Medical English 12 Syllabus

Fall/Spring 2015-2016
Medical English 12 and
Expository Reading and Writing Course
Fall Semester
Ms. Stanley
Room D-12
Phone: 264-3262x1412
Supplies that you need to provide:
College ruled, lined paper, 8 1/2 x 11.
Pencils, Pens.
Markers/glue sticks (optional)
Composition Notebook
60-71% …….D
This class is in partnership with Sacramento City College. If you get a grade of C or better in this class, you will have
demonstrated that you are ready for a college English class and are eligible to be placed in English 300. This is a rigorous course,
and all activities and assignments will be assessed as part of your college readiness. Grading for this class will be conducted by
means of quizzes, tests, speeches, presentations, and writing activities. Your culminating project will include a comprehensive
research paper that explores and defends a medical issue. Point totals will be decided upon at the time the assignment is given.
The text includes units from the Expository Reading and Writing (ERWC) manual, Holt Literature and Language Textbook, as
well as medical informational packets. You are expected to attend regularly, prepared to work diligently on class assignments.
This means you will bring pencils and paper to class each day to actively participate in writing assignments and group
Statement of Learning Outcomes and School Expectations:
All students will achieve the following PRIDE skills in 12th grade:
Powerfully Prepared for College and Career (by)
Demonstrating proficiency in English by completing a medical research paper
Taking and passing practice SAT exams
Writing a personal mission statement for college applications
Creating a viable resume for career applications
Developing and defending a portfolio that thoroughly examines a topic of noteworthy importance
Responsible Citizen (by):
Developing knowledge and skills to facilitate change through a variety of roles in the public health care field
Evaluating health disparities and facilitating ethical interventions
Creating an action plan (guided by current policies and laws) for a community–based intervention addressing the risk factors relevant
to their community
Maintaining organization of English papers and assignments
Attending class each day, prepared to positively participate in class discussions
Independent Critical Thinker (by)
Analyzing works and poems by recognized literary authors
Writing persuasive, narrative, and expository essays that maintain a controlling thesis and include supporting facts
Evaluating and revising their own writing assignments
Reading a variety of informational texts and synthesizing the main points and making connections across content area
Understanding and explaining specific rhetorical devices and how they are used to influence a reader
Understanding and explaining specific argumentative terms and how they are used to influence a reader
Determined Lifelong Learner (by)
Selecting and reading additional texts or novels beyond the 12th grade level
Being intrinsically motivated to improve their vocabulary
Inspiring others to seek knowledge on various topics
Excellent Communicator (by)
Identifying a specific health concern in the community, developing a thesis, and designing a solution
Acting and speaking professionally as they defend their portfolio
Demonstrating knowledge of correct English conventions when writing
Writing to inform, persuade, or explain using advanced sentence structures and rhetorical devices
Using various media and computer programs to enhance presentations and discussions
Fall/Spring 2015-2016
Units of Study
Theme: Life After High School/ Public Health Priorities
Teacher Instruction:
 Expectations for excellence in writing
 Discussion of English 12 requirements
 Overview of research paper expectations
 Discussion of SOAPSTone
 Rhetorical Devices: Diction, Connotation-Denotation, syntax, sentence structure, irony, paradox
 APA format
ERWC Articles about College
UCD Community Health Needs Report
Principles of Medical Ethics
Composition: Research Report Paper
Students will select and research a topic of importance listed from the UCD Health Needs Report. Students will write a report explaining the
issues and offering solutions. Students will use proper APA citing and formatting.
Composition: Essay
Students will write an essay that identifies an ironic solution to a public problem.
On-going Vocabulary Tests
Theme: Medical Ethics/ Personalities in Literature
Teacher Instruction:
 Anglo-Saxon literature contribution
 Archetypes
 Grammar writing skills
Swift, A Modest Proposal
Shelley, Frankenstein
Chaucer, “Canterbury Tales”
Battle with Grendel
Pope, Essay on Man
Myers-Briggs Assessments
ERWC – Value of Life
Composition: Essays
Various writing commentaries about reading selections
Composition: Expository Writing
Select a specific archetype and associated literary character and explain the development of his personality characteristics
On-going: SAT Practice Exams
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Theme: Research Paper for Senior Project
Teacher Instruction:
 APA formatting
 Standards for quality research
 Proper notation citing
Shiltz, And the Band Played On
Selections from the Bible
How to Survive a Plague
Composition: Synthesis/Research Paper/Peer edit/Teacher Evaluation Review
You will select and research a current health care topic. You will take a position about that topic and argue your beliefs by citing examples
from your research. You will be required to research the information and collect data in a portfolio and synthesize the information to write a
logical and progressive argument that substantiates your position. You will use numerous quotes to augment your thoughts, and you will carefully
document references. Remember to attribute both direct and indirect citations and refer to the sources by authors’ last names or by titles. Avoid
mere paraphrase or summary. As part of the assignment, you are to produce a rough draft and submit it your English teacher for an evaluative
review during which time, the teacher must indicate corrections and upgrades to your paper. You will retype your paper and turn in the final copy
with all of the previous rough draft work in a completed portfolio.
