- MOT Fieldwork

Level II Fieldwork
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Professor Gretchen Reeks, MA, LOTR, C/NDT
Email: greeks@lsuhsc.edu
Work: 318-813-2953 Fax: 318-813-2957 Emergency: 318-453-4448
Wiki: http://motfieldwork.pbworks.com/FrontPage
Wiki has all necessary FW documents.
Course Pre-requisites
Prior to FW II placement, each student must receive a passing score on the Professional Development
Assessment (PDA). Students’ who do not receive a score that is passing not progress to FW II placement.
The Fieldwork II courses are only available to students who have passed the Professional Development
Course Descriptions
Spring Semester OCCT 6911 (9 credit hours)
Fieldwork II: An in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients. Students are
supervised in a clinical setting full-time (40 hrs per week) for 1-4 months.
Summer Semester OCCT 6913 (6 credit hours)
Fieldwork II: An in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients. Students are
supervised in a clinical setting full-time (40 hrs per week) for 1-4 months.
Outcome Objectives
The MOT student will:
1. consistently adhere to the AOTA Code of Ethics, safety regulations and use sound judgment in safety
2. effectively communicate verbally and in writing articulate the values and beliefs of the OT
profession, and the role of the OT to clients, families, significant others, colleagues, service
providers, and the public.
3. develop occupationally-based intervention plans and strategies, and demonstrate the ability to apply
them to client situations.
4. demonstrate the screening and evaluation tools used in OT practice, including assessments of
occupational functioning, client factors, context, and determination of an occupational profile.
5. communicate the role of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistants
6. apply principles of management and systems in the provision of OT services including timeliness,
correct and complete documentation, adherence to policy and procedure, collaboration, delegation,
program evaluation and supervision.
7. utilize current research and professional literature to make informed evidence-based practice
8. consider and integrate psychosocial factors influencing engagement in occupation to ensure clientcentered outcomes.
9. participate in the supervisory process; utilizing available resources, communicating assertively and
respectfully, and responding appropriately to constructive feedback
10. assume a full client caseload, as defined by the FW site, by the end of the experience.
11. follow all policies and procedures in fieldwork as directed by the fieldwork site and LSU
12. submit correct and complete documentation in a timely manner.
13. develop competent, entry-level, generalist competencies upon completion of the FW II experience.
14. assume a full client caseload, as defined by the fieldwork site, by the end of the experience.
Student Performance
The student is responsible for following the line of authority in the FW setting. Discussions should first be
conducted with the FW educator. If resolution is not achieved with the FW educator, the student should
resolve the issue with the FW educator and her/his supervisor. The AFWC is available to assist the student
in planning how to approach the FW educator and/or supervisor. If problems or issues are not resolved at this
level, the student may contact the Director of the O.T. Program.
If the student’s performance is not satisfactory at mid-term or at any point in the FW experience, the AFWC
is notified immediately. A written plan will be developed jointly by the FW educator, AFWC and student.
The plan includes a description of the problem, suggested learning strategies, outcomes measures, timelines
and consequences of success or failure to meet timelines. The FW educator monitors the progress and
provides written feedback for the student at daily/weekly meetings. AOTA’s Fieldwork Experience
Assessment Tool (FEAT) may also be used to structure and promote FW educator/student communication on
the learning experience. This tool enables the FW educator and student to reflect and create a plan. The
student outcome is to develop clinical skills and appropriate professional behaviors.
If the AFWC receives notification from the Fieldwork Educator/Supervisor that student is demonstrating
unprofessional behaviors, is not competent to perform assigned tasks, and/or is a safety risk to self, patients
and/or staff, the FW Educator and AFWC will counsel the student on corrective actions. A learning contract
is established to attempt to remediate/correct the identified issues. The learning contract will include, but is
not limited to: a description of the problem; suggested learning strategies; outcome measures; time lines; and
consequences of success or failure to meet requirements set forth in the plan. The FW educator monitors the
student’s progress and provides formal (written) and informal feedback to the student and AFWC at intervals
established in the learning contract.
If the student does not meet the expectations outlined in the learning contract the fieldwork placement will be
terminated and the student will receive a grade of “F” for the placement.
If the student wishes to pursue additional discussion and/or a formal complaint, he/she will be directed to
speak with the appropriate supervisor at the fieldwork site. The AFWC will keep the OT Program director
informed of this situation. If the AFWC, the student and the program director determine that another setting
is in the best educational interests of the student, then a different fieldwork placement will be arranged for
the student
Students must notify the AFWC or OT Program Director prior to withdrawing from FW. Any abandonment
of one’s professional responsibilities to the patient and facility is considered a serious violation of
professional ethics. The student will receive a failing grade if they leave a FW site without notifying
LSUHSC-S AFWC or Program Director.
