LE NOM ________________________________________ La Date _______________ La Période ______ La Charte des Adjectives Possessifs To determine which possessive adjective to use in French, consider 2 things: 1- First, “Who is it that possesses the object?” a. The possessor of the object determines which group of French possessive adjectives to choose from. b. For example, if we are talking about MY shirt, we know to look at the first group of possessive adjectives in this chart below. If we are talking about THEIR shirt, we know to look at the last group of possessive adjectives. Et cetera. 2- Next, in order to pick the correct possessive adjective from that group, ask yourself “What are the NUMBER and GENDER of the Object of Possession in the sentence?” a. Is the NUMBER of the object of possession singular or plural? AND b. Is the GENDER of the object of possession masculine or feminine? c. For example, if we are talking about MY shirt (shirt =“la chemise” en français), la chemise is SINGULAR in number and FEMININE in gender. So, we select the singular feminine possessive adjective that translates as ‘MY’- which is ‘MA’. MA CHEMISE Les Adjectifs Possessifs PERSON ENGLISH Possessive Adjectives = Les Adjectifs Possessifs FRANÇAIS Singulier Pluriel Masculin Féminin Masc. / Fém. 1ère Personne Singulier MY Mon Ma Mes 2ème YOUR Ton Ta Tes HIS/ HER/ ITS Son Sa Ses 1ère Personne Pluriel OUR Notre Notre Nos 2ème YOUR Votre Votre Vos THEIR Leur Leur Leurs Personne Singulier 3ème Personne Singulier Personne Pl. 3ème Personne Pl. 1. J’aime mon pantalon- I like my pants 2. J’aime ta chemise- I like your (s.) shirt 3. J’aime ses lunettes- I like your glasses 4. J’aime notre chapeau- I like our hat 5. J’aime votre montre-I like your (formal s./pl.) watch 6. J’aime leurs vêtements- I like their clothes Les Adjectifs Possessifs PERSON ENGLISH Possessive Adjectives = Les Adjectifs Possessifs FRANÇAIS Singulier Pluriel Masculin ère 1 Personne Singulier MY 2ème YOUR Féminin Masc. / Fém. Personne Singulier 3ème HIS/ HER/ ITS Personne Singulier 1ère Personne Pluriel OUR 2ème YOUR Personne Pl. 3ème THEIR Personne Pl. Understanding the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ‘PERSON’ part of speech: “PERSON” is a term for a part of speech that is called 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and Singular or Plural. 1st person: used when talking from your own perspective 1st person (s.) - I, MY Ex: I am wearing my pants - I is a subject pronoun. MY is an adjective pronoun. st 1 person (pl.) - WE, OUR Ex: We are wearing our pants. - WE is a subject pronoun. OUR is an adjective pronoun. nd 2 person: when you are talking to someone else about what is theirs. 2nd person, both (s.) AND (pl.)- YOU, YOUR Ex: You are wearing your pants. (Could be talking to one or several people) - YOU is a subject pronoun. YOUR is an adjective pronoun. 3rd person: when you’re talking about someone or something else and what is theirs. 3rd person (s.) - HE, SHE, IT/ HIS, HER, ITS Ex: He wears his pants. It is wearing its collar. - HE, SHE, IT are subject pronouns. HIS, HER, ITS are adjective pronouns. 3rd person (pl.) - THEY, THEIR Ex: They wear their pants. - THEY is a subject pronoun. THEIR is an adjective pronoun.