Who is to blame for World War I DBQ

DBQ: Who was to blame for World War I?
Document H
Document I
The Triumph of Culture from Punch Magazine, 1914
This poster is a 1915 German propaganda poster
Shows Kaiser Wilhelm II standing over dead Belgians
related to German upset over the L'Entente Cordiale
with his imperial German flag, his pistol still smoking
agreement of 1904 (between France & Britain).
after having killed civilians and destroyed their houses
DBQ: Who was to blame for World War I? Name ________________________________
Document A
• Which two nations increased their military spending the most during this time period?
Why could this increase or decrease the chance of conflict?
What reasons could these nations have for building up their militaries?
Document B
• Who were the members of each alliance system?
Triple Alliance:
Triple Entente:
How did the alliance system contribute to the outbreak of World War I?
How did geography play a role in the forming of alliances?
Document C
• What role did the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand play in the start of the war?
What threatened France and England and what it did lead them to do?
Why was Germany threatened?
What responsibility did the alliance system play in the outbreak of war?
Document D
• According to the German delegate, what was the building factor to the start of the war? (last 50 years)
What does he state of Germany’s role in the war?
What nation does he blame for the conflict becoming a military one?
Document E
• According to the author, who was responsible for the outbreak of World War I?
What evidence did he cite as to support his claim?
Document F
• Can this ideal become a reason for going to war?
What reasons does Zola offer for going to war?
What MAIN cause (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism) could this be labeled as? Why?
Document G
• What nation composed this telegram?
Why would they ask Mexico to join the war effort against the United States?
What was promised to Mexico in exchange for joining the war effort?
Document H
• What German military action is referenced in the cartoon? Describe
Why is Belgium portrayed in this way by the artist?
Document I
• Why does the artist portray Britain as a spider?
What is the message of this cartoon?
How could the German perception of British power lead them towards military buildup?
DBQ: Who was to blame for World War I?
Answer / Thesis:
Argument – Counter Argument
Argument: Germany had the biggest growth in armaments from 1870 to 1914.
Counter Argument:
Argument: The system of alliances forced all countries in Europe to participate in war.
Counter Argument:
Argument: Germany should be held solely guilty for World War I due to their aggression.
Counter Argument:
Argument: Any nation that was building armaments and making alliances should be blamed or
contributing to this war.
Counter Argument:
Argument: The United States should be blamed for getting involved in a conflict across the Atlantic Ocean
that did not involve them.
Counter Argument:
Argument: The British should be blamed for their aggressive expansion of their empire around the world
as they conquered innocent people in the dark corners of the world.
Counter Argument: