
My Cultural Heritage Project
Alexander Dean
USll P-8
Trinidad & Tobago
"Keeping the Promise:
Unity, Strength, Leadership"
Written and distributed by
non-other than
Table of contents
Family Tree
Oral History
Socity and Culture
Family Tree
Political Cartoon
Problem downloading file at
Home I use my computer my
sisters and my aunt and they all
didn’t work.
Family Tree
Mother: 2 sisters, and
2 brothers
Father: 2 sisters, and
a brother
Oral History
1. What was it like living in Trinidad?
2. What do you think will happen to Trinidad due
to current economical changes throughout the
3. What are some of the difrences in the job choices
you had as compared to ones in th US.
Life was simple, I lived in a cul-da-sac and when you
came come from school you would meet up
with neighbors your age.
Trinidad is a small island and is partially selfsufficient, the outside world may have an impact but
the degree of impact will not be to signification
There were no job choies i had left when i was 17
and graduating from high school was extremely
Name : Adrian Dean
Born : November Third,
1970 at Port of Spain General
Hometown : Tunapuna
Occupation : Police officer
What's in the news.
Trinidad is an island with mountians
suronding its borders. Trinidad and
Tobago is in the southern
Caribbean between
the Caribbean Sea and the North
Atlantic Ocean, northeast
of Venezuela. It houses about 2,500
species of vascular plants, about 50
species of freshwater fish 400–500
marine fish species, 30 amphibian
species, about 90
reptiles, 469 Species of bird, and
98 mammal speices. The country
covers an area 5,128
square kilometers
Trinidad is home to one of every
few breading grounds of the Leatherback turtle.
Due to Trinidad's oil industry it has
become imperative that they have
created several conversational groups
to preserve its natural beauty. Such
as The Trinidad Conservation Project,
other Caribbean governments and org
Capital: Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago is a republic with
a two-party system and a bicameral
parliamentary system based on the
Westminster system. The head of
state of Trinidad and Tobago is the
President. The head of the
government is the Prime Minister. The
President is elected by an Electoral
The Red House is the seat
College consisting of the full
of Parliament in the Republic. It was membership of both houses of
destroyed in the 1903 water riot and Parliment. The Prime Minester is
was rebuilt in the year
elected from the results of a general
1907.Trinidad and Tobago uses it goelection which happens every five
vernment to regulate and use funds years.
for the better of it self
to maintain stability, even
threw crises.
The country gained its independence in
1962 from the UK.
Prime Minister: Kamla Persad-Bissessar
President: George Maxwell Richards
Additional Link: http://www.trinidadandtobagonews.c
Society and Culture
Destination port of spain trinidad is
host to its Carnival celebration, a
island wide
event. Containing massive floats
and extravagant costumes.With the
steel pan orchestra. A parade in
which anyone can participate in.
Carnival, Christmas Diwali, Emanci
pation Day, Hosay
Festival, Independence
Day, Phagwa, We Beat Festival
Culture and Society
Music: Soca, Chutney, Rapso,
Parang, Pichakaree, Steelpan
Fun Facts
the Trinidadian equivalent to
a siesta. It was derived from
way back when there was no
bug-spay and would rub lime
on their skin to repel bugs.
• Home of the Steel-pan.
• Birthplace of Nicki Minaj
• Home of Calypso
Food is a very important part
• Pitch Lake, on the island of Trinidad, is the
of the trini-culture as seen in
world's largest natural reservoir of asphalt.videos.
Food Flicks
Exports To:
Imports From:
Trinidad was once known for its vast fields of
sugarcane but over time the land could no
longer bare it it had to turn to a new source
of income,hence the use of its oil.
The island of Tobago use used for
mostly tourism and Winter houses of
mainly Europeans.
World GNP: 94Th
Inflation rate: 4.2%
Unemployment: 13%
Exchange rate: $6.14 TT to $1 US
For further imformation
Trinidad and Tobago has
earned a reputation as an
excellent investment site
for international businesses
and has one of the highest
growth rates and per
capital incomes in Latin
America. The countries
economic growth averaged
around 8% within the past
5 years.
Political Cartoon
"What Else Can Jamaica Sell to
Trinidad and Tobago?- A Look at
the Trini-Invasion and the Sale of
Air Jamaica"
Jamaica's debt
has caused it to make
some adjustments, such
as sell its airliners to
Trinidad and Tobago.
Some Jamaicans dont
see this as a good thing
so they have created
this cartoon.
Trinidad & Tobago Just A Vacation, But Forever In Your Heart
Trinidad & Tobago Timeless