NAME: Computer Tools Worksheet Directions: Using the Computer

NAME: __________________________
Computer Tools Worksheet
Directions: Using the Computer Tools PowerPoint, complete the following questions.
1. List the colleges and universities that were all connected to the Internet by 1969?
2. The Internet has been under development since __________________
3. __________________- Used to move data from one location to another across the network and verify
data transfer was successful
4. __________________- Data are sent
5. ____________________ - The packet arriving at one destination is identical to the one sent
6. _____________________________ - Companion to IP, sending and receiving TCP ensure all packets that
make up a data transfer arrive at the receiving location
7. Which decade saw corporations beginning to connect to the Internet? _______________
8. Give an example of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) ________________________
9. Give two examples of a browser? ____________________ and _______________________
10. List the top level domain names?
11. URL stands for and is a means for transferring information: ___________________________ and what
are the two primary components? __________________________ and _______________________
12. HTTP stands for - ____________________________
13. HTML - __________________________________
14. ___________________________ connects two pages of information
15. WWW stands for: ______________________________________ (And not to be confused with the
16. What is a search engine?
17. List examples of a search engine:
18. Why would someone create a personal web page?
19. List four HTML codes
20. Many word processors and desktop publishers have the ability to save the document
21. Is all information made accessible on the Internet? ________
22. Email stands for _________________________
23. What two things are required to send email?
24. What is the function of an email package?
25. All email users are assigned an ___________________________
26. Typical requirements and optional components of email
a. To: ________________________
b. cc: ___________________________
c. ___________________: files to be appended to the main e-mail message (optional)
d. ________________: brief description of the message contents
e. ______________: Actual text of the message
27. List the four words of warning about the Internet.
28. ____________________________: Most basic function is to create and edit text and when was it
developed ___________________
29. What programs have features useful to engineers?
30. Equation, drawing, and table editors are features which make the mechanics of technical writing
relatively easy using a ___________________________
31. Examples of documenting
32. Origin in finance___________________ and was developed in _________________by a Harvard
Business School student frustrated with the repetitive financial-problems.
33. __________________ was written for Apple II and IBM released own version in 1981
34. _______________________Released in 1983 and still used today
35. Spreadsheets have over ___________ Rectangular grid with thousands of rows and columns
36. Columns labeled ____________________ (A,B,C,…AA,BB,…)
37. Rows labeled _________________ (1,2,3,…)
38. Each cell has a _______________________
39. __________________ is grid space where a column and row meet and can perform simple and complex
tasks individually or as a group with other cells
40. A _________________________ is a collection of data that is stored in a structured manner that makes
retrieval and manipulation of information easy
41. What is a large part of the design process?
42. What is MATLAB and what is it used in?
43. ________________ Enables the user to manage variables, import and export data, perform calculations,
generate plots, and develop and manage files and has a built-in editor/debugger that resembles a very
simple word processor
44. List the five different viewing windows in presentation software
45. _________________________Group of programs that manage the operation of a computer
46. Interface between computer hardware, software and the user
47. List examples of operating systems:
48. ______________________ enables users to communicate with the computer and is the interface
between computer hardware, software and the user
49. Computer operates using machine language - ____________________
50. Series of _______________________
51. ___________________ - cryptic symbolic code that corresponds 1-to-1 with machine language
52. _________________- closely resembles English (1957)
53. __________________ only understands binary code
54. __________________ is written to tell computer how to complete a specific task
55. Consists of lines of code (______________________)written in specific programming language
56. Must _______________ (fix) if you or the computer are unhappy with the code and results
57. ___________________Use a fetch-decode-execute paradigm
58. FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, and C are examples of _____________________
59. _______________________Treat data , and routines that act on data, as single objects or data structures
60. C++(C plus plus) and Java are examples of ____________________________________________
61. _________________________ Software for the study of processes with continuous flow material and
62. What does GIS stand for? ________________________________
63. _______________________ Purpose of these tools is to link geographic information with spatial data and
enable visualization of data through mapping capabilities
64. ______________________ Allows users to create a virtual instrument on personal computers
65. _______________________ Take the geometry of a system and break it into small elements or pieces