Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 1 1. What is my understanding of addiction? My understanding of addiction is that it is physical, mental, and behavioral. Addiction can be defined as “a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health” (Psychology Today, 2014). Addiction is nothing new to the human race and has been problematic for centuries and sadly only in the last couple decades has it been really looked at. Substance abuse is dated back to 5000 BC and there are records of alcohol abuse dating back to 2400 BC (Hanson, Venturelli, & Fleckenstein, 2012) and still today in 2014 we are surrounded by addictions and problems associated with substance abuse. Addiction at first glance in my understanding is a choice. The beauty of humans is that we have the capability to make choices and have free will. No person can make you do anything, in the end it is your own choice. Unfortunately the old saying “we are our own worst enemies” is as true as ever when talking about addiction. Addiction in my understanding starts as a choice, the choice to try the substance, without that first use one would not develop an addiction. After an addict uses a substance the addiction within the brain makes it nearly impossible to for an individual to choose to say no. Within my internship my thoughts about addiction have changed a bit in the sense of choice verse disease. Previously my thoughts were, “who would choose this?” with the Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 2 belief that yes it initially starts as a choice but the disease factor makes an individual dependent. One client in a high-risk group led me to a lot of reflecting on my own thoughts. This particular client in short does not fully believe addiction is a disease but his reasoning behind why he doesn’t want to think that is what started my reflections. This particular client stated that if he says he has a disease which causes him to drink, that’s a crutch, and he wants to take full responsibility and ownership to all of the choices he has made. My understanding of addiction after that statement changed. Addiction and choice go hand in hand and is an empowering thought. This client inspired me when he also stated “I choose to drink, now I am choosing not too.” A simple phrase yet so powerful. 2. What is my understanding of human personality, behavior, and development? My understanding of human personality, behavior, and development is that it is both genetic and learned in every individual. There are many people who debate if it is nature or nurture but it is my understanding that both have a dramatic role in who we are. Although I do not agree with all of Freud’s thoughts and aspects of his theories I do agree with his thoughts that personality development depends on the first five years of life (McLeod, 2014). It is my understanding that during those years children absorb and develop personality traits through my readings, personal experience, and seeing my children grow. One theory that I personally like and think applies is Erikson’s stages of development due to the theory spading throughout one’s life and that it focuses on social relationships that I personally think effects who we are (Cherry, 2014). It’s my Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 3 understanding that life events change us and that we never stop growing as individuals. It’s my understanding that our behaviors are not set in stone and have the potential to change. I think Erik Erikson had the right idea to span the development over a human’s life span due to constantly developing as individuals. Once we become adults our growth does not stop; a young adult is much different than a person who is elderly. 3. What is my understanding of counseling? What are the goals and methods? What is the role of the counselor? My understanding of counseling is that it is a career where certified individuals help individuals set realistic goals, work through their struggles, see things in a realistic light, point out unrealistic and negative thinking, and help teach clients various life skills. It is my understanding that the goals of counseling are to help individuals with relationships (friends, family, spiritual), to enhance their self-image, help them restore balance to their life, and help them discover different skills to work through life events (SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY, 2014). One goal of counseling is to have clients develop their own personal goals to set forth and accomplish. Methods of counseling include active listening, reflecting, body language, open and closed questions, paraphrasing, tone of voice, and summarizing (Steven, 2014). These are the basic methods of counseling but are perhaps the most important. It is my belief that without these basic skills no other methods can happen. Without the basic methods there would no counselor client relationship and there would be no communication. When first exploring theories Gestalt is one that I was instantly repelled from because the first thing I did to learn about it was watch one of his sessions. Although I Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 4 do not like Perls’ personal style I do however find his theory is one of the most beneficial in counseling especially with substance using clients. By focusing on their perception of reality clients can begin the process of becoming and discovering one’s self (Krawford, 2004). It is my personal view that understanding why individuals behave the way they do and focusing on the here and now increases the clients awareness on themselves and improves their growth. It has become my understanding through my internship that clients like to dwell on the past and although I think the past is important the here and now is in my opinion is more important. The role of the counselor in my eyes is to be an advocate for the client, to be their cheerleader, to be a set of ears that is always there, and to be the voice of reason. The role of a counselor is to be an educator. The role of the counselor is to practice what they preach; example would be to utilize coping skills. 