ECON 199 Internship Course Form - Economics

ECON 199: Internship in Economics Application Form
Students may enroll in ECON 199: Internships in Economics with the approval of the instructor
once they have secured an internship which relates to the field of economics with an aim to
enhance the curriculum and academic experience of the program. Economics is a broad discipline
and may lead to many careers within the public and private sector, so internships may vary, but
should have some component of economics. Internships are an integral part of the educational
experience and essential for future careers as they provide practical work experience, references,
and a better understanding of the field of economics and how education may be utilized.
This class is entirely online using Moodle ( so please make sure you have access to
a computer and internet throughout the internship. Detailed information and assignments will be
provided to you prior to the course beginning. The course has a 0-credit or 3-credit option. The 3credit option will have more coursework involved. The course is graded on a Satisfactory/NotSatisfactory basis, and hours do not count towards hours in economics, but may count towards your
overall hours (they fall within the Independent Study credit).
To receive permission to enroll in ECON 199, please complete and submit this form
along with your Internship Offer Letter to:
Melissa Newell
214 David Kinley Hall (DKH), MC-707, 1407 W. Gregory
Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
CPT: Students who are on an International Visa must apply for CPT through ISSS. Please
fill out the CPT form and turn in with your application and internship offer letter to Melissa.
Student Information.
Name (First Last): Click here to enter text.
UIN: Click here to enter text.
Major: Click here to enter text.
Expected Graduation: Click here to enter text.
Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
University Email: Click here to enter text.
Internship Information.
Organization Name: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor Name: Click here to enter text.
Address: Click here to enter text.
Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Email of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Dates of Employment: Click here to enter a date. Until Click here to enter a date.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign · Department of Economics · Undergraduate Studies
214 David Kinley Hall (DKH) · 1407 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL · 217.333.2682 ·
Please describe how this internship is related to Economics.
Click here to enter text.
Please check all which are relevant to you.
0-Credit Hours: ☐
3-Credit Hours: ☐
ECON 199 is a requirement for CPT: ☐
ECON 199 is a condition of employment: ☐
By enrolling in the ECON 199 Internships in Economics course, I agree to
the following (please initial):
Tuition and student fees are assessed for this course: Click here to enter text.
Notifying Melissa if the internship/position changes: Click here to enter text.
Student Signature
For ECON Office Only:
ECON 199 Instructor Signature
Term: _____________________________________
CRN: ______________________________________
Override Provided: ☐
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign · Department of Economics · Undergraduate Studies
214 David Kinley Hall (DKH) · 1407 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL · 217.333.2682 ·