drkamalkv*s FMGE classes *** powered by FAITH & HOPE

drkamalkv’s classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG ……… putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
1. Erbs palsy
2. Coraco-clavicular ligament
3. Lateral lip of bicipital groove
on humerus
4. Radial nerve
5. Flexion & medial rotation of
6. Screwing action
7. Ulnar nerve
8. Media nerve
9. Ulnar nerve
10. Flexion at
metacarpophalngeal joint,
extension at interphalngeal
11. Deltoid & teres minor
12. Ulnar nerve
13. Ulnar nerve
14. Both ulnar & median nerve
15. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
16. Median nerve
17. Median nerve
18. Median nerve
19. Klumpke's palsy
20. Froments sign/ book test
21. Median nerve
22. Median nerve
23. Radial nerve
24. C5, 6, 7, 8, T1
25. Radial artery
26. Right atrium
27. T8
28. T4
29. Rectus abdominis
30. Aorta, azygos vein &
thoracic duct
31. Upper lobe, left lung
32. Left dominance
33. Posterior interventricular
34. 10th rib
35. Superior vena cava
36. Lower end of cricoid
37. Vena cava
38. Muscular part
39. Along the upper border of
40. Both atrium
41. 10 cm
42. Right coronary artery
43. azygos vein
44. T4
45. Right & left
brachiocephalic veins
46. Superior mediastinum
47. Right atrium
48. azygos vein
49. Superior epigastric artery &
musculophrenic artery
50. Left coronary artery
51. Base of 5th metatarsal
52. Midtarsal &
metatarsophalangeal joint
53. Unlocking of knee
54. Femoral artery
55. Ilio-psoas
56. Femoral artery
57. Ileofemoral/ Bigelow
58. Lateral marginal vein (from
dorsal venous arch)
59. Below & lateral
60. Cruciate ligament
61. Medial
62. Medial surface of lateral
femoral condyle
63. Abduction at hip joint
64. Tibial nerve
65. Peroneus longus &
peroneus tertius
66. Peroneus brevis
67. Femoral canal
68. External oblique
69. Fixity to tibial collateral
70. Front of medial malleolus
71. Deep inguinal lymph node
(Cloquet/ Rosenmuller)
72. Upper & outer quadrant
73. Deep peroneal nerve
74. Deep peroneal nerve
75. Hamstrings
76. Round ligament
77. Inferior mesenteric artery
78. Anterior division of
Internal iliac artery
79. Superior mesenteric artery
80. Ilio-colic artery
81. Rectum & prostate
82. C3, 4, 5
83. 5-10 mm Hg
84. Renal vein
85. Membranous urethra
86. Parietal peritoneum
87. Campers fascia
88. L1
89. T12-L1
90. Fascia transversalis
91. Posterior
92. Inferior vena cava
93. Ascending colon
94. S2, 3, 4
95. Axillary & inguinal
96. Anterior division of
Internal iliac artery
97. Left renal vein
98. 3.75 cm
99. Uterus & rectum
100. Coelaic axis
101. Renal fascia
102. Derivative of midgut
(from duodenum 2nd part;
opening of common bile duct
to junction of right 2/3rd &
left 1/3rd of transverse colon)
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103. Splenic artery
104. Rectus abdominis
105. Greater omentum
106. Lesser omentum
107. Foregut & midgut
108. Anterior division of
internal iliac artery
109. S2, 3, 4
110. 4 cm
111. Pre-aortic & para-aortic
112. Pre-aortic & para-aortic
113. External oblique
114. 2nd part of duodenum
115. Nephron
116. L1
117. External iliac artery
118. Fundus
119. Uterine & ovarian arteries
120. Urinary bladder
121. T10
122. L4
123. Transverse cervical/
Mackenrodt's/ cardinal
124. Posterior division of
internal iliac artery
125. Stomach
126. Pivot joint
127. Facial nerve
128. Facial nerve
129. Stylopharyngeus (supplied
by glossopharyngeal nerve)
130. Aortic hiatus
131. Bridging veins
132. Haversian canal
133. T4
134. Fertilization
135. Meckel's diverticulm
136. Neural crest
137. First pharyngeal arch
138. Posterior crico-arytenoid
139. Chorda tympani
140. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
141. Simple squamous
142. Intercalated disc
143. Erb's palsy
144. Klumpke's palsy
145. Froments sign/ Book test
146. Deltoid & teres minor
147. Superior gluteal nerve
148. Ileofemoral/ Bigelow
149. Ankle joint
150. Duodenum
151. 2 arteries & 1 vein
152. Ductus arteriosus
153. Radial artery
154. Epididymis
155. Thymus
156. Ileum
157. Median nerve
158. Ulnar nerve
159. Radial nerve
160. Superior vena cava
161. Prepatellar bursa
162. External oblique
163. Left renal vein
164. Anterior division of
internal iliac artery
165. Retrocaecal
166. Inferior meatus
167. Facial nerve
168. In oral cavity, opposite
upper second molar
169. Posterior crico-arytenoid
170. L1
171. Trapezius &
172. Popliteus
173. Elastic
174. Trochlear
175. Superior oblique
1. 4 years
2. 10 months
3. 18 months
4. Lower 1st molar
5. 20
6. Foreign body being put in
7. Kwashiorkar
8. 8 hours
9. Rickets
10. Selenium
11. 28 days of life
12. Brain
13. L/ S ratio
14. 34
15. MC type of congenital
cyanotic heart disease: TOF
16. Aorta & pulmonary artery
17. Duodenal atresia
18. Intussuception
19. Distal ileum & colon
20. Neonatal hepatitis
21. Extrahepatic compression
22. Giardia
23. Anoxia
24. Lorazepam
25. Glioma
26. Cretinism
27. Phenyl-AlanineHydroxylase
28. Asymptomatic abdominal
29. Turners syndrome
30. Paramyxovirus
31. 5 years
32. Respiratory synctial virus
33. IgM
34. 21 alpha hydroxylase
35. 3:1
36. Group B streptococci, E
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drkamalkv’s classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG ……… putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
37. Enterovirus
38. Active (HBV) & passive
(HBIG) immunization
39. Rh incompatibility
40. E. Coli
41. ASD (endocardial cushion
42. 12-14 weeks
43. 12 weeks
45. Hypothyroidism
46. Respiratory tract infection
47. ALL
48. Myocarditis
49. First trimester
50. 50% (25 cm)
51. Wilms tumour
52. Umbillical vein
53. 5-10 days
54. Liver
55. Less than 2.5 kg
56. Vitamin C
57. E. Coli
58. 7.33
59. H. Influenzae type B
60. 20 seconds
61. Rotavirus
62. Infections
63. Papillary
64. Dextrose
65. 40/ minutes
66. Hemolytic anemia
67. 20 mg elemental iron &
100 microgram folic acid
68. 11 beta hydroxylase
69. 1 year
70. H. Influenzae type B
71. Alpha thalassemia major
72. 32 degree C
73. Marasmus
74. Rickets
75. USG