Course Requirements and Course Grade
The student must complete a total of 12 weeks of full time clinical fieldwork experience per course. This
shall take place at 2 separate sites. This can be either one FW in state and one FW out of state, or both FW’s
out of state.
Level II fieldwork sites will be scheduled to assure that the student is exposed to a variety of settings and to a
variety of service recipients across the life span.
A student who does not complete the two required placements: Occupational Therapy OCCT 6911 and
OCCT 6913 will not be eligible to take the Certification Examination.
All assignments requested by the FW site and the AFWC must be completed in order to receive a passing
grade. The AFWC and OT Program Director will determine the course grade. Students who receive a failing
grade in one placement will not be scheduled for additional placements.
1. The AFWC will contact the student and FW educator at week 3 and midterm to discuss the learning
opportunities and student performance. The student assignments are on the LSU FW WIKI site. Each
student must complete and email to the AFWC prior to the collaborative call.
2. The MOTS will assist the site FW educator with updating the AOTA DATA Form and Staff Profile as
requested by the AFWC.
3. MOTS performance will be evaluated by the FE using the AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation for
the Occupational Therapy Student (FWPE). The Fieldwork Educator completes the FWPE at midterm
and at the completion of the FW. The original final FWPE is mailed to the AFWC by the FW Educator.
4. Requirements for Pass on FWPE are: Rating of 3 or above for all Ethics and Safety items and an Overall
Final Score of 122. Failure to achieve a score of 3 or 4 will be recorded as a failed FW II experience.
Students who obtain a score of 122 or more, but do not have a 3 or 4 on the FWPE Fundamentals of
Practice will receive a failed FW II experience
5. Failure may occur prior to midterm. Immediate removal from the site and/or a failing grade may be given
for any fieldwork placement for the following:
- violation of patients’ rights, violation of the rights of others, violation of the AOTA Code of Ethics.
- unprofessional behavior, unsafe practice, substance abuse, failure to complete any requirements
- continued unsatisfactory performance, insubordination, excessive tardiness, risks to patient care
- a final score below a “3” on items 1 – 3 of Section 1 of the FWPE (Fundamentals of Practice)
6. Each FW II experience is evaluated by the student, using the AOTA Student Evaluation for Fieldwork
Experience (SEFWE) form. Students review this with the FW educator and return the original to the
AFWC. This form is reviewed by the AFWC and a summary given to the academic faculty. The form is
then placed in the site file, located in the AFWC office. Pre-FW students have access to this document
when choosing a FW II placement.
7. Both forms should be mailed no later than one week after the student has completed the experience.
Withdrawal Procedures
If either the student makes the decision to withdraw or if the FE requests termination, the procedure is:
1. The student and FE will meet to determine the professional requirements that must be fulfilled prior to
final exit.
2. If the student requests withdrawal he/she will write a letter to the FE with a copy to the AFWC indicating
reasons for withdrawal and the commitment to fulfill final requirements as determined by the facility.
3. If the FE requests the student to be withdrawn from FW, a letter is written to the AFWC.
4. The FE and student will schedule an exit interview. The FE will contact the AFWC after the exit
5. The student will schedule an appointment with the AFWC after completing the withdrawal process.
Behavioral Objectives
Behavioral objectives are developed by the Fieldwork Education Site in collaboration with the Academic
Fieldwork Coordinator. The Fieldwork Education Site provides one copy of these objectives to the student.
An additional copy is sent to the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator who is responsible for maintaining
student fieldwork files. Students are strongly advised not to maintain outside employment during this last
critical phase of their professional preparation.
Teaching and Learning Experiences
Accreditation Standards for a Master’s-Degree-Level Educational Program for the Occupational Therapist:
Effective July 31, 2013, by The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).
Relationship to the Curriculum Design
Level II fieldwork provides students with in depth experiences in integrating theory, practice and developing
skill in the delivery of occupational therapy services. Students have the opportunity to begin acting as change
agents and exploring roles in research, administration and management of occupational therapy services.
Cost of Fieldwork
Students financially assume the costs that accompany all fieldwork experiences. In addition to full tuition
and fees, expenses may include: transportation, travel, parking, housing and meals, as well as incidental costs
such as materials for projects, uniforms, etc.
Dress Code
Students are required to dress as designated by the assigned fieldwork facility. In the absence of a facility
dress code, the following LSU OT dress code is in effect at all times that the student is in the fieldwork
facility. In all instances the student must wear a name badge.
Social Networking
Many potential employers go to social networking sites to see what you have posted and often determine if
therapy are interested in having you as an employee. It is important that you avoid posts or photos on
Facebook, Twitter, etc. about your FW experiences. Here are some specifics:
1. Do not ask any of your FW educators to “friend” you. This puts everyone in an awkward situation. If
you mutually decide to do this after the FW, that is a personal choice.
