Causes of WWI Organizer - Mr. Rakochy's IB History Class

IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
What was the state of Europe from 1871-1914? What events (excluding the assassination of Franz Ferdinand) increased the likelihood of war
breaking out across the continent (and beyond)? How can these longer-term causes of World War One be classified and organized? Using
your class notes and the categories listed below create a study aid that explores the inter-related nature, causes and consequences of the
terms, ideas and maps below. This can take the shape of a spider diagram, chart with graphs, table or another type of graphic organizer. Be
sure to define each term (concisely) while also creating a visual representation. This will be something that can be displayed in the school. An
A3 sheet of paper (or two) should suffice. You may work alone or with one other partner whom you did not work with on the last project.
Some ideas and structure is listed below, but feel free to add to what is here (but do not subtract!).
1. Suggested Support Reading: Oxford Course Companion 20th Century World History pages 203-215 (handout); Alan Farmer Modern
European History 1890-1990 pages 1-67; Morris and Murphy Europe 1870-1991 pages 149-185
Longer term causes of WWI
Alliance System (Alliances, Ententes, Agreements, idea of deterrence,),
See reverse side of paper
Imperialism (Scramble for Africa, Sun Never Sets, Place in the sun, Mediterranean/Black Sea access through Bosporus/Dardanelles,
industrialization, Neo-mercantilism),
Nationalism (Alsace-Lorraine, revanchism, Russo-Japanese War, Weltpolitik, ),
Militarism (Navies, Armies, Bismarck),
Ottoman Empire (sick man)
Morocco, Balkans, . . . other major/important events.
IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
The Dual Alliance
Austro-Serbian Alliance
Germany and AustriaHungary made an alliance to
protect themselves from
Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia
gaining control of Serbia
Triple Entente (no
separate peace)
This was made between
Russia, France and Britain
to counter the increasing
threat from Germany.
Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance
with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with
Franco-Russian Alliance
Britain, Russia and France
agreed not to sign for peace
Triple Entente
The Triple Alliance
Russia formed an alliance with France to protect
herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary
Anglo-Russian Entente
This was an agreement between Britain and Russia
Entente Cordiale
This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance,
between France and Britain.
IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
Europe 1848
IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
Map of Europe 1871
IB History – Causes of World War One Study Aid Project
Map of Europe Showing Alliances 1914