
American Industrial
By: Brandon Lawson , Veronica Esquivel, Jackie Villarreal
What Was The Industrial Revolution?
• Definition: rev-o-lu-tion (noun) forcible overthrow of a government or social
order for a new system
• An era in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile, metal
manufacturing, transportation, economic policies, and the social structure
throughout the leading countries of the world
• American Revolution: 1820-1870
Causes Of The Revolution
• War of 1812
• Better Transportation
• Economic Independence
• Global Upper Hand
People Of The Industrial Revolution
Influential People
•Samuel Slater ( 1st textile mill)
•John Deere (steel plow)
•Elias Howe (sewing machine)
•Cyrus McCormick (reaper for quicker harvest)
•Samuel Morse (telegraph)
•Robert Fulton (steam boat)
•James Watt (steam engine)
•Thomas Edison (light bulb)
•Alexander Bell (telephone)
•Karl Benz (automobile)
•Henry Ford (assembly line)
Life During The Industrial
•Life was good for the wealthy
•Began the formation of the working middle class
•Families relocated for job opportunities
•Migrations resulted in:
-Over population
-Housing shortages
-Residential slums
-Women and child labor (chap and unskilled)
•Average population was part of the poor working class
•Very small percentage was of the rich elite
•Laborers worked 14-16 hour shift a day
•Working conditions were dangerous and sometimes
Global And National Influences
• Allowed for the U.S. to be globally competitive with other leading
– Manufactured goods
– Among the elite of the entire era
– Development of worldwide commerce
• Development of Capitalism
– Were supreme masters of Industry
• Capitalist class
– Majority was that of the wealthy class
• Better weaponry
• Effective weapon production
– Eli Whitney 1798
• United States became established as a World Leader
Controversy Of The Industrial
•Are we loosing power?
-man power (population)
-military strength
•Who has the money?
- China?
• Education
-Promote self-awareness
-Self absorbed?
•Change in Elitist perception
Influences Today
• Petroleum
- Advances in technology
•Toyota factory
•Hispanic community
-Growing population
-Land of opportunity
•Explosion of local area/ creation of jobs
-housing building
-Building of schools
-New businesses
•San Antonio population nearly doubled in the last 35 years
•Amtrak still used by few cities
•Tourism has become one of San Antonio's biggest Industries
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