gold rush.caitlin

The California Gold Rush Treasure Hunt
An Internet -Based Treasure Hunt about the California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was an exciting time for people. Many people went rushing
out west to strike it rich and have all of their dreams come true. However, once
they got to California, they quickly realized that everything was not as great as
they thought it would be. Through this treasure hunt, you will discover the pains of
the California Gold Rush. You will be able to use this information to help you
understand more about the experiences of the 49ers.
Instructions: Use the websites below to answer questions about the California
Gold Rush. Answer the questions in red on this document and save it as
gold.nancy . Post to your website when complete.
1. Gold Rush Fever and Expectations
2. Clash of Cultures
3. Changing the Environment
4. How did people get to California?
5. Working Conditions
6. Who actually made the money?
1. Gold Rush Fever and Expectations:
a. How did Americans respond to Polk’s announcement about the
discovery of gold in California? American responded to Polk’s
announcement about the discovery of gold rush in California by leaving
what they had. Farmers left there fields, merchants closed there
shops, and soldiers left there posts.
b. Other than gold, what does Milner hope to acquire? How is this similar
to the plot in Of Mice and Men?
c. Would you have been willing to join the 49ers? Why or why not? I
think I would be willing to join the 49ers. I willing to join them
because I might find gold in California, and give my family a better
2. Clash of Cultures:
a. What was the Foreign Miners Tax of 1850? Do you believe that this
law was fair? Explain. The foreign miners tax of 1850 was a $20 per
month levy payable by every miner. It was a tax which only fueled the
growing fire of ethnic resentment. I agree that they should have to
pay the tax. I think this because they didn’t belong there. They came
there to find gold but they weren’t invited.
b. Describe the following groups’ experience in California during the Gold
i. Chinese The Chinese stayed in California in mining or in more
traditional jobs in the metropolitan culture that was developing.
ii. Native Americans The Native Americans weren’t interested in
gold or in mining. They were almost immediately annihilated.
iii. African Americans The African Americans fared surprisingly well.
3. Changing the Environment:
a. Why did miners join together? Miners joined together because if they
did the work by themselves they won’t be able to do it. They would
band together and they would dam the rivers, reroute the water and
expose the gold underneath.
b. Why were corporations formed? Corporations were formed because
more capital-intensive measures were needed to extract the gold and
the loose knit groups of miners were replaced.
c. How did technology affect mining? Technology affected mining by
destroying rivers, and causing the first environmental disasters in
4. How did people get to California?
3000 miles
Cape Horn
7000 miles
15,000 miles
Travel Time
3 to 7 months
2 to 3 months
4 to 8 months
Line of Travel
From Missouri to
San Francisco by
From New York
to Panama City
to San
Francisco by
From New York
to San
Francisco with
ships or boats.
5. Working Conditions:
Summarize hardships workers faced based on the photo. The
hardships workers faced were it might have been hot and humid
out. It looks like they are really crowed together. It probably
with tough to work with all of those people in the small crowded
spot. It also looks like a dangerous environment to work in.
6. Who actually made the money?
a. Who was James W. Marshall? James M. Marshall was the man who
discovered gold in the saw mill.
b. Who was John Sutter? John Sutter was the owner of the saw mill
where Marshall found gold.
c. Why did the men keep the discovery a secret? The men kept the
discovery a secret because if people found out men from everywhere
would rush in and Sutter’s empire would be destroyed.
d. How did news of the discovery affect San Francisco? The new of the
discovery affected San Francisco by stores closing, ships being
abandoned and houses becoming deserted. Also, the population
e. Other than mining, how did people in California earn money? Other
than mining people earned money by selling supplies, washing shirts,
and cooking meals.
The Big Question
Does this entire journey out west seem worth it? After reading this, would you have
gone on this journey? Explain using facts from your treasure hunt.
I think that the journey out to the west was worth it. I think that during this
journey if people struck gold they would have a better life. If they traveled a long
way to the west they would get a better life, have money, and be able to send
money to family still in the east. I think I would have gone on the journey. It would
be an exciting experience and I think I would have learned a lot. I would maybe
find gold and start to get money for it. If I didn’t get any luck finding gold I might
be able to start and sell supplies, washing shirts, and cook meals. That’s what I
would have done if I was on the journey to the west.