PREDICTIVE PRE-COOLING CONTROL FOR LOW LIFT RADIANT COOLING USING BUILDING THERMAL MASS Motivation: energy and climate Addressing energy, climate and development challenges Buildings use 40% of energy and 70% of electricity1 Buildings represent low cost carbon emission reduction potential2 Most rapidly developing cities in cooling-dominated climates3 Increasing demand for A/C where grids are already stressed4 1. 2. 3. 4. USDOE 2006. Building Energy Databook IPCC 2007. Fourth Assessment Report Sivak 2009. Energy Policy 37 McNeil and Letschert 2007. ECEEE 2007 Summer Study Predictive pre-cooling control for low lift radiant cooling using building thermal mass can lead to significant sensible cooling energy savings. What is a low-lift cooling system (LLCS)? How is it implemented using building thermal mass? How is predictive pre-cooling control achieved? How significant are the energy savings? Low lift cooling systems (LLCS) Cooling strategy that leverages existing technologies: Variable speed compressor Variable flow hydronic distribution Radiant cooling Thermal energy storage (TES) Pre-cooling control Dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) …to save cooling energy: Operate chillers at part load and low lift more of the time by predictive pre-cooling control Night time operation Load leveling Radiant cooling Reduce transport energy req’d to deliver cooling to a space Efficient dehumidification 45000 ML\wk\BT\finalFY07\TOSenergy\TOSmoEnergy5.xls kWh|case5C 2-Speed Chiller, VAV Var-Speed Chiller, VAV 40000 2-Speed Chiller, VAV, TES Var-Speed Chiller, VAV, TES 2-Speed Chiller, RCP/DOAS System Input Energy (kWh/yr) 35000 Var-Speed Chiller, RCP/DOAS 2-Speed Chiller, RCP/DOAS, TES 30000 Var-Speed Chiller, RCP/DOAS, TES 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Houston Memphis Los Angeles Baltimore Climate (Represented by City) Chicago Simulation of LLCS shows significant cooling energy savings potential Simulated energy savings: 12 building types in 16 cities relative to a DOE benchmark HVAC system Total annual cooling energy savings 37 to 84% in standard buildings, average 60-70% -9 to 70% in high performance buildings, average 40-60% (Katipamula et al 2010, PNNL-19114) LLCS cooling energy savings in Atlanta Simulated total annual cooling energy savings: in a medium size office building in Atlanta over a full year with respect to a variable air volume (VAV) system served by a variable-speed chiller with an economizer and ideal storage similar to a split-system air conditioner (SSAC) used as an experimental base line, with some differences 28 % annual cooling energy savings (Katipamula et al 2010, PNNL-19114) Low lift vapor compression cycle requires less work Vapor compression cycles shown under typical and low-lift conditions T - Temperature (°C) 60 40 700 psia Low-lift refers to a lower temperature difference between evaporation and condensation 600 500 400 300 Predictive pre-cooling of thermal storage and variable speed fans 200 Variable-speed compressor adapts exactly and efficiently to conditions 20 100 Radiant cooling and variable speed pump 0 1 1.2 1.4 S - Entropy (kJ/kg-K) 1.6 1.8 do o r LLCS operates a chiller at low lift more of the time 0.5 Tx (C) 24 Chiller System Specific Power, 1/COP (kW/kW) Q(t ) J t 1 COP (t ) where COP = f(Tx,Tz,Q) [kWth/kWe], subject to just satisfying the daily load requirement: 24 Q t 1 24 Load (t ) Q(t ) t 1 0.45 43.33 37.78 32.22 26.67 21.11 15.56 10 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Chicago---baseline 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 with 0.8 RCP/DOAS 0.9 1 Chicago---variable-speed chiller 0 Part-Load Fraction 45 50 40 50 35 40 40 25 20 20 10 15 10 ou t do o 0 rd 5 ry -bu 0 0 tem 30 20 10 dry -bu lb FLEOH FLEOH 30 30 pe r atu re 50 ( de gF 0.5 100 ) 1 pa ad rt lo io r at 0 0 lb t 50 em pe r atu re ( deg F 0 0.5 ) 100 1 dr loa t r pa atio Are the simulation results REAL? Develop the pre-cooling control and experimentally test an LLCS Optimize control of a chiller over a 24-hour look-ahead schedule to minimize daily chiller energy consumption by operating at low lift conditions while maintaining thermal comfort Informed by data-driven zone temperature response models and forecasts of climate conditions