Our Daily Law XIX Yearly International Simposium Law and Religion BYU - Utah/USA Speaker Prof. Gilberto Garcia J.D., Post Graduate, Masters of Law, University Professor, Writer and Current Member of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers www.direitonosso.com.br “Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times”. Psalms 106:3 www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and The Constitution of the Federal Repulic of Brazil www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB The Relationship of Church and State Confusion State’s Confusion With Religion Theocratic State The Vatican City Islamic States www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Union The Relationship of Church and State Legal-Religious Relations Clerical State Governmental Participation BRAZIL Colonial Empire (1500-1890) England www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB The Relationship of Church and State Separation No State Religion – Layman No Official Religion Colaboration Brazilian Republic(1891) United States of America www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Brazilian History The Constitution of the Empire - 1824 Official Religion Tolerance of Beliefe 5th Art.: Roman Catholicism will continue to be the religion of the Empire. All of the other religions will be permited with their particular domestic worship, in dedicated buildings, without the appearance of a church www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Brazilian History Decree 119-A, 7.1.1890 Freedom of Worship Maintenance Grant Official Church, The State www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Brazilian History Religious Liberty Republican Constitution - 1891 Art. 72 § 7, No cult or church will be granted rights to legally officiate, nor will it have dependant relationships or alliances with the Union or States. www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Brazilian History Religious Liberty Republican Constitution - 1891 Art. 72 § 3, All individuals and religious confessions can exercise publicly and freely its worship, associated with this end... www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Brazilian History Constitution of 1934 Civil Justice Personality Churches: Religious Associations Civil Code of 1916 www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Religious Constitutional Prerogatives Brazil www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Two Legal Paradigms www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty of the CRFB Church SeparationState Freedom of Worship www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Christian GrowthProtestants 40 million - 20% 2010 Census- IBGE www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Art. 5, Inciso VI, XVI to XXI Art.19, Inciso I www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Freedom of Belief Art. 5, VI, CRFB/1988 Freedom of conscious and belief are invioulabe. www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Freedom of Worship Art. 5, VI, CRFB/1988 Being assured of the free exercise of religious worship. www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Local Protection of Worship Art. 5, VI, CRFB/1988 ... and granted by law, protection for the places of worship, and their rituals. www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Law Religious Option Art. 5, VIII, CRFB/1988 No one can be deprived of rights for religious beliefs ... www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB SEPARATION : CHURCH - STATE Art. 19, CRFB/1988 Is given to and only to the Union, the States, the Federal District, and municipalities: I – TO ESTABLISH RELIGIOUS GROUPS OR CHURCHES, ... www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB SEPARATION : CHURCH - STATE Art. 19, CRFB/1988 Is given to and only to the Union, the States, the Federal District, and municipalities: I – ... to assign, interfere with the function of, or maintain dependent relationships or agreements... www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB SEPARATION : CHURCH - STATE Art. 19, CRFB/1988 Is given to and only to the Union, the States, the Federal District, and municipalities: I – ... Except, as Law, the collaboration of public interest;... www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB SEPARATION : CHURCH - STATE Art. 150, Inciso: VI, b, § 4º, CRFB/1988 Tax exemption Federal: IR, State: ICMS and Municipalities: IPTU “... Notwithstanding ohter garantees ensured to the taxpayer, it is forbidden to the Union, the States, the Federal Discrit and the municipalities ...”, “... VI – Institute taxes on: a) ...; b) any Temples of worship ...”. “§ 4º - The prohibitions set forth in section VI, "b" and "c", include only the property, income and services related to the essential purposes of the entities mentioned therein.” www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB SEPARATION & COLABORATION • Religious Assistance Art. 5º, Item: VII; • Religious Education Arts. 210, §1º; 213, I, II; • Religious Wedding Art. 226, § 2º; www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Legal Prerogative Ordinary Standards www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Civil Code 2002 RELIGIOUS CIVIL MARRIAGE WITH CIVIL EFFECTS Chuches Faculty of officiating Validation Requirement for the Clerk of the Civil Registry www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Art. 217, Código de Processo Civil (Exceptional Circumstances) – They shall not, however, [], except to prevent the extinction of the law. Item II – to whom is watching any act of worship;” www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Lei 9.459, 13.05.97 Religious Discrimination Art. 20, Practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or nation origin. www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Art. 208, Criminal Code (Offence to worship and hindrance or disturbance to act on it) – publicly mock someone for reasons of belief or religious function; prevent or disrupt ceremony or practice of religious worship; publicly vilify act or object of worship ...” www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Silent Legislation Legislation # 6.938/81 Decreee # 99.274/90 Resolution CONAMA 1990 National Program for Education and Control of Noise Pollution Silence -ABNT www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB The statute of the city Legislation 10.257/01 Neighborhood impact study Set Standards in Municipal Laws www.direitonosso.com.br Religious Liberty and the CRFB Convention Brazil-Vatican Decree:7.107/2010 Agreement Brazil Santa-Sé General Law on Religions Bill 5598/2010 www.direitonosso.com.br INVIOLABLE HOME LAW Art. 5º, Item XI Without permission, you are not allowed to enter a home. Is protected by the Constitution. However, there are some exceptions: Flagrant crime, to provide assistance, or if disaster strikes. Another assumption is provided. But only during the day if permitted by the judge. CD CANTE DIREITO – Constitucional I Prof.: Ezequiel Balthazar Gravado e mixado no Estúdio Áudio Master, março/2001 www.direitonosso.com.br O DIREITO NOSSO DE CADA DIA © Consultoria de Soluções Jurídicas Telefax: (21)2696-5244 / Celular 9912-6678 E-mail: advgilgarcia@openlink.com.br Rua dos Expedicionários, 83/103 - Centro São João de Meriti - RJ - CEP 25.520-590 “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” Psalms 90:17 NTLH www.direitonosso.com.br