignments
Exams, Due Dates
p. 3-11, 25-27,
HL 1*
p. 12-17
p. 21-27, E1-E23**
p. 17-20, p. 35-48
p. 8-10
Chapter 3, HL 3
Chapter 4, HL 4;
p. 50-51;
Watch Video tutorials
1-6 (supplemental
instructions for the Diet
Assignment. Links wil be
available on Catalyst)
Chapter 4, HL 4
You should be done with
Part 1 of your Diet
Exam 1: July 14 or 15
on campus. (See details
elsewhere on this
Green Sheet)
p. 597-602; 248,
p. 591, p. 545-546
p. 546-548; p. 585-594
p. 602-606; HL 13
Quiz 1 online
(open July 9-12)
Listen to Episodes 7-9
Quiz 2 online
July 21-27
Chapter 6; HL 2; p.
Energy Metabolism
Energy Balance
Weight Management
Chapter 7; C9-C13**
Chapters 8 & 9;
E7, E14-15, F1-2**
HL 9
(open July 16-19)
You should be done with
Part 2 of your Diet
Exam 2: July 21 or 22
Listen to Episodes 10-13,
Quiz 3 online
(open July 23-26)
July 28 –
Aug 3
August 4-6
Overview Vitamins/Minerals
Water, Sodium & Hypertension,
Calcium & Osteoporosis
Vitamin C
Fat Soluble Vitamins
B Vitamins
Dietary Supplements
p. 297-300; p. 377-379
HL 11; p. 403-405; p.
384 (figure)
p. 368-382; p. 595-597
p. 384-390; HL 12
p. 405-414
p. 322—328
Chapter 11
p. 300-322
HL 10, HL 18; p. 57-58
Exam 3
July 28 or July 29
Quiz 4 online
(open July 30-Aug 2)
Diet Assignment is due
on (or before) Aug 4, by
1 pm.
Must be turned in, hard
copy, on campus
*“HL” refers to the Highlights at the end of chapters.
**E, C and F refers to Appendix E, Appendix C and Appendix F
Recommendations to watch/listen refer to supplemental instructions for the Diet Assignment; links will be on