and loads Informed by a chiller performance model that predicts chiller power and cooling rate at future conditions for a chosen control Low lift chiller performance Predictive pre-cooling control requires a chiller model to predict chiller power consumption, cooling capacity and COP at low-lift To identify a chiller model under low lift conditions: Build a heat pump test stand Experimentally test the performance of a heat pump at low pressure ratios, which was later converted to a chiller for LLCS Identify empirical model of chiller performance useful for predictive control Measured heat pump performance at many steady state conditions Tested 131 combinations of the following conditions Outdoor temp (C) Indoor temp (C) Compressor speed (Hz) Fan speed (RPM) 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 14 24 34 19 30 60 95 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 To model chiller power, cooling rate, and COP as a function of all 4 variables 4 Pa) Compress 5 1 2 3 4 Low lift operation Typicalratio operation Pressure (kPa/kPa) COP ~ 5-10 COP ~ 3.5 15 5 Outdoor unit COP (kWth/kWe) 4 Pa) Test results show expected higher COPs at 5 low lift 0conditions 5 EER 51 10 34 5 17 0 1 2 3 4 Pressure ratio (kPa/kPa) 5 Empirical models accurately represent chiller cooling capacity, power and COP 4-variable cubic polynomial models P f(Toutdoorair , Tevaporation , compressor , fan ) QC g(Toutdoorair , Tevaporation , compressor , fan ) Measured vs Predicted Cooling Capacity 5000 1500 Model predicted cooling capacity (W) Model predicted power consumption (W) Measured vs Predicted Power Consumption 2000 Relative RMSE = 5.5 % Absolute RMSE = 27 W 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 Measure power consumption (W) 1500 4000 Relative RMSE = 1.7 % Absolute RMSE = 40 W 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Measured cooling capacity (W) 5000 Zone temperature model identification LLCS control requires zone temperature response models to predict temperatures and chiller performance Develop data-driven models from which to predict Zone operative temperature (OPT) The temperature underneath the concrete slab (UST) Return water temperature (RWT) and ultimately chiller evaporating temperature (EVT) from which chiller power and cooling rate can be calculated Assume ideal forecasts of outdoor climate and internal loads Implement data-driven modeling on a real test chamber Existing transfer function modeling methods can be applied to predict zone temperature OPT(t) t N t N t N t N t N a OPT(k) b OAT(k) c AAT(k) d QI(k) e QC(k) k k t 1 OPT = OAT = AAT = QI = QC = a,b,c,d,e = k k t k kt k k t k k t operative temperature outdoor air temperature adjacent zone air temperature heat rate from internal loads cooling rate from mechanical system weights for time series of each variable (Inverse) comprehensive room transfer function (CRTF) [Seem 1987] Steady state heat transfer physics constrain CRTF coefficients Evaporating temperature is predicted from intermediate temperature response models Chiller power and cooling rate depend on evaporating temperature, which is coupled to return water temperature, and thus to the state of thermal energy storage, in this case a radiant concrete floor Predict concrete floor under-slab temperature (UST) using a transfer function model Predict return water temperature (RWT) using a low-order transfer function model in UST and cooling rate QC RWT(t) t 2 t 2 f RWT(k) g UST(k) h QC(k) k k t 1 t 2 k k t k kt Superheat relates RWT to evaporating temperature (EVT) Data-driven models identified for a test chamber with a radiant concrete floor Temperature sensors: OPT, OAT, AAT, UST, RWT Power to internal loads: QI Radiant concrete floor cooling rate: QC Models validated based on accuracy of predicting different data 24-hours-ahead Cooling validation data temperatures 305 Sample validation temperature data 300 temp (K) 295 290 OpT ZAT MRT AAT OAT UST RWT Cooling validation data heat inputs 1000 285 Internal load Floor cooling 280 500 heat rate (W) 275 0 20 40 60 hour Sample validation thermal load data -500 -1000 -1500 0 0 20 40 60 hour 80 100 120 80 100 120 temp (K) temp (K) 296 Transfer function models accurately predict zone temperatures 24-hours-ahead 296 294 0 