76. Turner syndrome
77. Late congenital syphilis
78. 7-10 days
79. Ground glass appearance
80. Ribavirin
81. Snowman/ figure of 8
82. Iron deficiency anemia
83. Thalassemia
84. Micturating
85. Minimal change disease/
lipoid nephrosis
86. Neuroblastoma
87. Abdominal mass
88. Rhabdomyosarcoma
89. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
90. Tyrosine
91. Alkaptonuria
92. Subtle
93. Sarcolemmal protein defect
94. Branching enzyme
95. Kernicterus
96. 4 years
97. 1 year
98. 9 months
99. 1st lower molar
100. IgA
101. Kwashiorkar
102. 8 hours
103. Rickets
104. Rickets
105. Osteomalacia
106. Selenium
107. First 28 days of life
108. 3 months
109. Brain
110. E. coli
111. Fibrin
112. Lecithin/ sphingomyelin
113. 34 mg
114. Rh incompatibility
115. 40/ minute
116. Umbilical vein
117. Aorta & pulmonary artery
118. Turner syndrome
119. Transpositin of great
120. Laryngomalacia
121. Parainfluenza virus
122. Pyloric stenosis
123. Duodenal atresia
124. Intussusception
125. Ileum
126. Neonatal hepatitis
127. Giardia
128. E. Coli
129. Hypoxic ischemic
130. Lorazepam
131. Valproate
132. H. Influenzae type B
133. Glioma
134. Cretinism
135. Green
136. Phenylketonuria
137. Neuroblastoma
138. Asympatomatic
abdominal mass
139. Histocytosis X
140. HbA2
141. Sickle cell anemia
142. SRY gene
143. Turner syndrome
144. Patau syndrome
145. Paramyxovirus
146. I/V Ig
147. IgM FTA-ABS
148. Active & Passive
149. Nevirapine
150. Measle virus
151. 4 days, 5 days
152. Brachycephaly
153. Grandparents
154. HIV PCR
155. 21 alpha hydroxylase
156. 7.33
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157. Thelarche
158. ASD
159. 11 gm%
160. Rotavirus
161. Hemolytic
162. 20 mg, 100 mcg
163. H. Influenzae type B
164. Lymphoma
165. 12-14 weeks
166. Hypothyroidism
167. ALL
168. Minimal change disease
169. 5-10 days
170. Liver
171. 5 years
172. 16 kg
1. MRI
2. Fracture lateral humerl
3. Malunited supracondylar
fracture humerus
4. Ankylosing spondylitis
5. Rickets
6. Distal radius
7. Non-union
8. Median nerve
9. Axillary nerve
10. Radial nerve
11. Neck of fibula
12. Diaphysis
13. Staph aureus
14. Backache
15. Sunray appearance &
codman triangle
16. Radial nerve
17. Shaft of humerus
18. Long thoracic nerve
19. Multiple myeloma
20. Developmental dysplasia of
21. Chauffeur’s fracture
22. Scoliosis
23. Osteomalacia
24. Sequestrum
25. Housemaid’s knee
26. Vertebrae
27. Prepatellar bursa
28. Radial nerve
29. Rheumatoid
30. Anterior uveitis
31. Spondylolisthesis
32. Myositis ossificans
33. Axillary nerve
34. Scaphoid
35. Lateral
36. Coracoid process
37. Ulnar nerve
38. Exostosis/
39. Ewings sarcoma
40. Infraorbital nerve
41. HLA B27
42. Olecranon & patella
43. Nasal
44. Posterior tibial nerve
45. TB of spine & pyogenic
46. Maxilla
47. Chronic frontal
48. Regeneration
49. Capitellum
50. Shoulder
51. Ankylosing spondylitis
52. Metacarpophalngeal joint
53. Osteogenesis imperfecta
54. Median nerve
55. Monteggia fracture
56. Posterior dislocation of hip
57. Serratus anterior
58. Osteosarcoma
59. Hyperparathyroidism
60. Salmonella
61. Rheumatoid arthritis
62. Osteomalacia
63. Pott’s disease
64. Spina ventosa
65. Lunate
66. Median nerve (anterior
interosseous branch)
67. Ulnar nerve (+ median
nerve in complete clawing)
68. Orbit
69. Psoriasis
70. Median nerve
71. Hemireplacement
72. Shoulder
73. Metaphysis
74. Femoral head
75. Paradiscal
1. Methohexitone,
2. L2, 3/ L3, 4
3. Succinylcholine
4. Atracurium
5. Sodium
6. Ketamine
7. Propofol
8. Etomidate
9. III
10. Halothane
11. 3, 5
12. Nitrous oxide
13. Arginine
14. CSF leak from puncture
15. Black body, white shoulder
16. Assessment of oral cavity
before intubation
17. Burns, paraplegia, tetanus
18. Asthma
19. L4, 5
20. Sevoflurane
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drkamalkv’s classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG ……… putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
21. Desflurane
22. Halothane
23. Adrenal insufficiency
24. Propofol
25. Ketamine
26. 3, 5
27. Maintainence of airway
28. Neck flexed, head extended
29. Sore throat
30. CO poisoning, gas
31. Fitness of patient
32. IV
33. 7 days
34. Nil orally by mouth for at
least 6 hours
35. Hyoscine
36. 80-95
37. Transesophageal
38. Right Internal Jugular vein
39. Arterial catheterization
40. Radial
41. C3-C6
42. Glottis
43. T4
44. Right side
45. Upper pons
46. Ring block, penile block
47. 0.8-0.9
48. 25 seconds
49. Dantrolene
50. Destroyed by
51. Cocaine
52. Atracurium
53. Ketamine
54. Lidocaine
55. Desfluranes
56. Pneumothorax
57. 3 months
58. Right atrium
59. 0.5
60. Wrong cylinder attachment
61. Nitrous oxide
62. Epidural
63. Epidural
64. Size of needle
65. Occipital or bifrontal
66. CSF leakage resulting in
67. Bradycardia
68. Mivacurium
69. 45 minutes to 1 hour
70. Upper limb
1. Dead/ moribund patients
2. Transporting vaccines from
hospital to periphery
3. Measuring humidity
4. Kuppuswami index
5. 30, 000
6. Chaddah committee
7. Sullivan
8. 80 thousand to 1.2 lac
9. Hypochlorous acid
10. E. coli
11. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
12. 75 mg
13. Thiamine/ B1
14. Safflower oil
15. Typhoid
16. Niacin
17. 4 hours
18. Anemia
19. 1-2 weeks
20. Leishmania tropica
21. Favivirus
22. All live vaccines
23. Incubation period
24. Missed
25. True negatives
26. B12
27. Transporting stools
samples from periphery to
28. 2850
29. Vitamin E
30. 5,000
31. Kartar singh
32. 20-35 dB
33. Relative risk
34. Daily
35. Cl. Perfringenes
36. Schizont
37. Sugarcane dust
38. Falciparum
39. National Rural Health
Mission/ NRHM
40. Aedes
41. Yellow color
42. Half
43. Haemorrhage
44. 20, 000
45. Mansonides & Aedes both
46. Case fatality rate
47. 28 weeks of gestation to
first 7 days of life
48. Cohort
49. Linoleic acid
50. 10 days to 10 years
51. Primordial
52. Mode
53. Primary (specific
54. 33%
55. Aedes
56. Primordial
57. Trypanosoma cruzi
58. Louse
59. Specific flea index
60. Calcium
61. Hardness
62. Argemone
63. Gambusia
64. Contraception under RCH
