Step Study Leader's Workshop 09-29

CR Step Study Leaders Training:
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Step 12
Having had a spiritual experience as
the result of these steps, we tried to carry
this message to others and to practice
these principles in all our affairs.
Layne Young
Men’s Step Study Leader
September 29, 2012
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Contents ..........................................................................1
Tool: Using the Bell Curve to Understand ‘What’ is Important
Why Do You Desire to be a Step Study Leader?..............2
What is the key verse in your testimony? .......................2
Celebrate Recovery DNA .................................................3
First Day Step Study Organization ...................................4
Discernment ....................................................................4
Step Study Goals and Objectives .....................................5
Step Study Concepts........................................................6
Step by Step Help ............................................................6
Methods for doing a 4th Step...........................................7
Tool: Understanding More about Our Self .....................9
Tool: Using the Bell Curve to Understand ‘What’ is Important
Suppose this is the percentage of participants in your Step Study.
Non-Christian Some Church
Purpose of understanding the bell curve
To learn that not everything is black and white
To see how extreme behavior messes with your life
To see the importance of balance
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Why Do You Desire to be a Step Study Leader?
Do you feel a need to give back and that leading people through Step Studies is your calling
and gift?
Do you see a need in your Celebrate Recovery Group to
provide a means for people to ‘bulletproof’ their
Do you see people searching for a deeper
understanding of recovery and how to apply recovery
principles to their lives?
Did someone recognize in you the gift of leadership
and sharing and ask you to learn more?
Did you have a poor experience in your personal step
study and commit to enhancing the process for others?
Do you feel the joy that comes through serving and the
desire to share that joy with others who are hurting?
Principle 8 Verses
“What a wonderful God we have – he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy
and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. Why does
he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can
pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, TLB)
“In response to all he has done for us, let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other
and in doing good.” (Hebrews 10:24, TLB)
“When God’s children are in need, you be the one to help them out… Don’t just pretend that you love
others; really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good.” (Romans 12:13, 9, TLB)
What is the key verse in your testimony?
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Celebrate Recovery DNA
What makes a CR Step Study a CR Step Study?
1. Leader (especially for groups)
a. Completed successfully at least 1 Step Study
b. Demonstrated at least 1 year of sobriety
c. Have attended a CR Step Study Leaders Training workshop
d. Attending a regular CR meeting
e. Currently not involved with any major ‘life’ decisions
f. Currently not acting out or ‘on the edge’
g. If a ‘rookie’ (first couple step studies) being mentored by an experienced leader.
h. Accountable to leadership for status updates, prayer requests and need(s) for
2. Participants (for group)
a. Have a sponsor (actively searching)
b. Knows importance of recovery team
c. Has some sobriety, is not acting out
d. Has attended CR for at least 3 months
e. Willing to make time commitment - accountability
f. Ability to focus and ‘track’ with group
g. Attending a Bible believing church
h. Willing to purchase/acquire CR participant guides
3. Format for Meeting
a. On a separate night from regular meeting night (2 hours)
b. Leader and Co-Leader
c. Men’s and Women’s (hurts, hang-ups and habits may play a role)
d. Private/secluded location (meeting room - not a restaurant)
e. Standard meeting guidelines
i. Anonymity and Confidentiality
ii. Keep sharing focused
iii. Language and graphic descriptions
iv. No Fixing (Feedback & Processing)
v. Crosstalk
f. Open/Check In – Worship/Focus Question – Lesson(s) – Close
g. Start on-time and End on-time
Step 12 – Carry this Message
First Day Step Study Organization
1. Introductions
2. Accountability - Attendance – life has a
3. Sign-in sheet
4. Need a sponsor
5. Step Study Schedule
6. Journals
a. Contact information
b. Baseline
c. Study questions
d. Notes
e. Thoughts and assignments
7. Participant Guides
8. Pen & Paper
9. Bibles and Bible Apps & other
10. Contact information
11. Attendance verification card/sheet
(justice system)
12. Initial check in
13. Definition of a relapse
14. Behavior that is ‘out-of-bounds’
15. Not a time to start a new relationship
16. Not a time for a major decision
17. Other
1. Potential mental health issues that
impair a participants focus
2. Melt downs, eruptions & distractions
3. Evidence of a crime committed – to be
4. Spiritual, emotional and time
investment (by leader)
5. Feelings of suicide or harm
6. Referral (counseling, financial, housing,
sponsor, etc)
7. Sunday School/Bible Study vs. Recovery
8. Religion vs. Recovery
9. ‘Christian-ese’ and other jargon
General topics off subject
Victims & Abusers
Substance Abuse & Life Issues
When to close group to new members
Surrogate sponsor
Not doing work
Accountability (attendance)
Bending small group guidelines
Favorites & partiality
Co-leader & special speakers
Cancelling a meeting
When is the group dead?