2. Do not list names of supervisors, comments or criticism about sites.
3. It is a HIPAA violation if you mention a client with enough information that the person might be
identified. The consequences for violations, as you know, are severe.
For more information: http://www.aota.org/Educate/EdRes/Fieldwork/Supervisor/HIPPA/39884.aspx
Personal Data Sheet
Students will complete the Personal Data Sheet for each of the two Level II fieldwork placements, and mail
or email it to the Fieldwork Educator 6 weeks before the start of each Level II placement. The form can be
downloaded from the LSU wiki site.
Attendance and Absences
The Standards for an Accredited Educational Program for the Occupational Therapist require a total of 24
weeks of Level II fieldwork. Students are required to be in attendance during the hours that their FE works.
Actual days of the week and exact number of hours of work per week will vary, depending on the schedule
of the FE to whom the student is assigned. Students should plan on each rotation including a 40 hour work
week, with several hours each evening devoted to reflection, research, and preparation for the next day.
Absences or loss of time beyond two days during each 12 week/470 hour fieldwork must be made up for
successful completion of the FW experience. Absences cannot exceed 2 days without make-up. School
districts or state and federal agencies may have additional holidays which, along with illness, count toward
two days of absence.Make up of absences is determined in a manner that is mutually agreeable to the student,
FE, and the AFWC.
If a student is or becomes pregnant while enrolled in the OT academic courses, she must notify the AFWC
immediately. This is necessary so the student can plan for and make decisions for course completion. Any
student who is pregnant will be required to have a letter from her physician stating she is capable of
assuming the normal clinical duties of an MOT student.
American with Disabilities Act
If a student would like to request reasonable accommodations for FW, a written document must be submitted
listing the disabling condition. Students may not ask for accommodations once the FW placement has begun.
We are not required to provide accommodations without prior knowledge. Students who choose not to
disclose such information may be on jeopardy of failing.
Accident Reports
In the event of an accident, personal injury or injury to a client while on fieldwork or at an off-campus site
for another class, the student will report the accident or injury to her/his immediate supervisor at the site and
complete the necessary paperwork for that organization. In addition, the student will notify the LSU AFWC
Vacation days during Level II Fieldwork are not permitted
The LSUHSC-S academic holidays do not apply to fieldwork students. Do not plan family trips, weddings or
other scheduled holidays to interrupt a fieldwork placement or to closely coincide with the expected
completion date of the final Level II fieldwork course.
Correspondence with ACOTE Standards
Section C.1.1 -1.7 and C.1.11-1.19
Required Documentation
Students are required to provide proof of each of the following to the Department of Occupational Therapy at
the beginning of the first semester of the program. Students will not be permitted to begin Level II fieldwork
if current proof of each is not on file. Failure to start Level II fieldwork on the designated date may result in
the student being withdrawn from that placement, the loss of that specific
placement opportunity, and delay in graduation. Copies of this documentation are also required at the start of
each Level II, and when applying for licensure. NEVER give out original copies of these records.
Medical Insurance
Medical insurance coverage is important as you are not covered by any worker’s compensation program in
the event of an injury while on fieldwork. The cost of emergency and medical care is the responsibility of the
student or the student insurance provider. Some fieldwork placements require that students carry their own
health insurance. The cost of emergency and medical care is always the responsibility of the student (or the
student’s insurance provider).
Liability Insurance
Malpractice insurance also referred to as professional liability insurance, with minimum limits of
$1,000,000/$3,000,000. Students are not covered by malpractice insurance carried by LSUHSC or the
fieldwork affiliate to whom the student is assigned.
1. Type in the address box: www.proliability.com (do not use search engine)
2. When given a selection of answers to choose from use, student or student non-physician and choose no
association when asked.
3. Type in your graduation year: four digits
4. If you have any questions M-F during the hours of 8:15-5:00; Call 1-800-503-9230
5. Purchase the liability insurance and give the AFWC a copy for the school file.
Worker’s Compensation
Students do not qualify for worker’s compensation. An on-site incident must comply with sites written
policies and the student must immediately notify the AFWC. Your personal medical insurance is the primary
policy for any injury you incur.
CPR Certification: Required for infant, child and adult.
Prior to any type of FW, students are required to provide proof of current CPR for Health Care Providers
certification. CPR certification must be current though the completion of FW II. LSUHSC OT Program will
offer this within the curriculum. Training is also available from the American Heart Association, the Red
Cross, and most local hospitals.
Health Information
It is the student’s responsibility to insure that the appropriate and up to date health information is completed.
Students are responsible for keeping copies of the documentation. All students are required to have some sort
of health and hospitalization insurance. The insurance must be applicable for FW II.