65. Fried rice
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66. Zinc
67. Antigenic drift
68. Pyridoxine
69. 70 KCal
70. Yersinia pestis
71. 0.3 to 5 microns
72. Zinc
73. Air pollution
74. Rome, Italy
75. Lathyrism
76. Prematurity/ Low birth
77. Total fertility rate
78. Farmers lung
79. Rheumatoid arthritis
80. B12
81. 7th April
82. Potential danger
83. 2 years
84. Sputum microscopy
85. 1200 mg
86. Methyl alcohol
87. Tetracycline
88. 3rd week
89. 0, 3, 7 days
90. 2-3
91. 2
92. Oral polio vaccine
93. 2015
94. 4.5 (arrange like 2, 4, 5, 6
and take average of 4 & 5)
95. Diseases which comes to a
country from other country
96. Red
97. Cyclo-propagative
98. Case fatality rate
99. Direct relationship (more
the duration, more the
prevalence will be)
100. Cohort
1. AV node
2. It generates impulses at
fastest rate
3. Lead I + Lead III = Lead II
4. Lead I + Lead III = Lead II
5. Ventricular depolarization
6. Endocardium to epicardium
7. Isometric ventricular
8. Opening of AV valves
9. Relaxation of ventricle with
both AV & semilunar valves
10. Ventricular systole
11. 0.12 sec
12. Ventricular wall turbulence
due to mid diastolic filling
13. Stroke volume
14. Stroke volume/ End
diastolic volume
15. 3.2
16. Decreased venous return
will result in decreased end
diastolic volume & a reduction
in cardiac output
17. Increase in preload
18. Frank starlings law
19. 1/3(Pulse pressure) +
Diastolic blood pressure
20. Mean arterial pressure
depends on cardiac output &
peripheral resistance
21. kPa
22. Elastic recoil of aorta
23. More
24. Turbulent blood flow in
25. Increased
26. Increase in heart rate
27. Sympathetic control
28. Decrease
29. Occlusion of common
carotid artey on both sides will
lead to increase in heart rate &
30. Increase in venous return
31. Decrease
32. cGMP
33. Arginine
34. Brain
35. Indirect (more the
diameter, less will be the
36. Arterioles
37. Elastic arteries
38. Elastic arteries
39. Arterioles
40. Arteriole + capillaries +
41. 5%
42. Increase
43. Veins
44. Resistance
45. Difference in pressure on
the arterial & venular end of
46. 55 ml/ 100 m/ minute
47. Vasoconstriction
48. Venoconstriction
49. Histamine
50. Axon reflex
51. Autoregulation
52. Large veins of leg
53. Flat bones
54. HbF (fetal)
55. Alpha2, delta2
56. Spleen
57. Inhibiting heme oxygenase
58. Hemopexin
59. WBC
60. II, VII, IX & X
61. Factor II
62. Thrombin
63. Factor XIII
64. Glacocalyx
65. Platelets
66. Platelets
67. Endothelial cells
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68. Heart does not respond to
any strength of stimulus
69. Intermediate normoblast
70. Decrease serum ferritin
71. 25 mm Hg
72. Left anterior descending
73. 7.4
74. 3-6 days
75. Beginning of atrial
depolarization to beginning of
ventricular depolarization
76. Vasoconstriction
77. 50 cc/ 100 gm of liver
78. Anemic
79. Arterioles
80. 2, 3 DPG
81. Tall tented T waves
82. Hypoxia
83. 60 days
84. 0.12 sec
85. Skeletal muscle
86. Increase PQ interval
87. Counting lobes of
88. CDP-A
89. Direct relationship (more
the heart rate, more the oxygen
90. AV node
91. 5.25 L/ min
92. Serotonin
93. Monocyte
94. 5th intercostal space, left
95. 4-5%
96. Fourth
97. Isometric contraction
98. 16 (Mean arterial pressure
= CO X PR)
99. Stroke volume/ end
diastolic volume
100. Liver, kidney, brain &
101. Increase
102. Posterior pituitary
(synthesized in hypothalamus)
103. Chvostek sign
104. Decrease serum calcium
105. Somatostatin
106. Insulin
107. Duodenum
108. Promotes secretion of
alkaline, watery media from
109. Proximal intestine
110. Glucose
111. Proximal convoluted
112. Right
113. Pneumotaxic centre
114. Type II pneumocytes
115. End diastolic volume
116. Carbonic anhydrase
117. Phantom limb
118. Epididymis
119. Capacitation
120. Stroke volume
121. Sertoli cells
122. Calcium
123. Endolymph
124. Mitochondria
125. Shape & motility
126. Sodium
127. Potassium
128. Potassium
129. Ampulla
130. Ovulation
131. Oxytocin
132. LH
133. CO2
134. Hypothalamus
135. Chloride
136. Detects muscle length
137. Rapid eye movement/
138. Dopamine
139. Law of projection
140. All or none
141. Phagocytosis
142. Trypsin
143. Collecting duct & DCT
144. 125 ml/ min
145. Proximal convoluted
146. Increase in serum calcium
147. Isovolumic relaxation
148. Ventricular depolarization
149. Closure of AV valves
150. Serum ferritin
1. N-acetyl-cysteine
2. Loops
3. Infant or old
4. 2 bullets
5. Hesitation marks/ tentative
6. IPC 320
7. Dirt collar/ grease collar
8. Asphyxia/ reflex cardiac
9. Cervical sympathetic
10. NaCl
11. Burns
12. Alcohol
13. Mercury
14. Arsenic & carbolic acid
15. Chronic lead poisoning
16. Lead poisoning
17. Myotoxic
18. Prostate
19. Angle of mandible
20. Cocaine
21. Police (in India)
22. The answer is either Yes or
23. Arborescent/ Litchenberg/
24. Formic acid
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25. Gastroenteritis
26. Dactylography
27. Abrin
28. Heart
29. Height
30. Things speaks for
31. McNaughtens rule
32. Summon/ sunpoena
33. First class judicial
34. DNA finger printing
35. Fetal age
36. 6-11 years
37. Transparency of root
38. Pelvis
39. Alcohol
40. 6th day
41. Skull
42. Gutter fracture
43. Injury on the opposite side
of impact of a movig head
44. Extradural hemorrhage
45. Bullet which before
striking aims at some
intervening object first,
rebounds and then hits the
46. Incest
47. Grievous
48. Soot in upper respiratory
49. Ventricular fibrillation
50. Lightening
51. Arsenic
52. Hydrolysis &
hydrogenation of body fats
53. Small muscles of toes &
54. Frostbite, Barbiturate
55. Cherry red
56. Bone
57. Maceration
58. Near the angle of mandible
59. Hanging
60. Dribbling of saliva along
the angle of mouth
61. Manual strangulation/
62. Telefona
63. Fine, copious, frothy
discharge from the mouth &
64. Gunpowder residues
65. Cadaveric rigidity
66. Choline Iodide
67. Kerosense & corrosive
(except carbolic acid)
68. Pinpoint
69. Alcohol
70. Cannabis
71. Chloral hydrate
72. Mercury
73. Zinc
74. Cyanide
75. Mercury