Open prayer requests
Graphic discussions
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Step Study Goals and Objectives
1. Make arrangements for a good location to meet
a. Easy to find, park, safe, well lit at night
b. Minimal/no distractions
c. Place for two hours of uninterrupted time
d. Privacy
2. Educate for understanding
a. Don’t assume everyone understands the material
b. Assess as you go
c. Have their sponsor follow up on the ‘foggy stuff’
3. Introduce them to our Higher Power – Jesus Christ
a. Through our lives
b. Through the workbooks
c. Through prayer
d. Through discussion with other believers
4. Prepare their life for change
a. Recovery is about old life to new life
b. Stick to the program – do steps in order
c. Watch for change
5. Effective and clear communication
a. Reminders
b. Assignments
c. Meeting dates and times (to include changes)
d. Rules violations
6. Cultivate open-honest-and-respectful conversation
a. Be prepared for serious life issues
b. You set the tone for what is discussed and how it’s discussed
c. Do not play favorites, do not isolate and be accountable
d. Do not be the source of gossip
7. Definition of Completion
a. Completed a 4th Step Inventory
b. Completed a 5th Step with another
c. Completed at least 1 proper 9th Step Amends
d. Completed all questions in participant guides
8. Prayer – Prayer – Prayer
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Step Study Concepts
1. Move from the extremes of behavior to the middle, balance
2. Sins of the parents – Rain/Shine on good and bad people (encouragement)
3. Relationship with God (What does it mean?)
a. Read the Word
b. Pray
c. Seek the wisdom of believers
d. Build relationships (minister)
4. Priorities of Time
a. Sleep/Maintenance
b. Obligated Time (work/school)
c. Discretionary Time (leisure time/reflective thought)
5. Recovery Baseline
a. Where are they when you start?
b. Is there change?
c. Where should they be at the end?
6. We don’t all think alike (squares, circles, triangles & squiggles)
Step by Step Help
Step 1 – Group forming, looking for structure, set boundaries & get baseline
Step 2 – Journaling, talk about sponsors, explore who you are
Step 3 – Communication, listening, I-Statements, confirm sponsors
Step 4 – Life of David, journaling, focus on inventory
Step 5 – Scheduling 5th steps, cancel meeting,
Step 6 & 7 – Explore character defects and root causes, look for change
Steps 8 & 9 – Discussion about head & heart (motive)
Step 10 – Daily inventory tool, look for change
Step 11 – Reinforce positive habits (change)
Step 12 – Wrap up, commitment, revisit baseline
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Methods for doing a 4th Step
Your forth step inventory is a collection of facts that:
Have occurred within your lifetime
Have left you with an emotionally changed memory
May have been a positive or negative experience
Are things you have done to others AND things that were done to you
May be memories that have been repressed
May be memories that you deal with every day
Most likely are associated with the people closest to you
The CR Principle 4 Inventory Worksheet requires each fact to contain:
The Person (the subjects of the event)
The Cause (what happened)
The Effect (the factual result of the event)
The Damage (the impact on yourself and others)
My Part (why were you involved)
4th Step Inventory – Method #1: Timeline
Using the 4th Step Inventory Timeline draw a line from the approximate age in the timeline above the
line and list the event in which something was done to you. Draw a line below from your approximate
age on the timeline and note an event you did to others. After collecting these facts transfer the
significant events to the CR Principle 4 Inventory Worksheet.
