Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • Wealth-maximizing • Each seller has sufficient market power to set the selling price higher and sell less OR set the selling price lower and sell more • The demand curve facing the price searcher is downward sloping Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • Total revenue ( TR ) is the total amount of money(or some other good) that a firm receives from the sale of its goods. It the firm practices single pricing rather than price discrimination, TR = total expenditure of the consumer = P x Q Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • Average revenue ( AR ) is the total amount of money(or some other good) that a firm receives from the sale divided by the number of units of goods sold. • AR = TR/Q, since TR=P x Q, then AR = P for single pricing practice • And since MUV = DD = P, then • MUV = DD = P = AR Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • Marginal revenue ( MR ) is the change in total revenue resulting from selling an extra unit of goods. • MR = TR/Q, where TR = change in TR due to change in Q, Q = change in Q To find T R from the M R curve • For a certain known quantity transacted, the area under the MR and above the horizontal axis is the T R . (I.e. the sum of the Marginal Revenues of all units of goods.) • The slope of the TR curve is MR. Why? • And, MR is always smaller Price for single pricing arrangement (I.e. MR < P) Why? (Hint MR<AR, AR=P for single pricing) Price A For a certain known quantity transacted, the area under the MR and above the horizontal axis is the T R . (I.e. the sum of the Marginal Revenues of all units of goods, I.e. area 0ACQ) Also, TR = AR x Q, I.e. area 0PBQ B P C MR 0 Q AR Quantity The slope of the TR curve is MR $ Slope at point E = MR E TR slope =AR 0 The relations between TR, AR and MR Quantity Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • The slope of Marginal revenue ( MR ) is twice the slope of AR. • Why? (See next slide) • (The relations between TR, AR and MR can also be applied to TUV, AUV and MUV) P, AR, MR AR MR curve curve = AR Total TR Revenue MUV = DD = P = AR Q Quantity P, AR, MR AR MR curve curve AR Total TR Revenue TR = MUV = DD = P = AR Q Quantity P, AR, MR AR curve = AR MR curve MUV = DD = P = AR Q Quantity Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue • The areas of the 2 triangles must be the same for total revenue should be the same. • The two triangles must be the same only if the MR cuts the midpoint of the perpendicular line drawn from the DD to the vertical axis. • Hence, the slope of Marginal revenue ( MR ) is twice the slope of AR. The relationship between AR and MR • The slope of MR is twice the slope of AR • MR curve is not the demand curve (the relationship between price and quantity). • However, if the price searcher practises price discrimination or All-or-Nothing Pricing Arrangement, then All-or-nothing pricing = • All-or-nothing DD = AUV , which is > MUV , and also downward-sloping Revision on different pricing arrangement • • • • • Single Pricing Arrangement with Consumer Surplus = TUV - TEV MUV = DD = AR = P [>MR] {<AUV} All-or-Nothing Pricing Arrangement All consumer surplus will be extracted, so that TUV = TEV • hence, All-or-Nothing DD curve = All-or-nothing pricing = AUV {>MUV} REVISION Single Pricing Arrangement AUV All-or-nothing Pricing Arrangement P DEMAND AUV = AR P MR DEMAND MUV = AR Q TUV= TEV + CS MUV = MR Q TUV= TEV A Price -Searcher = Price-Searcher’s Market Price MR cuts the midpoint of the perpendicular line drawn from the AR to the vertical axis. MR AR Quantity