1. Acyclovir
2. 24 mm
3. Trochlear
4. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
5. Neuro-ectoderm
6. Keratometer
7. Optic chiasm
8. Fovea
9. Moraxella
10. Spring catarrh/ vernal
11. Trachoma
12. Vertically oval, mid dilated
& fixed
13. Centre
14. Nd: YAG
15. Optic neuritis
16. Steroids
17. Retinoblastoma
18. Retinitis pigmentosa
19. Cytomegalovirus infection
20. Inferior rectus
21. Vitamin A deficiency
22. Tropicamide
23. Wilson disease/ chalcosis/
hepatolenticular degeneration
24. Subacute bacterial
endocarditis/ septicemia
25. Sympathetic ophthalmitis
26. Neisseria gonorrhoae,
Neisseria meningitidis,
Corynebacterium diphtheria
27. Leprosy
28. Ring synechiae
(complication of anterior
29. Papilloedema
30. Ganciclovir
31. 3 D
32. Dry eyes
33. Thickness of cornea
34. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
35. Herpes simplex
36. Trigeminal nerve
37. Corneal dystrophy
38. Contact lens
39. HLA B27
40. Symapthetic ophthalmitis
41. Acute congestive glaucoma
42. Highh myopia
43. Posterior chamber in
capsular bag
44. Sorbitol
45. Microaneurysm
46. Bitemporal hemianopia
47. Retinoblastoma
48. Massaging
49. Trauma
50. 2nd
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51. Cylindrical
52. Argyll Robertson pupil
53. Pseudomyopia
54. Lagophthalmos
55. Chalazion
56. 3/ 60 (with best possible
57. Posterior
58. Senile entropion
59. Fungal
60. Malignant melanoma of
61. Leprosy
62. Optic tract
63. Eales disease
64. Adenovirus
65. Upper eyelid, medial half
66. Copper
67. Berlin’s edema
68. Lens
69. Papilloedema
70. Massive vitreous
71. Microaneurysm
72. Timolol
73. Colored halos of acute
congestive glaucoma &
74. Snowflake
75. Toxoplasmosis
1. Zinc
2. Fox Fordyce’s spots
3. Hypertrophy of sebaceous
glands of nose
4. Exclamation mark hair
5. Mee’s line
6. Lymphogranuloma venerum
7. Scabies
8. Scabies
9. Auspitzs sign
10. Nikolsky sign
11. Herald patch
12. Pityriasis versicolor
13. Dermatitis herpetiformis
14. Type II diabetes mellitus
15. Posterior auricular
16. Lupus vulgaris
17. HLA B27
18. Atopic dermatitis
19. Non-caseating granuloma
20. Niacin
21. Pterygium
22. Tuberous sclerosis
23. Mycosis fungoides
24. Lichen planus
25. Site of injury may develop
psoriatic lesion
26. Iron deficiency anemia
27. Neurofibromatosis-I
28. Negative
30. Treponema pallidum
31. Late congenital syphilis
32. Aspergillus fumigates &
33. Pregnancy
34. Impetigo
35. Lichen planus (Infact 5 P’s:
purple, plain topped/ flat,
pruritic, polygonal, papule)
36. Azithromycin
37. Erythema multiforme
38. Leprosy
39. Lepromatous
40. Paucibacillary: 2 years;
Multibacillary: 5 years
41. Cutaneous T cell
42. Marjolins
43. 5th
44. Uterus
45. Nickel
46. Steroids (Thalidomide can
be used)
47. Hailey Hailey disease
48. Atopic dermatitis
49. Junctional
50. Nodulo-ulcerative
51. Malassezia furfur
52. Dapsone
53. Doxycycline
54. Unguum
55. Fungal
56. Lips
57. Isotretinoin
58. Pityriasis rosea
59. Pemphigus, toxic shock
syndrome etc.
60. Human papilloma virus
61. Autoimmune
62. Epidermis plus some part
of dermis
63. Suprabasal/ intraepidermal
64. Apocrine
65. Acne
66. Lichen planus
67. Macule
68. Atopic dermatitis
69. Psoriasis
70. Lichen planus
71. Lichen planus
72. Leprosy
73. KOH mount
74. Hemophilus ducreyi
75. Human papilloma virus
1. Acetylcholine
2. Methylphenidate
3. Delusion
4. Auditory hallucination
5. Amphetamine
6. Fluoxetine
7. Hypochondriasis
8. Dipsomania
9. Zoophobia
10. Depression
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11. Mania
12. Delirium tremens
13. LSD
14. REM phase
15. Lithium
16. SSRI
17. Proxetine
18. Fluoxetine
19. 20-34
20. Cocaine
21. Delusion
22. Depression
23. Mania
24. Autism
25. 7 days
26. Bupropion
27. Hypothytoidism
28. Testamentary capacity
29. Anti-obesity
30. Schizophrenia
31. Sumatriptan
32. Confabulation
33. Obsessive compulsive
34. Serotonin
35. Aldehyde dehydrogenase
36. Auditory hallucination
37. Depression
38. Trauma
39. LSD
40. Depression
41. Depersonalization
42. 3 years
43. Alzheimer’s disease
44. Alzheimer’s dementia
45. Language
46. Morbid jealousy
47. Hebephrenic
48. Auditory
49. Kleptomania
50. 5 years
51. SSRI
52. Antidepressants
53. 14 days
54. 24-48 hours
55. 4 days
56. Cocaine
57. Decreased
58. Dissociative amnesia
59. 5-HT3 antagonist
60. Less than 20
61. Olfactory hallucination
62. Déjà vu
63. Auditory
64. Raised intracranial tension
65. Nihilism
66. Naloxone
67. Tremors
68. Content of thought
69. Neurolept malignant
70. Claustrophobia
71. Dissociative fugue
72. Body dysmorphic disorder
73. Somatization disorder
74. Conversion disorder
75. Catatonic
1. Isobars
2. Neutron followed by gamma
3. Copper/ Aluminium
4. Glucose
5. Sturge Weber syndrome
6. Jejunal atresia
7. Adder head appearance
8. Spider leg appearance
9. MRI
10. MRI
11. USG
12. Bamboo spine
13. Intussusception
14. Gray (SI unit)
15. 1600 years
16. G2M
17. Iodine-123
18. Stereo-tactic radiosurgery
19. Popcorn calcification
20. Soap bubble appearance
21. Ca head of pancreas
22. High resolution CT scan
23. Tetralogy of Fallot
24. Alpha rays
25. Intrauterine fetal death
26. Staightening of left border
of heart
27. Mitral stenosis
29. ERCP
30. Double bubble sign
31. Aspergilloma
32. Bronchiectasis
33. Pulmonary embolism
34. DEXA scan
35. Fibrous dysplasia
36. Coarctation of aorta
37. Ectopic/ duplication of
38. Hydatid cyst of lung
39. Mitral stenosis
40. Superior vena cava, Right
atrium & Inferior vena cava
41. Anenccephaly
42. Doppler USG
43. X rays
44. Expiration
45. Duodenal atresia & annular
47. Kidney
48. DMSA
49. 8 days
50. Tc99 labelled RBC
51. Gray
52. Craniopharyngioma
53. Diffuse esophageal spasm
54. Silicosis, sarcoidosis
55. Hyperparathyroidism
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56. Struvite/ staghorn/ triple
57. Fibromuscular dysplasia
58. Tc99
59. Metrizimide
60. Hypothyroidism
61. HIDA scan
62. Gadolinium enhanced MRI
63. Ca head of pancreas
64. Renal cell Ca
65. Lead
66. Radio-opaque (more white)
67. 3 weeks