Clinical Documentations
Narrative essay about personal stereotypes
On-going: SAT Practice Exams /On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Fall/Spring 2015-2016
Themes – Gerontology / Shakespeare
Teacher Instruction:
 Interview techniques and ideas
 Close readings of texts
In Class Readings:
“The Island Where People Forget to Die”
“The Forgetting”
Movie: Amour
Composition: Synthesis Essay
Students will synthesize information and write an essay comparing details from articles and documentary
Students will provide interview questions and identify a specific “elderly person” to interview. Based on the interview, students will design a
reflective paper that examines issues of older generations.
NOTE: The final senior report is due in class December 18,2015
On-going: SAT Practice Exams
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Theme – Poetry
Teacher Instruction:
 Poetic Terms (review)
 Sonnets (In depth discussion)
 Parallel structure
 Connotation/denotation
In Class Readings:
Shakespeare – Various poetry selections
Donne, “Death Be Not Proud”
Dickenson, “Because I Could Not Stop”
Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle”
Keats, “Ozymandis”
Memorized poem presented to class with additional modality
Compostion: Thematic essay
Students will analyze a specific poem of student’s choice and identify and explain specific poetic devices in a thoughtful, cogent essay.
On-going: SAT Practice Exams
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
First Semester Final: 12th Grade Benchmark Test
Medical English 12 and
Expository Reading and Writing Course
Spring Semester
Units of Study
Theme: Mental Health Unit
Teacher Instruction:
 Tone
 Theme
 SOAPSTone Review
Hines, Cracked Not Broken
Selected web research about mental disorders
Obama’s Mental Health Assessment
Movie: Ordinary People
Composition: Expository Writing
Various writing commentaries about reading selections. Students will analyze alternative mental health dragonesses and apply their critical
thinking skills to write an essay that establishes alternative possibilities.
Composition: Narrative
Students will write a narrative discussing personal traits and timelines.
Fall/Spring 2015-2016
On-going: SAT Practice Exams
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Theme: Shakespeare’s Hamlet /Grammar
Teacher Instruction:
 Renaissance history
 Shakespeare’s influence
 Tragedy and comedy
 Annotation and note taking techniques
Shakespeare’s life
Movie: Hamlet
Composition: Literary Analysis
In depth literary essay that examines the tragic downfall of Hamlet or Ophelia using specific quotes from Shakespeare
Reading: Group reading of the play, Hamlet
On-going: Grammar worksheets and assessments
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Theme: Senior Projects and Portfolios / Environmental Health Hazards
Teacher Instruction:
 Presentation Skills
 Final Portfolio Completion Activities
 Annotation
 Argumentative Techniques
CDC Web Site: Environmental Health Hazards
Harr, A Civil Action
Movie: A Civil Action
Blake, “Chimney Sweeper”
Lynn, Joanne Sick to Death and Not Going to Take it Anymore.
Final defense of Senior project and portfolio including all collateral associated with the defense
Composition: Poster Defining an Environmental Health Hazard
On-going: SAT Practice Exams
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Theme: Infectious Diseases
Teacher Instruction:
 Holistic discussion of communicable diseases
 Ethics of disease
 Personal reflections
Somserset, “Sanatorium”
Lessing, “No Witchcraft for Sale”
Morre, “Cancer”
Movie: Contagion
Composition: Essay defining the social implications of a specific disease.
Composition: Students will do a reflection paper that includes their personal code of ethics
On-going: Vocabulary Tests
Please Note: If there is an objection regarding the content of any text/.novel/movie we are using, a statement regarding the problem will need to
be given to your teacher. This statement should be in the form of a letter signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). At that time, another
equivalent (level of difficulty) selection will be issued.
Fall/Spring 2015-2016
Student’s Last Name: ________________________________________________________
Teacher/Student/Parent Contract
By signing below I acknowledge that this is a demanding class that
requires regular attendance, participation in class work, regular outside
reading, and homework. I understand that if my child receives a grade of
C or better in this class, he/she will be eligible to be placed in English
300 course in college. I will actively monitor my child’s grades through
the Infinite Campus System.
Grading for English 12 : 95-100%……A, 84-94%…..B, 72-83%….C,
60-71% ….D 60% or below …. F.
Parent/guardian’s name (please print):
Parent/guardian’s signature:
Phone: _________________Best time to call:________________
Parent E-Mail address: _________________________________
Student’s name (please print):
Student’s signature:
Student’s E-Mail address: