Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) SANTHIA MIRTYL Importance of Blood Supply Blood supply is critical for successful functioning of our organs Arteries bring oxygenated blood from the heart to the body What happens when this route is compromised? National Stroke Association (2011) Hypoxic Brain Tissue National Stroke Association (2011) Stroke AKA Brain Attack •S E C O N D L E A D I N G C A U S E O F M O R TA L I T Y W O R L D W I D E , F O U R T H I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S •A P P R O X I M AT E LY 7 9 5 , 0 0 0 S T R O K E S W I L L O C C U R T H I S Y E A R •S T R O K E C A N H A P P E N T O A N Y O N E AT A N Y T I M E , R E G A R D L E S S OF RACE, SEX OR AGE •A P P R O X I M AT E LY 5 5 , 0 0 0 M O R E W O M E N T H A N M E N H AV E A STROKE EACH YEAR. •A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N S H AV E A L M O S T T W I C E T H E R I S K O F F I R S T - E V E R S T R O K E C O M PA R E D W I T H W H I T E S . •T H E E S T I M AT E D D I R E C T A N D I N D I R E C T C O S T O F S T R O K E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S I N 2 0 1 0 I S $ 7 3 . 7 B I L L I O N National Stroke Association (2011) Nursing Central (2012) Types of Stroke Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Nursing Central (2012) Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Nursing Central (2012) TIA Temporary state of ischemia due to blood supply blockage A blood clot in an artery of the brain A blood clot that travels to the brain from somewhere else in the body (for example, from the heart) An injury to blood vessels Narrowing of a blood vessel in the brain or leading to the brain “Mini-stroke” Will have stroke like symptoms For up to 24 hours Risk of stroke is greatest within 48 hours Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Nursing Central (2012) National Stroke Association (2011) TIA is a result of vascular disease Modifiable HTN Atrial fibtillation Hyperlipidema Diabetes Mellitus Stress Excessive alcohol use Lifestyle Obesity Smoking Valvular disease Coronary artery disease Non-modifiable Family history Age Race Heredity Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Nursing Central (2012) National Stroke Association (2011) Easton, D., J., Saver, J., L., Albers, G.W. et.l (2009). Use the FAST for signs of stroke. Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Nursing Central (2012) National Stroke Association (2011) A.D.A.M Medical Medical Encyclopedia.(2012) Medical Interventions Literature Hospital Carotid Endarterectomy Physical assessment Carotid Angioplasty and Complete blood count Stenting tPa Diagnostics :MRI Antithrombotic Therapy aspirin, combination aspirin/dipyridamole, clopidogrel, and ticlopidine. Lab test CT scan MRS and X-ray ordered MRI without contrast Carotid Duplex Scan Bilateral PT and OT Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Easton (2009). Adam et. al (2007) Summers et. Al (2007) Nursing Interventions Literature Hospital NIH Stroke Scale Continued assessment O2, output Vitals Hyperthermia, BP ABCs Monitoring: cardiac, NIH Stoke Scale Q2h respiratory, neuro status Administering drug therapy Safety Labs Glucose Hourly assessments Hourly vitals Close eye on high BP and temperature ABCs Labs Drug therapy Safety Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Adam et. al (2007) Prognosis TIA do not cause cell death of brain tissue Symptoms usually resolve in less that 24 hrs TIA is a warning sign for a stroke Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010) Easton (2009). Adam et. al (2007) Summers et. Al (2007) Nursing Diagnosis A C U T E C O N F U S I O N R E L A T E D T O H Y P O X I A . I M P A I R E D V E R B A L C O M M U N I C A T I O N RELATED TO DECREASED CIRCULATION TO THE BRAIN IN SPEECH CENTER INFORMATIONAL SOURCES RISK FOR IMPAIRED PHYSICAL IMMOBILITY RELATED TO DECREASED STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE I N E F F E C T I V E H E A L T H M A I N T E N A N C E R E L A T E D T O DEFICIENT KNOWLEDGE REGARDING SELF CARE FOR STROKE RISKS Ackely, Ladwig. (2011) Conclusion Myth Fact Stroke is not preventable Up to 80% percent of strokes are preventable Stroke cannot be treated Stroke is a elderly problem Stroke happens in the heart Stroke recovery ends after 6 months Stroke requires emergency treatment Anyone can be a victim to stroke Stroke happens in the brain AKA “Brain Attack” Stroke recovery a lifetime can last National Stroke Association (2011) Case Study The patient is a 53 year old African American male admitted to the emergency department on 10/14/2012 for slurred speech and facial drooping. He was brought in by a concerned friend that stated a change in the patient’s mentation, slurred speech as well as left sided facial drooping the previous night. Patient has a past medical history of Bells palsy 20 years ago and chronic knee pain. Patient also has had family history of kidney disease, hypertension, and heart disease. Upon admission patient had a high blood pressure of 220/140. He denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, fevers, chills, nausea and vomiting. Patient has a current complaint of a headache but not a symptom prior to hospitalization. Chest x ray is pending. Brain CT revealed lateral ventricles atrophy and small vessel ischemia. Labs were done which revealed elevated creatinine and BUN. Questions Of the 500,000 strokes that occur annually, 80% of them are ischemic strokes. Which of the following accurately reflects this type of stroke? 1. 2. 3. 4. The strokes are hemorrhagic in nature The signs and symptoms, though acute, resolve without permanent disability The stokes ate commonly caused my arthrosclerosis Patients experiencing the type of stroke are usually younger Rationals Correct answer: 3 80% of all strokes are ischemic in nature and most are caused my atherosclerosis. Hemorrhagic stokes are commonly associated with hypertension. Patients experiencing ischemic stoke are generally older than those experiencing hemorrhagic stoke References 1) A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.(2012). Transient ischemic attack. 2) Adams Jr, H., P., del Zoppo,G., Alberts, M., J., Bhatt, D., L., Brass, L., Furlan, A., Grubb, R., L., Higashida, R., L., Jauch, E., C., Kidwell, C., Lyden, P., D., Morgenstern, R., Qureshi, A., I., Rosenwasser, R., H., Scott, P., A., Wijdicks, E., F. (2007). Guidelines for the Early Management of Adults With Ischemic Stroke. STROKEAHA.107(86), 1814. 3)Ackle, B., Ladwig, G. (2011) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook.. 9th edition. 4) Easton, D., J., Saver, J., L., Albers, G.W., Alberts, M., J., Chaturvedi, S., Feldmann,E., Hatsukami, T., S., Higashida, R., T., Johnston, C., Kidwell, C.,S., Lutsep, H., L., Miller, E., Sacco, R., L. (2009). Definition and Evaluation of Transient Ischemic Attack. STROKEAHA., 108(18), 1922. 5) National Stroke Association. The Complete Guide to Stroke. 2011. At: 6) Summers, D., Leonard, A., Wentworth, D., Saver, L., J., Simpson, J., Spilker, J., A., Hock, N., Miller, E., Mitchell, P.,H. (2009). Comprehensive Overview of Nursing and Interdisciplinary Care of the Acute Ischemic Stroke Patient. STROKEAHA.109(62), 1923. 7) Osborn, K., S., Wraa, C., E., Watson, A., V. (2010). Medical-Surgical Nursing Preparation for Practice. 756-761.