4. What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses as a counselor? What are some of your learning needs? I see my strengths being that I am empathetic and caring. Another strength that I have learned that I have is that I follow the thought “forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you knew it”. This not only helps me now as a counselor in training to grow and learn but helps me within sessions when clients are discussing their guilt. One weakness that I have as a counselor is that I am a mother and in sessions with clients who are dealing with social services because their children have been taken away I feel my stomach turn into knots and sadness fill my heart. Putting myself in their Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 5 shoes can be helpful in sessions with clients but at times can lead to needing to keep yourself in check because of your emotions. Another weakness that I have as a counselor is that Learning needs that I currently have are more experience with more diverse clients. I can read, watch presentations, attend trainings but in the end hands on experiences with different individuals will greaten my knowledge in counseling and in myself. 5. Who are you as a counselor? How would you describe your identity as a counselor? How is your identity developing and/or changing? When are you uncomfortable as a counselor? What brings you satisfaction as a counselor? I am learning that as a counselor and learning my identity is very similar to who I am as a mother. The first reason for this is confrontation. When I have to confront clients on different things I am not mean or have negative body language. While watching Janelle confront clients on serious things it felt like a motherly compassion and caring with a mix of serious sternness. I have noticed that I do the same, no judgment, no anger, just looking at the issue and figuring out what needs to be done. It is difficult to put into words but I notice Tiffany’s confrontation is different so I wonder if in the end it is a motherly thing. The second is positive reinforcement. With clients I have noticed they hit a milestone or breakthrough and down play it or do not even realize the accomplishment they have made. As part of my identity I am finding that I very much like to point these out and cheer them on. I have now purchased pompoms and for positive reinforcement I get them out in celebration. Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 6 As I get more and more comfortable my identity as a counselor is changing. Although I am sincere with my clients I am finding ways to use theories and approaches in my own way. I am “Eliseifying” techniques and figuring out what I like and dislike. One thing that has made me the most uncomfortable as a counselor is putting my belief on abortion on the shelf and helping a client find information on where to have and talking with her before and afterwards about it. I respect everyone has their own beliefs and that we each need to do what is best for us, but as a Christian and a mother this one subject makes me very uncomfortable. Realizing this can only benefit me though, and I now know that is something I personally need to work through. As a counselor there is little that does not bring me satisfaction. A minor thing that brings me satisfaction is completing documentation and it being done correct. A more major satisfaction is seeing the client and their reactions when they discover a pattern in themselves, or the cause of a problem. Satisfaction most defiantly comes when clients come in outraged, having a bad day, working through post-acute withdrawal etc. and after they leave feel better. Helping people in summary is a satisfying feeling. For myself personally I had to find a career that I could leave my kids for every work day and I believe I picked one of the most rewarding careers. There’s satisfaction in every word the clients tell you, because they let you into their lives with every syllable. Elise Schmidt Internship 2 Concept Paper 7 References Cherry, K. (2014). Personality Development. Retrieved from Psychology: http://psychology.about.com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/personality-dev.htm Krawford, K. (2004, June). Counseling methods - Gestalt. Retrieved from Academia: http://www.academia.edu/2362244/Counseling_Methods_-_Gestalt_Theory_Applied McLeod, S. (2014). Personality Theories. Retrieved from Simply Psychology: http://www.simplypsychology.org/personality-theories.html Psychology Today. (2014). Addiction. Retrieved from Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/addiction Steven, J. C. (2014). Step One - Learning the Basic Skills of Counseling Techniques. Retrieved from Basic Counseling Skills: http://www.basic-counseling-skills.com/counseling-techniques.html SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY. (2014). SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY - RIO GRANDE COLLEGE CAREER AND COUNSELING SERVICES. Retrieved from Sul Ross: http://www.sulross.edu/sites/default/files//sites/default/files/users/docs/admin/disclosure.pdf Hanson, G. R., Venturelli, P. J., & Fleckenstein, A. E. (2012). Drugs and Society. Jones & Bartlett Learning.