10 20 294 0 5 10 15 hour 20 Under-slab temperature (UST) 290 288 0 5 10 15 hour 25 292 294 20 25 286 UST p-UST 0 5 10 15 hour 20 25 Return water temperature (RWT) 295 Root mean square (RMSE) Validation data RMSEs for 24error hour look ahead: for 24 hour ahead prediction of RMSE ZAT = 0.06 K validation data RWT p-RWT 290 RMSE MRT = 0.09 K RMSE OPT = 0.08 K OPT RMSE RMSE UST = 0.15= K 0.08 RMSE RWT = 0.84=K0.15 UST RMSE 285 280 275 292 25 OpT p-OpT 296 292 temp (K) 15 hour Operative temperature (OPT) 298 temp (K) 5 temp (K) 292 294 0 2 4 6 hour 8 10 K K RWT RMSE = 0.84 K p = N step ahead predicted variable Optimization minimizes energy, maintains comfort, and avoids freezing the chiller 24 arg min J rtPt () PENOPTt () PENEVTt () t 1 rt = Pt = = PENOPTt = PENEVTt = = electric rate at time t, or one for energy optimization system power consumption as a function of past compressor speeds and exogenous variables weight for operative temperature penalty operative temperature penalty when OPT exceeds ASHRAE 55 comfort conditions evaporative temperature penalty for temperatures below freezing Vector of 24 compressor speeds, one for each hour of the 24 hours ahead Perform optimization at every hour with current building data and new forecasts initial i124 0 0i124 0 Pattern search initial guess at current hour 24-hour-ahead forecasts of outdoor air temperature, adjacent zone temperature, and internal loads (OAT, AAT, QI) initial i224 optimal ,0 Pattern search algorithm determines optimal compressor speed schedule for the next 24 hours optimal i124 optimal Operate chiller for one hour at optimal state 1, optimal f f(1, optimal , OAT, RWT) Pre-cooling the concrete floor maintains comfort and reduces energy consumption Chiller control schedule Zone temperature response 40 20 15 10 OPT OAT RWT UST EVT OPTmax 30 20 OPTmin 10 5 0 6 pm 12 am 6 am hour 12 pm 0 6 pm 6 pm Chiller power 6 am hour 12 pm 6 pm 2000 Cumuluative energy consumption (Wh) 200 150 100 50 0 6 pm 12 am Chiller energy consumption 250 Chiller Power (W) Occupied 25 Temperature (C) Compressor speed (Hz) 30 12 am 6 am Hour 12 pm 6 pm 1500 1000 Total energy consumption over 24 hours = 1921 Wh 500 0 6 pm 12 am 6 am Hour 12 pm 6 pm Pre-cooling the concrete floor maintains comfort and reduces energy consumption Chiller control schedule Zone temperature response 40 20 15 10 OPT OAT RWT UST EVT OPTmax 30 20 OPTmin 10 5 0 6 pm 12 am 6 am hour 12 pm 0 6 pm 6 pm Chiller power 6 am hour 12 pm 6 pm 2000 Cumuluative energy consumption (Wh) 200 150 100 50 0 6 pm 12 am Chiller energy consumption 250 Chiller Power (W) Occupied 25 Temperature (C) Compressor speed (Hz) 30 12 am 6 am Hour 12 pm 6 pm 1500 1000 Total energy consumption over 24 hours = 1921 Wh 500 0 6 pm 12 am 6 am Hour 12 pm 6 pm Experimental assessment of LLCS Prior research shows dramatic savings from LLCS, but Based entirely on simulation Assumes idealized thermal storage, not a real concrete floor Chiller power and cooling rate are not coupled to thermal storage, as it is for a concrete radiant floor How real are these savings? What practical technical obstacles exist? Building and testing a Low-Lift System Build chiller by modifying an inverter heat pump outdoor unit Install a radiant concrete floor in MIT and Masdar test rooms Implement the pre-cooling optimization control Test LLCS under a typical summer week in Atlanta (and next Phoenix) subject to internal loads—then in real AD weather Compar the LLCS performance to a baseline system - a high efficiency (SEER~16, SCOP~4.7) variable capacity split-system air conditioner (SSAC) LLCS and SSAC use the same outdoor unit IDENTICAL FOR LLCS AND BASE CASE SSAC FROM RADIANT FLOOR CONDENSER FROM INDOOR UNIT (CLOSED) BPHX TO INDOOR UNIT (CLOSED) COMPRESSOR TO RADIANT FLOOR TEST CHAMBER CLIMATE CHAMBER ELECTRONIC EXPANSION VALVE LLCS provides chilled water to a radiant concrete floor (thermal energy storage) 17’ EXPANSION TANK FILTER TO CHILLER RADIANT FLOOR 12’ BPHX RADIANT MANIFOLD FROM CHILLER WATER PUMP TEST CHAMBER CLIMATE CHAMBER Chiller/heat pump Radiant concrete floor Tested LLCS for a typical summer week in Atlanta subject to standard internal loads Atlanta typical summer week and standard efficiency loads Based on typical meteorological year weather