File - Principles of Biology 103

Chapter 4: Cell Structure
Study Guide
1. This structure makes lipids and breaks down carbohydrates:
A. Smooth ER
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes
D. Golgi body
2. Which membrane proteins help animal cells stick together:
A. Adhesion protein
B. Recognition protein
C. Receptor protein
D. Transport protein
3. Pseudopods are:
A. Temporary protrusion; facilitates movement and engulfs prey
B. Dense, irregularly shaped region where ribosomal subunits are assembled
C. Actin subunits which reinforce cell membranes
4. This cytoskeletal structure is made of fibers of actin subunits which reinforce cell
A. Motor protein
B. Microfilament
C. Microtubules
D. Intermediate filaments
5. This is the lignin-reinforced wall that forms in a plant cell:
A. Basement membrane
B. Primary cell wall
C. Secondary cell wall
6. Which type of cell junctions fasten cells to each other via adhesion protiens:
A. Tight junction
B. Adhering junctions
C. Gap junctions
7. Organized clusters of membrane proteins that selectively allow substances to cross into
and out of the nucleus:
A. Nucleoplasm
B. Nucleolus
C. Nuclear pore
8. Which of the following would not be found in a human cell:
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
B. Chloroplasts
C. Nucleus
9. Which statement is NOT part of the cell theory:
A. All cells have a nucleus
B. All organisms are composed of cells
C. Cells are the basic living unit of organization of living things
D. Cells arise from preexisting cells
10. If free phospholipids were swirled into water, they would:
A. Form a lipid bilayer sheet, with the phosphate containing heads in the center
B. Form a lipid bilayer sheet, with the hydrophobic tails in the center
C. Form spheres with the phosphate containing heads at the center
11. Which membrane proteins assist in moving specific substances across a membrane:
A. Adhesion protein
B. Recognition protein
C. Receptor protein
D. Transport protein
12. Which type of junctions involves closeable channels that connect the cytoplasm of
adjoining animal cells:
A. Tight junction
B. Adhering junctions
C. Gap junctions
13. The viscous fluid enclosed by the nuclear envelope is the:
A. Nucleoplasm
B. Nucleolus
C. Nuclear pore
14. One function performed by peroxisomes is:
A. Control access to DNA
B. Inactivate toxins
C. Synthesize lipids
15. These proteins use ATP and interact with cytoskeletal elements to move the cellular
A. Adhesion protein
B. Motor protein
C. Receptor protein
D. Transport protein
16. These fluid filled vesicles are found in many plant cells:
A. Lysosomes
B. Vacuoles
C. Central vacuoles
D. Plastids
17. This structure is continuous with the nuclear envelope:
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes
D. Golgi body
18. Which structures are the primary cellular sites for the production of proteins:
A. Smooth ER
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes
D. Golgi body
19. The volume of an object increases with the _____ of the diameter, while the surface
area increase with the _____ of the diameter:
A. cube, cube
B. square, square
C. cube, square
D. square, cube
20. This type of cytoskeleton can easily be assembled, deassembled, and the reassembled:
A. Motor protein
B. Microfilament
C. Microtubules
D. Intermediate filaments
21. This sheet of fibrous material provides structural support:
A. Basement membrane
B. Primary cell wall
C. Secondary cell wall
22. One function performed by the Golgi body is:
A. They generate ATP
B. They synthesize lipids
C. They modify proteins
23. Which type of membrane protein triggers a change in a cell activity after binding to a
particular substance:
A. Adhesion protein
B. Recognition protein
C. Receptor protein
D. Transport protein
24. What function do mitochondria perform:
A. They generate ATP
B. They synthesize lipids
C. They modify proteins
25. All cells have the following characteristics:
A. Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA
B. Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
C. Nucleus, plasma membrane, DNA
26. Characteristics of mitochondria include that they ___.
A. Function in photosynthesis
B. Have two membranes, with the outer membrane being highly folded
C. Have their own DNA and ribosomes
D. Do not require oxygen for its functioning
27. Plastids that are specialized fro photosynthesis:
A. Chloroplasts
B. Chromoplasts
C. Amyloplasts
28. Which cytoskeletal proteins are stable elements which provide structural support for
membranes and tissues:
A. Motor protein
B. Microfilament
C. Microtubules
D. Intermediate filaments
29. Microtubules grow from a barrel-shaped organelle:
A. Centriole
B. Microfilament
C. Basal body
D. Intermediate fiber
30. The rate of exchange across the plasma membrane depends on the:
A. Diameter of the cell
B. Surface area of the cell
C. Volume of the cell
31. Short hair-like structures on the cell surface that move in wave-like motions:
A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Microfilaments
D. Intermediate filaments
32. What is the general term for double-membrane organelles that function in
photosynthesis, storage or pigmentation in plant and algal cells:
A. Plastids
B. Chloroplasts
C. Chromoplasts
D. Amyloplasts
33. Long moveable structures that project from the cell surface that move in rotary
A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Microfilaments
D. Intermediate filaments
34. Which is NOT part of the endomembrane system:
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Nucleus
C. Golgi body
D. Vesicles
35. This is formed from the cellular secretions of pectin and other polysaccharides bound
together by secreted cellulose:
A. Basement membrane
B. Primary cell wall
C. Secondary cell wall
36. Small, membrane-enclosed organelle formed by budding from other organelles are:
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Nucleus
C. Golgi body
D. Vesicles
37. These vesicles contain enzymes which break down cellular wastes and debris:
A. Lysosomes
B. Vacuoles
C. Central vacuoles
D. Plastids
38. This is a composition of water, sugars, ions, and proteins:
A. Plasma membrane
B. Cytoplasm
C. Organelles
39. Which is NOT a characteristic of the fluid mosaic model:
A. Phospholipids are bond to each other chemically
B. Several molecules are embedded within the lipid bilayer
C. Cell membrane is a two-dimensional fluid of mixed composition
D. Proteins are associated with the cell membrane
40. Which membrane proteins identifies “self” cells:
A. Adhesion protein
B. Recognition protein
C. Receptor protein
D. Transport protein
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Chapter 4 Test Review
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