68. Corkscrew vessels
69. USG
70. Hydatid cyst
72. Stereotactic radiosurgery
73. Ca colon
74. FDG
75. Chronic pancreatitis
1. Increase in size of cell
2. Amorphous densities in
3. Apoptosis
4. Mast cell
5. Vasoconstriction
6. Type IV
7. Autosomal dominant
8. X-linked recessive
9. 18
10. Carcinoembryonic antigen
11. Cytokeratin
12. Cytokeratin
13. HHV-8
14. Lungs
15. Left anterior descending
16. Undersurface of valves
17. Trichinella
18. Alpha2, delta2
19. Replacement of glutamic
acid by valine at beta 6
20. Decreased serum ferritin
21. Lymphocytic predominant
(prognosis is directly
proportional to lymphocte
22. Nodular sclerosis
23. Burkitts lymphoma
24. Adenocarcinoma
25. Chromogranin
26. Loop of Henle
27. Salt & water retention
28. Hyaline arteriosclerosis
29. Malignant hypertension
30. Diabetes mellitus, analgesic
31. Lower 1/3rd
32. Stomach
33. Gardeners sydrome
34. Cholangiocarcinoma
35. Endodermal sinus/ yolk
sac tumour
36. Secondaries
37. Microglia
38. Bone
39. Autosomal recessive
40. 6
41. DR4
42. 31
43. Eosinophilic granuloma
44. CD19
45. bcl2
46. Malakoplakia
47. DNA repair/ nucleotid
excision repair defect
48. Giant cell arteritis
49. MembranoProliferative
50. XLR
51. 30-300 mg/ day
52. Raised FDP
53. Papillary
54. Malignant melanoma
55. Syphilis
56. Rheumatic fever
57. Guillain Barre syndrome
58. Myxoma
59. Left atrium
60. Apex of lung
61. Secondaries
62. Metastatic calfication
63. Chronic venous congestion
of lungs
64. Transferrin
65. Coagulative/ ischemic
66. III
67. Asthma
68. Amyloidosis
69. IgG
70. C5a
71. Hemodialysis
72. Ubiquitin
73. Dysgerminoma
74. Popliteal artery
75. Schistosoma
76. TB
77. Secondaries
78. Cytokeratin
79. Membranous GN
80. Papillary
81. Megaloblastic anemia
82. Flask shaped ulcer
83. Lobular
84. Hyaline arteriosclerosis
85. Psoriasis
86. Pink
87. HbeAg, HBV DNA
88. Mast cell
89. Mitral
90. Hemosiderin
91. LDH
92. Amoebiasis
93. Ascending aorta
94. Churg strauss syndrome
95. Acantholysis
96. Thalassemia
97. Iron
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98. Sarcolemmal
99. Stoamch
100. Granulosa cell tumour
101. Adenocarcinoma
102. Coronary artery
103. Type I
104. Sarcoidosis
105. anti-mitochondrial
106. Copper
107. Sickel cell anemia
108. Papillary
109. Liver
110. Vitamin B12
111. Pink
112. Anti-HBs
113. Hippocampus
114. Streptococcus viridans
115. Left ventrcular failure
116. Troponin T & I
117. Chronic hepatitis
118. Coeliac sprue
119. Focal Segmental GN
120. M3
121. Hereditary spherocytosis
122. Factor IX
123. Autosomal dominant
124. Streptococcus
125. Byssinosis
126. Adenocarcinoma
127. Minimal change disease/
lipoid nephrosis
128. Bilateral hilar
129. III
130. CD4
131. Hemochromatosis
132. Diabetes mellitus,
polycystic kidney, amyloidosis
133. Leiomyoma
134. Renal papillary necrosis
135. Diabetes mellitus
1. 93.7%
2. Safety
3. Therapeutic efficacy
4. Neostigmine, edrophonium
5. Choline-esterase reactivator
6. Pirenzipine
7. Asthma
8. I/M adrenaline
9. Agonist
10. Etomidate
11. PDE-4 inhibitor
12. Cys-LT1 receptor blocker
13. Brisk release of insulin
from pancreas & Increase in
number of receptors
14. 11-beta-hydroxylase
15. Anti-estrogenic; blocks
estrogen receptors and prevent
negative fedback on anterior
pituitary gland
16. Inhibition of GABA
17. Benzhexol
18. Akathasia
19. Naloxone, Naltrexone
20. Nalorphine, Pentazocine
21. Methadone
22. Sodium
23. Phosphodiesterase
24. Direct thrombin inhibitors
(Argatroban. Lepirudin)
25. HMG CoA reductase
26. Transdermal hyoscine (also
known as scopolamine)
27. Independent
28. Ketamine
29. Folic acid, Vitamin D &
viramin K
30. Fluoroquinolones,
31. Spectinomycin
32. Doxycycline
33. Methicillin, cloxacillin,
34. Azithromycin
35. Schistosomiasis
36. Rifampicin
37. Rifampicin
38. Tamsulosin
39. Busulphan, bleomycin
40. Imatinib
41. CD4 T cell
42. Alzheimers disease
43. Cotrimoxazole
44. Acyclovir
45. Aldosterone
46. Binds to bile acids &
prevents enterohepatic
47. 36 hours
48. Thick ascending limb of
loop of Henle
49. Amiloride
50. Arrythmia
51. Binds to RyR1/ryanoridine
receptors & prevents release of
52. Betaxolol
53. Phenylpropanolamine
54. Sleep apnea
55. Migraine
56. Miltefosine
57. Hyperuricemia/ Gout
58. Post antibiotic effect
59. Gatifloxacine
60. INH/ isoniazid
61. Octreotide
62. Erythromycin
63. Intramuscular
64. Less renal vasodilatory
65. Doxycycline
66. Rifampicin
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67. Inhibition of DNA
dependent RNA polymerase
68. Potassium Iodide
69. Partial agonist
70. Amphotericin B
71. Serum potassium levels
72. 5-HT3 antagonist
73. Omalizumab
74. Amikacin
75. HMG CoA reductase
76. Rifampicin
77. Inactive drug which gets
converted to active metabolite
within the body
78. Ethanolamine oleate,
79. Inhibition of Na+ K+
ATPase inhibition
80. Fine tremors
81. Valproate
82. Hydrocortisone
83. Genetically determined
abnormal reaction to a
84. Cycloserine, INH
85. Ethambutol
86. Clafazimine
87. Mast cell stabilization
88. 5-Amino salicylic acid/ 5ASA
89. First order
90. Daunorubicin, doxorubicin
91. 10 minutes
92. Migraine
93. Acetaminophen/
94. Collecting duct & DCT
95. Intranasal desmopressin
96. Phenformin > Metformin
97. Cholestatic jaundice
98. Promotes intracellular
movement of potassium
99. Long acting
100. Phospho-di-esterase 5
101. Erythromycin, Cimetidine
102. Glaucoma
103. Antifolate
104. Sumitriptan
105. Ivermectin
106. Toxoplasmosis
(Sulfonamide +
pyrimethamine); pneumocystis
carinii (Co-trimoxazole)
107. Liver
108. Quinine
109. NNRTI/ non-nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitor
110. Ethambutol
111. Rifampin
112. ACE inhibitor
113. Miltefosine
114. Gatifloxacin
115. INH
116. INH, pyrazinamide,
117. Potassium sparing
118. Cromolyn sodium,
119. Reduced drug absorption
120. Octreotide
121. Valproate
122. Acetylation
123. Antagonist
124. Codeine
125. Warfarin, phenytoin
126. hick ascending limb of
loop of Henle
127. Anti-obesity
128. Xanthine oxidase
129. 5-15 mg/ Kg
130. PGE1 analogue
131. Topiramate/
Acamprosate/ Naltrexone/
132. Resistant schizophrenia
133. IV
134. Demeclocycline
135. Atropine
136. Alpha 1
137. Indomethacin
138. inhibition of xanthine
139. Permethrin
140. Statins
141. Cromolyn sodium,
ketotifen. Long acting beta2
142. ACE inhibitors
143. Quinine
144. Cyclophosphamide
145. Methotrexate
146. Methysergide
147. 5-lipoxygenase
148. INH, pyrazinamide,
149. Quinine/ artesunate
150. Acyclovir
151. Binds to 50s subunit and
prevent protein synthesis
152. Azithromycin
153. Pyrazinamide &
154. Ethambutol +
155. Increases uveo-scleral
156. Oral anticoagulants
157. Warfarin
158. Proton pump inhibitors
159. Baclofen
160. Methylalcohol
161. Renal vasodilatory effect
162. Dopamine
163. Ampicillin + Gentamycin
164. Increased level of
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165. Nephrotoxicity
166. Sulfasalazine/ 5-Amino
salicylic acid
167. Clomipramine/
168. Fluoxetine
169. Therapeutic index
170. Postemenopausala
171. Yohimbine, mirtazapine
172. Granisteron
173. Postmarketing
174. Propranolol
175. Aldosterone
176. Thick ascending limb of
loop of Henle
177. Dantrolene sodium
178. Intermediate
179. Inhibits cell wall synthesis
180. Rifampicin
181. Streptomycin
182. Inhibits DNA gyrase/
DNA topo-isomerase IV
183. Hydrocortisone/ cortisol
184. DCT & collecting duct
185. Maximum effect
produced by a given amount
of drug
186. Adriamycin/ doxorubicin,
187. Yes
188. Itraconazole
189. First order
190. Betaxolol
191. Vomiting
192. Paracetamol/
193. CD & DCT
194. Desmopressin
195. Phenformin > metformin
196. Cholestatic jaundice
197. Increases intracellular
entry of potassium
198. Phosphodiesterase 5
199. Glaucoma
200. Anti-folate (inhibits
dihydrofolate reductase)
201. Sumitriptan
202. Ivermectin
203. Sulfamethoxazole +
204. Ethambutol
205. Miltefosine
206. Long acting beta 2 agonist
207. Valproate
208. Antagonist
209. Anti-obesity
210. 5-15 mg/ kg
211. PGE1 analogue
212. Resistant schizophrenia
1. Magnesium
2. Tyrosine
3. Tyrosine
4. Urinary calcium
5. Chaperones
6. Methionine
7. Thiamine/ B1
8. HbF
9. LDL receptor defect
10. Sodium flouride
11. Enolase
12. ALA synthase
13. Succinyl-CoA-thiokinase
14. Glutamate by valine
15. Glucose-6-phosphatase
16. Ribosome
17. Zero
18. Cytochrome oxidase
(complex IV)
19. Sorbitol
20. Linoleic acid
21. Closed, circular
22. Vitamin K & B12
23. Liver
24. Ketosis with glycosuria
25. Absorption of vitamin B12
(extrinsic factor)
26. McArdle’s disease
27. Dextrose
28. Ubiquitin
29. Neimann Pick disease
30. Dinitrophenol
31. Vitamin C
32. Zinc
3. Fructokinase3
34. SDS page
35. Ammonia & aspratate
36. Lysine, threonine
37. Tyrosine
38. Taq polymerase
39. 10 ATPS
40. Niacin
41. Ochronosis
42. Urea cycle
43. Andersen disease
44. Pyruvate
45. Vitamin E
46. Inner mitochondrial
47. Beta alanine
48. Tay Sach disease
49. Nucleotide
50. Acetyl-CoA-carboxylase
51. Protein
52. Uric acid
53. Acetyl CoA + NADPH
54. Hereditary fructose
55. HDL
56. Cytoplasm
57. Glutamine
58. Tyrosine
59. Mitochondria
60. Ammonia & aspartate
61. Insulin
62. Glucose
63. Phenylketonuria
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64. Cysteic acid (from cysteine)
65. Aconitase
66. Benzoquinone acetate
67. Urea
68. Debranching enzyme
69. Lactate
70. Glucuronic acid pathway
71. Fatty acid & steroid
72. Uracil
73. Xylitol dehydrogenase
74. Skeletal muscle, blood &
75. Vitamin B12
1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2. Stapedius
3. 1st pharyngeal pouch
4. Semicircular canals
5. Myringotomy with grommet
tube insertion
6. Mastoiditis
7. Sternocleidomastoid
8. Otosclerosis
9. Carhart’s notch
10. Meniere’s disease
11. Superior vestibular nerve
12. Sphenoid sinus
13. Rhinoscleroma
14. Lupus vulgaris
15. Cribriform plate of
16. Little’s area
17. Trauma
18. Fossa of Rosenmuller
19. Streptococcus pneumonia
20. Posterior cricoarytenoid
21. Stratified squamous nonkeratinised
22. External laryngeal nerve
23. Laryngomalacia
24. Observation
25. EBV
1. Ciliated columnar
2. Carries oxygenated blood
towards fetus
3. Esophageal atresia, duodenal
4. Parturient
5. Gestational sac
6. Mentovertical
7. Partogram
8. 1.25 cm/ day
9. Ectopic pregnancy
10. USG
11. Scalp edema
12. Mitral stenosis
13. Eisenmengers syndrome
14. Eclampsia
15. Uterine atony
16. Cord compression
17. Down syndrome
18. First
19. 2nd
20. Oromandibular limb defect
21. 70 days
22. Head & hand
23. Postpartum hemorrhage
24. Synctiotrophoblast
25. Streptococcus
26. Obstetric conjugate
27. Mentovertical
28. Left occipito anterior/ left
occipito transverse
29. Hepatitis E virus
30. IgG
31. 18 weeks
32. Bleeding per vaginum
33. Need of induction of labor
34. 500 cc
35. Obstructed labor
36. 0.5-1%
37. 1.25 cm/ day
38. Previous tubal disease
39. 4 weeks
40. Less than 2.5 kg
41. Gestation sac
42. 40%
43. Fetal attitude
44. 24 weeks
45. 24-28 weeks
46. Iron deficiency anemia
47. Methyl dopa
48. 2000 ml
49. Synctiotrophoblast
50. Ampulla
1. Ovary
2. Fallopian tube
3. Mullerian duct
4. Ovary
5. Trichomoniasis
6. Ca cervix
7. Endometriosis
8. 1. Hormone replacement
therapy 2. Ca endometrium
9. Squamous
10. 14 days
11. 1971
12. Dysgerminoma
13. Granulosa cell tumour
14. 21st day
15. Ectopic pregnancy
16. Laparoscopic
17. Ovarian Ca
18. Adenocarcinoma
19. 2nd trimester of pregnancy/
20. Renal failure
21. Post coital bleeding (Ca
cervix: an entity of females in
reproductive age group so
should not be counted as a
cause of post-menopausal
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22. Isthmus
23. Minipill
24. Metronidazole
25. Candida
26. Stratified squamous, nonkeratinized
27. Failure rate of
28. 10 years
29. Laparoscopy (should not
be done in acute PID)
30. Candida
31. Metronidazole
32. Squamous
33. Stage IIIb
34. Methotrexate
35. Tumour extends beyond
cervix but not to lateral pelvic
wall or lower third of vagina
36. Alpha Fetoprotein
37. Biopsy
38. Testicular feminization
syndrome/ androgen
insensitivity syndrome
39. Ureteral injury
40. Colposcope
