TRUE THE VOTE AND OTHER FORMS OF VOTER SUPPRESSION The “Voting Rights Act of 1965” was a landmark measure within the United States of America that outlawed “discriminatory voting practices” which had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African-American citizens. (“Disenfranchisement” is the “revocation” of the right of “suffrage” [or the right to vote] of a qualified person [or group of individuals] or rendering a person’s vote less effective or ineffective. Historically, “disenfranchisement” has occurred by law, both federal and state, by “intimidation” and/or by “unreasonable” requirements. ) Still, “discriminatory voting practices” had been outlawed, previously, by the XV Amendment, one of the Reconstruction Amendments (the other two being the XIII and the XIV Amendments) on February 3, 1870. (These “Amendments” were adopted between 1865 and 1870, the five years immediately following the American Civil War [1861-1865]. The XIII Amendment [which abolished slavery], the XIV Amendment [which included the “Privileges or Immunities” Clause, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States….”; the “Due Process” Clause, “No State shall disrespect the rights that are owned to a citizen of the United States….”; and, the “Equal Protection” Clause, “No State shall deny to any citizen of the United States within its jurisdiction equal protection under the law.”], and the XV Amendment [which guaranteed “voting rights” regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”] are sometimes designated , as a group, as the “Civil War Amendments.”) The Act established and executed extensive federal “oversight” of the administration of elections: and, states with a history of “discriminatory voting practices” (i.e. the “covered jurisdictions” which included the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia) “could not implement any change affecting voting” without first obtaining the approval of the U.S. Department of Justice (a process which is referred to as “preclearance”). (These “enforcement” provisions applied “to states and to political subdivisions” which used a “false rationale” to limit voting and/or in which less than 50 percent of their populations were registered.) The Act was signed into law by the great Lyndon B. “LBJ” Johnson (1908-1973), the 36th President of the United States of America (1963-1969), on August 6, 1965. It has been “renewed and amended” by the U.S. Congress four times, the most recent being in 2006 (U.S. Congress enacted a 25-year extension of the Act). And, before its last renewal in 2006, extreme, Republican, rightist members of Congress attempted and failed to negate the “preclearance” requirement (of the Act) based upon a rationale or upon the grounds that it was no longer necessary. In addition, this same group of “oligarchic” supporting “elitist” members attempted to oppose a later provision (in one of the renewals of the Act) which required “states with large Spanish-speaking population” to provide “bilingual ballots.” “True the Vote” (TTV) is a self-proclaimed and a self-appointed “vote-monitoring” organization which encourages and uses the “false rationale” of “voter fraud” and which supports any method of voter suppression (e.g. “voter intimidation” and “state voter I.D. laws) it can generate or find. It is headquartered in the “covered jurisdiction” of Houston, Texas. And, its current “crazy” (or “president”) is Catherine “voter fraud is ever where” Engelbrecht: and, she has no difficulty in “purposely and systematically” violating the “Voters Rights Act of 1965” (through the use of the method of “intimidation”) ALONG with the assistance of the treasonous American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) of the Stalinist supporters, the “Koch Brothers.” Apparently, “Voter fraud is ever where” Engelbrecht is the “director” of the “Houston Tea Party Patriots, Inc.” Her bigotry and her hatred of “diversity” are legendary. Still, she is simply an instrument of the “oligarchs” and their use of extremists to the “right” [and to the “left”] in order “to concentrate and to increase” their political power within the nation. In the 2010 election cycle, TTV attempted to “bully” mostly “Hispanic-American and African-American” citizens into not voting in Harris County, Texas. In 2011, TTV posted an article on its website claiming that Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, the 82nd and current Attorney General of the United States (2009-present) and the first African-American to hold the position, supported an alleged plan of the NAACP “to involve the United Nations in U.S. elections.” Apparently, TTV was so taken with its “delusional” creation that its members now dress in “blue helmets” (“Blue helmets” are part of the dress of an UN Peacekeeper.) while it is suppressing the voting rights