Article II: The Executive Branch 4 years 14 years 15 12th Amendment 22nd Amendment 25th Amendment 35 years Attorney General Cabinet Census Chief Diplomat Chief of State Chief Executive Commander in Chief Commerce Defense Enforce Electoral College FDA Homeland Security* Independent Interior IRS Justice Natural Born Citizen OSHA Secretary Speaker of the House State of the Union Address __enforce_______1. The role of the executing branch is to _____________ laws. __natural born__ 2. What is the citizenship requirement to be President? __Speaker of the House_ 3. Who will fill the office of President if the President and Vice President are unable to serve? ___22___________ 4. What Amendment says the president can serve two terms? __4 years_________5. How long is the term for president? __14____________ 6. How many years must a presidential candidate live in the US? ___35___________ 7. How old do you have to be to serve as President of the United States? ____25__________ 8. What Amendment outlines presidential succession? ___12___________ 9. What Amendment says the President and Vice President are elected on separate ballots? __Homeland Security_ 10. Which of the executive departments is the newest department? _OSHA__________ 11. What agency protects workers and ensures workplace safety? __FDA__________ 12. What agency regulates food and drugs? __independent____ 13. What do we call executive agencies that do not fall under any of the executive departments? ___judicial leader__14. What role is the president using when he grants a pardon? ___diplomat______ 15. What role is the president using when he writes treaties and established foreign policy? ___chief of state___16. What role is the president using when he performs ceremonial duties? __commander in chief_ 17. What role is the president using as the leader of the armed forces? __Cabinet________ 18. What do we call the group that aids the president? ___15__________ 19. How many executive departments are there? __Secretary______ 20. What do we call the leader of each department (excluding Dept. of Justice) __Attorney General_ 21. What do we call the leader of the Department of Justice? __Homeland Security_ 22. What executive department includes FEMA? __Commerce_____ 23. What executive department includes the Census Bureau? ___Interior_______ 24. What executive department includes National Parks, US Fish and Wildlife and seeks to preserve our natural resources? ___Justice_______ 25. What executive department includes the FBI and DEA? __census_________26. What do we call the official count of the population that occurs every ten years? __Electoral college_ 27. Who officially elects the president? __Defense_______ 28. Which executive department is the largest department? _State of the Union_29. What do we call the annual event in which the president delivers a report on the status of our nation? __IRS______________ 30. What executive agency under the Dept. of Treasury is responsible for collecting taxes? Article III: the Executive Branch NC 30 years 4 years Governor Lt. Governor National Guard Pardon __Governor________ 1. This person is the head of the NC Executive branch __Lt Gov__________ 2. This person is second in command (like the VP) in the NC government __National Guard____ 3. The governor serves as commander in chief of the NC _________ ________ __ __4 years___________ 4. This is the term length for the NC governor __30 years__________5. The minimum age requirement for the NC governor is ______. __pardon____________6. The clemency power to forgive an individual of a crime and cancel their punishment. Special Note – Make sure you know and understand both the Cabinet positions [Council of State] in NC and US and their respective leaders. Titles are necessary. -