41. Marsupialization
42. 47XXY
43. Down syndrome
44. Laparoscopy &
45. Dysmenorrhoea
46. Vesicovaginal fistula
47. Candida
48. Ciliated columnar
49. Unopposed estrogen
50. Turner syndrome
2. Medullary
3. Lobular
4. Strawberry angioma
5. Trauma
6. Homan sign
7. Doppler USG
8. Nicoladoni Branham sign
9. Primary
10. Sternum
11. Face/ inner canthus of eye
12. Rhabdomyosarcoma
13. Pleomorphic adenoma
14. Superficial parotid
15. Lymphatic permeation
16. Excision
17. Ranula
18. Medullary
19. Diffuse esophageal spasm
20. Bird beak appearance
21. Adenocarcinoma
22. Squamous
23. H. pylori
24. Curling’s
25. Argentaffinoma
26. Gastroduodenal artery
27. Vitello-intestinal
28. Rectum
29. Gall stones
30. Head
31. Duodenum
32. Insulinoma
33. Streptococcus pneumoniae
34. Portal vein
35. Amoebic liver abscess
36. Hydatid cyst
37. Alphafetoprotein
38. Fibrolamellar
39. CBD stone
40. Struvite
41. Clear cell Ca
42. Squamous
43. TB
44. Posterior uretheral valve
45. Teratoma
46. Peripheral
47. Batesons
48. Hemobilia
49. Insulinoma
50. Duodeno-jejunostomy/
51. Gastroduodenal artery
52. Vitello-intestinal
53. Rectum
54. Gall stones
55. Head
56. Duodenum
57. Insulinoma
58. Streptococcus pneumoniae
59. Portal vein
60. Amoebic liver abscess
61. Hydatid cyst
62. Alphafetoprotein
63. Fibrolamellar
64. CBD stone
65. Struvite
66. Clear cell Ca
67. Squamous
68. TB
69. Posterior uretheral valve
70. Teratoma
71. Peripheral
72. Batesons
73. Hemobilia
74. Insulinoma
75. Duodeno-jejunostomy/
76. Ringer lactate
77. 1%
78. Small & medium sized
79. Arterio-Venous fistula
80. Urinary output
81. Infection
82. Spleen
83. Acute cholangitis
84. USG
85. Ca head of pancreas
86. Rectal biopsy
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87. H. pylori
88. Hypochloremic
hypokalemic metabolic
89. Appendicular lump
90. Sigmoid colon
91. Gastric Ca
92. Arcuate line
93. MCUg/ VCUG
94. Uric acid
95. Ureterocoele
96. Hydrocoele
97. TB
98. Glandular
99. Medullary
100. Ductal
101. Ascending (from biliary
102. Gall stones, hiatus hernia
& divertciulosis
103. Ileum
104. CBD stone
105. Basement membrane
106. Primary
hyperaldosteronism/ Conn’s
107. Hypocalcemia
108. Amoebic liver abscess
109. Biopsy
110. HIDA scan (2. USG)
111. Gall stones
112. Hydrocoele
113. Papillary
114. Aneurysm
115. Stomach
116. Crohn’s disease
117. Squamous
118. BCG
119. Rectal Ca
120. Teratoma
121. Periurethral
122. Heparin
123. Acute cholangitis
124. Carbon-di-oxide
125. E. coli
126. Anorectal malformations/
imperforate anus
128. Microaerophilic
129. Fistula
130. TB
131. Middle meningeal artery
132. Tarsometatarsal
133. Factor 2, 7, 9, 10
134. neck of pancreas
135. 3-6 months
1. Phosphotungstic acid
2. Wasp gene mutation
3. Fontana stain
4. Autoclaving/ NaOH/
5. Cl. Septicum
6. Measles
7. 2-3 days
8. Calymmatobacter
9. Leishmania
10. Skin biopsy
11. 4-6 days
12. Kleb’s Loeffler bacillus
13. Hippocampus
14. Type II
15. Bacillus stearothermophilus
16. B. pertusis
17. Presynaptic blocking
18. Face
19. Entamoeba histolytica
20. Iodine
21. Canned foods
22. C3
23. IL-12
24. Coxsackie virus A16
25. Efficacy of disinfectant
26. IgM
27. IgA
28. IgA
29. Eosinphils
30. C3b
31. C5a
32. H1N1 strain
33. IgE
34. IgG
35. Microscope
36. McMohan & Pugh
37. Alcohol
38. Microsopy + ELISA
39. Tube agglutination
40. Histiocytes
41. Lymphocyte
42. Glutaraldehyde
43. Humans & Sheep (cat is
definitive host)
44. Sickle cell anemia
45. Gomori methanamine
45. Paramyxovirus
46. Strongyloides
47. 4
48. Trypanosoma cruzii
49. Clostridium botulinum
50. Humans
51. Falciparum
52. Amoebic colitis
53. B. pseudomallei
54. Trichinella spiralis
55. C. diphtheriae
56. Casoni’s test
57. Leptospira
58. C3b
59. Histoplamosis
60. T. pertune
61. T-helper 1 cells
62. Infectious mononucleosis
63. Yellow
64. Chromoblastomycosis
65. IgM
66. Type I
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67. Mycoplasma
68. Vitamin A
69. Enterobius vermicularis
70. CD4
71. IgM
72. HHV-8
73. EBV
74. Umbilical vein
75. India ink
76. Positive
77. Staph. Aureus
78. C. burnetti
79. Falciparum
80. Defective oxygen burst
81. Mucosa
82. Rhinosporodium
83. IL-1
84. Staph. Aureus
85. Heavy chain
86. Measles
87. Malaria in anopheles
88. IgE
89. Echinococcoisis
90. Clostridium difficile
91. Autoclave
92. Linen, rubber gloves
93. Hot air oven
94. Glutaraldehyde
95. Shigella flexnerii
96. Mycobacterium bovis
97. IV
98. Steroids
99. Cryptococcus
100. Aspergillus flavus
101. Pneumococcus
102. Positive
103. Mycoplasma
104. B. burgdorferi
105. Opsonization
106. Proteins
107. Infectious mononucleosis
108. Infectious mononucleosis
109. Gall bladder
110. T. caratenum
111. Tetanus
112. 6
113. Violet  iodine  red
114. Herpes zoster
115. Brucella
116. Rabies encephalitis
117. Snails
118. Beta hemolytic
119. Autoclaving/ NaOH/
120. Poliovirus
121. Pseudomonas
122. Candida
123. Acute HBV with high
124. Excess antibody
125. Staph aureus
126. Mycoplasma
127. Pneumococcal
128. 2
129. Type II
130. Listeria
131. Infectious mononucleosis
132. C. minutissimum
133. Retroviridae
134. Rhinosporidium
135. ETEC
136. EBV
137. Syphilis
138. Loeffler’s serum slope/
tellurite media
139. Antigen in stool
140. ETEC
141. Rat urine
142. T-helper cells
143. Canned food/ meat
144. Proteus
145. Chlamydiae
146. Flavivirus
147. Type I
148. T. pertune
149. C5a
150. Coxsackie virus
151. Kaposi sarcoma
152. EHEC
153. Epidermolytic toxin
154. Mycobacterium marinum
155. Pigs
156. IgM
157. Parvo virus
158. Yellow
159. Pneumococcal
160. Hepatitis A virus
161. Mycobacterium ulcerans
162. India ink
163. Descending flaccid
164. Papova virus
165. Stool culture
166. Schistosoma hematobium
167. IgE
168. HBeAg & HBV DNA
169. Lepromatous
170. Falciparum
171. Orthopox
172. Staph aureus
173. Rickettsia
174. H. ducreyi
175. RBC
176. IgG
177. IgG
178. Face
179. Chlamydia
180. Single
181. Retrovirus
182. Susceptibility
183. Vibrio cholera
184. IgG
185. Poxvirus
186. N. meningitides
187. Chromoblastomycosis
188. 16
189. IgM anti-HBc
190. JC virus
