Character List Duncan- He was the king of Scotland, he was very

Character List
1. Duncan- He was the king of Scotland, he was very interested in Macbeth, he goes
to Macbeth’s house for dinner, Macbeth kills him in Act II scene ii
2. Malcolm- He is the son of King Duncan, he flees to England when his father is
killed from fear of also being killed, his brother is Donalbain, at the end of the
play he teams up with Macduff to avenge his father, after they win he takes the
3. Donalbain- He is the son of King Duncan, he flees to Ireland when his father is
killed and he leaves for fear of also being killed, his brother is Malcolm, he stays
in Ireland the whole play but at the end Malcolm wants to bring him back to
4. Macbeth- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he is the Thane of Glamis, the Thane of
Cawdor, and the king, he is told five prophecies by the three witches, he kills king
Duncan, he hires people to kill Banquo, he sends people to go and kill all of
Macduff’s family, he is married to Lady Macbeth, he goes crazy while he is the
king, he is killed by Macduff
5. Banquo- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he is friends with Macbeth in the
beginning, he is with Macbeth when they are told prophecies, he is told that his
son will be king, his son is Fleance, he thinks that Macbeth killed Duncan, he is
killed by Macbeth’s hired murderers
6. Macduff- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he is the Thane of Fife, he is loyal to
Macbeth in the beginning, he turns on Macbeth, he goes to England and joins
Malcolm, his family is killed by Macbeth’s followers, he kills Macbeth in the end
for redemption
7. Lennox- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he is loyal to Duncan, he is at Macbeth’s
banquet, he tells Macbeth that Macduff fled to England, he joins Malcolm and
Macduff in the end
8. Ross- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he is a messenger of all news, he tells
Macduff’s family that Macduff left, he tells Macduff that his family is dead, he
pretty much tells any important news
9. Menteith- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he was loyal to Duncan, he joins
Malcolm and Macduff at the end
10. Angus- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he comes up with the idea to meet Malcolm
and Macduff at Birnam Wood, he joins Malcolm and Macduff
11. Caithness- He is a nobleman of Scotland, he joins Malcolm and Macduff, he says
that Malcolm and his followers are the medicine that is needed to heal the sickly
12. Fleance- Son of Banquo, he escapes being murdered with his father by Macbeth’s
murderers, he is prophesized to become the king one day
13. Siward- Earl of Northumberland, general of the English forces, his son is the
young Siward, he is proud of his son
14. Young Siward- Son of the Siward, he fights Macbeth, Macbeth kills him, his
father is proud of the way he died