Quick Equilibrium review

Quick Equilibrium review
The Concept of Equilibrium
• As the substance warms it begins to
N2O4(g)  2NO2(g)
• When enough NO2 is formed, it can react to
form N2O4:
2NO2(g)  N2O4(g).
• At equilibrium, as much N2O4 reacts to form
NO2 as NO2 reacts to re-form N2O4
• The double arrow implies the process is
The Concept of Equilibrium
 As a system approaches
equilibrium, both the
forward and reverse
reactions are occurring.
 At equilibrium, the
forward and reverse
reactions are proceeding
at the same rate.
A System at Equilibrium
Once equilibrium is
achieved, the
amount of each
reactant and product
remains constant.
The Equilibrium Constant
 To generalize this expression, consider the
aA + bB
cC + dD
• The equilibrium expression for this
reaction would be
Kc =
The Equilibrium Constant
Because pressure is proportional to
concentration for gases in a closed system, the
equilibrium expression can also be written
(PC)c (PD)d
Kp =
(PA)a (PB)b
Relationship between Kc and Kp
Plugging this into the expression for Kp for each
substance, the relationship between Kc and Kp
Kp = Kc (RT)n
n = (moles of gaseous product) − (moles of gaseous reactant)
What Does the Value of K Mean?
 If K >> 1, the reaction is
product predominates
at equilibrium.
• If K << 1, the reaction is
reactant predominates
at equilibrium.
Manipulating Equilibrium Constants
The equilibrium constant of a reaction that has been
multiplied by a number is the equilibrium constant
raised to a power that is equal to that number.
N2O4 (g)
2 N2O4 (g)
2 NO2 (g)
Kc =
4 NO2 (g) Kc =
= 0.212 at 100C
= (0.212)2 at 100C
Manipulating Equilibrium Constants
The equilibrium constant of a reaction in the
reverse reaction is the reciprocal of the
equilibrium constant of the forward reaction.
N2O4 (g)
2 NO2 (g)
2 NO2 (g)
N2O4 (g)
Kc =
Kc =
= 0.212 at 100C
= 4.72 at 100C
Applications of Equilibrium Constants
Predicting the Direction of Reaction
• We define Q, the reaction quotient, for a reaction at
conditions NOT at equilibrium
aA + bB(g)
pP + qQ
P  Q
A  B
where [A], [B], [P], and [Q] are molarities at any
• Q = K only at equilibrium.
The Reaction Quotient (Q)
 To calculate Q, one substitutes the initial
concentrations on reactants and products into the
equilibrium expression.
 Q gives the same ratio the equilibrium expression
gives, but for a system that is not at equilibrium.
Applications of Equilibrium Constants
Predicting the Direction of Reaction
• If Q > K then the reverse reaction must
occur to reach equilibrium (go left)
• If Q < K then the forward reaction must
occur to reach equilibrium (go right)
Applications of Equilibrium Constants
Predicting the Direction of Reaction
• If Q > K then the reverse reaction must
occur to reach equilibrium (go left)
• If Q < K then the forward reaction must
occur to reach equilibrium (go right)
Le Châtelier’s Principle
Change in Reactant or Product
• Adding a reactant or product shifts the equilibrium
away from the increase.
• Removing a reactant or product shifts the
equilibrium towards the decrease.
• To optimize the amount of product at equilibrium,
we need to flood the reaction vessel with reactant
and continuously remove product (Le Châtelier).
• We illustrate the concept with the industrial
preparation of ammonia
N2(g) + 3H2(g)
Le Châtelier’s Principle
Effects of Volume and Pressure
• The system shifts to remove gases and
decrease pressure.
• An increase in pressure favors the direction
that has fewer moles of gas.
• In a reaction with the same number of
product and reactant moles of gas, pressure
has no effect.
• Consider
Le Châtelier’s Principle
Effect of Temperature Changes
• Removing heat (i.e. cooling the vessel), favors
towards the decrease:
– if H > 0, cooling favors the reverse reaction,
– if H < 0, cooling favors the forward reaction.
• Consider
Cr(H2O)6(aq) + 4Cl (aq)
2CoCl4 (aq)
+ 6H2O(l)
for which H > 0.
– Co(H2O)62+ is pale pink and CoCl42- is blue.
CATALYST—EQUILIBRIUM is achieved faster, but
the equilibrium composition remains unaltered.
Manipulating Equilibrium Constants
The equilibrium constant for a net reaction
made up of two or more steps is the product of
the equilibrium constants for the individual
Equilibrium and Solubility
Saturated solutions
 A saturated solution is a solution that is in
equilibrium with undissolved solute
 Example:
BaSO4 (s) D Ba+2 (aq)+ SO4-2 (aq)
Solubility Products
The equilibrium constant expression for this
equilibrium is
Ksp = [Ba2+] [SO42-]
where the equilibrium constant, Ksp, is called the
solubility product.
Solubility Products
The equilibrium constant expression for this
equilibrium is
Ksp = [Ba2+] [SO42-]
where the equilibrium constant, Ksp, is called the
solubility product.
Solubility Products
 Ksp is not the same as solubility.
 Solubility is generally expressed as the mass of
solute dissolved in 1 L (g/L) or 100 mL (g/mL)
of solution, or in mol/L (M).
Will a Precipitate Form?
 In a solution,
 If Q = Ksp, the system is at equilibrium and the
solution is saturated.
 If Q < Ksp, more solid will dissolve until Q = Ksp.
 If Q > Ksp, the salt will precipitate until Q = Ksp.
Selective Precipitation of Ions
One can use
differences in
solubilities of
salts to separate
ions in a
Common Ion Effect
 If a solution containing two dissolved substances
share a common ion, then the solubility of the salt
is more difficult to determine
 Adding “common ion” will cause the solubility to
be less in the presence of the common ion
 Causes less of the substance with the smaller Ksp
will dissolve.