191. Glutaraldehyde
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drkamalkv’s classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG ……… putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
192. Efficacy of disinfectants
193. IgE
194. IgG
195. Carry Blair, VR media
196. LJ media
197. C. diphtheria
198. Mycoplasma
199. Paul Bunnel test
200. Candida
201. RNA
202. > 105
203. Clostridium difficile
204. Spirochaetes
205. India ink (cryptococcus),
Quellung (pneumococcus)
206. Type IV
207. ETEC
208. EPEC
209. Vi
210. Slide flocculation
211. EBV
212. Lipopolysacchride
213. E. coli
214. Coating of antigen for
efficient phagocytosis
215. IgA
216. IgM
217. 200
218. Spirillum minor
219. IV
220. Mycobacteria
221. Pneumococcus
222. Salmonella
223. Cord factor
224. Mycoplasma
225. C. diphtheria
226. V. cholera
227. Swarming
228. Descending flaccid
229. Mycolic acid in cell wall
230. Rat urine
231. Organism
232. C. burnetti
233. H1N1
234. Rabies encephalitis
236. Cryptosporodium
237. Cryptococcus
238. Rotavirus/ EPEC
239. Sporozoite
240. Candida
241. Proteus
242. Herpes zoster
243. Parvovirus
244. Rotavirus (reovirus)
245. Hippocampus
246. HCV
247. Pyocyanin
248. Lyme’s disease
249. Parvovirus
250. SSPE
251. Saboraud’s dextrose agar
252. India ink
253. Fungus
254. Pityriasis versicolor
255. Skin & hair
256. Madurella, actinomycetes
257. Chromoblastomycosis
258. Candida
259. H
260. Secondary syphilis
261. EBV
262. Polypeptide
263. Listeria
264. Attraction of phagocytic
cells towards antigen
265. Blood transfusion
266. IgG
267. 50
268. Leptospirosis
269. IV
270. HAV
271. Feco-oral
272. Mycobacterium TB
273. Mycolic acid in cell wall
274. Klebsiella pneumonia
275. Yersinia pestis
276. Shigella
277. Swarming
278. Tetanus
279. Mycobacterium leprae
280. Snails
281. Lymphatic
282. Brucella
283. H5N1
284. Chlamydia trachomatis &
molluscum contagiosum
285. 0.3%
286. Dementia (disorder),
Cryptococcus (cause)
287. Proteins
288. Measles
289. Promastigote
290. Falciparum
1. Dilated
2. Steroids
3. High resolution CT scan
4. Ascarias
5. Unilateral diaphragmatic
palsy, Flail chest
6. Asthma
7. Centri-acinar
8. Tram track, signet ring
10. Byssinosis
11. Mycolic acid in cell wall
12. Co-trimoxazole
13. Small cell Ca
14. Dyspnea
15. ARDS
16. Tricuspid valve closure
17. Atrial depolarization
18. Adenosine
19. Rheumatic heart disease
20. ECHO
21. Severe aortic regurgitation
22. Digoxin
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23. Myoglobin
24. Cardiac tamponade
25. Reduced serum ferritin
26. Vitamin B12 deficiency
27. Normal
28. Hereditary spherocytosis
29. Low
30. Ankyrin
31. Reed Sternberg
32. Mixed cellularity
33. SLE
34. SLE
35. Duchenne muscular
36. Thymectomy
37. Duodenum-first part
38. Biopsy
39. 5-Amino salicylic acid
40. HBsAg
41. Recent infection
42. HEV
43. Wilson disease
44. Crohn’s disease
45. Hemorrhage
46. Scleroderma
47. I/V immunoglobulins
48. Polyarteritis nododsa
49. Raised BT, normal PT
50. VIII
51. Thyrotoxicosis
52. Ventricular fibrillation
53. G-6PD deficiency
54. High pH, High bicarbonate
& normal CO2
55. Sarcoidosis
56. Left ventricle
57. Pneumoconiosis + RA
58. SABE
60. 200
61. Subthalamic nuclei
62. Increased
63. Parkinsonism
64. Scurvy
65. Sulfadiazine +
66. Celiac disease
67. Putamen
68. Anti-mitochondrial
69. DR3 (mainly)
70. Coarctation of aorta
71. Nephritic syndrome
72. Sickle cell anemia
73. Immunity to HBV
74. Serum ferritin
75. Pruritus
76. H. pylori
77. Hyperthyroidism
78. Basal ganglia
79. Aspergillus fumigates
80. High, high, normal
81. Reduces absorption
82. 60
83. Staph. Aureus
84. Chlamydia pneumonia
85. Decreased erythropoietin
86. Renal parenchymal disease
87. Hypokalemia
88. Pulmonary hypertension
89. Aortic stenosis
90. Aortic stenosis
91. Vasoconstriction
92. Vertebral artery (posterior
inferior cerebellar artery)
93. 7%
94. Petit mal
95. Reiter’s syndrome
96. Plasmapheresis
97. Massive splenomegaly
98. Normal
99. B8
100. Clostridium difficile
101. Pons
102. 47XXY
103. Kala-azar
104. Tuberous sclerosis
105. CD4
106. Adult CML
107. Metronidazole
108. Myoglobin – CPK – ASTLDH
109. CPK-MB
110. Troponin
111. Cystic fibrosis
112. Turner syndrome
113. Osteogenesis imperfect
114. Pelvis
115. Acute cardiac tamponade
116. Pain & temperature
117. Duchenne muscular
118. Riboflavin
119. Autosomal recessive
120. T cell
121. Ipratropium
122. HIV
123. Altered sensorium
124. Lorazepam
125. Posterior ciliary artery
126. Hypervitaminosis A
127. Megaloblastic
128. HCV
129. Carbamazepine
130. Polymyositis
131. Strept viridians
132. Small cell
133. Blindness
134. Dilated
135. Normal
136. Hyperplasia
137. Parkinsonism
138. Rickets
139. Herniotomy
140. Anti-histone antibodies
141. Interstitial nephritis
142. Lidocaine
143. 5-lipoxygenase
144. PDA (with reversal of
145. 6th
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146. Propranolol
147. Infectivity
148. Absent
149. Budd Chiari syndrome
150. Pyelonephritis
151. Multiple myeloma
152. Hyperplastic
153. Cladribine
154. Loss of foot process
155. Benign hypertension
156. Severe pulmonary
157. Urinary Vaniyl Mandelic
158. II
159. White – blue – red
160. Hemochromatosis
161. Distended
162. Aldolase B
163. E. coli, Group B
164. Late congenital syphilis
165. Bilateral CDH/ DDH
166. Secondaries
167. Anti-ds DNA
168. Pouch of douglas
169. Lateral spinothalamic
170. Pneumothorax
171. Guillain Barre syndrome
172. High Resolution CT scan
173. Type I
174. von-Willebrand disease
175. Glomerular pathology
176. Serum fructosamine
177. Nodular
178. Steroids
179. Normal
180. Diabetic nephropathy
181. Autosomal dominant
182. MRI
183. Parathyroid adenoma
184. Alzheimer’s
185. Prions
186. Ataxia
187. Cerebellar
188. H. influenza
189. Diabetes
190. Foot drop
191. Cerebellar astrocytoma
192. Anti-histone
193. Guillain Barre syndrome
194. Dorsal column
195. TB
196. Pyogenic
197. Pulmonary angiography
198. Diabetes
199. von-Willebrand disease
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