of U.S. citizens. Finally, in 2012, it attempted to protect Scott Kevin “pants on fire” Walker from being recalled (at the direction of ALEC): see e-article “4” on this website for more information concerning the Koch Brothers’ “lying little gangster-boy.” (Please see e-article “17” on this website for more information concerning the ALEC, their legislative members, and their corporate sponsors: among other treasonous activities, it utilizes the technique of “model legislation” in order to undermine the “American representative democracy.” This organization of American “elitists” actively encourages states [through the use of their legislative members] to introduce “legislation” which is in violation of the “Voters Act of 1965” while the U.S. Department of Justice is “encouraged” not to enforce its mandate under the law. Between the years of 2009 and 2012, ALEC was indirectly responsible [through its legislative members: Alberto Gonzales, Tom Home, Thor Hearne, Kris Kobach, Todd Rokita, Bradley Schlozman, and Artur Davis] for introducing a number of “voter suppression I.D. laws.” These states and their timelines are: Utah [passed in 2009]; Idaho [passed in 2010]; Oklahoma [passed in 2010]; Kansas [passed in 2011]; Rhode Island [passed in2011]; Wisconsin [passed in 2011]; laws made more restrictive in the states of Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas in 2011 by requiring a state I.D.; and, Pennsylvania [passed in 2012]. Also, ALEC has been indirectly responsible for the introduction of measures [through its technique of “model legislation”] which attempted to eliminate the “reproductive health” rights and the “contraception” rights of female U.S. citizens.) “Voter suppression” is a strategy which attempts to discourage and/or to prevent U.S. citizens from exercising their “constitutionally guaranteed right to vote”: these activities range from making voting “inconvenient” to the enactment of state laws through ALEC/state legislators who, knowingly and arrogantly, violate the “U.S. Voters Act of 1965.” Historically and contemporarily, some methods of “voter suppression” were (are): “impediments to voter registration” (e.g. the state of Florida in 2011); the enactment of “photo I.D.” laws (e.g. the states of Texas [2009] and of Michigan [2011]); the “purging of voter rolls” (e. g. the states of Georgia [2008] and of Florida [2010-2012]); the enactment of Jim Crow laws (e.g. the “Dixie” states with their imposed “poll taxes” and their imposed “literacy tests” [upon African-Americans] from 1876 onward); “felon disenfranchisement” (e.g. within all the states in the U.S.: approximately 5.3 million voters were prevented from their right to vote in 2004); “disinformation about voting procedures” (e.g. the states of Florida [2000] and of Ohio [2004]); “inequality of election-day resources” (e.g. the state of Ohio in 2012); and caging lists (e.g. the state of Pennsylvania in 2004). (The “Jim Crow” laws were state and local measures which were enacted by the racist “Dixie” state legislatures of the former American Civil War “Confederacy” between 1876 and1965. These laws mandated “de jure racial segregation” [in classical Latin, “de jure” or “de iure” translates into “concerning law” or “in law” as opposed to “de facto racial segregation” [in classical Latin, “de facto” translate into “concerning fact” or “in practice”] in a number of states within the U.S. [“Jim Crow” was a pejorative expression meaning “the Negro.” The name has been attributed to the “Jump Jim Crow” song and dance production of 1828. The production was supposedly inspired by the song and dance of “a crippled African slave” by the name of “Jim Cuff” or “Jim Crow.” The “white” comedian, Thomas Dartmouth “Daddy” Rice, performed the production in “blackface.” This racist production was very “popular”: Rice, as “Daddy Jim Crow”, performed locally and nationally. In 1841, the U.S. ambassador to Central America, John Lloyd Stephens [1839], wrote that upon his arrival in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico a local brass band played “Jump Jim Crow.” The band was under the mistaken impression that the song was the national “anthem” of the United States of America.] In general, the “Dixie” or Southern states practiced “de jure segregation” while the Northern states practiced “de facto segregation.” Starting in approximately 1890, “racial segregation’ began to transform itself into a new form of racism. This “new” form of racism was designated “separate but equal”: it is the form of racism which a number of “neo-racist revisionists” have attempted to attribute to the great Abraham Lincoln (1808-1865), the 16th President of the United States of America. These laws were preceded by the “Black Codes” [1800-1866]: the “Black Code” laws were an attempt to limit the “human rights” and “civil rights” of African-Americans after the American Civil War. Unfortunately, the U.S. Constitution originally discriminated against African-Americans in its language of “the other people”: and, this racism was made federally illegal by the “Civil War Amendments” of the American many. And, “caging lists” is a method of “voter suppression” by which voter registration may be limited by an opposing political party: that is, a political party sends registered mail to the addresses of other political party members. If the mail were returned as “undeliverable”, the “mailing organization” uses this fact to challenge the registration of the other party voter.) To re-focus, TTV is simply a symptom of a broader process which is attempting to undermine the “American representative democracy.” The current “rightist extremist movement” (within the United States of American) with its worship of the “Founding Fathers” and with its attribution of a “bible like status” to the original version of the U.S Constitution is laughable in terms of its ignorance and it is disgraceful in terms of its “whitest elitism.” In reality, the movement is a negative reaction to the growing diversity (i.e. non-white), both nationally and internationally. These national and international, rightist, extremist movements are “on the wrong side of history”, and they are so dysfunctional that they are unaware of this reality: History dictates that all extremist movements, whether to the right or to the left, will eventual end in their own self-caused implosion. Relative to “voter suppression”, it is always a losing “proposition.” That is, the American many will eventually “True the Vote” of the “racist and elitist” ALEC and the like. The U.S. Constitution’s “other people” were, through this document’s amendment process, given their civil rights by the American many between the years of 1865 and 1870. And, the American many will “amend down” the “elitist” and “oligarchic” Citizens United ruling of the Roberts court (This 2010 ruling is just another “voter suppression” tactic of the privileged classes.). The American many realize that their “national anthem” is NOT “Jump Jim Crow” and that the “civil rights” of individuals must be always protected from the “greed, insecurity, and treasonous actions” of the American privileged classes. Remember to “True the Vote” of ALEC and the like and to vote for the 28th Amendment because corporations are really not individuals. That is, they are simply ignorant, “oligarchic” organizations who confuse the intentions of “contribution” with the intentions of “investment”: Truly, they think that their “contributed” cash is equivalent to an “investment” and they expect that they will receive a significant return at the expense of the American many. By the way, within what American war did these privileged few ever “win” without the American many’s commitment and participation? Post Script: What is “Romney speaking?” “Romney speaking” is verbalizations of contradictory statements which are presented as “truth”, and it must be spoken compulsively and “in a continuous and in a dramatic fashion.” And, of course, the “speaker” must blame “the other” for his or for her own shortcomings. The caring John Christopher “Chris” Stevens (1960-2012), the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, was murdered by Islam extremists (along with three other American diplomats) on September 11, 2012. The national and the international many have lost a true friend of individual freedom. And, Mitt “the Liar” Romney, the “tax evader”, the “draft dodger”, and the American “elitist”, stated twice on September, 12, 2012, that it was the result of Barack Hussein Obama II’s “failed” leadership as the 44th President of the United States of America. And, this is the most current example of “Romney speaks” for the dysfunctional, American privileged classes and their complete lack of “sensitivity” for the American fallen: and, by the way, they are mostly voting for “Lying Romney” who is the Republican 2012 candidate for president. He is their brother in crime. My God, in what universe do these “elitist liars” reside? To hell with the “oligarchs” (the American few, the Koch Brothers’ ALEC, and the Romneys) and their willing “familiars” (Rice, TTV, Engelbrecht, the enactors of the “Jim Crow laws, all the state and the federal legislators who think they can undermine the “American representative democracy” by suppressing the vote, and all those who believe that their vote does NOT count because of the “propagandized” falsehood that the “helpless and hopeless” citizen of the American many cannot and will not make a difference in voting [and, if this were true, why do the American few spend so much time and money in attempting to suppress the individual’s right and ability to vote?]), Fromoneofthemany