data Assuming two occupants and ASHRAE 90.1 2004 loads Run LLCS for one week *(after a stabilization period) Run split-system air conditioner (SSAC) for one week* Compare sensible cooling only Mixing fan treated as an internal load Repeat for Phoenix typical summer week, high efficiency loads – to be completed after climate chamber HVAC repairs Outdoor climate conditions Internal loads 40 35 600 Atlanta typical summer week OAT 30 40 25 35 20 30 0 25 Load (W) 500 400 300 20 40 60 80 100 120 Hours Phoenix typical summer week OAT 140 160 200 100 0 0 20 40 35 60 80 100 120 140 Hours load schedule Phoenix typical Standard summerefficiency week OAT 160 30 40 25 35 20 30 0 25 5 700 700 600 600 400 100 120 140 160 300 20 0 20 40 200 60 100 0 Peak load density = 2 W/sqft 500 80 Hours Load (W) 60 20 High efficiency load schedule 500 40 15 800 Peak load density = 3.4 W/sqft 20 10 Hour 800 Load (W) Temperature (C) Temperature (C) Peak load density = 3.4 W/sqft 700 20 40 Phoenix test Standard efficiency load schedule 800 Temperature (C) Temperature (C) Atlanta test Atlanta typical summer week OAT 400 300 80 Hours 100 5 10 120 140 160 200 100 15 Hour 20 0 5 10 15 Hour 20 LLCS ENERGY SAVINGS relative to SSAC in Atlanta subject to standard loads Similar to simulated total annual cooling energy savings, 28 percent, by (Katipamula et al 2010) SSAC (SEER~16) energy consumption (Wh) Measured Deducting latent 1 2 cooling1 LLCS energy consumption (Wh) Measured 10,982 14,645 25% 14,053 22%2 Latent cooling is deducted by measuring condensate water from the SSAC, calculating the total enthalpy associated with its condensation, and dividing it by the average SSAC COP over the week. Assuming no latent cooling by the LLCS Predictive pre-cooling control can be applied to other systems to achieve low lift Simulated the performance of predictive pre-cooling control on the SSAC and with radiant ceiling panels Significant savings potential for predictive control on other systems SSAC SSAC Radiant panel Thermostatic control Predictive control predictive control 4.32 4.97 7.46 Cooling delivered (Wh) -47,940 -39,920 -39,420 Simulated energy (Wh) 11,110 8,038 5,285 Measured energy (Wh) 14,053 n/a n/a Error in simulation 20.9% n/a n/a Savings relative to simulated base case base 27.6% 52.3% Weekly average COP Masdar Test Building Slab Temperatures Freshly Poured Test Building Instrumentation MASDAR CITY PHASE 1B DEMO Future LLCS research Refine LLCS methods Determine evaporating temperature without measuring under-slab concrete temperature Refine temperature response model identification methods, e.g. real-time model identification with updated training data Simplify and improve the pre-cooling optimization and control Combine concrete-core with direct cooling (e.g. chilled beams) and adapt the predictive control algorithm Perform testing subject to actual outdoor conditions at MASDAR Install and test LLCS in a real building (medium size office) Pre-cooling control for other LLCS configurations Future of LLCS in real buildings Concrete-core and radiant systems gaining market share, and familiarity among architects and engineers (primarily in Europe) Automation systems are becoming more prevalent/sophisticated Capital cost savings for LLCS in medium office buildings, -0.58 $/sqft incremental cost relative to $7.91/sqft base cost1 Adapt components of LLCS to existing buildings and different new and existing building types, e.g. Direct cooling combined with active or passive thermal storage Radiant concrete-core using a “topping slab” for existing buildings Adapt low-lift predictive control to existing concrete-core buildings 1. Katipamula et al 2010, PNNL-19114 Summary Detailed data on the performance of an inverter-driven rollingpiston compressor heat pump over a wide range of conditions including low lift, over a capacity range of 5:1 Methodology for integrating chiller models and zone temperature response models into a pre-cooling optimization algorithm for controlling LLCS with real building thermal mass Experimental validation of significant LLCS sensible cooling energy savings relative to a state-of-the-art split system air conditioner (SEER 16), 25 percent in Atlanta with standard efficiency internal loads. >50% clearly achievable.