Implementation Planning Work Sheet Step 1: Based on data, define the problem or challenge that TeamSTEPPS training will address in your organization. Step 2: Create the change team (choose members based on influence/willingness, relevance to problem, challenge, opportunity) NAME ROLE Step 3: Define your aim(s)/goals Type of Change: Incremental or Transformational? Incremental change targeted at the Unit Level? Incremental change targeted by choosing to focus on specific tools across the whole hospital? Transformational change by training the whole hospital 1 Examples: (1) Incremental Change by Focusing on a Unit: We will train all staff in the ED in TeamSTEPPS by Sept. 1, 2014. (2) Incremental Change by Focusing on a Tool: We will use the Two Challenge Rule or CUS to help staff feel psychologically safe when expressing patient safety concerns to those with more authority. We will start with lab and nursing; these departments will use these tools by Sept. 1, 2014. (3) Transformational Change: We will train all hospital staff in TeamSTEPPS tools. We will begin to reinforce this training by conducting a whole hospital brief every morning for 5 minutes. Representatives from each department will attend the brief to ensure a shared mental model of events, changes, staffing, equipment, workload. Briefs will begin by Sept. 1, 2014. Step 4: Define the TeamSTEPPS Intervention Performance – The specific process that will be improved (e.g., the exchange of patient information) Conditions – The conditions under which the process occurs (e.g., during shift change) Standards –The standards of performance (e.g., Patient information will be exchanged with 100% accuracy) Step 5: Decide Measures to monitor and test effectiveness of your intervention (Consider incorporating into Balanced Scorecard) • Observation of use of tools • Counts (e.g. # “Briefs” # times staff nurses use SBAR; # of safety briefings conducted; # of debriefs) • Interviews • Outcome measures • Frequency of Adverse Events • Repeat Safety Culture Survey March 2016 • Patient/Staff satisfaction • Staff Turnover • Time to Event • Other? 2 Step 6: Develop a plan What When Obtain support from Senior Leaders and Medical Staff (Use data, Sue Sheridan video, Talking Points) Obtain support from Department Heads and train them first (Sue Sheridan video, Talking Points) Delegate training tasks to change team Schedule training for initial interdisciplinary group Communicate aims, goals of plan Conduct training and evaluate training Make revisions to training based on feedback Step 7: How will you sustain and spread the change? Coaching plan Role modeling Monitoring Integrate into new employee orientation, job descriptions, performance evaluations, competency testing 3 Step 8: Communication Plan Stakeholder analysis (who needs to provide support, who needs to be brought over to your side) Elevator Speech: TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based team training program. We have chosen to focus on ____________________________________________________ It is important that we improve our teamwork skills because lack of teamwork and poor communication puts our patients at risk and impacts our performance. (Can provide detail with your data). We need you to support our efforts by _____________________________________________ Step 9: Write your final action plan covering steps 1 – 8. Step 10: Review of plan by key personnel 4