Events in your childhood (earliest memory through elementary)
Events in your youth (Jr High through High School)
Events in your young adult life (college/military/working life/family)
Events within the past few years (what got you to CR)
Milestone coming to CR
Events since you’ve been coming to CR
4th Step Inventory – Method #2: Relationships
Using the relationship priorities list below try to remember events in your life for the four time periods
(i.e. Events God during childhood, God during youth, etc) and list them on the Pre 4th Step Worksheet.
After collecting these facts transfer the significant events to the CR Principle 4 Inventory Worksheet.
God (childhood, youth, adult, recently)*
Spouse (adult, recently)
Children (adult, recently)
Extended Family (childhood, youth, adult, recently)
Friends (childhood, youth, adult, recently)
Coworkers (adult, recently)
Others (significant relationships – military, institutional, clients, constituents, etc)
Step 12 – Carry this Message
4th Step Inventory – Method #3: Multiple Passes
Using the Pre 4th Step Worksheet consider the 4 time periods and begin noting events beginning with
the strongest memories you have about events positive and negative in your life. Focus on the theme of
each pass as you note the facts. After collecting these facts transfer the significant events to the CR
Principle 4 Inventory Worksheet.
Pass 1: strongest event memories (you did to others, others did to you)
Pass 2: criminal behavior (criminal activity – not caught, arrests and breaking rules)
Pass 3: strong feelings (anger, resentment, fear, sexual harm)
Pass 4: personality (bully, controlling, know-it-all, wall flower, promiscuous, etc)
4th Step Inventory – Method #4: Journal
Using your Journal consider the 4 time periods:
1. Label the top of the first page of your inventory with ‘Childhood’ and begin journaling
about the events during that time period. Take your time and do a little at a time each
day. When the thoughts start to slow down go to next step.
2. Leave a page or two and start with the next time period ‘Youth’ and so on.
3. When all time periods are complete review all your entries, highlight or asterisk the
significant events and fill in missing details as needed.
4. When your review is complete transfer the significant events to the CR Principle 4
Inventory Worksheet.
Bottom line: Get the 4th Step Inventory done. Keep things simple. These methods are recommended
to accommodate different ‘thinking’ styles. It is possible to mix and match aspects of each method to
adjust to your leadership style or the needs of the group. There is no one ‘right’ way to do it. An
inventory in chronological order makes it easy for a sponsor to hear a 5th Step.
Barriers to completing a Searching and Fearless Moral Inventory
Too much processing of past events – not being ready
Not being honest
Priorities of life
Shame and guilt
Confusion about doing a 4th Step
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Tool: Understanding More about Our Self
Who we are, is made up of many factors. Use signs, figures, symbols, letters and abbreviations to
identify ‘who you are.’ (physical – relational – occupational – recreational – situational – habitual)
The Four Realities of a life in Recovery (or for anyone else).
Things we can’t change
(the facts)
Things we can change
(our choices)
Things God does
(higher power stuff)
Things we live with
Step 12 – Carry this Message
Step Study Schedule (1p)
Step Study Contact List (1p)
How Do You Feel Today (1p)
Selecting your CR Recovery Team (2p)
David’s Timeline BC 1046 to 970 (2p)
David’s Family Tree (1p)
4th Step Inventory Timeline (1p)
Pre 4th Step Worksheet (1p)
Celebrate Recovery Principle 4 Inventory Worksheet (1p)
My Daily CR Review (1p)
Step Study Wrap-Up (1p)