Immunizations and/or screening tests include:
1. Positive Rubella (German Measles) Titer Test or Immunization and Positive Rubeola (Measles) Titer
Test or Immunization.
2. Positive Varicella (Chicken Pox, Herpes Zoster) Titer Test or Immunization or validation of having
Chicken Pox.
3. Current Tetanus booster (within 10 years).
4. Mantoux TB screening test within 1 year of application and yearly thereafter. A positive Mantoux test
result must be followed up with a chest x-ray and verification of inactive status.
5. Yearly evidence of TB mask fit/check.
6. Evidence of Hepatitis B Vaccine series completed or initiated, positive titer or a student signed waiver.
Hepatitis B (HB) Vaccine is given as a series of 3 immunizations, with the final 2 given 1 and 6 months
following the initial immunization. A student who does not wish to take or who is unable to take the
immunization is required to sign a waiver for the Hepatitis B Vaccine series.
Drug screen
Students are required to go to the LSUHSC-S Human Resources Department and ask Jean Brown for a copy
of the original drug screen. GBrown@lsuhsc.edu 318-675-5634 or Mike Donley 318-675-7765.
A copy of this original document must be made and given to the AFWC prior to any FW placement.
Back-up plan: contact Longhorn Drug Testing-- Chad Davis at 318-415-9899 (you pay for this)
Criminal Background Check
Students are required to complete a background check prior to admission to the LSUHSC-S OT program.
LSU Health Shreveport requires all incoming students to complete a criminal background check through our
approved third-generation applicant screening company. Students have lifetime access to their criminal
background check through the secure website of the applicant screening company. The cost of the check,
which may range from $50 to $100 depending on the number of cities, parishes, counties or states you lived
in, is the responsibility of the student.
Any student whose background check yields negative information will be required to meet and review the
processes for prescreening through NBCOT and the LA OT Licensure Board to determine if the identified
offense(s) will prevent the student from sitting for the NBCOT exam or from obtaining a license to practice.
LSU Health Shreveport requests that you use the Application Station - Student Edition to complete necessary
screening services through Certiphi Screening, Inc. Please follow the instructions below:
1. Click the link below or paste it into your browser: http://www.applicationstation.com
2. Enter the Code: LSUHEALTH in the Application Station Code field.
3. If you have not already created an account for yourself, click the "SIGN UP NOW" button to do so. Otherwise, just
click the "SIGN BACK IN" button to login using your Username and Password.
4. Follow the instructions on the Application Station web site.
5. If you have technical issues, please contact Application Station Support at: 888-291-1369 X2006.
Students may not participate in any fieldwork or community activity until these are completed. A copy must
be given to the AFWC one month prior to start date.
Any student whose background check yields negative information will be required to meet and review the
processes for prescreening through NBCOT and the LA OT Licensure Board to determine if the identified
offense(s) will prevent the student from sitting for the NBCOT exam or from obtaining a license to practice.
Electronic Devices
Electronic communications devices (cellular phones, beepers, hand-held computers, blackberry’s, I-pods,
pagers, etc.) must be silenced and not used (including text messaging) during all fieldwork experiences.
A large portion of communication with students happens through the LSU, NOT personal e-mail accounts.
Students are expected to check their e-mail regularly, and to keep their mailboxes “clean” so that efficient
communication between students and AFWC can take place. If e-mail cannot be delivered to a student due to
a full e-mail box, the AFWC is not responsible for attempts to deliver the communication
ADA Requirements & Accommodations
LSU Health, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the University’s guiding principles,
will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Students
with identified disabilities are guaranteed access to and equal opportunities within the fieldwork setting
according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Students with identified disabilities are strongly encouraged to initiate a discussion with the AFWC during
the second semester of the program to discuss their needs for accommodations within the fieldwork settings.
This should allow sufficient time for the student to become well informed of his/her rights and to determine
if and what information s/he wishes to disclose to the Fieldwork Educator (Wells & Hanebrink, 2004).
Inclement Weather
Students are responsible to plan ahead for travel needs during inclement weather. Unless the assigned
fieldwork placement is closed due to inclement weather, the student is expected to report to their FW site. If
the assigned FW site is closed due to inclement weather, the student is required to make up these missed
days. (weekends or extend FW dates). The LSUHSC-S AFWC must be notified with number of missed days
and the plan of action to make-up the missed days.
Closure of LSUHSC-S due to inclement weather does not relieve the student of the responsibility to report
for duty.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to the educational records. The LSUHSC-SAHP Student
Handbook, (page 8) further defines this policy and procedure.
Blood Pressure/Pulse and Universal Precautions
Prior to any FW experience, students are instructed in blood pressure/pulse and universal precautions.